New Kings And Kingdoms - Class 7 History - Extra Questions

What was the nagaram?

What kind of irrigation works were developed in the Tamil Nadu?

Contrast the 'elections' in Uttaramerur with present day panchayat elections?

What was South India famous for?

What were the activities associated with Chola temples?

What was known as 'ur'?

What was 'tripartite struggle'?

Very short answer type question:
Why are the temples of Thanjavur and Gangaikonda-cholapuram famous for?

Who was Dantidurga?

What was known as 'brahmadeya'?

Compare the temple shown in this chapter with any present-day temple in your neighborhood, highlighting any similarities and differences that you notice.

Very short answer type question:
Who were the writers of Prashastis?

Very short answer type question:
Who wrote Kitab al-Hind?

What did the new dynasties do to gain acceptance?

Write a note on 'Prashastis'.

Class 7 History Extra Questions