CBSE Questions for Class 12 Medical Chemistry Aldehydes, Ketones And Carboxylic Acids Quiz 9 -

The compound (X) is:
  • $$PhCOONa$$
  • $$Ph - CH = CH - Ph$$
The product $$X$$ is:

Synthesis of propellane takes place by the above route. Product (x) in the above reaction sequence is :

A carbonyl compound reacts with hydrogen cyanide to form cyanohydrin which on hydrolysis forms a racemic mixture of $$\alpha$$-hydroxy acid. The carbonyl compound is:
  • acetaldehyde
  • acetone
  • diethyl ketone
  • formaldehyde
Which of the following is the characteristic smell of benzaldehyde?
  • Fish like smell
  • Bitter almond like
  • Pungent smell
  • Rotten egg like smell
Nucleophilic addition reaction will be most favoured in:
  • $$CH_{3}$$ - $$CH_{2}$$ - $$CH_{2}C$$ - $$CH_{3}$$
  • $$\left (CH_{3} \right)_{2}C$$ = $$O$$
  • $$CH_{3}CH_{2}CHO$$
  • $$CH_{3}CHO$$
Identify $$(X)$$ and $$(Y)$$ in the given reaction sequence. 
An aromatic hydrocarbon has the molecular formula $$C_{10}H_{14}$$. Upon oxidation with boiling alkaline $$KMnO_{4}$$ followed by acidification, it yields benzene dicarboxylic acid. The total isomers for $$C_{10}H_{14}$$ are:
  • $$9$$
  • $$8$$
  • $$7$$
  • $$6$$
Which of the following reactions will give $$\displaystyle \alpha -$$ hydroxy acid as a product?
  • $$\displaystyle CH_{3}-CHO\xrightarrow[\left ( ii \right )H_{2}O/H^{\oplus }/\Delta ]{\left ( i \right )NaCN/HCl}$$
  • $$\displaystyle CH_{3}-CHO+Br-CH_{2}-COOC_{2}H_{5}\xrightarrow[\begin{matrix}

    \left ( ii \right )NH_{4}Cl/HOH\\

    \left ( iii \right )HOH/H^{\oplus }/\Delta

    \end{matrix}]{\left ( i \right )Zn}$$
  • $$\displaystyle CH_{3}-COOH\xrightarrow{NaOH/HOH}$$
  • All of these
In the given reaction, the product $$(B)$$ is :

$$\displaystyle CH_{3}CHO\xrightarrow[\left ( ii \right )H_{2}O/H^{\oplus }/\Delta ]{\left ( i \right )NaCN/HCl}\left ( A \right )\xrightarrow[reagent]{Fenton}\left ( B \right )$$
  • acetic acid
  • oxalic acid
  • pyruvic acid
  • citric acid
What will be the product of the following reaction :
 (according to OPTIONS in the image shown)

  • B
  • C
  • D
  • A
Identify $$X$$ in the following reaction.

In the given reaction,
$$ CH_3COCH_3 \xrightarrow{CH_3C\equiv \overset{\Theta}{C}\overset{\oplus }{Na}} X \xrightarrow[]{H_2O} Y\xrightarrow[]{H_2-Pd/CaCO_3}Z\xrightarrow[]{Al_2O_3} $$ W, W is:
  • $$CH_2=CH-CH=CH_2$$
  • $$CH_3-CH=CH-CH=CH_2$$
  • $$(CH_3)CH=CH-C(CH_3)=CH_2$$
  • $$CH_3CH=CH-CH=CH-CH_3$$
The IUPAC name of the compound given below is:
$$ CH_{3}CH_{2}CO CH_{2} CH_{3}$$
  • 1-pentanone
  • 2-pentanone
  • 2-carboxybutane
  • 3-pentanone
Compound 'P' of the following reaction sequence can be :
Which of the following compound cannot have the condensed formula $$C_5H_{10}O$$?
  • An aldehyde
  • A ketone
  • An alkenol
  • A cyclic ketone
The reagents X and Y are respectively :

  • $$X = CH_{3}COCl / AlCl_{3}, Y = KMnO_{4} / OH^{\Theta } / \Delta ,$$ (acidification)
  • $$X = CH_{3}CH_{2}Cl / AlCl_{3}, Y = CrO_{3} / H^{+ } / \Delta $$
  • $$X = CH_{3}COCl /AlCl_{3}, Y= I_{2} / NaOH,$$ (acidification)
  • $$X= KMnO_{4} /OH^{\Theta } / \Delta ,$$ (acidification), $$Y=CH_{3}CH_{2}Cl

