Sources Of Energy - Class 10 Physics - Extra Questions

What are the limitations in obtaining energy from wind?

State whether the given statement is True or False.

Biogas is produced by aerobic fermentation of animal slurry.

State any two advantages of a box type solar cooker.

State some way of reducing air pollution in homes.

What is nuclear energy?

What are the qualities of an ideal source of energy?

What are fossils?

Mention the names of any two types of fossil fuels.

(a) Write names of any two conventional sources of energy.
(b) Write any two limitations in harnessing wind energy.

What are the characteristics of good sources of energy?

Coal is the _______ source of energy.

Write any four benefits of using solar cooker.

Write four characteristics of the good source of energy.

Which type of energy sources are fossil fuels? Write down any two names of fossil fuels.

Hydroelectric power plants are more ecofriendly than thermal power plants. Justify this statement.

What are the renewable and non-renewable sources of energy?

What is the main source of energy for earth?

Name the agent which decomposes animal dung into biogas. 

What are fossil fuels?

Name the two devices that work using heat energy of the sun.

How does the excessive use of fuels in-fluence global warming? Explain.

Why is there a need for harnessing non-conventional sources of energy? How can energy be harnessed from the sea indifferent ways?

What are the disadvantage of using fossil fuels ?

What are the environmental consequences of using fossil fuels?Suggest the steps to minimise the pollution caused by various sources of energy including non-conventional sources of energy.

What type of mirror is used in solar cookers and why?

Air gets polluted by the burning of large amounts of ............. in thermo-electric plants.

What is biomass?

What is a wind mill ? Write any two uses of a wind mill.

What are the two disadvantages of  fossil fuels?

What are the limitations of extracting energy from 

(a) wind

(b) waves

(c) tides

Compare and contrast bio-mass and hydro electricity as sources of energy.

What are the environmental consequences of the increasing demand for energy? What steps would you suggest to reduce energy consumption?

Fill in the blanks with suitable answer
Light energy can be converted into electricity by ____________

The basic source of wind energy is __________.

Correct the mistakes, if any, in the following statements:
(a) A good source of energy would be the one which does a small amount of work per unit volume of mass.
(b) Any source of energy we use to do work is consumed and can be used again.

Instead of using biomass directly as fuel, it is always advantageous to use biogas produced from biomass.
a) What do you mean by biomass?
b) What are the advantages of using biogas as fuel?

Write the energy conversion that takes place in a hydropower plant.

Write about ocean thermal energy.

What is geothermal energy?

Why is tidal energy not likely to be a potential source of energy?

State the principle of working of ocean thermal conversion plant. Explain how the plant works ? write one essential condition for it to operate properly.

What are the advantages of nuclear energy?

Why many nuclear power plants could not be installed in our country. Give two reasons.

"Burning of fossil resultant in global warming" Give reasons to justify this statement.

Which process is responsible in hydrogen bomb?

What is the source of energy in the sun?

What is a good source of energy?

What is wind mill? Write its advantages.

Explain the principle of working of a thermal power plant. Draw a labelled diagram to illustrate your answer.

What are the various fuels which are used to generate electricity in a thermal power plant.

What are the various steps which can be taken to control (or reduce) pollution caused by burning fossil fuels ?

Write a short note on the pollution caused by burning fossil fuels.

State any four characteristics of a good source of energy. 

 Give one example of a good domestic fuel.

What we the disadvantages of burning fossil fuels ? 

Name the device which converts sunlight into electricity.

How has the traditional use of energy of flowing water been modified for our convenience?

How has the traditional use of wind energy been modified for our convenience? 

A hydro-power plant converts one form of energy into another. Name the two forms of energy.

What is hydroelectricity ? Explain the basic principle of generation of hydroelectricity with the help of a labelled diagram.
(b) State two advantages of producing hydroelectricity.
(c) State two disadvantages of producing hydroelectricity. 

Name any three forms of energy which could be harnessed from the sea.

Flowing water can rotate a turbine. Which type of energy is used up by the turbine ?  

(a) What is the difference between a thermal power plant and a hydro power plant ?
(b) Which of the two causes serious air pollution and how ?

What name is given to the heat energy obtained from hot rocks inside the earth ? 

What is wind ? What type of energy is possessed by wind ? 
(b) Explain how, wind energy can be used to generate electricity. Illustrate your answer with the help of a labelled diagram.
(c) State two advantages of using wind energy for generating electricity.
(d) Mention two limitations of wind energy for generating electricity 

 Fill in the following blanks with suitable words :
(a) Biomass is another form in which .....  energy manifests itself. 
(b) Tidal waves build up and recede .... a day.

