Some Natural Phenomena - Class 8 Physics - Extra Questions

Lightning strikes only on high rise buildings. Explain it 

Bathing outdoors should be avoided during thunderstorm. Enter 0 for false and 1 for true

Suggest three measures to protect overselves from lightning

List three states in India where earthquakes are more likely to strike.

Suggest three measures to protect ourselves from lightning.

Explain why a charged body loses its charge if we touch it with our hand.

Sometimes, a crackling sound is heard while taking off sweater during winters. Explain.

Suppose you are outside your home and an earthquake strikes. What precaution would you take to protect yourself?

What are the primary steps to be adopted when a person is struck by lightning?

Describe the mechanism of occurrence of an earthquake with the help of pictorial representation.

During the construction of a building the lightning conductor was left hanging in the air by mistake. Would the lightning conductor be still effective? Explain.

Mention three precautions that you will take to protect yourself if earthquake strikes when you are inside the house.

Explain how lightning takes place?

The process of electric discharge cannot occur between clouds and the earth.Enter 0 for false and 1 for true statement

Explain how does lightning conductor protects a building from getting struck by lightning.

Identify the lightning conductor and the copper plate in Fig. shown


Plastic straws A and B are rubbed with dry cotton cloth. What will happen if they are brought near each other?

Explain why it is safer to use a wireless telephone instead of a landline telephone during lightning.

What precautions would you take if lightning occurs while you are outside the house?

Lightning is caused due to discharge of oppositely charged clouds. Give reason.    

What is lightning conductor? How does it save high rise buildings from lightning damage?

Lightning generally strikes on high rise buildings. Give reason.

A glass rod rubbed with silk is brought near the fur rubbed with an ebonite rod. Write your observation.

An .......... is an instrument used to find out whether a body is charged or not.

An ebonite rod is rubbed vigorously with fur. Explain the charging of the ebonite rod on the basis of electron movement.

Apart from disturbance inside the earth, what are the other causes of an earthquake?

If your friend is struck by lightning, how will you help him?

The weather department has predicted that a thunderstorm is likely to occur on a certain day. Suppose you have to go out on that day. Would you carry an umbrella? Explain.

Describe with the help of a diagram an instrument which can be used to detect a charged body.

Name the scale on which the destructive energy of an earthquake is measured. An earthquake measures $$3$$ on this scale. Would it be recorded by a seismograph? Is it likely to cause much damage?

a) Take two identical straws and suspend one piece freely. Rub the other straw with a piece of paper. Bring the rubbed end of the straw near the suspended one. What do you observe from this activity? Can you tell which type of force it is?
b) Comb your dry hair. Bring the comb to small pieces of paper. What do you observe? Explain.

Why is it safer to be inside a car than standing under a tree during lightening?

Mention factors which determine the extent of damage due to an earthquake?

Why is lightning considered to be dangerous?

How do object acquire charges on rubbing ? Explain with an example.

 Lightning develops between the clouds and the ground. Elaborate.

 How safe would you consider an umbrella made of bamboo frames during lightning? Give reasons. 

What are the natural reasons for the occurrence of earthquakes?

Seismic zones are also called_______

Explain working of electroscopes?

Give a brief account of lightning conductors.

Can lighting occur without thunder ? Justify your answer.

What is a lightning conductor ? How does it protect?

A particles has charge of $$+{ 10 }^{ -12 }C$$
Calculate the number of electrons transferred to provide this charge.

What is a lightning conductor?

What is a lightning conductor? How does it work?

A changed rod attracts bits of dry paper which after touching the rod., often jump away from it violently. Explain.

Though air is a poor conductor of electricity , during lighting an electric current passes through air . How?

What is an earthquake? List the precautions that need to be taken during an earthquake if one is staying indoors or outdoors.

Why does dust accumulate on ceiling fans? 

Why do lightning conductors have spikes on them?

State whether the following are True or False.
(a) Earthquakes occur all the time all over the world.
(b) The plates of the outermost layer of the earth are always in
continuous motion.  
(c) Tremors on the earth can also be caused by the eruption of
a volcano.  
(d) The process of electric discharge cannot occur between
clouds and the earth.  
(e) Bathing outdoors should be avoided during thunderstorm.

Why does a charged balloon stick to a wall?

A glass rod is rubbed with silk. State the kind of charge acquired by each.

An ebonite rod rubbed with fur is suspended near another ebonite rod rubbed with fur. State your observation and give a reason to support your answer.

An ebonite rod is rubbed with fur. Compare the charges acquired by them.

An ebonite rod when rubbed with fur acquires the _____ charge.

A glass rod rubbed with silk is suspended near an ebonite rod rubbed with fur. What will be your observation? Give a reason for your answer.

What causes the charging of two objects when they are rubbed together?

What is meant by frictional electricity? Give a brief description of its origin.

How would you convert a copper plate kept in an electroscope into an arrangement for storing charge for a long time, through induction?

The safest way to protect yourself from lightening is to be inside a car. Justify.

The installation of lightning conductors is not insisted in may tall modern concrete buildings, nowadays. How are they protected from lightning?

You are travelling in a car. A thunderstorm is about to start. How will you protect yourself?

A bolt of lightning is dangerous, why?

What are the precautions to be taken for protecting ourselves from lightning?

A glass rod is rubbed with silk. Explain the charging of the glass rod and the silk on the basis of electron movement.

An ebonite rod is rubbed with fur. Explain the charging of the ebonite rod and the fur on the basis of electron movement.

How can you show that there are two kinds of charges?

Answer the question:
Diagram 1 shows two thin, uncharged strips of plastic.
Diagram 2 shows the same strips after they have been rubbed with a dry cloth.
Which row describes the charge on the strips after rubbing, and the force between the strips after rubbing ?
charge on stripsforce between strips
Cthe sameattraction
Dthe samerepulsion


A person takes shelter under a tree during heavy rain. Another person shelters under a coconut tree of same height. Who will be safer during lightning? Why?

A glass object receives a positive charge by rubbing it with a silk cloth. In the rubbing process, have protons been added to the object or have electrons been removed from it?

Inflate two balloons and rub both of them with a cloth first and then with different materials. Will they attract each other in both cases? 

Explain why a charged body loses its charge if we touch it with our hand.

Explore and answer :
There was a heavy rain with thunderstorms. Vijay was in his house with his brother. Vijay told to his brother that thunder is caused due to collision of two clouds. Do you think Vijay is right? Why ?

If the materials used for constructing a building were good conductors, do you think lightning will strike the building? Will the lightning conductor be still required to be  installed in the building?

When does a piece of matter have a charge? 

What is an electroscope ?

Class 8 Physics Extra Questions