Triangles - Class 9 Maths - Extra Questions

In $$\triangle ABC$$ and $$\triangle PQR$$, $$BC=QR, \angle A=90^{\circ},\angle C =\angle R=40^{\circ}\ and\  \angle Q=50^{\circ}.$$
Above two triangles are congruent by ASA test
If true then enter $$1$$ else if False enter $$0.$$

In $$\bigtriangleup ABC \ and \bigtriangleup PQR, AB=PQ,AC=PR\:and\:BC =QR$$, then the two triangles are congruent by which test?

In $$\Delta$$PQR,   seg $$PQ$$ $$\cong$$ seg $$QR$$ and $$\angle P = 70^o$$, then find the measures of angle $$Q$$ is:

Without drawing exact triangles, state whether the given pairs of triangle are congruent or not, if congruent use '1' else '0'.
In $$ \Delta  ABC \,\,\, and \,\,\, \Delta DEF; AB=EF, BC=DF \,\, and \,\, \angle B = \angle F$$

In $$\Delta ABC,$$ if $$ AB = 76$$ cm, $$BC=69$$ cm and $$CA=61$$ cm, then the smallest angle is $$B$$.
If true then enter $$1$$ and if false then enter $$0$$.

In the alongside diagram, $$ABCD$$ is parallelogram. Prove that : $$AB = 2 BC$$

Without drawing exact triangles, state, giving reasons, whether the given pairs of triangle are congruent or not :
$$ \Delta  PQR \,\,\, and \,\,\, \Delta SQR; PQ=SR\,\, and \,\, \angle PQR = \angle SQR$$.

Without drawing exact triangles, state, giving reasons, whether the given pairs of triangle are congruent or not :
In $$\Delta ABC \  and \ \Delta PQR; AB=QR, AC=PR \,\, and \,\, \angle B = \angle R$$.

If the two sides and the included angle of a triangle are respectively equal to two sides and the included angle of the other triangle, the two triangles are congruent. If true enter 1 else 0. 

If $$\triangle DEF\cong \triangle RPQ$$, then $$\angle D=\angle Q$$.
If true enter $$1$$, else $$0$$.

If $$\triangle PQR\cong \triangle CAB$$, $$PQ = CA$$.
If true enter $$1$$, else $$0$$. 

If $$\triangle ABC\cong \triangle PRQ$$ then $$AB = PQ$$.
If true enter $$1$$, else $$0$$.

State whether the given statement is True(Press 1) or False(Press 0):
If the two angles and the included sides of one triangle are respectively equal to the two angles and the included side of the other triangle, then the two triangles are congruent.

Two right triangles are congruent, if hypotenuse and a side of one triangle are respectively equal to the hypotenuse and a side of the other triangle. If true enter 1 else 0.

State true or false:
If the two sides of a triangle are unequal, then the larger side has the smaller angle opposite to it.
If true enter 1, else 0.

Prove that the circle drawn with any equal side of an isosceles triangle as diameter bisects the base

AB is a line segment AX and BY are two equal line segments drawn opposite sides of line AB such that AX ||BY.
 If line segments AB and XY intersect each other at point P. Prove that 
(a) $$\Delta APX \cong  \Delta BPY$$ (b) line segments AB and XY bisect each other at P.


In $$\Delta ABC$$, the bisector AX of $$\angle A$$ intersects BC at X. $$XL\perp AB$$ and $$XM \perp AC$$ are drawn. Is XL = XM?
Why or why not? 

Two parallel lines $$l$$ and $$m$$ are intersected by another pair of parallel lines $$p$$ and $$q$$ as in the figure. Show that triangles $$ABC$$ and $$CDA$$ are congruent.

In the figure AD = BC and BD = CA. Prove that $$\angle ADB = \angle BCA $$ and $$\angle DAB = \angle CBA$$.

In $$\triangle ABC, AB = BC$$ and $$\angle B = 64^o$$. Find $$\angle C$$.

In the figure, C is the mid point of AB, $$\angle BAD = \angle CBE, \angle ECA= \angle DCB$$. 
 Prove that  (a) $$\Delta DAC \cong  \Delta EBC$$ (b) DA = EB.


In a quadrilateral ACBC, AC = AD and AB bisect $$\angle A$$. Show that $$\triangle ABC$$ is congruent to $$\triangle ABD$$.

In the figure, it is given that AE = AD and BD = CE. Prove that $$\triangle AEB$$ is congruent $$\triangle ADC$$.

In $$\triangle ABC, AD$$ is the perpendicular bisector of $$BC$$ (see given figure). Show that $$\triangle ABC$$ is an isosceles triangle in which $$AB = AC$$

In the given figure, the point $$P$$ bisects $$AB$$ and $$DC$$. Prove that
$$\triangle APC\cong \triangle BPD$$

The Indian Navy flight fly in a formation that can be viewed as two triangles with common side. Prove that $$\triangle SRT \cong \triangle QRT$$, if $$T$$ is the midpoint of $$SQ$$ and $$SR = RQ$$.

$$ABC$$ is an isosceles triangle in which altitudes $$BD$$ and $$CE$$ are drawn to equal sides $$AC$$ and $$AB$$ respectively (see figure). Show that these altitudes are equal

In the figure given below, $$AB = DC$$ and $$AC = DB$$. Is $$\Delta ABC \cong \Delta DCB$$. 


Complete the congruence statement.
$$\Delta ABC \equiv $$ ?

DE = EC show that AB + BC > AD.

If $$S$$ is any point in the interior of $$\Delta PQR$$, prove that $$(SQ + SR) < (PQ + PR)$$.

Prove that a median divides a triangle into equal parts

In the adjoining figure $$\angle{ABD}={132}^{o}$$ & $$\angle{EAC}={120}^{o}$$. Prove that $$AB>AC$$

Write down the total number of True statement:
Take any point O in the interior of a triangle PQR.
(i) OP + OQ > PQ?
(ii) OQ + OR > QR?
(iii) OR + OP > RP?

"If two sides and an angle of one triangle are equal to two sides and an angle of another triangle, then the two triangles must be congruent". Is the statement true? Why?

In figure The sides $$BA$$ and $$CA $$ have been produced such that $$BA=AD$$ and $$CA=AE$$ prove that segment $$DE\parallel BC$$

In triangles $$ABC$$ and $$PQR, \angle A = \angle Q$$ and $$\angle B = \angle R$$. Which side of $$\Delta PQR$$ should be equal to side $$AB$$ of $$\Delta ABC$$ so that the two triangle are congruent? Give reason for your answer.

In fig., PQRS is square and SRT is an equilateral triangle. Prove that
(i) $$ PT = QT $$        (ii)  $$\angle TQR = {15^ \circ }$$

Give any two real-life examples for congruent shapes.

In figure, $$PR>PO$$ and $$PS$$ bisect $$OPR$$. Prove that $$\angle{PSR}>\angle{PSO}$$

If the point $$p\left( {{a^2},\,a} \right)\,$$ lies in the region. Corresponding in the acute angle between the lines $$2y = x\,\,and\,\,4y = x,$$ then find the value of $$a$$ or the range in which $$a$$ lies.

In the given fig $$\triangle PQC$$ & $$PRC$$ such that $$QC=CR$$, $$PQ=PR$$. Prove that $$\triangle PQC\cong\triangle CPR$$

If the area of two similar triangles are equal, prove that they are congruent.

Give any two real-life examples of congruent shapes.

$$S$$ and $$T$$ are respectively the mid points of equal sides $$PQ$$ and $$PR$$ of $$\triangle {PQR}$$. Show that $$Qt=RS$$.

You want to show that $$\Delta ART \cong \Delta PEN$$.
If it is given that $$AT = PN$$ and you are to use ASA criterion, you need to have 
i) ?
ii) ?

$$\Delta$$ABC and $$\Delta$$DBC are two isosceles triangles on the same base BC and vertices A and D are on the same side of BC. If AD is extended to intersect BC at P, show that $$\Delta$$ ABP$$\cong$$ $$\Delta$$ ACP.

In $$\triangle PQR, PQ=PR$$ and $$m \angle P=40^{o}$$ then $$m \angle Q=.$$

In a $$\triangle ABC,BC=a,CA=b$$ and $$\angle BCA=120^{o},CD$$ is angle bisector of $$\angle BCA$$ which meets $$AB$$ on $$D$$ find the length of $$CD$$

In the given figure $$\Delta ABC \cong \, \Delta ABT$$, write all the corresponding sides.

In the adjoining figure, PQ$$=$$PR and QL$$=$$MR. Prove that PL$$=$$PM.

Explain, why ?
$$\Delta A B C = \Delta F E D$$

In figure $$ABCD$$, $$ABFE$$ and $$CDEF$$ are parallelograms. Prove that $$ar(\triangle {ADE})=ar(\triangle{BCF)}$$

If $$\bigtriangleup ABC\cong\bigtriangleup FED$$ $$ under\ the\  corresponding \ ABC \leftrightarrow FED.$$ Write all the corresponding congruent part of the triangle.

In the following figure, $$\angle A = \angle C$$ and $$AB = BC.$$
Prove that $$\Delta ABD \cong \Delta CBE$$

Prove that in a right angled triangle, hypotenuse is the longest side.

Given: $$\Delta A \bot AB$$, $$CB \bot AB $$ and $$AC = BD$$
State $$3$$ points of equal pairs in $$\Delta ABC $$ & $$\Delta ABD$$ &  Congruence rule.

ABC is a right isosceles triangle right angled at A. Find the value of $$\angle B$$ and $$\angle C$$.

In the given figure, equal sides $$BA$$ and $$CA$$ of $$\Delta ABC$$ are produced to $$Q$$ and $$P$$ respectively such that $$AP = AQ$$. Prove that $$PB = QC$$.

PA is tangent to the circle with centre O. If BC = 3cm, AC = 4 cm and $$\Delta ACB \sim \Delta PAO,$$ then find OA and $$\frac{OP}{AP}$$.

Is it possible to have a triangle with the following sides?
2 cm, 3 cm,5 cm

In figure, equal sides have been marked by the same signs.
Can we say $$\Delta ABC\cong \Delta DBC$$?

In $$\triangle ABC$$, AD is perpendicular bisector of BC (See adjacent figure). Show that $$\triangle ABC$$ is an isosceles triangle in which $$AB=AC$$

In the figure, $$AP =AQ$$ and $$BP= BQ.$$

Prove that $$AB$$ is the bisector of $$\angle PAQ$$ and $$\angle PBQ.$$


In figure, $$AB=AC$$ and $$\angle 1=\angle 2$$. Is $$\Delta ABD\cong \Delta ACD$$ ?(Give reason)

If $$\Delta A B C \cong \Delta F E D$$ under the correspondence $$A B C \leftrightarrow F E D$$, write all the corresponding congruent parts of the triangles. 

If $$\Delta A B C \cong \triangle N M O ,$$ name the congruent sides and angles.

Consider the figure, $$PQRS$$ is a rectangle. $$PT$$ and $$RU$$ are perpendicular from $$P$$ and $$R$$ on $$SQ$$. Prove that $$\Delta PTS\cong \Delta QRU$$

In figure, equal sides have been marked by the same signs.
Is $$\Delta ABC\cong \Delta DCB$$?

In the figure, $$\Delta CDE$$ is an equilateral triangle formed on a side $$CD$$ of a square $$ABCD$$. Show that $$\Delta ADE  \cong \Delta BCE$$.

In the given figure, prove that: 

One of the angles of a  $$\triangle $$  is  $${ 75 }^{ }.$$  If the difference of the other two other is  $${ 35 }^{ }.$$
Find the largest angle of the  $$\triangle .$$

In $$\triangle{ABC}$$,$$AB=AC$$ and $$AD$$ is the perpendicular bisector of $$BC$$. Show that $$\triangle{ADB}\cong\triangle{ADC}$$


In the given figure, prove that: 
$$\triangle ABC\cong \triangle DCB$$

If the area of two similar triangles are equal, prove that they are congruent.

I the given figure, we have $$PQ=SR$$ and $$PR=SQ$$. 
Prove that $$\triangle PQR \cong \triangle SRQ$$.


In the given$$AB$$ and $$CD$$  bisect each other at $$O$$.State the three pairs of equal parts in two triangles $$AOC$$ and $$BOD$$

If $$\Delta PQR$$ is an isosceles triangle such that PQ=PR , then prove that the attitude PS from P on QR bisects QR

You want to establish $$\triangle DEF\cong \triangle MNP$$, using ASA congruence rule. You are given that $$\angle D=\angle M$$ and $$\angle F=\angle P$$. What information is needed to establish the congruence ?