    / AlCl_{3}$$
The IUPAC name of acetyl acetone is :
  • pentane-2,5-dione
  • pentane-2,4-dione
  • hexane-2,4-dione
  • butane-2,4-dione
Which reagent from the below the list should be used to effect the transformation shown?
  • $$1)\, LiAlH_4/Et_2O;\, \, 2)\, Br_2/H_2O;\, \, 3)\, K_2CO_3/H_2O$$
  • $$OsO_4/KIO_4/H_2O/Acetone$$
  • $$1)\, (COCl)_2/Me_2SO/Et_3N/-60^oC;\, \, 2)\, NaBH_4/EtOH/\triangle$$
  • $$K_2Cr_2O_7/H_2SO_4/H_2O/Acetone$$
Which of the following is example of 1,4- addition reaction ?
The reagent used to convert reactant into product is:
  • $$NaCN$$, $$H_3O^+$$
  • $$KCN$$, $$H_2O$$
  • $$KMnO_4$$
  • $$KOH$$, $$KMnO_4$$
When D - glucose is treated with $$\displaystyle HNO_{3}$$ then the product is :
Which set of reaction condition is best suited for the preparation of $$5-oxohexanoic$$ acid from $$5-bromo-2-pentanone$$?
  • i) $$NaCN$$ in ethanol;$$\, \, $$ ii) $$H_3O^{(+)}$$ & heat
  • i) $$NaC\equiv CH$$ in ether;$$\, \, $$ ii) aqueous $$KMnO_4$$ & heat
  • i) Mg in ether;$$\, \, $$ ii) $$CO_2$$, then $$H_3O^{(+)}$$
  • i) $$NaOH$$ in ethanol;$$\, \, $$ ii) John's regent
The product of the given reaction is :
When D-glucose is treated with $$\displaystyle Br_{2}$$ water then the product is :
Which sequence of reactions would be best for the conversion of toluene into para-bromopheny lacetic acid? (NBS = N-bromosuccinimide)
  • $$i) \,Br_2$$ and $$FeBr_3 ;\, \, ii) \,KMnO_4$$ and $$heat ;\, \, iii) \,NaCN$$ in ethanol $$;\, \, iv) \,H_3O^{+}$$ and $$heat$$
  • $$i) Br_2$$ and $$FeBr_3; \, \, ii) \,NBS \,in \,CCl_4;\, \, iii) \,Mg$$ in ether followed by $$ CO_2;\, \, iv)\, H_3O^{+}$$
  • $$i)\, Br_2$$ and $$FeBr_3; \, \, ii)\, NBS \,in \,CCl_4;\, \, iii)\, NaCN$$ in ethanol $$ iv)\, H_3O^{+}$$
  • $$i)\, Br_2$$ and $$FeBr_3; \, \, ii)\, KMnO_4$$ and $$heat;\, \, iii)\, Mg$$ in ether followed by $$CO_2;\, \, iv)\, H_3O^{+}$$
In which of the following reaction, one of the product is a carboxylic acid:
  • $$CH_3CH_2CHO + Ag(NH_3)_2^+ \rightarrow$$
The compound (C) is:
Identify the product formed in the given reaction.
  • $$CH_3COOH$$
  • .$$CH_3CH_2COOH$$
  • .$$CH_3CH_2CH_2COOH$$
  • .
Which set of reaction conditions is best suited for the preparation of 5-oxo-hexanoic acid from 5-bromo-2-pen-tanone?
  • i) $$NaCN$$ in ethnol;$$\, \, $$ ii) $$H_3O^{(+)}$$ & heat
  • i) $$NaC\equiv C$$ ether;$$\, \, $$ ii) aqueous $$KMnO_4$$ & heta
  • i) Mg in ether;$$\, \, $$ ii) $$CO_2$$, then $$H_3O^{(+)}$$
  • i) $$NaOH$$ in ethnol;$$\, \, $$ ii) Joes' regent
The structure of compound (A) is :
The given reaction is a :
  • 1,4 addition reaction
  • 2,3 addition reaction
  • Neutralisation reaction
  • none
The colour of $$Cr_2O_7^{2-}$$ changes from orange to blue-green when added to compound (A). The blue-green colour is due to the formation of :
  • $$Cr^{2+}$$
  • $$Cr^{3+}$$
  • $$CrO_4^{2-}$$
  • $$CrO_5$$
Identify the functional group in Product B?
  • Ketone
  • Carboxylic acid
  • aldehyde
  • none
The colourless and odourless gas (B) is:
  • $$CO$$
  • $$CO_2$$
  • $$H_2$$
  • $$H_2O$$
Which of the following on oxidation with alkaline $$KMnO_4$$ followed by acidification with dil. $$HCl$$ gives terephthalic acid?
  • p-Ethyl toluene
  • n-Butane
  • 1,3 - Di-isopropyl benzene
  • m-Xylene
R and S are:
  • I only
  • I and II
  • III only
  • None of these
  • Blank
Compound $$(C)\;\xrightarrow{P_4O_{10}}\;Product\;(F)$$