What is biomass? Give three examples of biomass.

What is the function of anaerobic micro-organisms such as anaerobic bacteria in a biogas plant ?

(a) Explain how tidal energy can be used to generate electricity.
(b) Why is tidal energy riot likely to be a potential source of energy ?

Write two forms in which solar energy manifests itself in sea.

Compare and contrast biomass and hydroelectricity as sources of energy.

(a) What is geothermal energy's  ?
(b) What is the source of heat contained in geothermal energy ?
(c) Explain how, geothermal energy is used to generate electricity.
(d) State two advantages of geothermal energy.
(e) State two disadvantages of geothermal energy. 

What are the limitations of energy that can be harnessed from the sea ? 

State two ways in which the energy of sea-waves can be harnessed.

(a) What is biogas ? Name the major component of biogas.
(b) What are the raw materials used for making biogas ?
(c) Describe the construction and working of a biogas plant with the help of a labelled diagram.
(d) Write any two uses of biogas.
(e) Write any two advantages of using biogas. Solution : 

(a) What are the advantages of nuclear energy ? 
(b) State the disadvantages of nuclear energy. 

Why are Thermal Power Stations usually located near a river?

What are the various factors which we should keep in mind while choosing a source of energy.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using nuclear fuel for generating electricity? 

When the rnaterial A mined from the earth is heated strongly in an insufficeint supply of air, it produces a solid fuel B which consists mainly of carbon. When another material C obtained from trees is heated in an insufficient supply of air, it produces another solid fuel D which also consists mainly of carbon. Name A, B, C and D.

(a) What is the source of energy of the sun and other stars ?
(b) Describe the working of a hydrogen bomb.
(c) What is common between the sun and a hydrogen bomb ? 

(a) Differentiate between nuclear fission and nuclear fusion.
(b) Which of the two, nuclear fission and nuclear fusion, is made use of :
(i) for the production of electricity ?
(ii) for making a hydrogen bomb ?
(c) Which produces more energy : nuclear fusion or nuclear fission ?
(d) Calculate the energy released in joules when 5 g of a material is completely convened into energy during a nuclear reaction.
(e) How much is this energy in MeV ?
(Speed of light $$= 3 \times 10^8 m/s$$) 

A certain form of energy is available due to the difference in the temperature of water at the surface of the ocean and its deeper levels.
(a) Name the form of energy.
(b) Is this energy ultimately derived from the sun or not ?
(c) Explain how this form of energy can be converted into electricity.
(d) What is the minimum temperature difference in water at the surface of ocean and its deeper level which is required to operate power plants based on this energy ?

Can any source of energy be pollution-free? Explain your answer with an example. 

What are the environmental consequences of the increasing demand for energy ?

List any four areas where solar cells are being used as a source of energy.

State one limitation of solar energy available from solar cells.

Name the three forms in which energy from oceans is made available for use. What are OTEC power plants? How do they operate? 

What is the minimum wind velocity required to obtain useful energy with a windmill?

What normally drives the alternators in a Thermal Power Station? What fuels can be used to heat water in the boiler?

Draw a labelled diagram of floating gas holder type biogas plant and describe it's working. Mention any two advantage of using animal dung for making biogas over using It as a fuel in the form of dried dung cakes.

Which part of the solar energy is responsible for heating the surfaces ?

What are the criteria you would consider when trying to categorize something like a good fuel?

Which power plant works on earth's gravity ?

List in tabular form two distinguishing features of a thermal power plant and a geothermal power plant.

The increase in demand for energy is affecting our enviroment adversely. List two such effects.

Name the energy obtained from sea or ocean water due to the difference in temperature at the surface and in deeper sections of these water bodies.

Name the largest component of bio-gas.

It is advantageous to convert bio-mass into a bio-gas rather than burning bio-mass directly. Why?

Biomass contains stored energy. Justify it.

How does the burning of fossil fuels cause air and soil pollution?

State the meaning of the term "hot spot" in the context of the earth's crust. Write one advantage and one limitation of utilizing energy obtained from the hot spots.

The slippery surface between colliding tectonic plates resulted in a huge release of energy into the sea and this resulted in a massive tsunami. The 2011 devastating tsunami rolled over many parts of Japan and caused huge damages. The disaster also caused the three reactors at Fukushima nuclear power plant to melt down which released dangerous harmful radiation into the surrounding areas and led to a national power shortage.
(a) What could be the reason for damage to nuclear reactors?
(b) How did it affect the environment and the people?
(c) Do you think nuclear energy is a future source of energy?

Explain why only a small part of the solar energy that strikes the upper regions of atmosphere reaches the surface of the Earth.

