Coal And Petroleum - Class 8 Chemistry - Extra Questions

Coal can be drawn into wires.

If it is true then 1, false then 0.

Why is charcoal considered to be a better fuel than wood?

Which gas is obtained during the processing of coal?

_________ is the domestic fuel.

Coal tar is a thick  _______(black / yellow) liquid with pleasing smell.

Imagine that all the exhaustible natural resources are exhausted by human activities. Then comment on the survival of living beings would be easily possible.

Coke floats on water due to the presence of air _____ in it.

The full form of CNG is __________.

What is a natural gas?

Discuss the formation of coal in detail. What is this process called?

Name the petroleum product used for surfacing of roads.

Explain why fossil fuels are exhaustible natural resources.

What are the advantages of using CNG and LPG as fuels?

What precautions should be taken while using Liquified Petroleum Gas(LPG)?

 What are fossil fuels ? How were coal and petroleum formed ?

What is coal? Write its uses.

As a good citizen, what steps will you take to conserve the energy sources?

Write down advantages and disadvantages of fossil fuel.

How coal is formed?

Describe how coal is formed from dead vegetation. What is this process called?

Give the full form of LPG and CNG.

Natural gas is very important fossil fuel. Support the statement with reason.

Fossil fuels are formed by the decomposition of biomass buried under the earth millions of years ago. Name any two fossil fuels.

What are fossils?

Fill in the blank in the following:

The gas supplied for cooking is _______.

Write a short note on occurence of petroleum.

What are fossil fuels ?

How is coal formed? Explain.

(a) What happens when carbon burns in air? Write the chemical equation of the reaction which takes place.
(b) Why are coal and petroleum called fossil fuels?
(c) Explain how coal was formed in the earth.
(d) Describe how petroleum was formed in the earth.
(e) Name a fossil fuel other than coal and petroleum.

A hard material $$X$$ which is mined from the earth is used as household fuel and also for the generation of electricity at thermal power stations. A soft material $$Y$$ is also used as a fuel in the form of candles. A gaseous material $$Z$$ which occurs along with petroleum is increasingly being used as a fuel in running vehicles in its compressed form.
(a) What are materials, $$X, Y$$ and $$Z$$?
(b) When materials $$X, Y$$ and $$Z$$ are burned separately:
     (i) Which material burns by producing a yellow, luminous flame?
     (ii) Which material ultimately burns without producing a flame?
     (iii) Which material can burn in a gas stove by producing a blue flame?

Indicate the principle ingredients of the following:
Natural gas

Indicate the principle ingredients of the following:
Coal gas

Why is combustion of Liquefied Petroleum Gas $$(LPG)$$ a chemical change?

Write the full form of the following:
(a) LPG  (b) CNG 

Name the petroleum product used as fuel for stoves, lamps and jet aircrafts.

Fill in the blanks in the following sentence:
Petroleum, _______ and _________ are fossil fuels.

Fill in the blanks in the following sentences.
Coal is one of the ________ used to cook food.

Fill in the blanks in the following sentence.
Coal tar is a black, thick __________ with an _______ smell.

Fill in the blank.

The slow process of conversion of dead vegetation into coal is called___________.

In the following sentence, find the jumbled word and write it in the correct form. 
Rineryfe is a place where various fractions of petroleum are separated.

The highlighted word in the following sentence has been jumbled up. Write it in their correct form.

$$Nutsgilh$$ is an example of inexhaustible natural resources.

Forests and coal are _________ natural resources.

Fill in the blank.
During the processing of coal to get a coke, coal tar and ________ are also obtained.

Fill in the blanks.
The black thick liquid with ________ smell is known as coal tar.

The underlined words in the following sentences have been jumbled up. Write them in their correct form.
Keenrose is a fuel used in jet aircrafts.

The underlined words in the following sentences have been jumbled up. Write them in their correct form.
Umpetlore is a fossil fuel.

The underlined words in the following sentences have been jumbled up. Write them in their correct form.
(a) Loca is obtained from mines.

Fill in the blanks.
Coal and petroleum are formed from the dead remains of organisms and are known as _______. 

Write two important uses of coke.

Look at the figure where petroleum and natural gas deposits are shown. Why do we find the oil layer above the water layer?

Some natural resources are given in a box. Classify them into the exhaustible and inexhaustible natural resources. air, coal, natural gas, sunlight, petroleum, minerals, forests, oxygen.

Fill in the blanks.
The process of separating the various constituents of petroleum is known as__________.

Sunlight and air are inexhaustible natural resources. Comment.

Write the characteristics and some important uses of coal.

We read in newspaper that burning of fuels is a major cause of global warming. Explain why.

Imagine that all the exhaustible natural resources are exhausted by human activities. Do you think the survival of living beings would be possible? If yes, why? If not, why not?

Write some important uses of the various constituents of petroleum.

Fill in the blanks and complete the story.

Match the items given in Column I with the items of Column II.

Name the products obtained and their uses when coal is processed in industry.

Coal reserves are said to be enough to last for another hundred years. Do you think we need to worry in such case why or why not?

Why is it said that the fossil fuels will last only for a few hundred years?

What are the tips we must follow to save petrol/diesel/natural gas while driving?

Why petrol is exhaustible natural resource, whereas sunlight is not Explain.