In pair of triangle in the following figure, parts bearing identical marks are congruent. State the test and correspondence if vertices by which triangle in each pair are congurent.

Check whether $$\triangle{ABC}\cong\triangle{DEF}$$.Give Reason
In$$\triangle ABC: AB=6\ cm,\angle B=50^{\circ}$$ and $$\angle C=90^{\circ}$$
In $$\triangle DEF: DE=6\ cm,\angle E=50^{\circ}, \angle F=90^{\circ}$$.

In the given figure, $$\overline{PL}\bot \overline{OB}$$ and $$\overline{PM}\bot \overline{OA}$$ such that $$\overline{PL}=\overline{PM}$$. Is $$\triangle PLO\cong \triangle PMO$$? Give reasons in support of your answer.

Write converse of the theorem "In $$\triangle ABC$$, if $$AB=AC$$ then $$\angle C=\angle B$$"

In the given figure, PS is the bisector of $$\angle QPR$$  of $$\Delta PQR$$  Prove that $$\frac{QS}{SR}=\frac{PQ}{PR}$$ 

Is it possible to construct a triangle with sides 9 cm, 6 cm and 17 cm ? If not, why ?

Take any point $$O$$ in the interior of a $$\triangle{PQR}$$.Is $$OR+OP>RP$$? 

State SSS congruency Rule of traingles.

Take any point O in the interior of a triangle PQR. is

As shown in the figure, Avinash is standing near his house. He can choose from two roads to go to school. Which way is shorter? Explain why.


Give any two real time examples for congruent shapes.

Is $$\Delta ABC\cong \Delta DEF?$$ Give reasons in support of your answer.

In the following, pairs of triangles of Fig., the lengths of the sides are indicated along the sides. By applying SSS congruence criterion, determine which triangles are congruent. If congruent, write the results in symbolic form.

Without drawing the triangles write all size pairs of equal measures in each of the following pairs of congruent triangles.
$$\triangle ABC \cong \triangle LMN$$

In the following, pairs of triangles of Fig., the lengths of the sides are indicated along the sides. By applying SSS congruence criterion, determine which triangles are congruent. If congruent, write the results in symbolic form.

In $$\triangle PQR$$ and $$\triangle SQR$$ are both isosceles triangle on a common base $$QR$$ such that $$P$$ and $$S$$ lie on the same side of $$QR$$. Are triangles $$PSQ$$ and $$PSR$$ congruent ? Which condition do you use ?

In Fig.6.49, it is given that $$LM = ON$$ and $$NL = MO$$
(a) State the three pairs of equal parts in the triangles $$NOM$$ and $$MLN$$.
(b) Is $$\triangle NOM \cong \triangle MLN$$. Give reason ?

In the following, pairs of triangles of Fig., the lengths of the sides are indicated along the sides. By applying SSS congruence criterion, determine which triangles are congruent. If congruent, write the results in symbolic form.

In the following, pairs of triangles of Fig.  the lengths of the sides are indicated along the sides. By applying SSS congruence criterion, determine which triangles are congruent. If congruent, write the results in symbolic form.

In the following, pairs of triangles of Fig.  the lengths of the sides are indicated along the sides. By applying SSS congruence criterion, determine which triangles are congruent. If congruent, write the results in symbolic form.

In the following, pairs of triangles of Fig. the lengths of the sides are indicated along the sides. By applying SSS congruence criterion, determine which triangles are congruent. If congruent, write the results in symbolic form.

Without drawing the triangles write all size pairs of equal measures in each of the following pairs of congruent triangles.
$$\triangle STU \cong \triangle DEF$$

check if the following pair of triangles is congruent? also, state the condition of congruency :
In$$ \Delta ABC$$ and $$\Delta QRP , AB =QR ,~  \angle B = \angle R$$ and $$\angle C= \angle P .$$

In $$\Delta$$DEF, DM and EN are two medians. Prove that $$3(DF + EF) > 2(DM + EN)$$.

which of the following pairs of triangle are congruent ? In each case , state the condition of congruency :
In$$ \Delta ABC$$ and $$\Delta DEF, AB = DE , BE = EF$$ and  $$\angle B = \angle E. $$ 

In Fig. which paise of triangles are congruent by SAS congruence criterion (condition)? If congruent, write the congruence of the two triangles in symbolic form.

In Fig. which paise of triangles are congruent by SAS congruence criterion (condition)? If congruent, write the congruence of the two triangles in symbolic form.

In Fig. which paise of triangles are congruent by SAS congruence criterion (condition)? If congruent, write the congruence of the two triangles in symbolic form.

In Fig. which paise of triangles are congruent by $$SAS$$ congruence criterion (condition)? If congruent, write the congruence of the two triangles in symbolic form.

In $$ \Delta ABC$$ and $$\Delta DEF  \angle B = \angle E= 90^{o}: AC = DF $$ and $$BC = EF $$

In Fig. which paise of triangles are congruent by SAS congruence criterion (condition)? If congruent, write the congruence of the two triangles in symbolic form.

In Fig. which paise of triangles are congruent by SAS congruence criterion (condition)? If congruent, write the congruence of the two triangles in symbolic form.

From the following figure: prove that
$$AB + AC > BC$$ 

$$D$$ is a point in side $$BC$$ of triangle $$ABC$$. If $$AD > AC$$ show that $$AB > AC$$.

From the following figure: prove that
$$AC > CD$$ 

In the following figure, $$ABC$$ is an equilateral triangle $$P$$ is any point in $$AC$$; prove that:
$$BP > PA$$

From the following figure: prove that
$$AB > BD$$ 

In the following figure:
$$AC=CD; \angle BAD =1100$$ and $$\angle ACB =740$$
Prove that: $$BC > CD$$

Which of the following pairs of triangle are congruent ? In each case , state the condition of congruency :
In$$ \Delta ABC$$ and $$\Delta PQR , AB =PQ   ,AC = PR$$ and $$BC = QR .$$

In the following figure, $$\angle BAC =60^o$$ and $$\angle ABC=65^o$$
Prove that:
$$CF > AF$$

In the following figure, $$\angle BAC =60^o$$ and $$\angle ABC=65^o$$
Prove that:
$$DC > DF$$

Which of the following pairs of triangle are congruent ? In each case , state the condition of congruency :
In $$ \Delta ABC$$ and $$\Delta PQR ,  BC = QR = \angle A = 90^{o} , \angle C= \angle R = 40 ^{o} $$ and $$\angle Q = 50^{o}$$ 

In the following figure, $$ABC$$ is an equilateral triangle $$P$$ is any point in $$AC$$; prove that:
$$BP > PC$$

$$P$$ is any point inside the triangle $$ABC$$. Prove that $$\angle BPC > \angle BAC$$.

The sides $$AB$$ and $$AC$$ of a triangle $$ABC$$ are produced; and the bisects of the external angles at $$B$$ and $$C$$ meet at $$P$$. Prove that if $$AB > AC$$, then $$PC > PB$$.

In quadrilateral $$ABCD$$, side $$AB$$ is the longest and side $$DC$$ is the shortest. Prove that:
$$\angle C > \angle A$$

In a triangle ABC, D is the midpoint of BC; AD is produced up to E so that DE = AD prove that:
$$ \angle DAB = \angle DEC $$

In the given figure, $$AB=AC.$$ Prove that:

In isosceles triangle $$ABC$$ sides, $$AB$$ and $$AC$$ are equal. If point $$D$$ lies in base $$BC$$ and point $$E$$ lies on $$BC$$ produced ($$BC$$ being produced to vertex $$C$$). prove that:
$$AC > AD$$

Prove that the straight line joining the vertex of an isosceles triangle to any point in the base is smaller than either of the equal sides of the triangle.

In a triangle ABC  , D is mid - point of BC ; AD is produced upto E so that DE = AD prove that :
$$ \Delta ABD$$ and $$\Delta ECD$$ are congruent

In a triangle ABC  , D is mid - point of BC ; AD is produced upto E so that DE = AD prove that :

In isosceles triangle $$ABC$$ sides, $$AB$$ and $$AC$$ are equal. If point $$D$$ lies in base $$BC$$ and point $$E$$ lies on $$BC$$ produced ($$BC$$ being produced vertex $$C$$). prove that:
$$AE > AC$$

In the given figure  $$AB / FD , AC/GE$$ and $$BD = CE$$ : prove that :
$$CF = EG$$

In isosceles triangle $$ABC$$ sides, $$AB$$ and $$AC$$ are equal. If point $$D$$ lies in base $$BC$$ and point $$E$$ lies on $$BC$$ produced ($$BC$$ being produced vertex $$C$$). prove that:
$$AE > AD$$

Given: $$ED=EC$$
Prove : $$AB + AD > BC$$

In triangle $$ABC, AB > AC$$ and $$D$$ is a point in side $$BC$$. Show that: $$AB > AD$$.

In the following figure AB = AC and AD is perpendicular  to BC . BE bisects angle B and EF is perpendicular to AB 
Prove that

In the given figure, $$AB=AC.$$ Prove that:

Use the information in the given figure to prove ;
AB = FE 

A triangles ABC has $$ \angle B = \angle C $$
Prove that
The perpendicular from the mid - point of BC to AB and AC are equal'

A triangles ABC has $$ \angle B = \angle C $$
Prove that
The perpendicular from B and C to the opposite sides are equal .

Use the information in the given figure to prove ;

In the figure given below triangles $$ABC$$ is right-angled at $$B .\  ABPQ $$ and $$ACRS$$ are squares. Prove that :
$$ \Delta ACQ$$ and $$ \Delta ASB $$ are congruent


In the figure given below triangles ABC is right - angled at B . ABPQ and ACRS are square . Prove that :

Use the information in the given figure to prove ;

In triangle $$ABC$$ ; $$AB=AC.\ P,Q$$ and $$R$$ are mid-points of sides $$AB,AC$$ and $$BC$$ respectively. Prove that:

In the given figure, $$AB=AC$$ and $$\angle DBC=\angle ECB=90^{o}.$$

In triangle $$ABC$$ ; $$AB=AC.\ P,Q$$ and $$R$$ are mid-points of sides $$AB,AC$$ and $$BC$$ respectively. Prove that:

In the given figure, $$AB=AC$$ and $$\angle DBC=\angle ECB=90^{o}.$$

From the following figure, Prove that:

From the following figure, Prove that:
$$\angle ACD=\angle CBE$$

In the following figure AB = EF , BC = DE and $$ \angle B = \angle E = 90^{o}$$
Prove that AD = FC

In the following figure , OA = OC and AB = BC ,
prove that :
$$ \angle AOB = 90^{o}$$

The following figure shows a triangle ABC in which AB = AC . M is a point on AB and N is a point AC such that BM = CN
Prove that

In the adjoining figure If $$\angle C = \angle F $$ , then AB = ______ and BC _______

In the following figure , OA = OC and AB = BC ,
prove that :

In triangle $$ABC,D$$ is a points on $$BC$$ such that $$Ab=AD=BD=DC.$$ Show that:
$$\angle ADC:\angle C=4:1$$

M is a point on side BC of a triangle ABC such that AM is the bisector of $$\angle BAC.$$ Is it true to say that perimeter of the triangle is greater than 2 AM? If True enter 1, else if False enter 0.

Show that no triangle has two sides each shorter than its corresponding altitude (from the opposite vertex).

Let a, b, c be the three sides of a triangle. Suppose that $$\dfrac{a}{b}=\dfrac{b}{c}=q.$$ 
Prove that $$\dfrac{\sqrt{5}-1}{2}<q<\dfrac{\sqrt{5}+1}{2}$$

The sides of a triangle have lengths $$11, ~15$$ and $$k,$$ where $$k$$ is an integer. For how many values of $$k$$ is the triangle obtuse?

Show that in any triangle with sides a, b and c, we have $$(a + b + c)^2 < 4 (ab + bc + ca).$$

State whether the given statement is true/false:

In the following diagram, $$AB = AC$$ then which of the following is correct?




In the given figure,$$\displaystyle BC=CE $$ and $$\displaystyle \angle 1=\angle 2$$ Then,
:$$\displaystyle \Delta GCB \equiv \Delta DCE $$
If the above statement is true then mention answer as 1, else mention 0 if false


In $$\triangle ABC$$, $$AB=AC$$ and bisector of angle $$A$$ meets $$BC$$ at $$D$$, then prove  that $$AD$$ is perpendicular to $$BC$$.

AB + BC + CD > DA

If the above statement is true, then enter 1 or else enter 0.

