Components Of Food - Class 6 Biology - Extra Questions

Name two nutrients which protect the body from diseases.

Why do organisms need to take food?

Name two sources of vitamin A.

Explain giving reasons
(a) Balanced diet is necessary for maintaining healthy body.
(b) Health of an organism depends upon the surrounding environmental conditions.
(c) Our surrounding area should be free of stagnant water.
(d) Social harmony and good economic conditions are necessary for good health.

Balanced diet is necessary for maintaining healthy body. Comment.

Why should our food contain cereals, pulses, fruits and vegetables ?

What is the importance of water and roughage in our diet? (5 marks)

Name various types of vitamins.

Name the following :
(a) The nutrients which mainly give energy to our body.
(b) The nutrients that are needed for growth and maintenance of our body.
(c) A vitamin required for maintaining good eyesight.
(d) A mineral that is required for keeping our bones healthy.

Write two sources of vitamin C.

Name a vitamin which represents a group of vitamins.

How can you test presence of proteins in a given food item ?

Write two sources of vitamin D.

Write two sources of vitamin B.

Why should a meal have different food items?

What are the functions of minerals?

List various types of nutrients and write the functions of each.

Write the functions of water in our body.

What role do minerals play in maintaining the structure of animals.

Benedict solution is used to test whether a sugar is a .......... sugar or not.

You have been supplied with a sample of food. How will you perform tests for the presence of starch and proteins in it? 

How to know the presence of starch in any given sample of food?

Give the names of major nutrient components of food. State from which food they are obtained.

Why do organisms need food? Write three reasons.

What do you understand by 'proper' food?

Boojho was having difficulty in seeing things in dim light. The doctor tested his eyesight and prescribed a particular vitamin supplement. He also advised him to include a few food items in his diet. Suggest some food items that he should include in his diet. (Any four)

Paheli and Boojho peeled some potatoes and cut them into small pieces. They washed and boiled them in water. They threw away the excess water and fried them in oil adding salt and spices. Although the potato dish tasted very good, its nutrient value was less. Suggest a method of cooking potatoes that will not lower the nutrients in them.

Lila always eats only dal and rice in every meal. She often falls ill and has become prone to diseases. Can you suggest changes in her diet that can make her healthy and free from disease? 

A few of Paheli's classmates eat potato chips and burgers regularly during recess at school. Are these eating habits healthy? Give reasons. 

Boojho took some grains of boiled rice in test tube 'A' and Paheli took boiled and chewed rice in test tube 'B'. Both of them poured 1 - 2 drops of iodine solution into the test tube and observed the colour change. What colour change would they have observed? Give reasons for your answer. 

Solve the crossword puzzle given in the figure from the clues given below.

Lack of nutrients in our diet over a long period causes these diseases (10)
Rice and potato are rich in this type of carbohydrate (6)
Deficiency disease in bones making it soft and bent (7)
The diet that provides all the nutrients that our body needs, in right quantities, along with an adequate amount of roughage and water (4)
Deficiency disease with bleeding gums (6)
Disease caused due to deficiency of iodine (6)

Starch and sugar in our food are rich in this type of energy-giving nutrient (13)
The term is given to the useful components of food (9)
The disease caused by the deficiency of iron in diet (7)
Green leafy vegetables, liver, and apples are rich in this mineral (4)
Deficiency disease caused due to lack of vitamin B1, in the diet (8) 


Explain and give reasons:
Balanced diet is necessary for maintaining healthy body.

Which of the following food items does not provide any nutrient?

Milk, water, Orange juice, Tomato soup

Food must have limited amount of salts. Explain.

What do you mean by balanced diet and malnutrition? 

Which are the energy giving nutrients? (5 marks)

Explain the importance.

Balance diet.

What are Nutrients?

What are the harms of cold drinks? 

Write the definition.


Short Answer:
What are the essential elements and main sources of balanced food?

Use the food pyramid to select food items of your choice for three days.
The diet for all three days should be balanced.
There should be variety in the items chosen for the three days. 

In a balanced diet, all the nutrients are present in the _______proporion.

What are nutrients and how are they useful to one's body? What you do get you daily dose of nutrients?

Structured/Application/Skill Type
Complete the following table by filling the blanks.

$$\begin{array}{|l|l|l|}\hline \text { Mineral } & \text { Function } & \text { Rich source } \\\hline \text { Iodine } & & \\\hline & \text { Formation of haemoglobin } & \\\hline \text { Calcium } & & \\\hline \text { Potassium } & & \\\hline\end{array}$$

Name a food which is a good source of calcium? 

Complete the following table by filling in the blanks 1 to 8. 
Organ Enzyme Food acted uponFinal product
1Pepsin 23
Mouth 45Disaccharide 
67Maltose 8

How do you test for the presence of fat in food? (5 marks)

Select the correct option -

What happens when two or more drops of iodine solution fall on starch substance? (5 marks)

Short Notes.
What is a Balanced diet ? What is the role of minerals in balanced food ? Explain the disease caused by the deficiency of minerals ?

Class 6 Biology Extra Questions