Maps - Class 6 Geography - Extra Questions

Very Short Answer Type Question:
What is a plan?

Very Short Answer Type Question:
What do physical maps show? 

Fill in the blanks with appropriate words to complete the sentence:
Maps have a ______ language that can be understood by all.

What are the different types of maps? Explain them in 50 words. 

Answer the following question briefly:
Which map provides detailed information?

Fill in the blanks with appropriate words to complete each sentence:
Maps are more informative than a _____.

Very Short Answer Type Question:
What is a sketch map?

Answer the following question briefly:
What do you mean by the term 'the scale of the map'?

Very Short Answer Type Question:
What is an atlas?

Answer the following question briefly:
Distinguish between a map and a plan.

Answer the following question briefly:
How are maps more helpful than a globe?

Short Answer Type Question:

Differentiate between a small scale map and a large scale map.

Class 6 Geography Extra Questions