The given figure shows $$\displaystyle PQ=PR $$ and $$\displaystyle \angle Q=\angle R $$ Prove that $$\displaystyle \Delta PQS \equiv \Delta PRT $$


The given figure shows a triangle $$ABC$$ in which $$AB = AC$$. $$M$$ is a point on $$AB $$ and $$N$$ is a point on $$AC$$ such that $$BM = CN$$. Hence, $$BN=CM$$.

If the above statement is true, then mention answer as 1, else mention 0 if false.


In triangle ABC, AB > AC and D is a point in side BC. 
then, AB > AD.

If the above statement is true then mention answer as 1, else mention 0 if false

$$AB$$ and $$PQ$$ bisect each other.
If the above statement is true then mention answer as $$1$$, else mention $$0$$ if false.


In the given triangle $$ABC$$, $$D, E$$ and $$F$$ are the mid-points of sides $$BC,CA$$ and $$AB$$ respectively. Prove that

$$\displaystyle \dfrac{AB-BC}{2}< AE< \dfrac{AB+BC}{2}.$$


Show that in an isosceles triangle angles opposite to equal sides are equal

Using triangle inequality theorem check whether the given side lengths $$a = 3, b = 5$$ and $$c = 1$$ will form a triangle or not.

Using triangle inequality theorem check whether the given side lengths $$a = 4, b = 5$$ and $$c = 8$$ will form a triangle or not.

In Fig, $$AC = AE, AB = AD$$ and $$\angle BAD = \angle EAC$$. Show that $$BC = DE$$

In right angled triangle $$ABC$$, right angled at $$C, M$$ is the mid-point of hypotenuse $$AB$$. $$C$$ is joined to $$M$$ and produced to a point $$D$$ such that $$DM = CM$$. Point $$D$$ is joined to point $$B$$. Show that:
(i) $$\triangle AMC\cong \triangle BMD$$
(ii) $$\angle DBC$$ is a right angle.
(iii) $$\triangle DBC\cong \triangle ACB$$
(iv) $$CM = \dfrac {1}{2} AB$$


$$ABCD$$ is a quadrilateral in which $$AD = BC$$ and $$\angle DAB = \angle CBA$$ . Prove that
(i) $$\triangle ABD \cong\triangle BAC$$
(ii) $$BD = AC$$
(iii) $$\angle ABD = \angle BAC$$


In $$\triangle ABC, AD$$ is the perpendicular bisector of $$BC$$. Show that $$\triangle ABC$$ is an isosceles triangle in which $$AB = AC$$.

In an isosceles triangle $$ABC$$, with $$AB = AC$$, the bisectors of $$\angle B$$ and $$\angle C$$ intersect each other at $$O$$. Join $$A$$ to $$O$$. Show that :
(i) $$OB = OC$$ (ii) $$AO$$ bisects $$\angle A$$

$$l$$ and $$m$$ are two parallel lines intersected by another pair of parallel lines $$p$$ and $$q$$. Show that $$\triangle ABC \cong \triangle CDA$$

In quadrilateral $$ACBD, AC = AD$$ and $$AB$$ bisects $$\angle A$$. Show that $$\triangle ABC \equiv \triangle ABD$$. What can you say about $$BC$$ and $$BD$$

$$AB$$ is a line segment and $$P$$ is its mid-point. $$D$$ and $$E$$ are points on the same side of $$AB$$ such that $$\angle BAD = \angle ABE$$ and $$\angle EPA = \angle DPB$$. Show that
(i) $$\triangle DAP \cong \triangle EBP$$
(ii) $$AD = DE$$

In fig, $$ABC$$ is a right triangle right angled at $$A.BCED, ACFG$$ and $$ABMN$$ are square on the sides $$BC, CA$$ and $$AB$$ respectively. Line segment $$AX\perp DE$$ meets $$BC$$ at $$Y$$. Show that:
(i) $$\triangle MBC\cong \triangle ABD$$
(ii) $$ar(BYXD) = 2ar(MBC)$$
(iii) $$ar(BYXD) = ar (ABMN)$$
(iv) $$\triangle FCB\cong \triangle ACE$$
(v) $$ar(CYXE) = 2ar (FCB)$$
(vi) $$ar(CYXE) = ar(ACFG)$$
(vii) $$ar(BCED) = ar(ABMN) + ar(ACFG)$$
Result (vii) is the famous Theorem of Pythagoras. You shall learn a simpler
proof of this theorem in Class X.


In $$\triangle ABC$$ and $$\triangle DEF, AB = DE, AB \parallel DE, BC = EF$$ and $$BC \parallel EF$$. Vertices $$A, B$$ and $$C$$ are joined to vertices $$D, E$$ and $$F$$ respectively. Show that
(i) Quadrilateral $$ABED$$ is a parallelogram
(ii) Quadrilateral $$BEFC$$ is a parallelogram
(ii) $$AD \parallel CF$$ and $$AD = CF$$
(iv) Quadrilateral $$ACFD$$ is a parallelogram
(v) $$AC = DF$$
(vi) $$\triangle ABC \cong \triangle DEF$$

$$ABC$$ is an isosceles triangle with $$AB = AC$$. Draw $$AP \perp BC$$. Show that $$\angle B = \angle C$$

$$\triangle ABC$$ and $$\triangle DBC$$ are two isosceles triangles on the same base $$BC$$ and vertices $$A$$ and $$D$$ are on the same side of $$BC$$. If $$AD$$ is extended to intersect $$BC$$ at $$P$$, show that
(i) $$\triangle ABD \cong \triangle ACD$$
(ii) $$\triangle ABP \cong \triangle ACP$$
(iii) $$AP$$ bisects $$\angle A$$ as well as $$\triangle D$$.
(iv) $$AP$$ is the perpendicular bisector of $$BC$$.

$$ABC$$ is a triangle in which altitudes $$BE$$ and $$CF$$ to sides $$AC$$ and $$AB$$ are equal (see Fig.). Show that
(i) $$\triangle ABE\cong \triangle ACF$$
(ii) $$AB = AC$$, i.e., $$ABC$$ is an isosceles triangle.


$$AD$$ is an altitude of an isosceles triangle $$ABC$$ in which $$AB = AC$$. Show that
(i) $$AD$$ bisects $$BC$$ (ii) $$AD$$ bisects $$\angle A$$


In given figures two sides $$AB$$ and $$BC$$ and median $$AM$$ of one triangle $$ABC$$ are respectively equal to sides $$PQ$$ and $$QR$$ and median $$PN$$ of $$\triangle PQR$$. Show that:
(i) $$\triangle ABM\cong \triangle PQN$$
(ii) $$\triangle ABC \cong \triangle PQR$$


$$BE$$ and $$CF$$ are two equal altitudes of a triangle $$ABC$$. Using RHS congruence rule, prove that the triangle $$ABC$$ is isosceles.

In given figure $$ABCD$$ is a trapezium in which $$AB\parallel CD$$ and $$AD = BC$$. Show that
(i) $$\angle A = \angle B$$
(ii) $$\angle C = \angle D$$
(iii) $$\triangle ABC \cong \triangle BAD$$
(iv) diagonal $$AC =$$ diagonal $$BD$$

Show that the sum of the three altitudes of a triangle is less than the sum of its three sides.

In $$\Delta ABC \,and \, \Delta PQR$$, AB = PQ, BC = QR; CB and RQ are extended to X and Y respectively. $$\angle ABX= \angle PQY$$. Prove that $$\Delta ABC = \Delta PQR$$.

 In the given figure, AB = CF, EF = BD $$\angle AFE = \angle DBC$$. Prove that $$\Delta AFE = \Delta CBD$$

In the figure, $$\angle BCD = \angle ADC$$ and $$\angle ACB = \angle BDA$$. Prove that AD = BC and $$\angle A = \angle B$$.

In a $$\triangle ABC, AB = AC$$ and $$\angle A = 50^o$$. Find $$\angle B$$ and $$\angle C$$.

In a $$\triangle ABC,$$ we have $$AB = 4 \ cm$$, $$BC = 5.6 \ cm$$ and $$CA = 7.6  \ cm$$. Write the angles of the triangle in ascending order of measures.

In the given figure, find the value of $$x$$

In given figure diagonal AC of a quadrilateral, ABCD bisects the angles $$\angle A$$ and $$\angle C$$. Prove that AB = AD and CB = CD.

In the figure O is the midpoint of AB and CD. Prove that
(i) $$\triangle AOC \cong \triangle BOD$$; (ii) $$AC = BD$$.

In the figure, find the value of $$x$$.

In a triangle ABC, AB = AC and the bisectors of angles B and C intersect at O. Prove that BO = CO and AO is the bisector of angle $$\angle BAC$$.

In the figure AB = AC and DB = DC. Prove that $$\angle ABD = \angle ACD$$.

In given figure the altitudes AD, BE and CF of triangle ABC are equal. Prove that ABC is an equilateral triangle.

If $$\triangle ABC \cong \triangle NMO$$, name the congruent sides and angles.

Prove that the base angles of an isosceles trapezium are equal

Which minimum measurements do you require to check if the given figures are congruent:
Two rectangles

What are the minimum measurements required for two rhombuses to be congruent?

Suppose ABC is an isosceles triangle such that AB = AC and AD is the altitude from A on BC. Prove that (i) AD bisects $$\angle A$$, (ii) AD bisects BC.

State whether the following triangles are congruent or not? Give reasons for your answer

In the figure, it is given that AB = CD and AD = BC. Prove that triangles ADC and CBA are congruent.

State whether the following triangles are congruent or not? Give reasons for your answer.

In the adjoining figure, AB = CD and AD = BC. Show that $$\angle 1 = \angle 2$$

$$\triangle ABC$$ and $$\triangle DBC$$ are two isosceles triangles on the same base $$BC$$ (see figure). Show that $$\angle ABD =\angle ACD$$

$$l$$ and $$m$$ are two parallel lines intersected by another pair of parallel lines $$p$$ and $$q$$. Show that $$\triangle ABC\cong \triangle CDA$$

$$BE$$ and $$CF$$ are two equal altitudes of a triangle $$ABC$$. Using $$RHS$$ congruence rule, prove that the triangle $$ABC$$ is isosceles

In the adjacent figure $$\triangle ABC, D$$ is the midpoint of $$BC$$. $$DE\perp AB, DF\perp AC$$ and $$DE = DF$$. Show that $$\triangle BED \cong \triangle CFD$$

In the adjacent figure $$\triangle ABC$$ is isosceles as $$\overline {AB} = \overline {AC}, \overline {BA}$$ and $$\overline {CA}$$ are produced to $$Q$$ and $$P$$ such that $$\overline {AQ} = \overline {AP}$$. Show that $$\overline {PB} = \overline {QC}$$

In given figure $$AD$$ is an altitude of an isosceles triangle $$ABC$$ in which $$AB = AC$$.
Show that, $$AD$$ bisects $$\angle A$$


In the adjacent figure $$ABCD$$ is a square and $$\triangle APB$$ is an equilateral triangle. Prove that $$\triangle APD\cong \triangle BPC$$

ABC is a right angled triangle in which $$\angle A = 90^{\circ}$$ and AB = AC. Show that $$\angle B = \angle C$$.

$$\triangle ABC$$ is an isosceles triangle in which $$AB = AC$$. Show that $$\angle B = \angle C$$

Line-segment $$AB$$ is parallel to another line-segment $$CD. O$$ is the mid-point of $$AD$$.
Show that $$O$$ is also the midpoint of $$BC$$.

If two sides of a triangle measure $$4cm$$ and $$6cm$$ find all possible measurement (positive Integers) of the third side. How many distinct triangles can be obtained?

In $$\triangle ABC$$, the bisector $$AD$$ of $$A$$ is perpendicular to side $$BC$$. Show that $$AB = AC$$ and $$\triangle ABC$$ is isosceles.

In adjacent figure, $$PR > PQ$$ and $$PS$$ bisects $$\angle QPR$$. Prove that $$\angle PSR > \angle PSQ$$

In the figure, $$AB\parallel DC$$ and $$AD\parallel BC$$ Show that $$\triangle ABC \cong \triangle CDA$$.


Show that in a right triangle, the hypotenuse is the longest side

In adjacent figure, $$\angle B < \angle A$$ and $$\angle C < \angle D$$. Show that $$AD < BC$$

In the given figure, $$AD$$ is perpendicular to $$BC$$ and $$EF \parallel BC$$, if $$\angle EAB = \angle FAC$$, show that triangles $$ABD$$ and $$ACD$$ are congruent.
Also, find the values of $$x$$ and $$y$$ if $$AB = 2x + 3, AC = 3y + 1, BD = x$$ and $$DC = y + 1$$

In the given figure, $$AL\parallel DC, E$$ is mid point of $$BC$$. Show that $$\triangle EBL\cong \triangle ECD$$

In the given figure, $$AB$$ and $$CD$$ intersect at $$'O', OA = OB$$ and $$OD = OC$$. Show that $$\triangle AOD \cong \triangle BOC$$.

