Garbage In Garbage Out - Class 6 Biology - Extra Questions

What is garbage? Write all the methods of garbage disposal? (5 marks)

What type of garbage is thrown in green bins?

(a) What do you do with the left over food at home?
(b) If you and your friends are given the choice of eating in a plastic plate or a banana leaf plotter at a party, which one would you prefer and why?

What are blue coloured bins used for?

(a) Is garbage disposal the responsibility only of the government?
(b) Is it possible to reduce the problems relating to disposal of garbage?

(a) Collect pieces of different kinds of paper. Find out which of these can be recycled.
(b) With the help of a lens look at the pieces of paper you collected for the above question. Do you see any difference in the material of recycled paper and a new sheet of paper?

Define composting.

What will happen if garbage is left open in bin?

What are the uses of plastic? How to dispose the plastic waste? (5 marks)

What can we do to reduce overuse of plastics?

List the biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste products in your school. What are the best ways to get rid of this garbage? (5 marks)

What are redworms?

What is papier-mache? How does it help us?

What are the demerits of plastic?

Mention any one advantage of using disposable paper cups over disposable plastic cups. Mention the manner in which these paper cups do not adversely affect the environment.

Describe the types of waste, based on degradation, with example.

Read the items mentioned in Columns I and II and fill in the related process in the Column III 
Column IColumn IIColumn III
a)Organic wasteEarthwormsi) ------
b)GarbageDig pit and fill with garbageii) -------
c)Old newspaperPaper bagsiii) ------

Write 3 sentences on what comes to your mind when you chance to see the following.
A cow eating a polythene bag.

Name the two kinds of waste that need to be separated from each other in two different waste bins.

Beera, a farmer would clear his field every day, and burn dry leaves fallen on the ground. After sometime he found that those living in huts near his field were suffering from cough and breathing problems.
(i) Can you explain why?
(ii) Also suggest an environment-friendly way to dispose the dry leaves. 

The pie charts A and B shown in figure are based on waste segregation method adopted by two families X and Y respectively. 


Write 3 sentences on what comes to your mind when you see a rag picker.

To what use can you put - rotting smelly garbage, and how?

Paheli was writing a letter to her friend. She crumpled and threw the first draft of her letter on the floor as it had become untidy. Similarly, she crumpled and threw 6 more papers on the ground. In the end, she picked them up and put them in a polythene bag, and threw them on the road outside her house. Do you think Paheli's actions were responsible? What would you have done if you were in her place?

Put a tick mark against the garbage items given in the table below, that could be converted into manure. Put a cross (x) against the others.
 Garbage ItemsMake manure or not
iii)Dry flowers
v)Broken pieces of glass
vi)Nails and screws
vii)Plastic Bangles
viii)Leftover food
ix)Food cans
x)Dead Animals  

Correct the definition of the term given below by changing only one word.
Compost: Substances converted into manure for use in industries. 

Write a note on plastic waste.

Write 3 sentences on what comes to your mind when you chance to see the following.
Foul odour emanating from garbage at the entrance of your house. 

What happens when tea leaves, cotton swabs, and old soft toys are thrown into the drain?

(a) Collect different kinds of packaging material. What was the purpose for which each one was used? Discuss in groups.
(b) Give an example in which packaging could have been reduced.
(c) Write a story on how packaging increases the amount of garbage.

What do we do to the useful components (biodegradable) of the garbage?

We should not add wastes containing salts, pickles, oil, vinegar, meat and milk products in the vermicomposting pit to feed the redworms. Why?

(a) Which kind of garbage is not converted into compost by the redworms?
(b) Have you seen any other organism besides redworms, in your pit? If yes, try to find out their names. Draw pictures of these.

Explain the management of waste of your house.

Explain the complete process of vermicomposting?

Class 6 Biology Extra Questions