Sound - Class 8 Physics - Extra Questions

Define pitch of a sound :

Define amplitude of a wave :

.......... is an unpleasant sound produced by irregular wave patterns.

What kind of sound - noise or music is represented by the sound wave shown here.

Name the characteristic of sounds which enables a person to differentiate between two sounds with equal loudness but having a different frequency.

What is the difference between frequency and pitch?

With the help of the given clues, unscramble the letters to make a meaningful word.
RAYXLN (produces sound in humans)

With the help of the given clues, unscramble the letters to make a meaningful word.
ETHZR (unit of frequency of sound wave)

State three differences between loudness and pitch.

In the following statements, tick T against those which are true, and F against those which are false:
(a) Sound cannot travel in vacuum. (T/F)
(b) The number of oscillations per second of a vibrating object is called its time period. (T/F)
(c) If the amplitude of vibration is large, sound is feeble. (T/F)
(d) For human ears, the audible range is $$20 Hz$$ to $$20,000 Hz$$. (T/F)
(e) The lower the frequency of vibration, the higher is the pitch. (T/F)
(f) Unwanted or unpleasant sound is termed as music. (T/F)
(g) Noise pollution may cause partial hearing impairment. (T/F)

What is the difference between noise and music? Can music become noise sometimes?

Explain in what way noise pollution is harmful to humans.

Fill in the blanks with suitable words.
(a) Time taken by an object to complete one oscillation is called _________ .
(b) Loudness is determined by the __________ of vibration.
(c) The unit of frequency is __________ .
(d) Unwanted sound is called ___________ .
(e) Shrillness of a sound is determined by the __________ of vibration.

List sources of noise pollution in your surroundings.

Your parents are going to buy a house. They have been offered one on the roadside and another three lanes away from the roadside. Which house would you suggest your parents should buy? Explain your answer.

The sound from a mosquito is produced when it vibrates its wings at an average rate of $$500$$ vibrations per second. What is the time period of the vibration?

State True or False.
A tuning fork produces $$1083$$ vibrations in $$3 \ seconds$$, then its frequency is $$361 \ Hz$$.

Sketch larynx and explain its function in your own words :

The frequencies below 20 Hz are known as__________sounds.

The sounds having frequency less than $$20 Hz$$ are called ultrasonics. True or False?

Extremely loud sound can make one deaf. Suggest some measures to check loud noise.

What is meant by noise pollution? Name one source of sound which causes noise pollution.

An audible sound has the frequency range of _________.

Factories should not be constructed in the residential areas. Do you agree or not? If so, why?

Suggest some measures to reduce noise pollution in your residential area.

Define Pitch. 

What is noise pollution? Write its cause and ways to prevent it?

The pitch of a sound depends on its ______ .

What are infrasonics? Can you hear them?

What is the audible range of frequency of sound waves for human being?

What is the range of hearing for children under the age of five ?

The ringing bell in a temple has frequency $$400$$ vibration/sec, then calculate the periodic time of it.

Explain following terms
Audible sound 

What is the name of sound wave having frequency more than 20 kHz?

How does a musician playing on a flute change the pitch of sound produced by it ?

What do you mean by Infrasonic sound?

An object vibrates $$200$$ times in one second. What is its frequency?

If a tuning fork vibrates $$480$$ times in one second, what would be its natural frequency?

Explain the term: Ultrasonic sound 

How many times vibrate a body of frequency $$290Hz$$ in $$12$$ seconds.

Represent graphically by two separate diagrams in the case where two sound waves having the same frequency but different amplitudes:

Represent graphically by two separate diagrams in the case where two sound waves having the same amplitude but different frequencies :

Two identical guitars are played by two persons to give notes of the same pitch. Will they differ in quality? Give a reason for your answer.

The frequencies of notes given by flute, guitar and trumpet are respectively 400 Hz, 200 Hz and 500 Hz. Which one of these has the highest pitch ?

A sound wave is vibrating at frequency 50 Hz. What is its time period ? 

How does the medium affect the amplitude of free vibrations of a body ?

State one difference between a musical note and noise.

Any sound above $$20,000\: Hz$$ is called ...........

Suppose you and your friend are on the moon. Will you be able to hear any sound produced by your friend?

Pleasant sound is termed as music and is produced when vibrations produce waves in regular pattern. Why?

Noise pollution may cause deafness. Explain.

State whether true or false :
A medium is not necessary for the propagation of sound.

Write the definition of pitch.

Musical sound is produced by periodic vibrations.(True/False)

What measures can be taken to prevent noise pollution?

What do you understand by the term loudness w.r.t. sound waves?

State three differences between a musical sound and noise.

Mention a few health hazards caused by noise pollution.

Match the column:

Match The following :

AAudible rangepFaster transmission of sound
BInfrasonic rangeqSlower transmission of sound
CUltrasonic rangerLess than 20 Hz
DDenser mediums20 Hz - 20 kHz
ERarer mediumtMore than 20 kHz

Identify the part which vibrates to produce sound in the following instruments:
(a) Dholak
(b) Sitar
(c) Flute

A pendulum oscillates $$40$$ times in $$4$$ seconds. Find its time period and frequency.