In the figure , $$PQSR$$ is a parallelogram.
$$PQ=4.3cm$$ and $$QR=2.5cm$$. Is $$\triangle PQR\equiv \triangle PSR$$?

In $$\triangle^{s}ABC$$ and $$DEF, AB\parallel DE; BC = EF$$ and $$BC\parallel EF$$. Vertices, $$A, B$$ and $$C$$ are joined to vertices $$D, E$$ and $$F$$ respectively (see figure). Show that
$$\triangle ABC \cong \triangle DEF$$

In the figure, ABCD is a parallelogram is produced to E such that $$AB = BE$$. AD produced to F such that $$AD = DF$$. Show that $$\triangle FCD \cong \triangle CBE$$.

In figure, BO bisects $$\angle ABC$$ of $$\triangle ABC$$. P is any point on BO. Prove that the perpendicular drawn from P to BA and BC are equal.

In given figure $$D$$ is a point on side $$BC$$ of $$\triangle ABC$$ such that $$AD = AC$$. Show that $$AB > AD$$

Prove that, if the areas of two similar triangles are equal, then they are congruent.

$$ABCD$$ is a parallelogram. $$AP$$ and $$CQ$$ are perpendicular lines drawn from vertices $$A$$ and $$C$$ respectively on diagonal $$BD$$ (see figure). Show that
$$\triangle APB\cong \triangle CQD$$

From the given figures, state whether the given pairs of triangles are congruent by SSS axiom

Decide whether the SSS congruence is true with the following figures. Give reasons


What additional information do you need to conclude that the two triangles given here under are congruent using SAS rule?(When$$\,\,  HG = TR$$ $$ $$)


For the following congruent triangles, find the pairs of corresponding angles.

Decide whether the SSS congruence is true with the following figures. Give reasons

Complete the congruence statement.
$$\Delta QRS \cong $$ 

You want to show that $$\Delta ART \cong \Delta PEN$$,
If it is given that $$\angle T = \angle N$$ and you are to use SAS criterion, you need to have
(a) RT =______
(b) PN =______


In Fig. $$AC = AE, AB = AD$$ and $$\angle BAD = \angle EAC$$. Show that $$BC = DE$$.

In the given figure, if $$AC=DC$$ and $$CB=CE$$, then prove that $$AB=DE$$ (State Euclid's A Used 

$$O$$ is a point in the interior of a square $$ABCD$$ such that $$OAB$$ is an equilateral triangle show that $$\triangle OCD$$ is an isosceles triangle 

Prove that the lines:
and $$x+y=0......(3)$$ form an isosceles triangle whose vertical angle is $$2\tan ^{ -1 }{ \left( a/b \right)  } $$.

In a right angled triangle, prove that the line segment joining the mid-point of the hypotenuse to the opposite vertex is half the hypotenuse.

Prove that in a $$\triangle PQR$$ if $$QR^{2} = PQ^{2} + PR^{2}$$ then $$\angle P$$ is a right angle.

Prove that the inequality $$R \geqslant  2r$$ (R and r are the radii of the circumscribed and the inscribed circle) holds true in any triangle, and the equality R = 2r holds only. for a regular triangle.

I and $$m$$ are two parallel line intersected by another pair of parallel line $$p$$ and $$q$$ Fig Show taht $$\Delta ABC \cong \Delta CDA$$.

In the adjoining figure, $$D$$ and $$E$$ are points on the side $$BC$$ of $$\triangle ABC$$ such that $$BD=EC$$ and $$AD=AE$$. Show that $$\triangle ABD\cong \triangle ACE$$.

A round balloon of radius r subtends an angle $$\alpha$$ at the eye of the observer, while the angle of elevation of its centre is $$\beta$$.  Prove that the height of the centre of the balloon is $$r \sin\beta\ \text{csc}\dfrac{\alpha}{2}$$.

Show by diagram any two real-life examples for congruent shapes.

If O is a point within a quadrilateral ABCD, prove that ; $$OA + OB + OC + OD > AC + BD$$.

It is to be established by $$RHS$$ congruence rule that $$\triangle ABC\cong \triangle RPQ$$. What additional information is needed, if it is given that $$\angle B=\angle P=90^o$$ and $$AB=RP$$?

In the following figure $$\angle B < \angle A$$ and $$\angle C < \angle D$$, show that $$AD <  BC$$.

Let $$x,\ x+1,\ x+2$$, be the lengths of the three sides of a triangle.
(i) Write down the three inequations in x, each of which represents the given statement.
(ii) List the set of possible values of x which satisfy all the three inequations obtained in your answer to part (i) above, given that x is an integer. 

Given that $$ABCD$$ is a quadrilateral. Is $$AB+BC+CD+DA<2(AC+BD)?$$

If $$AB>AC$$ and length of median from $$C$$ is $$4$$ units, then the length of median from $$B$$ can be-

In the given figure, $$\triangle CDE$$ is an equilateral triangle on a side $$CD$$ of a square $$ABCD$$. Show that $$\triangle ADE \cong \triangle BCE$$.

$$AB$$ is a line segment and $$P$$ is its mid-point. $$D$$ and $$E$$ are points on the same side of $$AB$$ such that $$\angle BAD=\angle ABE$$ and $$\angle EPA=\angle DPB$$. Show that
i) $$\triangle DAP\cong  \triangle EBP$$
ii) $$AD=BE$$

Given :- $$AC=AD$$
$$\angle CAB= \angle BAD$$
To prove :- $$\triangle ABC \cong \triangle ABD$$
Proof :- $$9n \triangle ABC$$ & $$\triangle ABD$$
$$\angle CAB= \angle BAD$$
$$\triangle ABC \cong \triangle ABD$$

Prove that sum of any two sides of a triangle is greater than the third side.

In the adjoining figure. AB = AC and BD = DC. Prove that $$ \Delta ADB\, \cong \,\Delta ADC$$ and hence show that 

(i) $$\angle ADB\, = \,\angle ADC\,\,$$

(ii) $$\angle BAD\, = \,\angle CAD$$

The length of two sides of a triangle are $$5\ cm$$ and $$7\ cm$$. Between what two measures should the length of the third side fall?

In the example given, a pair of triangles is shown. Equal parts of triangles in pairs are marked with the same signs. Observe the figures and state the test by which the triangles in pair are congruent. 

In triangles $$ABC$$ and $$PQR, \angle A = \angle Q$$ and $$\angle B = \angle R$$. Which side of $$\Delta PQR$$ should be equal to side $$BC$$ of $$\Delta ABC$$ so that the two triangle are congruent? Give reason for your answer.

"If two angles and a side of one triangle are equal to two angles and a side of another triangle, then the two triangles must be congruent". Is the statement true? Why?

Line $$l$$ is the bisector of an angle $$\angle{A}$$ and $$B$$ is any point on $$l.\,\,BP$$ and $$BQ$$ are perpendiculars from $$B$$ to the arms of $$\angle{A}$$
Show that
$$(ii)BP=BQ$$ or $$B$$ is equidistant from the arms of $$\angle{A}$$


S is any point on side QR of a $$\Delta PQR$$. Show that : PQ + QR + RP > 2 PS

In $$\Delta$$ABC, side $$AB$$ is produced to $$D$$ such that $$BD=BC$$. If $$\angle CAB=70^o$$ and $$\angle CBA=60^o$$, prove that $$AD>AC$$.

$$AB$$ is a line segment and $$P$$ is its mid-point. $$D$$ and $$E$$ are points on the same side of $$AB$$ such that $$\angle BAD =\angle ABE$$ and $$\angle EPA =\angle DPB$$. Show that $$\Delta DAP \cong \Delta EBP$$.

In $$\Delta$$ABC, side AB is produced to D such that BD$$=$$BC. If $$\angle A=70^o$$ and $$\angle B=60^o$$, prove that AD$$>$$CD.

$$AB$$ is a line segment and $$P$$ is its mid-point. $$D$$ and $$E$$ are points on the same side of $$AB$$ such that $$\angle BAD =\angle ABE$$ and $$\angle EPA =\angle DPB$$. Show that $$AD=BE$$.

In the figure $$AB=AC,BD=DC,\angle C=40^{o}\angle BDC=160^{o}$$
Write the measure of all angles of triangle $$ABD$$.

$$D$$ is any point on side $$AC$$ of a $$\Delta ABC$$ with $$AB = AC$$. Show that $$CD < BD.$$

$$ABCD$$ is a quadrilateral in which $$AD=BC$$ and $$\angle DAB=\angle CBA.$$ Prove that $$BD =AC.$$

Let $$ABC$$ be an isosceles triangle with $$AB=AC$$ and let $$D, E, F$$ be the mid-point of $$BC, CA$$ and $$AB$$ respectively. Show that $$AD\bot EF$$ and $$AD$$ is bisected by $$EF$$.

AD is an altitude of an isosceles triangle ABC in which $$AB=AC$$. show that 
(i) AD bisects BC
(ii) AD bisects $$\angle A$$

AM is a median of a triangle $$ABC$$.
Is $$AB + BC + CA > 2 AM$$?
(Consider the sides of triangles $$\Delta ABM$$ and $$\Delta ABM$$.)

In the given figure, $$\angle B <  \angle A$$ and $$\angle C < \angle D$$, show that $$AD < BC$$.

In Fig., $$D$$ and $$E$$ are points on side $$BC$$ of a $$\triangle ABC$$ such that $$BD = CE$$ and $$AD = AE$$. Show that $$\triangle ABD \cong \triangle ACE$$.

Prove that any two sides of a $$\Delta$$ are together greater than twice the median drawn to the third side.

In quadrilateral $$ACBD$$
$$AQC=AD$$ and $$AB$$ bisects $$\angle{A}$$ (see figure). Show that $$\triangle{ABC}\cong \triangle{ABD}$$.
What can you say about $$BC$$ and $$BD$$?

In figure, $$ABC$$ is a triangle with $$\angle B = 35^{\circ}, \angle C = 65^{\circ}$$ and bisector of $$\angle BAC$$ meets $$BC$$ in $$X$$. Arrange $$AX, BX$$ and $$CX$$ in descending order.

$$ABCDE$$ is a regular pentagon having all the sides and angles equal. Show that $$\triangle ABC \cong \triangle AED$$.

$$ABC$$ is an isosceles triangle with $$AB = AC$$ and $$BD$$ and $$CE$$ are its two medians. Show that $$BD = CE$$.

In the square $$ABCD$$ show that the two triangles $$ABC$$ and $$ADC$$ are congruent to each other

If two angles of a triangle are equal, then prove that sides opposite to them are also equal.

In a triangle $$ABC$$ median $$AD$$ is produced to $$X$$ such that $$AD+DX$$. Prove that $$ABXC$$ is a parallelogram.

State whether the following triangles are congruent or not? Give reasons for your answer.

In the adjoining figure, $$BA \bot AC, \, DE \bot DF$$ such that $$BA = DE$$ and $$BF = EC$$. Show that $$\Delta ABC \cong \Delta DEF$$  

$$ABCD$$ is a quadrilateral 
Prove that $$(AB+BC+CD+DA)>(AC+BD)$$

In $$\Delta ABC,$$ $$AB<AC,$$ $$PB$$ and $$PC$$ are the bisectors of $$\angle B$$ and $$\angle C.$$ Prove that $$PB< PC.$$

$$l, m$$ and $$n$$ are three parallel lines intersected by transversals $$p$$ and $$q$$ such that $$l, m$$ and $$n$$ cut off equal intercepts $$AB$$ and $$BC$$ on $$p$$. Show that $$l, m$$ and $$n$$ cut off equal intercepts $$DE$$ and $$EF$$ on $$q$$ also.

If $$\Delta$$MNO$$\cong\Delta$$QPR, write the six corresponding parts.

In the quadrilateral $$ABCD,AD=CD$$ and $$\angle A ={90}^{o}=\angle C$$, prove that $$AB=BC$$.

$$D$$ is a point on the side $$BC$$ of a $$\triangle ABC$$ such that $$\angle ADC=\angle BAC$$, then prove that $$CA^2 = CB \times CD$$

The image of an object placed at a point A before a plane mirror $$LM$$ is seen at the point $$B$$ by an observer at $$D$$ as shown in Fig. Prove that the image is as far behind the mirror as the object is in front of the mirror.