Complete the crossword with the help of the figure.
  • Fuels obtained from dead remains of living organisms(1)
  • A process by which the various constituents of petroleum are separated. (2)
  • A porous black substance obtained from coal. (3)
  • Another name for motor fuel.(4)
  • The substance is obtained by carbonization. (5)
  • Fuel for heavy motor vehicles. (6)
  • A petroleum product used for road surfacing. (7)
  • Dead remains of sea animals got converted into it. (8)


Complete the crossword Fig 5.2 with the help of the 

A porous black substance obtained from coal. (4)


Complete the crossword with the help of these hints:

Fuels obtained from dead remains of living organisms. 
A process by which the various constituents of petroleum are separated. 
A porous black substance obtained from coal. 
Another name for motor fuel. 

The substance obtained by carbonisation. 
Fuel for heavy motor vehicles. 
A petroleum product used for road surfacing. 
Dead remains of sea animals got converted into it.


Complete the crossword Fig. 5.2 with the help of the 
8.Dead remains of sea animals got converted into it.

Complete the crossword with the help of the clues.

1.Fuels obtained from dead remains of living organisms (6.5)
2.A process by which the various constituents of petroleum are separated. (8)
3.A porous black substance obtained from coal. (4)
4.Another name for motor fuel. (6)

5.The substance obtained by carbonisation. (4)
6.Fuel for heavy motor vehicles.
7.A petroleum product used for road surfacing. (7)
8.Dead remains of sea animals got converted into it. (9)


Complete the crossword Fig. 5.2 with the help of the
A petroleum product used for road surfacing. (7)

Complete the crossword Fig. 5.2 with the help of the 
Another name for motor fuel.

Complete the crossword Fig. 5.2 with the help of the Down
The substance obtained by carbonisation. (4)

LPG is used for ________.

What steps would you suggest for the judicious use of fossil fuels?

State full form of LPG and CNG. How are the two differ in their composition?

Natural gas is a _____ fuel?

State uses of coal.

Define carbonization.

What are fuels? Give two examples of modern fuels.

Give two uses of coal.

Describe the formation of coal.

Fill in the blanks:

Natural gas is an important __________.

We should sensibly use petrol and diesel like substances. Explain why?

Compare L.P.G and Wood as Fuel.

What is water gas used for?

What are the different types of coal? What are their uses?

State some uses of coke.

Write the uses of petroleum gas.

Give two uses of coke.

What are the different constituents of petroleum? What are the uses of petroleum products?

Name the different places in India, where natural gas has been formed?

What is coke? What are its uses?

Name the useful products obtained from coal. 

Define the constituents of crude oil.

Explain why fossil fuels are exhaustible natural resources?

How is coal formed?

What is meant by carbonisation?

What is natural gas? Write some of its uses?

Why CNG is better than LPG as a fuel?

Which type of coal is used in thermal power stations and railways?

State the use of petroleum gas.

How can we use the substance like petrol, diesel judiciously?

What is PCRA? What are its advices?

What is petroleum refining?

We must use substances like petrol, diesel sparingly and very judiciously. Give reason.

Write the uses of the substance given below:
(a) Petroleum

Which is the cooking gas that we get in cylinders for domestic use? 

Why is ethyl mercaptan added to LPG? 

If a gas leak is suspected or if the fire spreads on a cylinder, what else could be done? Think it over.

Some of you may be using LPG in your houses. What is the weight of the LPG filled in the cylinders supplied to your homes? 

If there is leakage of LPG it is mandatory to open the doors and windows. Why?

Using this quantity of LPG for how many days can you cook? 

If there is a leakage of LPG, does it rise up or come down in the atmosphere? Why? 

Never switch on or off any electric switch when leakage of LPG is detected. Why?

How will you know if there is leakage in an LPG cylinder?

Write the full form of LPG, what is its main constituent?

What precautions are to be taken to avoid accidents due to LPG leakage? Discuss and record in the science diary.

LNG and CNG are made from natural gases. What is the advantage of LNG over CNG?

Coal is the most abundant fossil fuel on the earth. What are the substances obtained when coal is allowed to undergo distillation in the absence of air?

 L.P.G is one of the common fuel for domestic use. Write full form of LPG. 

Identify the relation and fill in the blanks
CNG: Fuel in Vehicles: LPG:_____

Using the relation from the first pair, complete the other.
LNG - Methane

LPG is one of the common fuels for domestic use. Which are the main constituent of LPG?

A few news related to the energy crisis is given above. State two reasons for the energy crisis and write how we can overcome them.

Identify the relation and fill in the blanks
LPG: Butane: LNG:______

What is the full form of LNG? List out its characteristics. 

Write the full expansion of LPG. 

What is the full form of LNG? List out its characteristics.

What is solvent naphtha? What is its use?

Describe characteristics and uses of coke.

Fill in the blanks 
The least polluting fuel for vehicles is?

What does $$LPG$$ stand for?

What type of hydrocarbons are present in high octane gasoline?

What are petrochemicals? Write the names and uses of some of them.

What are petrochemicals. Discuss their utility.

What do the abbreviations LPG and CNG stand for? Discuss their uses.

Write the uses of the substance C.N.G.

Coal and petroleum are called .... fuels.

Class 8 Chemistry Extra Questions