What is sound and how is it produced?

Cite an experiment to show that sound needs a material medium for its propagation :

Loudness does not change with change in__________(frequency/amplitude)

Flash and thunder are produced simultaneously. But thunder is heard a few seconds after the flash is seen. Why?

Explain how the human ear works.

Describe an activity to show that sound is produced by vibration of materials.

A mosquito produces a sound of high pitch. How can we justify this statement.

What measures would you take to minimize the sound disturbance caused to others?

Explain the following terms:
a) amplitude  
b) wavelength  
c) frequency

A normal human being can listen to sounds with frequency from _________to___________ cycles per sec.

Vibrations in a body produce sounds. How do you prove it? 

Identify the parts which vibrates to produce sound in following instruments.

Veena and Rani are on the moon, Veena calls out her friend, but Rani does not hear Veena's call even though she is near. Discuss.

Displacement distance graph of two sound waves A and B, travelling in a medium, are as shown in the diagram. Study the two sound waves and compare their wavelengths.

Displacement distance graph of two sound waves A and B, travelling in a medium, are as shown in the diagram. Study the two sound waves and compare their Amplitudes.

Find the odd one out based on their audible range.


Which characteristic of sound will help you to:
(a) Distinguish between the sound of a boy and a girl.
(b) Distinguish between the sounds of two girls.

Your parents are going to buy a new house. They have been offered one on the roadside and another two lanes away from from the roadside. Which house would you suggest your parents? List out the ways and means to reduce noise.

Sound can not travel in ________.

Take a metal plate (or a pan ). Hang it at a convenient place in such a way that it does not touch any wall. Now strike it with a stick (Fig.13.2). Do you hear a sound? Touch the plate or pan gently with your finger. Do you feel the vibrations? Again strike the plate with the stick and hold it tightly with your hands immediately after striking. Do you still hear the sound? Touch the plate after it stops producing sound. Can you feel the vibrations now?

What are ultrasonics? Can you hear the ultrasonic sound?

List three methods of controlling noise pollution.  

Why does $$'Sa'$$ of guiter and Flute sound different?

Sound does not travel through .......................

Do you hear the sound when bell jar is completely evacuated ?

Describe an activity to show that sound needs a medium to travel with a neat well-labeled sketch.

Differentiate between audible and inaudible sounds.

Sound is produced when your school bell in struck with hammer. Why ?

Define frequency ? 

Explain how sound is produced by your school bell.

Fill in the blanks :
The total number of compressions and rarefactions produced per second in a sound wave is $$1000 .$$ The frequency of the sound wave is .............

Describe an experiment to show that sound can travel in water.

What should an object do to produce sound ?

The pulse rate of a man is 80 beats in one minute. Calculate its frequency.

Mr. Gupta was the President of a society which was constructed near a very busy main road. After many complaints from the residents Mr. Gupta planted some fast growing trees along the society's perimeter:

What values did Mr. Gupta shown while deciding to plant trees?

There was a party at Aman's house. Loud music was being played at Night. His neighbor came and requested him to lower the sound of the music system as his grandfather was not well and was resting. Aman lowered the volume of the music system at one.

Do you think Aman did the right thing? Why or why not?

Mr. Gupta was the President of a society which was constructed near a very busy main road. After many complaints from the residents Mr. Gupta planted some fast growing trees along the society's perimeter:

How trees help in reducing noise pollution?

There was a party at Aman's house. Loud music was being played at Night. His neighbour came and requested him to lower the sound of the music system as his grandfather was not well and was resting. Aman lowered the volume of the music system at once.

What value do you learn from Aman.

Mr. Gupta was the President of a society which was constructed near a very busy main road. After many complaints from the residents Mr. Gupta planted some fast-growing trees along the society's perimeter:

What was the residents' complaint about?

There was a party at Aman's house. Loud music was being played at Night. His neighbor came and requested him to lower the sound of the music system as his grandfather was not well and was resting. Aman lowered the volume of the music system at one.

If you were at Aman's place would you have done the same thing?

 Explain the term amplitude of a wave. Draw the diagram of a wave and mark its amplitude on it.

A tuning fork has a number $$256$$ marked on it. What does this number signify?

What is the infrasonic vibrations and ultrasonic vibrations?

Which object is vibrating when the following sounds are produced?

a) the sound of a sitar

b) the sound of a table

c) the sound of a tuning fork

d) the buzzing of a bee or mosquito

e) the sound of a flute

Calculate the frequency of a wave whose time-period is $$0.02\,s.$$

What is the time-period of a tuning fork whose frequency is $$200\, Hz$$?

Explain why a ringing bell suspended in a vacuum chamber cannot be heard outside.

If $$20$$ waves are produced per second, what is the frequency in hertz?

What is the difference between loudness and intensity of sound .

Can elephants hear frequencies less than $$ 20\,Hz $$ ? 

Define loudness of sound.