If $$P$$ is a point in the interior of $$\triangle ABC$$ then fill in the blanks with $$>$$ or $$<$$ or $$=$$.
(i) $$PA+PB.........AB$$
(ii) $$PB+PC........BC$$
(iii) $$AC.........PA+PC$$

Prove that the diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other

In the figure given below , OL is perpendicular to AB and OM is perpendicular to BC such that OL = OM. Is $$\Delta OLB \cong \Delta OMB$$?

The lengths of the two sides of a triangle are $$6$$cm and $$10$$cm. Between what two wholes numbers should lie the measure of the third sides?

$$ABCD$$ is a trapzium in which $$AB||CD$$ and $$AD=BC$$. Show that 
$$\angle A=\angle B$$

$$ABCD$$ is a trapzium in which $$AB||CD$$ and $$AD=BC$$. Show that $$\triangle ABC \cong \triangle BAD$$

$$ABCD$$ is a trapezium in which $$AB||CD$$ and $$AD=BC$$, then show that $$\angle C=\angle D.$$

PR is diagonal of a parallelogram PQRS. Show that $$\Delta$$ PQR $$\cong$$ $$\Delta$$ RSP.

In the figure, ray $$AZ$$ bisects $$\angle {DAB}$$ as well as $$\angle{DCB}$$
(i) State the three pairs of equal parts in triangles $$BAC$$ and $$DAC$$.
(ii) Is $$\triangle {BAC}\cong \triangle {DAC}$$? Give reasons
(iii) Is $$AB=AD$$? Justify your answer
(iv) Is $$CD=CB$$? Give reasons.

Check whether the following pairs of triangles are congruent. If they are congruent, state the congruence criterion.

By applying $$SAS$$ congruence rule, you want to establish that  $$\Delta P Q R \cong  \Delta F E D.$$  It is given that  $$P Q = F E \text { and } R P = D F.$$  What additional information is needed to establish the congruence ?

ABC is a triangle right angled at C. A line through the mid point M of hypotenuse AB and parallel to BC intersect AC at D .Show that  :

Find number of integral values of $$\lambda $$ if $$\left( {\lambda ,\lambda  + 1} \right)$$ is an interior point of $$\Delta ABC$$, where $$A=(0,3), B=(-2,0)$$ and $$C=(6,1)$$.

In the given figure, triangles $$ABC$$ and $$DCB$$ are right-angle at $$A$$ and $$D$$ respectively and $$AC=DB$$. Prove that $$\Delta ABC \cong \Delta DCB$$

Express the congruence in the given triangles. Write in symbolic form.
In $$\Delta XYZ,\ XY=4.2\ cm,\ XZ=6.5\ cm\ \angle Y=90^{o}$$
In $$\Delta DEF,\ FE=6.5\ cm,\ FD=4.2\ cm\ \angle D=90^{o}$$

In the figure $$AB || DC$$ and $$AC$$ and $$PQ$$ intersect each other at the point $$O$$. Prove that $$OA.CQ = OC.AP$$.

By applying $$SAS$$ congruence rule, you want to establish that $$\triangle PQR \equiv \triangle FED$$. It is given that $$PQ=FE$$ and $$RP=DE$$. What additional information is needed to establish the congruence?

In parallelogram ABCD, two points P and Q are taken on diagonal BD such that $$DP = BQ$$ (refer to the given figure). Show that : 
(i) $$\triangle APD \cong \triangle CQB$$
(ii) $$AP=CQ$$
(iii) $$\triangle AQB \cong \triangle CPD$$
(iv) $$AQ=CP$$
(v) APCQ is a parallelogram

Diagonal AC of a parallelogram ABCD bisects $$\angle A$$ (see Fig. 8.19), show that 
(i) it bisects $$\angle C$$ also (ii) ABCD is a rhombus


In $$\Delta A B C$$ $$BE$$ and $$CF$$ are the two equal altitudes. Prove  $$\Delta A B C$$ is isoceles by R.H.S

In the given figure, $$AB=DC$$ and $$BD=CA$$. Prove that $$\Delta ABC\cong DCB$$.

In figure, $$AB=AC$$ and $$D$$ is any point on $$BC$$ produced. Show that $$AD>AB$$.

State the correspondence between the sides and angels of the following congruent triangles.
a) $$\Delta PQR \cong \Delta XYZ$$ 
b) $$\Delta ABC \cong \Delta TUV$$ 

In a  $$\Delta A B C , A B = A C .$$  If the bisectors of  $$\angle B$$  and $$\angle C$$  meet  $$A C$$  and  $$A B$$  at points  $$D$$  and  $$E$$  respectively, show that : 
(i) $$\Delta \mathrm { DBC } \cong \Delta \mathrm { ECB }$$
(ii) $$\mathrm { BD } = \mathrm { CE }$$


In figure, it is given that $$AB=CD$$ and $$AD =BC$$. Prove that $$\triangle ADC \cong \triangle CBA$$.

$$\triangle EFG \cong \triangle LMN$$
Write the corresponding vertices, angles and sides of the two triangles.

In the given figure, the triangles are congruent, Find the values of x and y.

In figure, two lines $$AB$$ and $$CD$$ intersect each other at the point $$O$$ such that $$BC\parallel DA$$. Show that $$O$$ is the mid-point of both the line-segments $$AB$$ and $$CD$$.

Name pair of congruent triangle in the figure.

$$PSDA$$ is a parallelogram. Points $$Q$$ and $$R$$ are takes on $$PS$$ such that $$PQ=QR$$ and $$PA||QB||RC$$. Prove that area $$(\Delta PQE)=(\Delta CFD)$$

in the adjacent figure , parallelogram $$ABCD$$ , Show that $$ABC \cong CDA$$

Prove that in an isosceles triangle, the angles opposite the equal sides are equal.

$$\triangle{ABC}$$ and $$\triangle{DBC}$$ are two isosceles triangles on the same base $$BC$$ and vertices $$A$$ and $$D$$ are on the same side of $$BC$$ as in figure.If $$AD$$ is extended to intersect $$BC$$ at $$P,$$Show that $$\triangle{ABP}\cong\triangle{ACP}$$

If in two right triangles the hypotenuse and one side of one triangle are equal to the hypotenuse and one side of the other triangle, then prove that two triangles are congruent. 

In $$\triangle{PQR},N$$ is a point on $$PR$$ such that $$QN\bot PR$$. If $$PN\times NR={QN}^{2}$$, prove that $$\angle{PQR}={90}^{\circ}$$

$$\triangle{ABC}$$ and $$\triangle{DBC}$$ are two isosceles triangles on the same base $$BC$$ and vertices $$A$$ and $$D$$ are on the same side of $$BC$$ as in figure.If $$AD$$ is extended to intersect $$BC$$ at $$P,$$Show that $$\triangle{ABD}\cong\triangle{ACD}$$

$$ABCD$$ is a square and $$BD$$ is the diagonal.  Find the measure of the area of $$\triangle ABD$$.

If area of $$\triangle{ABC}=$$ area of $$\triangle{DEF}$$ then prove that $$\triangle{ABC}\cong\triangle{DEF}$$


In the given figure $$AB=CD$$ and $$AD=BC$$. Prove that $$\angle BAC= \angle ACD$$.

$$\triangle ABC$$ is a right angled in which $$LC=90^{o}$$ and $$CD\bot AB$$. If $$BC=a, CA=b, AB=c$$ and $$CD=p$$ then prove that 

Is it possible to have a triangle with the following sides:
$$3\ cm,\ 4\ cm$$ and $$5\ cm$$

$$\triangle ABC$$ is a right angled in which $$LC=90^{o}$$ and $$CD\bot AB$$. If $$BC=a, CA=b, AB=c$$ and $$CD=p$$ then prove that 

By applying ASA congruence rule, it is to be established that $$\Delta ABC \cong \Delta QRP$$ and it is given that BC$$=$$RP. What additional information is needed to establish the congruence?

AB and CD intersect each other at O and O is the midpoint of both AB and CD. Prove that AD=BC.

In the following figure, state the conditions you would use to  show that $$\Delta ABC$$ and $$\Delta EDC$$ are congruent.

In the given figure, it is given that $$AB=CD$$ and $$AD=BC$$. Prove that $$\Delta ADC \cong \Delta CBA$$

In given figure explain, why $$\triangle ABC\cong \triangle FED$$

In the adjoining figure, sides $$AB$$ and $$AC$$ of $$\triangle{ABC}$$ are extended to points $$P$$ and $$Q$$ respectively.Also, $$\angle{PBC} < \angle{QCB}$$. Show that $$AC>AB.$$

Take any point $$O$$ in the interior of a triangle $$PQR$$. Is $$OQ+OR>QR?$$


Is it possible to have a triangle with the following sides?
$$6$$cm, $$3$$cm, $$2$$cm. 

Take any point O in the interior of a $$\triangle PQR$$. Is $$OP$$$$+$$$$OQ$$$$>$$$$PQ$$$$?$$


Take any point $$O$$ in the interior of a triangle $$PQR$$. Is $$OR+OP>RP?$$


Is it possible to have a triangle with the following sides?
$$3$$cm, $$6$$cm, $$7$$cm. 

In the given figure, $$AB=AD,\,\angle 1=\angle 2=\angle 3=\angle 4$$. Prove that $$AP=AQ$$. 

Is it possible to have a triangle with the following sides?
$$1$$cm, $$3$$cm, $$5$$cm.

In the given figure, $$AB\parallel CD$$ and $$O$$ is the midpoint of $$AD$$.
Show that (i) $$\triangle AOB\cong \triangle DOC$$
(ii) $$O$$ is the midpoint of $$BC$$.

The lengths of the two sides of a triangle are $$12$$ cm and $$15$$ cm. Between what two measures should the length of the third side fall?

In Fig.  $$ AD \perp CD $$ and $$ CB \perp CD. $$ If $$ AQ = BP $$ and $$ DP = CQ $$, prove that $$ \angle DAQ = \angle CBP. $$ 

In a rectangle $$ABCD$$, prove that $$\triangle ACB \cong \triangle CAD$$.

Explain the following term.
Interior of a triangle.

In Fig., there is a triangle. The measures of some angles have been indicated. State whether triangle is acute, right or obtuse.


In Fig., there is a triangle. The measures of some angles have been indicated. State whether triangle is acute, right or obtuse.


In $$ \Delta ABC,$$ side AB is produced to D so that BD = BC. If $$ \angle B = 60^{\circ}$$ and $$ \angle A = 70^{\circ},$$ prove that:$$ AD > AC $$

The angles of a triangle are arranged in ascending order of magnitude. If the difference between two consecutive angles is $$ 10^{\circ},$$ find the three angles.

In the given figure, it is given that $$ RT = TS, \angle 1 = 2\angle 2 $$ and $$ \angle 4 = 2\angle 3.$$ Prove that $$ \Delta RBT \cong \Delta SAT.$$

Explain the following term.
Obtuse triangle.

Fill in the blank:
Two squares are congruent if ________.

Fill in the blank.
Two line segments are congruent if ________.

In the following triangle, the lengths of the sides are indicated along sides. By applying SSS condition, determine which are congruent. State the result in symbolic form.

Explain the concept of congruence of figures with the help of certain examples.

In the given figure, AB$$=$$DC and BC$$=$$AD. Is $$\Delta$$ABC$$\cong\Delta$$CDA?

Identify the pairs of triangles are congruent by ASA condition?

Triangles ABC and PQR are both isosceles triangles with AB$$=$$AC and PQ$$=$$PR respectively. If AB$$=$$PQ and BC$$=$$QR, then are the two triangles congruent? Which condition do you use? If $$\angle B=50^o$$, what is the measure of $$\angle R$$?

In the following pairs of triangles, the lengths of the sides are indicated along sides. By applying SSS condition, determine which are congruent. State the result in symbolic form.

In the given figure, line segments $$AB$$ and $$CD$$ bisect each other at $$O$$. Prove that, $$\Delta AOC\cong \Delta BOD$$.


In the given figure, $$AB=AD$$ and $$\angle BAC=\angle DAC$$. Complete the following, so as to make it true: 
Line segment $$AC$$ bisects _______ and _________.


In figure, AD bisects $$\angle$$A and AD$$\perp$$BC. Is it true to say that BD$$=$$DC?

Draw any triangle ABC. Use ASA condition to construct another triangle congruent to it.

Identify the pairs of triangles are congruent by ASA condition?

In figure, AO$$=$$OB and $$\angle$$A$$=\angle$$B. Is $$\Delta$$AOC$$\cong\Delta$$BOD?

State the three pairs of matching parts you have used to answer.(Is $$\Delta$$ABC$$\cong\Delta$$ACB)

In figure, AD bisects $$\angle$$A and AD$$\perp$$BC. State the three pairs of matching parts you have used after proving the triangles congruent.

