CBSE Questions for Class 10 Maths Quadratic Equations Quiz 11 -

Discriminant is_________ for the quadratic equation $$x+\dfrac { 1 }{ x } =-5$$.
  • 29
  • 21
  • 20
  • 6
In quadratic equation $$ax^2 + bx + c = 0$$, If discriminant $$D = b^2 - 4ac$$, then roots of quadratic equation are :
  • real and distinct, if D > 0
  • real and equal (repeated roots), if D = 0
  • non-real (imaginary), if D < 0
  • none of the above
The sun of the values of $$x$$ satisfying the equation $${ \left( 31+8\sqrt { 150 }  \right)  }^{ { x }^{ 2 }-3 }+1={ \left( 32+8\sqrt { 150 }  \right)  }^{ { x }^{ 2 }-3 }$$ is
  • $$3$$
  • $$0$$
  • $$2$$
  • $$none\ of\ these$$
To expand $$\left(4 -\dfrac{3}{x^2}\right)^{\dfrac{-1}{2}}$$ as the sum of infinite series, then [x] is greater than 
  • $$\dfrac{1}{\sqrt3}$$
  • $$\dfrac{sqrt3}{2}$$
  • 2
  • 1/2
Minimum value of the expression $$cos^{2} \theta -(6sin \theta . cos \theta )+3 sin^{2} \theta +2$$ , is -
  • $$4+\sqrt {10}$$
  • $$4-\sqrt {10}$$
  • 0
  • 4
What is the value of the discriminant for the quadratic equation:
$$\sqrt 2 {x^2} - 5x + \sqrt 2  = 0$$
  • $$-5$$
  • $$17$$
  • $$\sqrt 2 $$
  • $$2\sqrt 2 $$
Find the roots of the following complenting the square.
  • $${x^2} - 4\sqrt {2x} + 6 = 0$$
  • $$3{x^2} + 11x + 10 = 0$$
  • $$2{x^2} + x + 4 = 0$$
  • $$4{x^2} + 4\sqrt {3x} + 3 = 0$$
Let $$\alpha ,\beta $$ be the roots of $$a{ x }^{ 2 }+bx+c=0(a\neq 0)$$ and $$\gamma ,\delta $$ be the roots of $$p{ x }^{ 2 }+qx+r=0(p\neq 0)$$, and $${ D }_{ 1 },{ D }_{ 2 }$$ be the respective discriminants of these equations. If $$\alpha ,\beta ,\gamma ,\delta $$ are in A.P., then $${ D }_{ 1 },{ D }_{ 2 }$$ equals
  • $$\frac { { a }^{ 2 } }{ { p }^{ 2 } } $$
  • $$\frac { { a }^{ 2 } }{ { b }^{ 2 } } $$
  • $$\frac { { b }^{ 2 } }{ { q }^{ 2 } } $$
  • $$\frac { { c }^{ 2 } }{ { r }^{ 2 } } $$
The discriminant of $$\sqrt{3}x^{2}-2\sqrt{2}x-2\sqrt{3}=0$$  is ......................
  • 32
  • 16
  • -32
  • -16
Out of the following_____________is not a quadratic equation.
  • $$2{x^2} + \sqrt 6 x - 6 = 0$$
  • $$x\left( {3x + 2} \right) = \left( {x + 2} \right)\left( {x - 1} \right)$$
  • $$x\left( {x - 2} \right) + 3 = {x^2} + 3$$
  • $$\left( {x + 2} \right)\left( {x - 3} \right) = 0$$
What is the standard form of quadratic equation $$9 =  - {x^2} + 13x?$$
  • $${x^2} + y = 13x$$
  • $${x^2} + 13x - y = 0$$
  • $${x^2} + 13x - 9 = 0$$
  • $$ - {x^2} + 13x - 9 = 0$$

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