We have learnt that vibration is necessary for producing sound. Explain why the sound produced by every vibrating body cannot be heard by us? 

Why do we can hear the sound produced by the humming bees while the sound of vibrations of pendulum is not heard?

An avalanche of sand along some rare desert sand dunes can produce a booming that is loud enough to be heard $$ 10\ \mathrm{km} $$ away. The booming apparently results from a periodic oscillation of the sliding layer of sand- the layer's thickness expands and contracts. If the emitted frequency is $$ 90\ \mathrm{Hz} $$, what is the period of the thickness oscillation?

Illustrate with the help of an experiment that sound requires a medium to propagate . 

Define the following terms : 
Time period 

Fill in the blanks 
The number of times a body vibrates in one second is called its ______ .

Define the following terms : 

Fill in the blanks:
Sound can travel in a _____, _______ or _______. 

Describe an experiment to show that sound can travel in a solid .

Define the following term :

Differentiate between a high pitch sound and a low pitch sound.

Describe an experiment to show the production of sound having low and high pitch.

Which characteristics of sound makes it possible to recognize a person by his voice without seeing him ?

Can sound travel through solids and liquids ? In which of these two does it travel faster ?

What causes sound?

What determines the pitch of a sound?

How can the pitch of sound produced in a piano be changed ?

Complete the following sentences:
(a) The pitch of sound increases if its frequency …………..
(b) If the amplitude of a sound is halved, its loudness becomes ..............

A musical instrument takes $$2$$ seconds to complete $$200$$ oscillations then calculate frequency of it.

What is the importance of air in transmission of sound?

There is no atmosphere on moon. Can you hear each other on the moon's surface?

What is noise pollution ? How does it affect us ? How can it controlled ? Explain it in detail. 

Define frequency and periodic time. Represent the relation of them by a formula. 

Complete the following sentence:
Sound is produced by a ______ body.

What are differences in audible , infrasonic , ultrasonic.

Fill in the blanks :
The international unit of frequency is .................

Which object is vibrating when the following sounds are produced ? 
The sound of a sitar or veena.

What is frequency ? How is it represented ? Write its S.I unit.

Which object is vibrating when the following sounds are produced? 
The sound of the tabla.

Which object is vibrating when the following sound is produced? 
The buzzing of a bee or a mosquito.

Which object is vibrating when the following sounds are produced ? 
The radio.

What is the most common medium through which sound travels ? 

What is time period ? Write its S.I unit. 

Write the definition of the following :

In which of the three media, air, water, or iron, does sound travel the fastest at a particular temperature?

Write the definition of the following :
Time period

How do we produce sound ?

Which wave property determines the loudness of sound?

Which wave property determines the Pitch of sound? 

How do human beings contribute to noise pollution?

Explain an activity to show that sound can do work.

Table the following as those having high pitch and low pitch separately.
Cuckoo's cry, lion's roar, female voice, duck's sound, male voice, air horn.

The frequency of a source of sound is $$ 250 \,Hz $$ . Calculate the number of times , the sound vibrates in one minute. Also , calculate the time period ?

What is meant by amplitude of a sound wave?

Mention the harmful effects of noise pollution.

Name the two species of animals which can detect and produce infrasonic waves?

State what change happens to the loudness of sound in the following situation:
Amplitude of vibration decreases.

What are the demerits of sound pollution?

What is the available range of sound frequencies?

Complete the table.
No. of vibrationstimeFrequency

Write the ways to reduce sound pollution.

Can we hear the sound from Galton whistle having a frequency of $$30000Hz$$? Why?

How is sound produced and how is it transmitted and heard by us?

Describe the bell jar experiment to prove that sound requires a medium to propagate.

What is vacuum? Explain why sound cannot travel through vacuum?

An alarm bell is kept inside a vessel as shown in Figure. A person standing close to it can distinctly hear the sound of the alarm. Now if the air inside the vessel is removed completely. How will the loudness of alarm get affected for the same person?

A person is listening to a tone of $$500 Hz$$ sitting at a distance of $$450 m$$ from the source of the sound. What is the time interval between successive compression from the source?

Vijay, Shikha, Rajesh and Anupam were arguing about "would someone in space hear the explosion of an asteroid ?"
Vijay said, "they would not hear the explosion."
Shikha said the reason for the same that  "the explosion produce sound of frequency above 20,000 Hz hence they cannot hear it."
Which among these two is correct?

a) An electric bell is suspended by thin wires in a glass vessel and set ringing. Describe and explain what happens if the air is gradually pumped out of the glass vessel.

b) Why cannot a sound be heard on the moon? How do astronauts talk to one another on the surface of moon?

How does sound propagate in a medium?

How is loudness related to the amplitude of wave?

How do we heard sound ? 

Draw a diagram to show the wave pattern of high pitch note and a low pitch note, but of the same loudness.

The time period of a wave is  2 s. Its frequency is _____.

If a drum is beaten hard, its loudness _____(increases/decreases).

Describe an activity to show that the sound requires a material medium for its propagation.

Class 8 Physics Extra Questions