Can the pairs of triangles be congruent by ASA condition?

Is $$\Delta$$ABC$$\cong\Delta$$ACB?

Identify the pairs of triangles are congruent by ASA condition?

In figure, AX bisects $$\angle$$BAC as well as $$\angle$$BDC. State the three facts needed to ensure that $$\Delta$$ABD$$\cong\Delta$$ACD.

In figure, BD and CE are altitudes of $$\Delta$$ABC and BD$$=$$CE. Is $$\Delta$$BCD$$\cong\Delta$$CBE?

In the following pairs of right triangles, the measures of some parts are indicated along side. State by the application of RHS congruence condition which are congruent. State the result in symbolic form.

In figure, $$AO=OB$$ and $$\angle A=\angle B$$. State the matching pair you have used for $$\Delta$$ $$AOC$$ $$\cong\Delta$$ $$BOD$$, which is not given in the question.

In figure, AO$$=$$OB and $$\angle A=\angle B$$. Is it true to say that $$\angle ACO=\angle BDO$$?

In the following pairs of right triangles, the measures of some parts are indicated along side. State by the application of RHS congruence condition which are congruent. State the result in symbolic form.

In figure, BD and CE are altitudes of $$\Delta$$ABC and BD$$=$$CE. State the three pairs of matching parts you have used to answer.(Is $$\Delta$$BCD$$\cong\Delta$$CBE).

In parallelogram $$ABCD$$, points $$M$$ and $$N$$ have been taken on opposite sides $$AB$$ and $$CD$$ respectively such that $$AM=CN$$. Show that $$AC$$ and $$MN$$ bisect each other.

In the figure, $$ABCD$$ is a quadrilateral and $$AC$$ is one its $$AB+BC+CD+DA> 2AC$$ diagonals. Prove that

In the given figure, $$ABCD$$ is a quadrilateral in which $$AB=AD$$ and $$BC=DC$$. Prove that
$$AC$$ bisects $$\angle A$$ and $$\angle C$$.

In the adjoining figure, $$OPQR$$ is a square. A circle drawn with centre $$O$$ cuts the square in $$X$$ and $$Y$$.
Prove that $$QX=QY$$

If $$O$$ is a point within a quadrilateral $$ABCD$$, show that $$OA+OB+OC+OD> AC+BD$$

In the given figure, $$ABCD$$ is a square and $$\angle PQR={90}^{o}$$. If $$PB=QC=DR$$, prove that $$AB+BC+CD+DA> AC+BD$$

In the given figure, $$ABCD$$ is a quadrilateral in which $$AB=AD$$ and $$BC=DC$$. Prove that

In the given figure, $$ABCD$$ is a square and $$\angle PQR={90}^{o}$$. If $$PB=QC=DR$$, prove that $$AB+BC+CD> DA$$

$$\Delta ABC$$ is an isosceles triangle with $$AB = AC = 13 cm$$. The length of altitude from $$A$$ on $$BC$$ is $$5 cm$$. Find $$BC$$. 

In the given figure, $$ABCD$$ is a quadrilateral in which $$AB=AD$$ and $$BC=DC$$. Prove that
$$\angle ABC=\angle ADC$$

Given the base $$a$$ of a triangle, the opposite angle $$A$$ and the product $$k^2$$ of the other sides, solve the triangle and show that there is no such triangle if $$a < 2k \sin \dfrac{A}{2}$$.

The line segments joining the midpoints $$M$$ and $$N$$ are parallel sides $$AB$$ and $$DC$$ respectively of a trapezium $$ABCD$$ is perpendicular to both the sides $$AB$$ and $$DC$$. Prove that $$AD = BC$$.

In the adjoining figure, $$X$$ and $$Y$$ are respectively two points on equal sides $$AB$$ and $$AC$$ of $$\triangle ABC$$ such that $$AX = AY$$. Prove that $$CX = BY$$.

The angles of a triangle are as $$1:2:7$$; prove that the ratio of the greatest side to the least side is $$\sqrt{5}+1:\sqrt{5}-1$$.

In $$\triangle ABC, AB = AC$$ and the bisectors $$\angle B$$ and $$\angle C$$ meet at a point $$O$$. Prove that $$BO = CO$$ and the ray $$AO$$ is the bisector of $$\angle A$$.

In $$\triangle ABC, D$$ is the midpoint of $$BC$$. If $$DL \perp AB$$ and $$DM \perp AC$$ such that $$DL = DM$$, prove that $$AB = AC$$.


A square is inscribed in an isosceles right triangle so that the square and the triangle have one angle common. Show that the vertex of the square opposite the vertex of the common angle bisects the hypotenuse.

If the angles of a triangle b in A.P. and the lengths of the greatest and least sides be $$24$$ and $$16$$ feet respectively, find the length of the third side and the angles, given
$$log 2=.30103$$, $$log 3=.4771213$$,
and $$L\tan 19^o6'=9.5394287$$, diff. for $$1'=4084$$.

In the given figure, $$ABCD$$ is a square and $$P$$ is a point inside it such that $$PB = PD$$. Prove that $$CPA$$ is a straight line.

In the adjoining figure, explain how one can find the breadth of the river without crossing it.

Show that for any triangle with sides a, b and c, $$3(ab + bc + ca) < (a + b +c)^2 < 4(bc + ca + ab)$$. when are the first two expressions equal? 

Given is a pair of congruent triangles. State the property of congruence and the name of the congruent triangles.

Given is a pair of congruent triangles. State the property of congruence and the name of the congruent triangles.

Given is a pair of congruent triangles. State the property of congruence and name of the congruent triangles.

Given is a pair of congruent triangles. State the property of congruence and the name of the congruent triangles.

State the correspondence between the vertices, sides and angles of the following pair of congruent triangles.
$$\triangle CAB\cong \triangle QRP$$

State the correspondence between the vertices, sides and angles of the following pair of congruent triangles.
$$\triangle XZY\cong \triangle QPR$$

Given is a pair of congruent triangles. State the property of congruence and the name of the congruent triangles.

State the correspondence between the vertices, sides and angles of the following pair of congruent triangles.
$$\triangle MPN\cong \triangle SQR$$

State the correspondence between the vertices, sides and angles of the following pair of congruent triangles.
$$\triangle ABC\cong \triangle EFD$$

In the given figure, $$PA\bot AB$$, $$QB\bot AB$$ and $$PA=QB$$. Prove that $$\triangle OAP=\triangle OBQ$$. Is $$OA=OB$$?

In $$\triangle ABC, \angle A$$ is acute. $$BD$$ and $$CE$$ are perpendicular on $$AC$$ and $$AB$$ respectively. Prove that $$AB\times AE = AC \times AD$$.

In figure, $$AD=BC$$ and $$AD\parallel BC$$. Is $$AB=DC$$? Give reasons in support of your answer.

In the figure, $$AB=AD$$ and $$CB=CD$$. Prove that $$\triangle ABC\cong \triangle ADC$$.

In the given figure, triangles $$ABC$$ and $$DCB$$ are right-angled at $$A$$ and $$D$$ respectively and $$AC=DB$$. Prove that $$\triangle ABC\cong \triangle DCB$$

In the adjoining figure, $$AB=AC$$ and $$BD=DC$$. Prove that $$\triangle ADB\cong \triangle ADC$$ and hence show that  (i) $$\angle ADB=\angle ADC={90}^{o}$$, (ii) $$\angle BAD=\angle CAD$$

In figure, $$PL\bot OA$$ and $$PM\bot OB$$ such that $$PL=PM$$. Is $$\triangle PLO\cong \triangle PMO$$?
Give reasons in support of your answer.

In the given pairs of triangles, applying only the ASA congruence criterion, determine which triangles are congruent. Also, write the congruent triangles in symbolic form.

In the given pair of triangles, applying only the ASA congruence criterion, determine which triangles are congruent. Also, write the congruent triangles in symbolic form.

In given pairs of triangles in the figure, applying only the ASA congruence criterion, determine which triangles are congruent. Also, write the congruent triangles in symbolic form.

In the given pairs of triangles, applying only the ASA congruence criterion, determine which triangles are congruent. Also, write the congruent triangles in symbolic form.

In Fig., $$\Delta PQR \cong \Delta$$ ______

In the given pairs of triangles, applying only the ASA congruence criterion, determine which triangles are congruent. Also, write the congruent triangles in symbolic form.

If $$\Delta PQR$$ and $$\Delta XYZ$$ are congruent under the correspondence $$QPR \leftrightarrow XYZ$$, then,
(i) $$\angle R =$$ ______     (ii) $$QR = $$ ______
(iii) $$\angle P =$$ ______     (iv) $$QP =$$ ______
(v) $$\angle Q =$$ ______     (vi) $$RP =$$ ______

In the given pair of triangles, using only the RHS congruence criterion, determine which pairs of triangles are congruent. In case of congruence. write the result in symbolic form

Enter 1 if it is true else enter 0.
In Fig., $$\triangle  PQR \cong \triangle $$$$XYZ$$

In Fig., $$\Delta$$ ______ $$\cong PQR$$

In Fig., $$AB = AD$$ and $$\angle BAC = \angle DAC$$.
(i) $$\Delta$$ ______ $$\cong \Delta ABC$$
(ii) $$BC =$$ ______
(iii) $$\angle BCA =$$ ______
(iv) Line segment $$AC$$ bisects ______ and ______.

In the given pair of triangles, using only the RHS congruence criterion, determine which pairs of triangles are congruent. In case of congruence. write the result in symbolic form: 

In the given pair of triangles, applying only the ASA congruence criterion, determine which triangles are congruent. Also, write the congruent triangles in symbolic form.

Without drawing the triangles write all size pairs of equal measures in each of the following pairs of congruent triangles.
$$\triangle XYZ \cong \triangle MLN$$

In the following, pairs of triangles of Fig. the lengths of the sides are indicated along the sides. By applying SSS congruence criterion, determine which triangles are congruent. If congruent, write the results in symbolic form.

In the following, pairs of triangles of FIg. the lengths of the sides are indicated along the sides. By applying SSS congruence criterion, determine which triangles are congruent. If congruent, write the results in symbolic form.


In the given pairs of triangles, using only the RHS congruence criterion, determine which pairs of triangles are congruent. In case of congruence. write the result in symbolic form:

In Fig. which phase of triangles are congruent by SAS congruence criterion (condition)? If congruent, write the congruence of the two triangles in symbolic form.

In the given pairs of triangles, using only the RHS congruence criterion, determine which pairs of triangles are congruent. In case of congruence. write the result in symbolic form:

State which of the following pairs of triangles are congruent. If yes, write them in symbolic form (you may draw a rough figure).
$$\triangle PQR : PQ = 3.5cm, QR = 4.0cm, \angle Q = 60^{o}$$ 
$$\triangle STU : ST = 3.5cm, TU = 4cm, \angle T = 60^{o}$$

Without drawing the triangles write all size pairs of equal measures in each of the following pairs of congruent triangles.
$$\triangle YZX \cong \triangle PQR$$

In the given pair of triangles, using only RHS congruence criterion, determine which pairs of triangles are congruent. In case of congruence. write the result in symbolic form:

In the given pairs of triangles, using only the RHS congruence criterion, determine which pairs of triangles are congruent. In case of congruence. write the result in symbolic form:

Observe, Figure and state the three pairs of equal parts in triangles ABC and DBC.
$$(i) Is \triangle ABC \cong \triangle DCB? Why?$$
$$(ii)Is AB=DC?Why?$$
$$(iii)Is AC=DB?Why?$$

In Figure, state the three pairs of equal parts in $$\triangle ABC$$ and $$\triangle EOD$$. Is $$\triangle ABC \cong \triangle EOD$$ ?Why?

In Figure $$QS \bot PR$$, $$RT \bot PQ$$ and $$QS=RT$$. 
(i) Is $$\triangle QSR \cong \triangle RTQ$$? Give Reasons
(ii) Is ∠ PQR = ∠ PRQ? Give reasons.


In above figure, $$\angle 1=\angle 2$$ and $$\angle 3 =\angle 4$$.
(i) Is $$\triangle ADC \cong \triangle ABC$$? Why?
(ii)Show that $$AD=AB$$ and $$CD=CB$$.

In the figure shown above, $$DE=IH, EG=FI$$ and $$\angle E=\angle I$$. Is $$\triangle DEF \cong \triangle HIG?$$ If yes, by which congruence criterion?

$$AD$$ is a median of the triangle $$ABC$$. Is it true that $$AB+BC+CA>2AD$$? Give reason for your answer.