Mention any two disadvantages of producing hydroelectricity by building dams on rivers.

Give some advantages of solar energy.

Mention any two advantages of producing hydroelectricity by building dams on rivers.

What is meant by a wind energy farm? Write one of its practical applications. Give any three limitations of using wind energy farms.

What energy transformation occur in a hydro power plant?

State two advantages and two disadvantages of geothermal energy.

How are the tidal energy, wave energy, and ocean thermal energy different from each other?

Though wood is a renewable source of energy, but the use of wood as a fuel is not a wise decision. Explain.

What are the environmental consequences of using fossil fuels? 

State the important uses of wind energy.

Explain the principle of working of a windmill.

Describe how electric energy is generated in hydro power plants.

In a school, there are seventy teachers and most of them have their personal vehicles. There are many teachers who come from the same place but everyone prefers coming by their personal vehicle. On the other hand, the students of the school either come by buses or by carpooling. Whose practice of commuting to school is nature friendly? Justify your answer.

Which part of the solar cooker is responsible for greenhouse effect?

Give an example of indirect harnessing of solar energy. 

What is the importance of hydro power plants in India?

Write the advantages of solar cells.

State two characteristics which a source of energy must have.

Why is there a need for harnessing non conventional sources of energy?

What is biomass? What can be done to obtain bio-energy using biomass?

Why is there a need to harness non conventional sources of energy? Give two main reasons.

What are the environmental consequences of using fossil fuels?

Give a brief description of harnessing on non conventional source of energy.

What is geo-thermal energy? Explain in brief.

Write any two hazards of nuclear power generation.

State two advantages and two disadvantages of producing hydro-electricity.

State the energy transformation in the following:
Electricity is obtained from wind energy

What is solar energy? How is solar energy used to generate electricity in a solar power plant?

State two advantages and two limitations of using wind energy for generating electricity.

State the energy transformation in the following:
Electricity is obtained from hydro electricity

What results in the increase of carbon dioxide contents of earth's atmosphere?

State four ways for the judicious use of energy.

What is wind energy? How is wind energy used to produce electricity? How much electric power is generated in India using wind energy?

What is hydro energy? Explain the principle of generating electricity from hydro energy. How much hydro electric power is generated in India?

What is tidal energy? Explain in brief.

Explain the difference.
Conventional and Non-conventional Sources of energy.

Give an example to explain that the use of modern eco-friendly technologies is more efficient and less polluting.

State two advantages and two disadvantages of using wind energy for generating electricity.

What is hydro energy? Explain the principle of generating electricity from hydro energy. How much hydroelectric power is generated in India?

What is wind energy? How is wind energy used to produce electricity?

How does proper insulation of home save energy ?

What social initiatives must be taken for the sensitive use of energy ?

Remake the table taking into account relation between entries in three columns.
         I           II            III
      Coal Potential Energy Wind electricity plant 
    Uranium Kinetic Energy Hydro electric plant 
Water Reservoir Nuclear Energy Thermal plant 
       Wind Thermal Energy Nuclear power plant 

State two advantage and two disadvantages of producing hydroelectricity.

Which fuel is used in thermal power plant? What are the problems associated with this type of power generation?

Explain the difference .
Thermal electricity generation and solar thermal electricity generation.

How is electricity produced in hydro power plant?

What do you understand by electrical energy? How is electricity obtained from thermal power plant?

Give your opinion about whether hydro electric plants are environment friendly or not?

Explain with diagram step-by-step on the energy conversion in a Hydroelectric power plant.

Give scientific reason 
The construction of the turbine is different for different types of power plants.

What is electric energy? How is electricity produced in following:
(a) Hydel electric plant
(b) Wind energy plant
(c) Solar energy plant 

What is biomass energy? What are its uses?

What is a source of energy? 

Write down the advantages and limitations of solar cooker.

We get different forms of energy from the Sun. Attempts are underway now to utilize solar energy to its maximum. What are the devices used for this? 

What are the disadvantages of fossil fuels?

It is said that energy can neither be created nor destroyed; then how does energy crisis occur?

Explain the working of a hydroelectric power plant to produce electricity.

Kerala has a long coastal land. Still, ocean is not considered as a major source of energy. Why?

Write down the name of some power stations in Kerala.

Why is it said that geothermal power plants are not possible in Kerala? Discuss and record.

Solar energy has an incredible future in the field of transportation. We are in its infant stage. Write an essay on the topic "Prospects of solar energy. 

Explain how solar energy is stored in various forms on earth's ecosystem.

Visit a hydroelectric power station and try to understand different stages of the production of electricity. Make use of this principle and find out the scope of mini hydroelectric power project.

