The Delhi Sultans - Class 7 History - Extra Questions

According to the 'circle justice' why was it important for military commanders to keep the interests of the peasantry in mind?

Do you think the authors of tawarikh would have provide information about the lives of ordinary men and women?

What was the impact of the Mongol invasions on the Delhi Sultanate? 

Find out whether there are many buildings built by the Delhi Sultans in your area. Are there any other buildings in your area that were built between the twelfth and fifteenth centuries? Describe some of these buildings, and draw sketches of them.

Very short answer type question:
Who defeated the Tomara Rajputs and when?

What were the steps taken to ensure that muqtis performed their duties? Why do you think they may have wanted to defy the orders of the Sultans?

Who was Genghis Khan?

Who were the authors of tawarikh? Write in brief about them.

Why did the authors of tawarikh write their histories for Sultans?

Why did large parts of the subcontinent remain outside the control of the Delhi Sultans? What were the repercussions?

Why did the early Delhi Sultans favour their slaves?

Describe in brief Tughluq's policy of 'token' currency.

Why did the authors of Persian tawarikh criticise the Delhi Sultans?

What was the duty of the muqtis?

Class 7 History Extra Questions