CBSE Questions for Class 12 Medical Chemistry Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen Quiz 1 -

Which of the following is the most stable diazonium salt?
  • $$C_6H_5CH_2N_2^+X^-$$
  • $$CH_3N_2^+X^-$$
  • $$CH_3CH_2N_2^+X^-$$
  • $$C_6H_5N_2^+X^-$$
Which of the following amines yields foul smelling product with haloform and alcoholic $$KOH$$?
  • Ethylamine
  • Diethyl amine
  • Triethylamine
  • Ethyl methylamine
Which of the following is a secondary amine ?
  • Aniline
  • Diphenyl amine
  • Sec. butyl amine
  • Tert. butyl amine
Which of the following will not undergo diazotisation ?
  • m-toluidine
  • Aniline
  • p-aminophenol
  • Benzyl amine
Which of the N atoms is least basic in the given compound ?
  • a
  • b
  • c
  • d
Which of the following is the least basic?
  • All are equally basic
Which is most basic?
Which of the following compound is expected to be most basic 
  • Aniline
  • Methylamine
  • Hydroxylamine
  • Ethylamine
Which of the following is obtained by reducing methyl cyanide with $$Na+ C_2H_5OH$$?
  • Methyl alcohol
  • Acetic acid
  • Ethyl amine
  • Methane
What is the_decreasing order of basicity of pri., sec., tert., ethyl amines and $$NH_3?$$
  • $$NH_3>C_2H_5NH_2>(C_2H_5)_2NH>(C_2H_5)_3N$$
  • $$(C_2H_5)_3N>(C_2H_5)_2NH>C_2H_5NH_2>NH_3$$
  • $$(C_2H_5)_2NH>C_2H_5NH_2>NH_3>(C_2H_5)_3N>NH_3$$
  • $$(C_2H_5)_2NH>C_2H_5NH_2>NH_3>(C_2H_5)_3N$$
The correct increasing order of basic strengths in,
$4CH_3N=CHCH_3$$ is:
  • $$CH_3N=CHCH_3,CH_3CH_2NH_2,CH_3CH_2CN$$
  • $$CH_3CH_2NH_2,CH_3N=CHCH_3,CH_3CH_2CN$$
  • $$CH_3CH_2CN,CH_3N=CHCH_3,CH_3CH_2NH_2$$
  • $$CH_3CH_2CN,CH_3CH_2NH_2,CH_3N=CHCH_3$$
The boiling points of amines and their corresponding alcohols and acids vary in the order:
  • $$RCH_2NH_2>RCOOH>RCH_2OH$$
  • $$RCH_2NH_2>RCH_2OH>RCOOH$$
  • $$RCH_2NH_2$$ $$<$$ $$RCOOH$$ $$<$$ $$RCH_2OH$$
  • $$RCH_2NH_2$$ $$<$$ $$RCH_2OH$$ $$<$$ $$RCOOH$$
The correct order of basic nature of $$CH_3NH_2,(CH_3)_2NH,(CH_3)_3N$$ and $$NH_3$$ is:
  • $$CH_3NH_2>(CH_3)_2NH>(CH_3)_3N>NH_3$$