State which of the following pairs of triangles are congruent. If yes, write them in symbolic form (you may draw a rough figure).
$$\triangle ABC : AB = 4.8cm, \angle A = 90^{o}, AC = 6.8cm$$
$$\triangle XYZ : YZ = 6.8cm, \angle X = 90^{o}, ZX = 4.8cm$$

In Fig. $$PQ = PS$$ and $$\angle 1 = \angle 2$$.
(i) Is $$\triangle PQR \cong \triangle PSR$$ ? Give Reasons.
(ii) Is $$QR = SR$$ ? Give reasons.

If two sides and an angle of one triangle are equal to two sides and an angle of another triangle, then the two triangles must be congruent. Is the statement true? Why? 

In $$ \Delta $$ PQR , PD QR such that D lies on QR . If $$ PQ = a , PR = b , QD = c $$  and $$ DR = d $$  , prove that $$ (a + b) (a - b) = (c + d)(c - d) $$ . 

In the given figure, $$AB=AC, P$$ and $$Q$$ are points on $$BA$$ and $$CA$$ respectively such that $$AP=AQ$$. Prove that
$$\triangle APC\cong \triangle AQB$$

In the above figure, $$BA  \perp AC, \ ED \perp FD$$ such that $$BA=DE$$ and $$BF=EC$$. Show that $$\triangle \ ABC \cong \triangle \ DEF$$.

The longest side of a triangle is $$3$$ times the shortest side and the third side is $$2\ cm$$ shorter than the longest side. If the perimeter of the triangle is at least $$61\ cm$$, find the minimum length of the shortest side.

We know that in a triangle, the sum of lengths of any two sides is greater than the length of the third side. Is the sum of any angles of a triangle also greater than the third angle? If no, draw a rough sketch to show such a case.

In the given figure, $$ABCD$$ is a quadrilateral in which $$AD=BC$$ and $$\angle DAB=CBA$$. Prove that
$$\triangle ABD \cong \triangle BAC$$

In the above figure, $$AD$$ is the bisector of $$\angle BAC$$.  Prove that $$AB>BD$$.

In the adjoining figure, $$AB=CD, CE=BF$$ and $$\angle ACE =\angle DBF$$. Prove that
$$\triangle ACE\cong \triangle DBF$$

In the adjoining figure, $$ABCD$$ is a square $$P,Q$$and $$R$$ are points on the sides $$AB, BC$$ and $$CD$$ respectively such that $$AP=BQ=CR$$ and $$\angle PQR =90^o$$. Prove that 

State, whether the pairs of triangles given in the following figures are congruent or not:

In the figure given $$ABCD$$ is a parallelogram. $$E$$ and $$F$$ are mid-point of the sides $$AB$$ and $$CO$$ respectively. The straight lines $$AF$$ and $$BF$$ meet the straight lines $$ED$$ and $$EC$$ in points $$G$$ and $$H$$ respectively. Prove that $$\triangle HEB\cong \triangle HCF$$

In the adjoining figure, $$ABCD$$ is a square $$P,Q$$and $$R$$ are points on the sides $$AB, BC$$ and $$CD$$ respectively such that $$AP=BQ=CR$$ and $$\angle PQR =90^o$$. Prove that 
$$\angle PRQ = 45^o$$

In the given figure, $$PQ || BA$$ and $$RS\ CA$$. If $$BP=RC$$, prove that :

In the adjoining figure, $$ABCD$$ is a square, $$P,Q$$and $$R$$ are points on the sides $$AB, BC$$ and $$CD$$ respectively such that $$AP=BQ=CR$$ and $$\angle PQR =90^o$$. Prove that $$\triangle PBQ \cong \triangle QCR$$.

In triangle $$ABC$$ and $$DEF, \angle A= \angle D, \angle B=\angle E$$ and $$AB =EF$$. Will the two triangle be congruent? Give reasons for your answer.

State, whether the pairs of triangles given in the following figures are congruent or not:

State, whether the pairs of triangles given in the following figures are congruent or not:
$$ \Delta ABC $$ in which $$ AB = 2\,cm , BC = 3.5 \,cm $$ and $$ \angle C = 80^{\circ} $$ and $$ \Delta DEF $$ in which $$ DE = 2\,cm , DF = 3.5\,cm $$ and $$ \angle D = 80^{\circ} $$ 

$$ \mathrm{ABCD} $$ is a rectangle and $$ \mathrm{P} $$ is mid-point of $$ \mathrm{AB} $$. DP is produced to meet $$ \mathrm{CB} $$ at $$ \mathrm{Q} $$. Prove that area of rectangle $$  \mathrm{ABCD}= $$ area of $$ \Delta \mathrm{DQC} $$.

Prove that 
$$ \angle ADB = \angle ADC $$ 


Prove that 
$$ \Delta ABD \cong \Delta ACD $$ 


From the given figure, prove that:
$$ AB = ED $$ 


In the given figure , prove that 
$$ \Delta ACB \cong \Delta ECD $$ 

Prove that 
$$ \angle A = \angle C $$ 

Prove that 
$$ \Delta ABD \cong \Delta BDC $$ 

In the given figure , prove that 
$$ \Delta ABD  \cong \Delta ACD $$

Prove that 
$$ \angle ADB = 90^{\circ} $$ 

Prove that :
(i) $$ \Delta ABC \cong \Delta ADC $$ 
(ii) $$ \angle B = \angle D $$ 
(iii) $$ AC$$ bisects angle $$DCB $$.

Prove that 
$$ \angle B = \angle C $$ 


In the given figure , prove that :
$$ \Delta ADB \cong \Delta BCA $$ 

In the given figure , prove that :
$$ AD = BC $$

In the given figure, prove that :
$$ \Delta AOD \cong \Delta BOC $$ 

In the given figure , prove that :
$$ \Delta XYZ \cong \Delta XPZ $$ 

In the given figure , prove that :
$$ YZ = PZ $$ 

The given figures shows a triangle ABC in which AD is perpendicular to side BC and BD = CD. Prove that :
(i) $$ \Delta ABD \cong \Delta ACD $$ 
(ii) $$ AB = AC $$ 
(iii) $$ \angle B = \angle C $$ 


In the given figure , $$ \angle 1 = \angle 2 $$ and $$ AB = AC$$ .
Prove that:
(i) $$ \angle B = \angle C $$ 
(ii) $$ BD = DC $$ 
(iii) $$ AD$$ is perpendicular to $$BC $$ 

In the given figure , prove that :
$$ \angle YXZ = \angle PXZ $$

In the given figure , prove that :
$$ \angle ADB = \angle ACB $$ 

In the given figure , prove that :
$$ \Delta ABC \cong \Delta DCB $$ 

In the given  figure $$AB , = DB$$ and $$AC = DC$$
If $$ \angle ABD = 58 ^{o}$$
$$ \angle DCB = (2x - 4) ^{o}$$
$$ \angle ACB = y + 15$$ and
$$ \angle DCB = 63 ^{o}$$ : find the values of $$x$$ and $$y $$

In the following example, a pair of triangles is shown. Equal parts of triangle in each pair are marked with the same sign. Observe the figure and state the test by which triangles in each pair are congruent.

$$\Delta PQR \cong \Delta STU$$

In the following example, a pair of triangles is shown. Equal parts of triangle in each pair are marked with the same sign. Observe the figure and state the test by which the triangle in each pair are congruent.

$$\Delta LMN \cong \Delta PTR$$

In the given figure, $$\angle P =\angle R$$ and $$PQ =RQ.$$ Prove that, $$\Delta PQT \cong \Delta RQS$$

Observe the information shown in pair of triangle shown above. State the test by which the two triangles are congruent. Write the remaining congruent parts of the triangle.

In the given alongside figure,$$AD=AB=AC,BD$$ is parallel to $$CA$$ and $$\angle ACB=65^o$$. 
Find the $$\angle DAC$$.

As shown in the following figure, in $$\Delta LMN$$ and $$\Delta PNM$$, $$LM = PN, LN = PM.$$ Write the test which assures the congruence of the two triangles. Write their remaining congruent part.

Observe the information shown in the pair of triangles given below. State the test by which the two triangles are congruent. Write the remaining congruent parts of the triangles.


In the following example, a pair of triangles is shown. Equal parts of the triangle in each pair are marked with the same sign. Observe the figure and state the test by which the triangle in each pair are congruent.

$$\Delta XYZ \cong \Delta LMN$$

In the figure, point $$ D $$ and $$ E $$ are on side $$ B C $$ of $$ \Delta A B C, $$ such that $$ B D=C E $$ and $$ A D=A E $$
show that $$\triangle ABD \cong \triangle ACE$$.

Fill in the blank using the correct word given in brackets:
All squares are _____. (similar, congruent )

Line 1 is the bisector of an angle $$\angle A$$ and B is any point on l. BP and BQ are perpendiculars from B to the arms of $$\angle A$$. Show that : 
(i) $$\triangle APB \cong \triangle AQB$$
(ii) BP = BQ or B is equidistant from the arms of $$\angle A$$.

In the given figure, bisector of $$ \angle \mathrm{BAC} $$ intersects side $$ \mathrm{BC} $$ at point $$ \mathrm{D} $$. Prove that $$ \mathrm{AB}>\mathrm{BD} $$

In the given figure, point $$ S $$ is any point on side $$ \mathrm{QR} $$ of $$ \Delta \mathrm{PQR} $$
Prove that $$ : \mathrm{PQ}+\mathrm{QR}+\mathrm{RP}>2 \mathrm{PS} $$

In the figure, points D and E are on side BC of $$\Delta$$ ABC, such that BD = CE and AD = AE.

Show that $$\Delta \mathrm{ABD} \cong \Delta \mathrm{ACE}$$

In $$ \Delta \mathrm{PQR}, $$ If $$ \mathrm{PQ}>\mathrm{PR} $$ and bisectors of $$ \angle \mathrm{Q} $$ and $$ \angle \mathrm{R} $$ intersect at $$ \mathrm{S} $$. Show that $$ \mathrm{SQ}>\mathrm{SR} $$.

Fill in the blank using the correct word given in brackets:
All circles are ______. (Congruent, similar)

l and m are two parallel lines intersected by another pair of parallel lines p and q. Show that $$\triangle ABC \cong \triangle CDA$$.

ABC is a triangle in which altitudes BE and CF to sides AC and AB are equal. Show that
(i) $$\triangle ABE = \triangle  ACF$$
(ii) $$AB = AC$$ i.e., $$\triangle ABC$$
 is an isosceles triangle.

In fig $$\angle B < \angle A$$ and $$\angle C < \angle D$$. Show that AD < BC. 

In sides AB and AC of $$\triangle ABC$$ are extended to points P and Q respectively. Also, $$\angle PBC < \angle QCB$$. Show that AC > AB.

Two sides AB and BC and median AM of one triangle ABC are respectively equal to sides PQ and QR and median PN of $$\triangle PQR$$. Show that : 
(i) $$\triangle ABM \cong \triangle PQN$$
(ii) $$\triangle ABC \cong \triangle PQR$$

ABC and DBC are two isosceles triangles on the same base BC. Show that $$\angle ABD = \angle ACD$$. 


AB is a line segment and P is its midpoint. D and E are points on the same side of AB such that $$\angle BAD = \angle ABE$$ and $$ \angle  EPA = \angle  DPB$$. Show that 
(i) $$\triangle DAP \cong \triangle EBP$$
(ii) AD = BE

In right triangle ABC, right angled at C, M is the mid-point of hypotenuse AB. C is joined to M and produced to a point D such that DM = CM. Point D is joined to point B. Show that : 
(i) $$\triangle AMC \cong \triangle BMD$$
(ii) $$\angle DBC $$ is a right angle.
(iii) $$\triangle DBC \cong \triangle ACB$$
(iv) $$CM = \frac{1}{2} AB$$.


In AC = AE, AB = AD and $$\angle BAD = \angle EAC$$. Show that BC = DE

$$ABC$$ is an isosceles triangle with $$AB = AC$$. Show that $$\angle B = \angle C$$. 

BE and CF are two equal altitudes of a triangle ABC. Using RHS congruence rule, prove that the triangle ABC is isosceles.

In ( $$ \triangle ABC , AB = BC $$ and $$ | B = 64^{\circ} $$ find  | $$\angle C$$

In a triangle $$ ABC , AB = AC $$. Points G on AB and D on AC are such that $$AE = AD $$ prove that triangles BCD and CBE are congruent 

Justify the following statement with reason Difference of any two side is less than the third side 

In right triangle the make the statement true 
The sum of any two sides of a triangle is ____ than the  third side 

In $$\bigtriangleup  ABC , AC = AB $$ and the altitude AD bisects BC prove that $$ \bigtriangleup ADC = \bigtriangleup ADB $$

In Fg. PR > PQ and PS bisects $$\angle QPR$$. Prove that $$\angle PSR > \angle PSQ$$. 

