Water A Precious Resource - Class 7 Geography - Extra Questions

Very short answer type question.
What happens during low tide?

Very short answer type question.
What happened to the Indira point during the tsunami of 2004?

What are tides and how are they caused?

Very Short Answer Type Questions:
What makes the water of lakes and rivers unsuitable for human use?

Give reasons.
Ocean water is salty.

Fill in the blanks with appropriate words to complete each sentence:
The hydrosphere comprises water in the form of ______, water and ______.

What are oceans currents?

What are the factors affecting the height of the waves?

What is a water cycle?

Which factors effects the movement of ocean water?

Long answer type question.
Give an account of ocean currents.

Long answer type question.
How do we classify ocean movements? Explain.

Very short answer type question.
What happens during high tide?

Give reasons.
The quality of water is deteriorating.

Short answer type question.
How are high tides important?

Short answer type questions.
How are spring and neap tides formed.

 What are the different stages of water cycle?

Class 7 Geography Extra Questions