  • $$(CH_3)_3N>(CH_3)_2NH>CH_3NH_2>NH_3$$
  • $$(CH_3)_2NH>CH_3NH_2>(CH_3)_3N>NH_3$$
  • $$NH_3>(CH_3)_3N>CH_3NH_2>(CH_3)_2NH$$
Choose the correct order for the boiling points of amines:
  • $${ CH }_{ 3 }\ddot { N } { H }_{ 2 }>({ CH }_{ 3 })_{ 2 }\ddot { N } H>(CH_{ 3 })_{ 3 }\ddot { N } $$
  • $$({ CH }_{ 3 })_{ 2 }\ddot { N } H>(CH_{ 3 })_{ 3 }\ddot { N } >{ CH }_{ 3 }\ddot { N } { H }_{ 2 }$$
  • $$(CH_{ 3 })_{ 3 }\ddot { N } <{ CH }_{ 3 }\ddot { N } { H }_{ 2 }<({ CH }_{ 3 })_{ 2 }\ddot { N } H$$
  • $$C{ H }_{ 3 }\ddot { N } { H }_{ 2 }<({ CH }_{ 3 })_{ 2 }\ddot { N } H<(CH_{ 3 })_{ 3 }\ddot { N } $$
Among following the weakest base is:
  • $$C_6H_5CH_2NH_2$$
  • $$C_6H_5CH_2NHCH_3$$
  • $$O_2N-CH_2NH_2$$
  • $$CH_3NHCHO$$
Which has the highest $$pK_b$$ value?
  • $$R_3C-NH_2$$
  • $$R_2NH$$
  • $$RNH_2$$
  • $$NH_3$$
The correct order of basic nature in aqueous solution is:
  • $$C_6H_5NH_2>NH_3>CH_3NH_2>(CH_3)_2NH$$
  • $$NH_3>C_6H_5NH_2>CH_3NH_2>(CH_3)_2NH$$
  • $$(CH_3)_2NH>CH_3NH_2>NH_3>C_6H_5NH_2$$
  • $$CH_3NH_2>(CH_3)_2NH>NH_3>C_6H_5NH_2$$
Which one of the following is most basic?
  • $$FCH_2NH_2$$
  • $$FCH_2CH_2NH_2$$
  • $$C_6H_5NH_2$$
  • $$C_6H_5CH_2NH_2$$
Which of the following amines would undergoes diazotisation
  • Primary aliphatic amines
  • Primary aromatics amines
  • Both (a) and (b)
  • None of these
The correct increasing order of basic strength of the labeled N is?
  • 1 < 2 < 3 <4
  • 4 < 3 < 2 < 1
  • 1 < 3 < 4 < 2
  • 1 < 2 < 4 < 3
Amines are basic in nature because
  • They produce $$OH^-$$ ions when treated with $$H_2O$$
  • They have polar H atom attached to nitrogen atom
  • They have lone pair of electrons on nitrogen atom
  • They have alkyl group attached with nitrogen atom
The most stable diazonium salt is ........
  • $${ CH }_{ 3 }N_{ 2 }X$$
  • $${ C }_{ 6 }{ H }_{ 5 }{ N }_{ 2 }X$$
  • $${ C }_{ 2 }{ H }_{ 5 }{ N }_{ 2 }X$$
  • $${ C }_{ 6 }{ H }_{ 5 }{ CH }_{ 2 }N_2X$$
Which of the following order for basic strength of amines is correct?

