Money And Credit - Class 10 Economics - Extra Questions

Fill in the blanks with appropriate words in the following sentences.
In olden days the goods were exchanged for goods, which was called _____________ system of exchange.

How does money solve the problem of double coincidence of wants? Explain with an example of your own.

Why was money invented? Give two reasons. 

Define money.

List various difficulties faced under the barter system of exchange.

Explain various stages in evolution of money.

What does the terms of credit include?

Differentiate between Standard money and Bank money.

What is the basic idea behind SHGs for the poor? Explain in your own words.

Why do we need to expand formal sources of credit in India?

State two qualities of a good monetary unit.

Why the banks might not be willing to lend to certain borrowers?

Manav needs a loan to set up a small business. On what basis will Manav decide whether to borrow from the bank or the moneylender? Discuss.

'Credit has its own unique role for development'. Justify the statement with arguments.

How the credit needs of poor households are mostly met?

How is money used as a medium of exchange? Explain with examples.

In what ways does the Reserve Bank of India supervise the functioning of banks? Why is this necessary?

How does use of money solve the problem of 'lack of double coincidence of wants' that existed under the barter system?

Which government body supervises the functioning of formal sources of loans in India? Explain its functioning.

Differentiate between the following: Limited legal tender and Unlimited legal tender

How does money act as a store of value?

Explain with an example, how credit plays a vital and positive role for development.

What is a difference between a loan and an overdraft? 

Distinguish between demand deposits and fixed deposits.

Write any two difficulties of barter system.

Give any three suggestions to increase formal sources of loan in rural areas of India.

What are self-help groups?

In your opinion, between barter system and monetary system, which one is superior and why?

Answer in two sentences:
What is a self-help group ?

Define money. Explain the contingent functions of money.

In your opinion between formal and informal credit, which one is superior and why?

How does the use of money make it easier to exchange things? Give an example.

Explain "difficulty in storing wealth" problem faced in the barter system of exchange.

Give the definitions of money.

Given Reasons.
In Barter System there is direct exchange of goods.

What do you mean by money?

What are the difficulties that were faced under Barter System?

Given Reasons.
Barter System has many difficulties.

Distinguish between Legal Tender Money and Credit Money or Bank Money/Optional Money.

Define or explain the following concept.
Barter System.

Define or explain the following concept.

Define or explain the following concept.
Near Money.

Give Reasons or Explain the following:
Clearing house system economies the use of cash. 

Give Reasons or Explain the following:
Margin requirement determines the value of loan.

What is multiple credit creation? Explain it with its example. 

Distinguish between the following:
Quantitative and Qualitative Credit Control Measures.

Write Short Notes on Credit or Bank Money.

Answer the following question.
What are the difficulties faced by people under Barter System?

State with reasons whether you agree or disagree with the following statements.
Barter System did not have any difficulty.

Distinguish between Legal Tender Money and Credit Money or Bank Money.

Distinguish between
Cash Credits and Overdraft Facility.

Answer the following question.
Explain different types of loans and advances provided by commercial banks?

Answer in detail.
What are the qualitative measures of credit control?

Write Short Notes on.
Long term loans.

Answer the following questions.
What are the various measures of Qualitative Credit Control?

Write Short Notes on.
Types of loans.

Define or explain the following concepts.
Cash credit.

Answer the following questions.
What are the various measures of Quantitative Credit Control?

Do you agree with the following statement? Why?
"Standard coins are token coins."

General acceptability is the only quality of good money.

Give any two examples of informal sector of credit.

Why is cheap and affordable credit important for the country's development? Explain any three reasons.

What is a barter system? What are its drawbacks?

State the limitations of barter exchange.

What are the basic characteristics of money?

State with reasons, whether you 'agree' or 'disagree' with the following statement:
Barter system had many difficulties.

What are the main functions of money? How does money overcome the shortcomings of a barter system?

Explain the following term: Token money

Explain the reason for necessity of supervision by the Reserve Bank of India of formal sources of loans.

What are time deposits?

"Money acts as an intermediate in the exchange process". Explain.

Seema wants to open a small flower shop near the village temple for which she needsBriefly explain which is the best credit source for her and why?

Why do lenders ask for collateral while lending? Explain.

Krishna is working in neighboring field with very less wages. Expenses on sudden illnesses or functions in the family are also met through loans. The landowner charges an interest rate of $$5$$ percent per month. At present she owes the landowner $$ 5,000$$.
Analyse the credit arrangements given above. 

Why Self Help Groups are growing in popularity?

What do you understand by the term 'near money' ?

Differentiate between formal and informal credit.

From where do the small farmers get capital for farming? How does it affect the farmers?

State any three reasons which define the need of formal sources of credit in India.

State with reasons, whether you 'agree' or 'disagree' with the following statements. 
The barter system had many difficulties.

''Households still depend on informal sources of credit". Support the statement with examples.

Describe any three advantages of SHGs for the poor.

In situations with high risks, credit might create further problems for the borrower. Explain.

Differentiate between limited legal tender and unlimited legal tender.

Compare the contribution of formal and informal credit between urban poor and rich households. Give any two suggestions to increase the role of formal sector in credit creation.

Distinguish between limited legal tender and unlimited legal tender.

Why is modern currency accepted as a medium of exchange without any use of its own ? Find out the reason.

How do demand deposits have the essential features of money? Explain.

Analyse the role of credit for development.

Class 10 Economics Extra Questions