Algebra - Class 6 Maths - Extra Questions

Write the information given in the picture in the form of an equation. Also, find '$$x$$' in the following figure.

Write L.H.S and R.H.S of the following simple equations:

Solve: $$y=a(x-a)^{2}$$

State the type of given equation (with a variable) also give a reason for your answer and identifies the variable from the equation.

Standard form for linear equation in one variable?

Write L.H.S and R.H.S of the following simple equations:

Equations with linear expressions in one variable only are called ...................... in one variable.

What is a linear equation ?

State which of the following are equations (with a variable ). Give reason for your answer. Identify the variable from the equations with a variable.
$$\dfrac {4}{2}=2$$ 

The parking charges of a vehicle in a shopping centre is $$Rs\ 40$$ for first $$2$$ hours and $$Rs\ 5$$ for each subsequent hour. Write an equation for $$8$$ hours.

State which of the following are equation (with a variable) given reason and tell your answer. identify the variable from the equation with a variable.
$$7 = (11 \times 2) \div p$$

State which of the following are equation (with a variable). Give reason. Identify the variable from the equation.
$$20-(10-5)=3\times 5$$

Find the addition of $$-2x+1$$ and $$-2x-2$$

State which of the following are equation (with a variable) given reason and tell your answer. identify the variable from the equation with a variable.
$$\frac{{3q}}{2} < 5$$

State the type of given equation (with a variable ). Give a reason for your answer and identify the variable from the equations with a variable.
$$(t-7)> 5$$

Form the expression for: "Sum of number $$a$$ and $$b$$ subtracted from their product-

Write the algebraic expressions for the following statement.
The number $$z$$ is multiplied by itself.

Get the algebraic expressions in the following case using variable, constants and arithmetic operations.
One-half of the sum of numbers x and y.

Write the expression of following statement :
$$5$$ is taken from $$y$$ we get $$x$$.

Get the algebraic expressions in the following case using variables, constants and arithmetic operations.
Subtraction of z from y.

Complete the entries in the third column of the table.

S.No.EquationValue of variableEquation satisfied
       Yes/ No
(a)$$10y = 80$$$$y = 10$$
(b)$$10y = 80$$$$y = 8$$
(c)$$10y = 80$$$$y = 5$$
(d)$$4l = 20$$$$l = 20$$
(e)$$4l = 20$$$$l = 80$$
(f)$$4l = 20$$$$l = 5$$
(g)$$b + 5 = 9$$$$b = 5$$
(h)$$b + 5 = 9$$$$b = 9$$
(i)$$b + 5 = 9$$$$b = 4$$
(j)$$h - 8 = 5$$$$h = 13$$
(k)$$h - 8 = 5$$$$h = 8$$
(l)$$h - 8 = 5$$$$h = 0$$
(m)$$p + 3 = 1$$$$p = 3$$
(n)$$p + 3 = 1$$$$p = 1$$
(o)$$p + 3 = 1$$$$p = 0$$
(p)$$p + 3 = 1$$$$p = -1$$
(q)$$p + 3 = 1$$$$p = -2$$

Verify that $$x=2$$ is a solution of the linear equation $$2x+7=13-x.$$

Check whether $$p=0$$ is a solution to $$4p-3 = 13$$ or not.

Make equation of following
Take Sarita's present age to be $$x$$ years.
Sarita's Grandfather is $$6$$ times her age. What is the age of her Grandmother?

Make algebraic expression for the following:
If Sarita's present age is $$x$$ years, then what was her age $$3$$ years back?

Get the algebraic expressions in the following case using variables, constants and arithmetic operations.
Product of numbers y and z subtracted from $$10$$.

State which of the following are equations with a variable. In case of an equation with a variable, identity the variable.
$$2p < 15$$

Write an expression for the following:
$$7$$ divided by $$p$$

Write an expression for the following:
$$7$$ added to $$p$$

Write an expression for the following:
$$p$$ multiplied by $$-5$$

Get the algebraic expressions in the following case using variables, constants and arithmetic operations.
One-fourth of the product of numbers p and q.