  • $$I > III > IV > II$$
  • $$IV > I > II > III$$
  • $$I > IV > II > III$$
  • $$I > II > IV > III$$
In the following compound the order of basicity is ?
  • $$IV>I>III>II$$
  • $$III>I>IV>II$$
  • $$II>I>III>IV$$
  • $$I>III>II>IV$$
Among the following amines, the strongest Bronsted base is 
Which of the following order of basic character are correct ?
  • $$ p-CH_3O.C_6H_4NH_2 > o-CH_3O.C_6H_4NH_2 > m-CH_3O.C_6H_4NH_2 $$
  • $$ p-CH_3O.C_6H_4NH_2 > m-CH_3O.C_6H_4NH_2 > o-CH_3O.C_6H_4NH_2 $$
  • $$ o-CH_3O.C_6H_4NH_2 > p-CH_3O.C_6H_4NH_2 > m-CH_3O.C_6H_4NH_2 $$
  • $$ o-CH_3O.C_6H_4NH_2 > m-CH_3O.C_6H_4NH_2 > p-CH_3O.C_6H_4NH_2 $$
The correct increasing order of basic strength of the labelled N ?
  • II
  • IV
  • I
  • III
$$HCONR\xrightarrow[pyridine ]{POCl_3}(a)+H_2O$$; (a) in the above reaction is:
  • $$RCH=NOH$$
  • $$R-N=C=O$$
  • $$R-C=N$$
  • $$R-N=C$$
The correct order of decreasing basicity of the given compounds is :
  • I $$>$$ II $$>$$ III $$>$$ IV
  • II $$>$$ I $$>$$ IV $$>$$ III
  • III $$>$$ IV $$>$$ II $$>$$ I
  • II $$>$$ I $$>$$ III $$>$$ IV
Amoung the following compounds, the increasing order of their basic strength is :
  • $$(I) > (II) < (IV) < (III)$$
  • $$(I) > (II) < (III) < (IV)$$
  • $$(II) > (I) < (IV) < (III)$$
  • $$(II) > (I) < (III) < (IV)$$
What is the decreasing order of basicity ?
  • $${ NH }_{ 3 }>{ C }_{ 2 }{ H }_{ 5 }{ NH }_{ 2 }>\left( { C }_{ 2 }H_{ 5 } \right) _{ 2 }NH>\left( { C }_{ 2 }{ H }_{ 5 } \right) _{ 3 }N$$
  • $$\left( { C }_{ 2 }{ H }_{ 5 } \right) _{3 }N>\left( { C }_{ 2 }{ H }_{ 5 } \right) _{ 2 }NH>{ C }_{ 2 }{ H }_{ 5 }{ NH }_{ 2 }>{ NH }_{ 3 }$$
  • $$\left( { C }_{ 2 }{ H }_{ 5 } \right) _{ 2 }NH>{ C }_{ 2 }{ H }_{ 5 }{ NH }_{ 2 }>\left( { C }_{ 2 }{ H }_{ 5 } \right) _{ 3 }N>{ NH }_{ 3 }$$
  • $$\left( { C }_{ 2 }{ H }_{ 5 } \right) _{ 2 }NH>{ C }_{ 2 }{ H }_{ 5 }{ NH }_{ 2 }>{ NH }_{ 3 }>\left( { C }_{ 2 }{ H }_{ 5 } \right) _{ 3 }N$$
The relationship between the values of osmotic pressure of 0.1 M solutions of $${ KNO }_{ 3 }\left( { P }_{ 1 } \right) { CH }_{ 3 }COOH\left( { P }_{ 2 } \right) $$ is
  • $${ p }_{ 1 }>{ p }_{ 2 }$$
  • $${ p }_{ 2 }>{ p }_{ 1 }$$
  • $${ p }_{ 1 }={ p }_{ 2 }$$
  • $$\dfrac { { p }_{ 1 } }{ { p }_{ 1 }+{ p }_{ 2 } } =\dfrac { { p }_{ 2 } }{ { p }_{ 1 }+{ 2p }_{ 2 } } $$
$$RX$$ can be converted into $$R{CH}_{2}{NH}_{2}$$ by treatment with $$KCN$$ and 
  • reduction with reducing agent as $$Na$$ in alcohol
  • hydrolysis with dil. $$HCl$$
  • hydrolysis with alkaline $${H}_{2}{O}_{2}$$
  • none of these
Which one of the following is the strongest base in aqueous solution?
  • Dimethylamine
  • Methylamine
  • Trimethylamine
  • None of these
Diazonium salts are used:
  • after storing for a few days after preparation
  • immediately after its preparation
  • after storing for $$2-3$$ hours
  • difficult to prepare commercially
A primary amine {B), on treatment with a solution of $$AuCl_{3}$$ in conc. $$HCl$$ yields a compound whose formula would be?
  • $$(BH)^{+}.AuCl_{4}^{-}$$
  • $$(BH_{2})^{+}.AuCl_{4}^{-2}$$
  • $$(BH)^{+}.HAuCl_{4}^{-}$$
  • $$B.AuCl_{4}$$
Which of the following is NOT a correct method of the preparation of benzylamine from cyanobenzene?
  • (i) $$HCl/ H_{2}O$$ (ii) $$NaBH_{4}$$
  • (i) $$LiAlH_{4}$$ (ii) $$H_{3}O^{+}$$
  • (i) $$SnCl_{2} + HCl(gas)$$ (ii) $$NaBH_{4}$$
  • $$H_{2}/ Ni$$
Considering the basic strength of amines in aqueous solution, which one has the smallest $$ pK_{b}$$ value?
  • $$ (CH_{3})_{3}N$$
  • $$ C_{6}H_{5}NH_{2}$$
  • $$ (CH_{3})_{2}NH$$
  • $$ CH_{3}NH_{2}$$
In the following reactions, the major product W is:
Consider the following four compounds I, II, III, and IV.
Choose the correct statement(s).