Let ABC be a triangle and P be an interior point , prove that $$AB + BC + CA < 2 ( PA + PB + PC ) $$

In the adjoining figure If  $$BC = EF$$ then, $$\angle C = $$ _____ and $$\angle A = $$ _______ 

Let AABC be a triangle such that $$\angle  B = 70^{\circ}$$ and $$\angle  C = 40^{\circ}$$ . Suppose D is a point on BC such that $$AB = AD $$ Prove that $$Ab > CD$$

In a $$\bigtriangleup ABC , AB = AC $$ and $$ | A = 50^{\circ} $$ find $$\angle B $$ and $$ \angle C $$

Two triangles $$ABC$$ and $$DBC$$ have common base $$BC$$. Suppose $$AB= DC $$ and $$\angle  ABC = \angle BCD $$, then prove that $$AC = BD$$.

In triangles, $$ABC$$ and $$PQR, \angle A = \angle Q$$ and $$\angle B = \angle R$$ then which side of $$\Delta PQR$$ is equal to side $$BC$$ of $$\Delta ABC$$, so that both triangles congruent? Give reasons for your answer.


If two sides and one angle of a triangle are equal to two sides and the angle of other then both the triangles must congruent to each other. Is this statement true?

Let ABC be a triangle . Drawn a triangle BDC externally on BC such that AB = BD and AC = CD Prove that $$\bigtriangleup  ABC \cong \bigtriangleup  DBC $$

In figure, $$ADBC$$ is a quadrilateral in which $$\angle ABC = \angle ABD$$ and $$BC = BD$$ then show that $$\Delta ABC \cong \Delta ABD$$.


In $$\Delta ABC$$ and $$\Delta PQR$$, $$\angle A = \angle Q$$ and $$\angle B = \angle R$$. Then which side of $$\Delta PQR$$ is equal to side $$AB$$ of $$\Delta ABC$$. So that both triangles become congruent. Give reason for your answer.


If two angles and one side of a triangle are equal to two angles and one side of other triangle then both As must congruent to each other. Is this statement true?

In the adjoining figure If $$AC = CE $$ and $$\bigtriangleup  ABC \cong \bigtriangleup  DEC $$  then $$\angle D = $$ _____ and $$\angle A = $$ _______

In figure, $$Q$$ is a point on side $$SR$$ of $$\Delta PSR$$ such that $$PQ = PR$$. Prove that $$PS > PQ$$.


$$\Delta ABC$$ and $$\Delta DBC$$ are two isosceles $$I$$ triangles on the same base $$BC$$ and vertices $$A$$ and $$D$$ are on the same side of $$BC$$ (see figure). If $$AD$$ is extended to intersect $$BC$$ at $$P$$, show that
(i) $$\Delta ABD \cong \Delta ACD$$
(ii) $$\Delta ABP \cong \Delta ACP$$
(iii) $$AP$$ bisects $$\angle A$$ as well as $$\angle D$$
(iv) $$AP$$ is the perpendicular bisector of $$BC$$.


$$AD$$ is the median of any $$\Delta ABC$$. Is it true to say that $$AB + BC + CA > 2AD$$. Give reason for your answer.

$$BE$$ and $$CF$$ are two equal altitudes of $$\Delta ABC$$. By using RHS congruency rule, prove that $$\Delta ABC$$ is an isosceles triangle.

In $$\Delta ABC$$, $$\angle A > \angle B$$ and $$\angle B > \angle C$$, then write the smallest side.

In an $$\Delta ABC$$ with $$AB = AC$$, $$D$$ is any point on the side $$AC$$. Show that $$CD < BD$$.

In $$\Delta PQR$$, $$S$$ is any point on side $$QR$$. Show that $$PQ + QR + RP > 2PS$$.

In figure, $$AD = BD$$ and $$\angle C = \angle E$$. Prove that $$BC = AE$$.


In figure, $$O$$ is an interior point of $$\Delta ABC$$. Show that: $$AB + BC + CA < 2(OA + OB +OC)$$.


In any triangle ABC if $$AB > AC$$ and $$D$$ is any point on BC then prove that $$AB > AD$$.

In the given figure, $$O$$ is the middle point of both $$AB$$ and $$CD$$. Prove that $$AC = BD$$ and $$AC || BD$$.


In figure, $$CB = AD$$ and $$AB = CD$$. Can we say $$\angle ABC$$ and $$\angle ADC$$ are equal? Why?


Prove that the difference of any two sides of a triangle is less than the third side.

In figure, $$\angle B > \angle A$$ and $$\angle D > \angle E$$ then show that $$AE > BD$$.


In figure, $$BA \perp AC, DE \perp EF$$, such that $$BA = DE$$ and $$BF = CD$$, prove that $$AC = EF$$.


In figure, side $$AB$$ and $$AC$$ are produced to point $$D$$ and $$E$$ respectively. Bisectors $$BO$$ and $$CO$$ of $$\angle DBC$$ and $$\angle ECB$$ respectively meet at $$O$$. If $$AB > AC$$. Prove that $$OC > OB$$.


In the given figure, $$PQRS$$ is a quadrilateral. $$PQ$$ is its longest side and $$RS$$ is its shortest side. Prove that: $$\angle R > \angle P$$ and $$\angle S > \angle Q$$.


In figure, side $$QR$$ of $$\Delta PQR$$ is produced on both sides such that $$\angle PQS = \angle PRT$$. Prove that $$PQ = PR$$.


If figure, $$ABCD$$ is a quadrilateral. Prove that $$AB + BC + CD + DA > AC + BD$$.


In figure, $$T$$ is a point on side $$QR$$ of $$\Delta PQR$$ and $$S$$ is a point such that $$RT = ST$$. Prove that $$PQ + PR > QS$$.


If two sides of a triangle are unequal then the longer side has greater angle opposite to it. Prove it.

In figure, $$PQR$$ is a triangle and $$S$$ is any point in its interior, show that $$SQ + SR < PQ + PR$$.


For the following congruent triangles, find the pairs of corresponding angles.

In the adjoining figure, $$AD=BD$$ $$\angle{ABD}={65}^{o}$$ & $$\angle{DAC}={22}^{o}$$.
Find $$\angle{ACD}$$


If $$a, b, c$$ are sides of a scalene triangle then prove that$$(a + b + c)^{3} > 27$$ $$(a + b - c)(b + c - a)(c + a -b)$$

In given figures sides $$AB$$ and $$BC$$ and median $$AD$$ of a $$\triangle ABC$$ are respectively proportional to sides $$PQ, QR$$ and median $$PM$$ of $$\triangle PQR$$. Show that $$\triangle ABC \sim \triangle PQR$$.


In given figure two sides $$AB, BC$$ and median $$AM$$ of one triangle $$ABC$$ are respectively equal to sides $$PQ$$ and $$QR$$ and median $$PN$$ of $$\triangle PQR$$. Show that:
$$\triangle ABM\cong \triangle PQN$$

In Fig $$7.32$$, measure of some parts of triangles are given. By applying $$RHS$$ congruence rule, state which pairs of triangles are congruent. In case of congruent triangles, write the result in symbolic form.

If any point $$O$$ in the interior of a triangle ABC. Prove that AB $$+$$ BC $$+$$ CA $$>$$ OA $$+$$ OB $$+$$ OC.

$$ABC$$ is an isosceles triangle right angled at $$B$$. Equilateral triangles $$ACD$$ and $$ABE$$ are constructed on sides $$AC$$ and $$AB$$. Find the ratio between the areas of $$\triangle{ABE}$$ and $$\triangle{ACD}$$.

In the adjacent figure $$ABCD$$ is a square and $$\Delta A P B$$ is an equilateral triangle. Prove that $$ \Delta A P D \cong \Delta B P C$$ .
(Hint: In $$\Delta A P D$$ and $$\Delta B P C \quad \overline { A D } = \overline { B C } , \overline { A P } = \overline { B P }$$ and
$$\angle P A D = \angle P B C = 90 ^ { \circ } - 60 ^ { \circ } = 30 ^ { \circ } )$$


O if any point in the interior of a triangle ABC. Prove that AB $$+$$ AC $$>$$ OB $$+$$ OC.

Given : EB = DB
$$\angle A\, = \,\angle C\, = \,90^\circ $$
So,  $$\Delta ABE\, \cong \,\Delta CDB$$

$$ABC$$ is an isosceles triangle in which $$AC=BC\ AD$$ and $$BE$$ are respectively two altitudes of side $$BC$$ and $$AC$$. Prove that $$AE=BD$$.

In the given figure, $$\angle \mathrm { BMN } = \angle \mathrm { CMN }$$ and AN bisects $$\angle B A C$$. Prove that $$\Delta A B M \equiv \Delta A C M$$.


In the adjacent figure $$ABCD$$ is a square and $$\Delta A P B$$ is an equilateral triangle. Prove that $$\Delta  APD  \cong \Delta  PPC$$
(Hint : In $$\Delta APD$$ and $$\Delta B P C \quad \vec { A D } = \overline { B C } , \overline { A P } = \overline { B P }$$ and $$\angle P A D = \angle P B C = 90 ^ { \circ } - 60 ^ { \circ } = 30 ^ { \circ } ]$$


In the figure,prove that $$\triangle APM \cong \triangle APN$$ if $$PM=PN, PM\bot AB$$ and $$PN \bot AC$$

In $$\Delta PQR$$ , If PQ>PR and bisectors of $$\angle Q$$ and $$\angle R$$ interested at $$S$$. Show that SQ>SR.

Find the circumcentre of the triangle with the vertices A (-3,4) , B (3,4) and C (-4,-3). What is the circumradius  of the circle?

$$ABCD$$ is a square. $$E$$ and $$F$$ are respectively the mid-point of $$BC$$ and $$CD$$. If $$R$$ is the mid point of $$EF$$ prove that
$$ar(AER)=ar(AFR) $$.

In right triangle $$ABC$$, right angled at $$C,M$$ is the mid-point of hypotenuse $$AB$$. $$C$$ is joined to $$M$$ and produced to a point $$D$$ such that $$DM = CM$$. Point $$D$$ is joined to point $$B$$. Show that  $$CM = \dfrac{1}{2}AB$$

In figure ,if $$seg\,PR \cong \,seg\,PQ,$$
show that $$seg\,PS > \,seg\,PQ.$$

If line segments AB and CD bisect each other
at O, then using SAS congruence rule prove
that $$  \Delta AOC \equiv \Delta BOD  $$.


Show that the origin in with in the triangle whose angular points are (2, 1), (3, -2) and (-4, -1).

In the following diagram, AP and BQ are equal and parallel to each other.
Prove that:
(i)$$\Delta AOP \equiv \Delta BOQ$$
(ii)$$AB$$ and $$PQ$$bisect each other

In a $$\Delta PQR$$, if $$PQ=QR$$ and L, M and N are mid-points of the sides PQ,QR and RP respectively. Prove that $$LN=MN$$.

In right triangle $$ABC$$, right angled at $$C$$, $$M$$ is the mid-point of hypotenuse $$AB$$. $$C$$ is joined to $$M$$ and produced to a point $$D$$ such that $$DM = CM$$. Point $$D$$ is joined to point $$B$$ (see the given figure). Show that: $$(i) \triangle{AMC}\cong \triangle{BMD} $$ $$\left(ii\right) CM = \dfrac{1}{2}AB$$


Can you construct a triangle ABC with BC$$=6$$cm, $$\angle$$B$$=60^o$$ and AB$$+$$AC$$=5$$cm? If not give reason.

$$ABC$$  and  $$D B C$$  are two isosceles triangles on the same base  $$B C$$  (see Fig.). Show that  $$\angle ABD=\angle ACD.$$

If $$\Delta ABC \sim \Delta PQR, \ ar( \Delta ABC)=16 \ cm^2 $$ and $$\ ar(\Delta PQR)=81 \ cm^2, AB=2 \ cm$$ find PQ.

In $$ \Delta ABC,BD \perp AC $$ and $$ CE \perp AB.$$ If BD and CE intersect at O, prove that $$ \angle BOC = 180^{\circ} - A. $$ 

In a $$ \Delta ABC, AD $$ bisects $$ \angle A $$ and $$ \angle C > \angle B. $$ Prove that $$ \angle ADB > \angle ADC. $$

In figure, P is the point on the side BC. Complete the following statement using symbol $$' = ' , ' > '$$ or $$' < '$$ so as to make it true.


Class 9 Maths Extra Questions