The product $$F$$ may be:
  • Malonic anhydride
  • Ethanoic anhydride
  • Ethanal
  • A lactone
In the following sequence of reactions, products (A) to (H) are formed. Then the Compound (D) is :

In the following sequence of reactions, products (A) to (H) are formed. Then the Compound (B) is :

In the following sequence of reactions, products (A) to (H) are formed. Then the Compound (F) is :


Select the correct group(s) of reagent(s) used in the following conversions:
  • $$ I \Rightarrow dil. HNO_3, II \Rightarrow Na_2Cr_2O_7 / H_2SO_4, III \Rightarrow KMnO_4 / NaOH, IV \Rightarrow PbO_4 / O^{\ominus} H, H_3O^{\bigoplus}$$
  • $$I \Rightarrow dil HNO_3, II \Rightarrow KMnO_4 / H^{\bigoplus}, III \Rightarrow KMnO_4 / NaOH, IV \Rightarrow TsCl + acidic KMnO_4 + H_2O$$
  • $$I \Rightarrow KMnO_4 / NaOH, II \Rightarrow Na_2Cr_2O_7 / H^{\bigoplus}, III \Rightarrow KMnO_4 / O^{\ominus}H, IV \Rightarrow dil. HNO_3$$
  • $$I \Rightarrow CrO_3 / MeCOOH, II \Rightarrow KMnO_4 / O^{\ominus} H, III \Rightarrow KMnO_4 / H^{\bigoplus}, IV \Rightarrow dil. HNO_3$$
In the following sequence of reactions, products (A) to (H) are formed. Then the Compound (C) is :

In the following sequence of reactions, products (A) to (H) are formed. Then the Compound (H) is :

$$\text{(F)}$$ on ozonolysis will produce:
  • acetic aicd
  • formic acid
  • propanoic acid
  • formaldehyde
Reagent (C) is :
  • $$O_3/Ph_3P$$
  • $$O_3/NaBH_4$$
  • $$O_3/H_2O_2$$
  • $$KMnO_4/\overset{\ominus }{O}H$$
In case of aldehydes and ketones there is the addition of nucleophile but in case of acyl compound, there is a nucleophilic substitution.
  • True
  • False
(D) and (C) are :
  • Isomeric alkane
  • Isomeric alkene
  • Not isomers
  • (C) is an alkene and (D) is salt
Why is the conversion of ethanol to ethanoic acid an oxidation reaction?
  • Carbon is oxidized.
  • Hydrogen oxidation number is changed.
  • carbon is reduced.
  • carbon undergoes disproportination.
In the given sequence of reactions, predict $$(X)$$.
$$(X)\xrightarrow [ { H }_{ 2 }O ]{ KOH }  (Y) \xrightarrow [ 433K ]{ { Al }_{ 2 }O_{ 3 } }  (Z) \xrightarrow [  ]{ [O] }  2mol {CH}_{3}COOH$$
  • $${CH}_{3}{CH}_{2}CH(I){CH}_{3}$$
  • $${CH}_{3}{CH}_{2}{CH}_{2}{CH}_{2}I$$
  • $${CH}_{3}CH(I)CH(I){CH}_{3}$$
  • $${CH}_{3}CH(I){CH}_{2}{CH}_{2}I$$

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Practice Class 12 Medical Chemistry Quiz Questions and Answers