  • The order of basicity is $$II > I > III > IV$$.
  • The magnitude of $$pK_b$$ difference between $$I$$ and $$ II$$ is more than that between $$ III$$ and $$IV.$$
  • Resonance effect is more in $$III$$ than in $$IV.$$
  • Steric effect makes compound $$ IV$$ more basic than $$III.$$
The correct statement regarding the basicity of arylamines is:
  • arylamines are generally less basic than alkylamines because the nitrogen lone-pair electrons are delocalized by interaction with the aromatic ring $$\pi$$ electron system.
  • arylamines are generally more basic than alkylamines because the nitrogen lone-pair electrons are not delocalized by interaction with the aromatic ring $$\pi$$ electron system.
  • arylamines are generally more basic than alkylamines because of aryl group.
  • arylamines are generally more basic than alkylamines, because the nitrogen atom in arylamines is sp-hybridized.
Which of the following will be most stable diazonium salt $$RN_2^+X^-$$?
  • $$CH_3N_2^+X^-$$
  • $$C_6H_5N_2^+X^-$$
  • $$CH_3CH_2N_2^+X^-$$
  • $$C_6H_5CH_2N_2^+X^-$$
What is the decreasing order of strengths of the following bases?
 $$\overset { \circleddash  }{ O } H,  N{ H }_{ 2 }^{ \circleddash  },  HC\equiv { C }^{ \circleddash  }$$ and $$C{ H }_{ 3 } - C{ H }_{ 2 }^{ \circleddash }$$
  • $$C{ H }_{ 3 } -C{ H }_{ 2 }^{ \circleddash } > N{ H }_{ 2 }^{ \circleddash } > H - C\equiv { C }^{ \circleddash } > \overset { \circleddash }{ O } H$$
  • $$H -C\equiv { C }^{ \circleddash } > C{ H }_{ 3 } -C{ H }_{ 2 }^{ \circleddash } > N{ H }_{ 2 }^{ \circleddash }>\overset { \circleddash }{ O } H$$
  • $$\overset { \circleddash }{ O } H > N{ H }_{ 2 }^{ \circleddash } > H - C\equiv { C }^{ \circleddash } > C{ H }_{ 3 } -C{ H }_{ 2 }^{ \circleddash }$$
  • $$N{ H }_{ 2 }^{ \circleddash } > H -C\equiv { C }^{ \circleddash } > \overset { \circleddash }{ O } H > C{ H }_{ 3 } -C{ H }_{ 2 }^{ \circleddash }$$
Which of the following compounds is most basic?

In the following reaction, the product (A) is:
The major product of the following reaction is:
The correct order of the basic strength of methyl substitited amines in aqueous solution is :
  • $$(CH_3)_2NH> CH_3NH_2> (CH_3)_3N$$
  • $$(CH_3)_3N> CH_3NH_2>(CH_3)_2NH$$
  • $$(CH_3)_3N> (CH_3)_2NH>CH_3NH_2$$
  • $$CH_3NH_2>(CH_3)_2NH> (CH_3)_3N$$
In the given replacement reaction, the reaction will be most favourable if $$M$$ happens to be:
  • $$K$$
  • $$Rb$$
  • $$Li$$
  • $$Na$$
Which of the following reagents would not be a good choice for reducing an aryl nitro compound to an amine?
  • $${H}_{2}(excess)/Pt$$
  • $$LiAl{H}_{4}$$ in ether
  • $$Fe$$ and $$HCl$$
  • $$Sn$$ and $$HCl$$

The correct decreasing order of $$pK_{b}$$ is:

  • $$I > II > III > IV$$
  • $$III > IV > III > I$$
  • $$II > III > IV > I$$
  • $$IV > II > I > III$$

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Practice Class 12 Medical Chemistry Quiz Questions and Answers