Devotional Paths To The Divine - Class 7 History - Extra Questions

Why do you think many teachers rejected prevalent religious beliefs and practices?

Describe the beliefs and practices of the Nathpanthis, Siddhas and Yogis.

Why do you think ordinary people preserved the memory of Mirabai?

Very Short Answer Type Question.
What was the job of religious teachers?

For either the Virashaivas or the saints of Maharashtra, discuss their attitude towards caste.

Find out whether in your neighbourhood there are any dargahs, gurudwaras or temples associated with saints of the Bhakti tradition. Visit any one of these and describe what you see and hear.

Name the set of compilation of Alvars' songs.

Name any two saints of Maharashtra.

Name any two great Sufis of Central Asia.

For any of the saint-poets whose compositions have been included in this chapter, find out more about their works, noting down other poems. Find out whether these are sung, how they are sung, and what the poets wrote about.

How many Alvars were there?

What are namghars?

What is abhang?

Name the two sets of compilations of Nayanar's songs.

There are severed saint-poets whose names have been mentioned but their works have not been included in the chapter. Find out more about the language in which they composed, whether their compositions were sung and what their compositions were about.

Write a brief note on new religious developments in north India.

Write in brief about the ideas of Shankara and Ramanuja.

What do you mean by Khanqahs? What purpose did it serve?

Who were the Nayanars and Alvars? Write about them in brief.

Class 7 History Extra Questions