Why does putting wheels on heavy objects make them easier to move?
Sprinkling of powder on the carrom board ................... friction.
How do you know there is friction when a saw cuts through wood?
Neeraj has to push a lighter box and Sanjeev a heavier box. Who will have to apply a larger force and why?
Materials used to reduce friction are called ______(lubricants, beverages).
Why is it difficult to write on glass with a pencil?
Explain why the sliding friction is less than the static friction.
You spill a bucket of soapy water on a marble floor accidentally. Would it make it easier or more difficult for you to walk on the floor? Why?
Mention the methods used to decrease friction
Why do we use lubricants like grease for the machinery?
What is fluid friction?
Define Friction.
Define fluid drag?
What is frictional force?
The eraser gets smaller and smaller as you use it more and more. Explain the reason.
Friction is a necessary evil. Explain the statement giving examples.
write one solid lubricant and liquid lubricant
The handle of a cricket bat or a badminton racquet is usually rough. Explain the reason.
While travelling on a rickshaw, you might have experienced that if the seat cover is very smooth, you tend to slip when brakes are applied suddenly. Explain.
We have two identical metal sheets. One of them is rubbed with sandpaper and the other with ordinary paper. The one rubbed with sandpaper shines more than the other. Give reason.
Explain why the surface of mortar and pestle (silbatta) used for grinding is etched again after prolonged use?
Give examples to show that friction is both a friend and a foe:
What effect will it have on the motion of the body if it is made to move on a sandy surface rather than a smooth surface?
A wet surface offers _______ (less/more) friction than a dry surface.
There is more friction between a car and a road on a sunny day or a rainy day.
(Type $$0$$ for true and $$1$$ for false)
Fill in the blanks (a) Friction opposes the .............. between the surfaces in contact with each other. (b) Friction depends on the ............... of surfaces. (c) Friction produces ................... . (d) Sprinkling of powder on the carrom board ................. friction. (e) Sliding friction is ................ than the static friction.
Suppose your writing desk is tilted a little. A book kept on it starts sliding down. Show the direction of frictional force acting on it.
Explain why objects moving in fluids must have special shapes.
The opposing force that is caused due to relative motion between two surfaces in contact is celled _____.
_______ is a self adjusting force.
Iqbal has to push a lighter box and Seema has to push a similar heavier box on the same floor. Who will have to apply a larger force and why?
Reason out in which case the frictional force between the car and the road is less.
What ways do you know to reduce friction?
Kumaran went to a shop near his house on a bicycle. The bicycle made a lot of noise when he pedaled it. After coming home, he applied some oil on some parts of the bicycle. Then there was no noise, why?
Automobiles tyres have generally irregular projections over their surfaces? Why?
What is the cause of friction.
Can we have surface with zero friction? Justify.
Is it possible to reduce friction to zero?
How can friction be increased or reduced?
A book placed on a table is at rest. Is the force of friction acting on it or not? Explain?
Iqbal has to push a light box and Seema has to push a similar heavier box on the same floor. Who will have to apply a larger force and why?
Explain why pulling is easier than pushing with a neat sketch on a rough horizontal plane.
Give an example to illustrate the existence of force of friction.
Which offers more friction on a body : a glass surface or a wooden surface?
Give three examples to illustrate that friction is a necessary evil.
It is difficult to open an inkpot with greasy or oil hands. Explain.
It is difficult to walk on a wet road. Explain.
State two factors which directly affect the force of friction.
Answer the following in short. Why do wrestlers rub powder on their hands before getting into the ring?
Fill in the blanks: Smoother the surface, ______ is the frictional force offered by it.
Answer the following in detail. How is friction harmful to us? Write some ways by which one can reduce friction.
Answer the following in a word or two or in a sentence. Name a method used to reduce friction.
Answer the following in detail. Write the characteristics of the force of friction.
Fill in the blanks: Bicycles use _______ to reduce friction between the pedals and the crank.
Describe three different ways by which friction can be increased to help us in various situations.
Give reasons: We slip on a mossy surface.
State the measures to be taken to reduce friction.