Visit a biogas plant and explore the possibility of establishing a community biogas plant in your region.

Compare biomass and biogas. 

What will you call the nuclear reaction in which small atoms combine?

How are fossil fuels formed? 

Watch the animation video of nuclear fission and fusion 
Which nuclear reaction happens in an atom bomb?

Identify the relation and fill in the blanks.
Hydrogen bomb: Nuclear fusion :Atom bomb:______

A man pointing at a car running on petrol says. 'This car is running on solar energy. Write down your responses about this matter. 

Coal is the most abundant fossil fuel on the earth.
How did the fossil fuels originate?

Various situations which use solar energy are given in the diagram. What are the advantages & disadvantages of solar energy list them?

 A B
 (1) Uses the energy of water stored at a height.(a) Pallivasal Power Station. 
 (2) Uses the heat generated by the burning of fuels. (b) Ramagundam Power Station.
 (3) Uses nuclear energy.(c) Kalpaklcam Power Station. 
Names of power stations and statements related to them are given below in two groups. Match them suitably.

Using the relation from the first pair, complete the other.
Hydroelectric power station - flowing water
Thermal power station - 

Compare Nuclear fission and Nuclear Fusion. 

Why it is called as fossil fuels?

Complete the table.
PowerhouseClassSource of energy
Moolamatam(a)water from dams

Using the relation from the first pair, complete the other.
Moolamattom - Hydroelectric power station
Rawatbhata - 

Kuttiadi, Kayamkulam, kaiga, kalpakkam, Mooiamattom
Some power stations in India shown in above.
Tabulate the above power stations according to the energy changes.

Kuttiadi, Kayamkulam, kaiga, kalpakkam, Mooiamattom
Some power stations in India shown in above.
Industrially electricity produced in the form of a.c. Why ?

Write any three disadvantages associated with hydro power plant.

Solar cooker takes more time as compared to the LPG to boil potato or rice, yet Kunal uses solar cooker for such type of cooking:
(i) Why does Kunal uses solar cooker instead of LPG? Give reasons for your answer.
(ii) Name the phenomenon which is responsible for obtaining high temperature in solar cooker.

List reasons why we need to look for alternate sources of energy.
Why is there a need to harness non-conventional sources of energy ? Give two main reasons.

Name the part of a biogas plant where reactions take place in the absence of oxygen.

Biogas is considered to be a boon to the farmers. Give reasons.
List any three reasons due to which bio-gas is considered to be an excellent fuel.

Kuttiadi, Kayamkulam, kaiga, kalpakkam, Mooiamattom
Some power stations in India shown in above.
How does the electricity produced from Moolamattam power station ?

Define tidal energy. Explain how the tidal energy is harnessed and write one limitation of the use of tidal energy.

Bio gas is an excellent fuel. Justify the statement by giving two reasons. Mention the main constituents of bio gas along with its percentage.

Out of two elements A and B with mass number $$2$$ and $$235$$ respectively, which one is suitable for making ,
(a) a nuclear reactor,
(b) a hydrogen bomb?
Name the nuclear reaction involved in each case. Write one difference between the two types of nuclear reactions.

Name two sources of energy which are pollution free. 

Out of two solar cookers, one was covered with a plane glass slab and the other was left open. Which of the two solar cookers will be more efficient and why?

Why are fossil fuels known as a non-renewable source of energy?

Write the name of the substance whose vapours are used to run the turbine of the generator of ocean thermal energy plant.

Mention the minimum temperature difference required between surface water and water at a depth of up to $$2$$ km in an ocean thermal energy plant.

Mention any three qualities of an ideal source of energy.

Name two activities in our daily life in which solar energy is used. 

Name two renewable or non-conventional sources of energy.

Name any two elements that are used in fabricating solar cells.

What steps can be taken to minimize environmental pollution caused by the burning of fossil fuels ?

Answer the following question in short and to the point. 
Write the names of the two dams of Gujarat. How are dams useful to society?

What is the main basic cause for winds to blow ?

The figure indicates the fission reaction of a heavy nucleus of Uranium.
a. Write down an activity to make energy available by using lighter nucleii.
b. Calculate the energy obtained if $$1 \ g$$ matter changes into energy during nuclear fission reaction ($$c=3  \times 10^8 \ m/s$$).
c. What will be the result if the reaction shown in the above figure continues?
d. Why are we establishing nuclear reactors despite of the realisation that nuclear reactors are controlled nuclear bombs?

What is hydro energy ? Explain the principle of generating electricity from hydro energy. 
How much hydro electric power is generated in india ?

Explain the principle and working of a biogas plant using a labeled diagram.

Class 10 Physics Extra Questions