Get the algebraic expressions in the following case using variables, constants and arithmetic operations.
Numbers x and y both squared and added.

Get the algebraic expressions in the following case using variables, constants, and arithmetic operations.
Sum of numbers a and b subtracted from their product.

Get the algebraic expressions in the following case using variables, constants and arithmetic operations.
Number $$5$$ added to three times the product of m and n.

Write an expression for the following:
$$p$$ divided by $$7$$

Write an algebraic expression for each of the following:
If the length of a side of a regular pentagon is $$x\ cm$$, then what is the perimeter of the pentagon?

Write an expression for the following:
$$11$$ subtracted from $$2 m$$

Write an expression for the following:
$$11$$ added to $$2 m$$

Finding the value of a variable in a linear equation that_____ the equation is called a ______ of the equation.

Write an expression for the following:
$$-p$$ divided by $$5$$

The side of a triangle are $$2x + 3y , x  + 5y$$ and $$7x - 2 y$$. Find its perimeter .

The two adjacent sides of a rectangle are $$6a + 9b$$ and $$8a - 4b$$. Find its perimeter.

Verify that $$-(-x)=x$$ for 
(i) $$x=\dfrac {11}{15}$$         (ii) $$x=-\dfrac {13}{17}$$

Write the numerical coefficients, constants and number of terms for the following expression:
$$4a^{2} - 2ab^{2} + \dfrac{1}{2}b +3$$

Write an equation for the following
$$5$$ times a number $$t$$ equals $$35$$.

$$\left(\dfrac {1}{7}x-\dfrac {1}{8}y\right) (7x^{2}-8y^{2}) =$$

$$6x - 3 = 4x  + 5$$ is a simple equation give reason 

Fill in the blanks:
An equation is a statement that the two expressions are ............

Write an equation for the following
$$12$$ less than a number $$y$$ is $$20$$.

Rohit goes to school by car at $$60$$km per hour and Manoj goes to school by scooty at $$40$$kmph.If they both live in the same locality, find the ratio between the time taken by Rohit and Manoj to reach the school.

Express the given linear equation in the form $$ax + by + c = 0$$ and indicate the values of $$a, b$$ and $$c$$ in given case:
$$x - \dfrac {y}{2} - 5 = 0$$.

Make equation of following
Take Sarita's present age to be $$x$$ years and her Grandfather is six times her age.
Grandmother is $$2$$ years younger than Grandfather. What is Grandmother's age?

Form expressions using $$t$$ andUse not more than one number operation. Every expression must have $$t$$ in it.

The coefficient of $$x$$ in the expansion of $$(x+3)^{3}$$ is

Add the following:
$$14yx,\ -3xy$$

Find the perimeters of the squares whose sides are given below:

Find the perimeters of the squares whose sides are given below:

Find the perimeter of each of the following shapes:

Find the perimeter of each of the following shapes:

Find the perimeter of the rectangle whose length and breadth are given below:
$$7.5$$cm, $$4.5$$cm.

Find the side of the square whose perimeter is:

Find the perimeter of each of the following shapes:

Find the side of the square whose perimeter is:

Find the side of the square whose perimeter is:

Find the perimeters of the rectangles whose lengths and breadths are given below:
$$7$$cm, $$5$$cm.

Simplify the following algebraic expression by removing grouping symbols.$$ a-[2b-\left \{ 3a-(2b-3c) \right \}] $$

Simplify each of the following algebraic expressions by removing grouping symbols.$$ 5a-\left \{ 3a-(2-a)+4 \right \} $$

Simplify each of the following algebraic expressions by removing grouping symbols.$$ 5a-(3b-2a+4c)$$

Write an expression for the following:
$$7$$ subtracted from $$-m$$

Find the breadth of the rectangle whose perimeter is $$360\ cm$$ and whose length is
$$116\ cm$$.

Simplify each of the following algebraic expressions by removing grouping symbols. $$ a-\left[b-\left \{ a-(b-1)+3a \right \}\right] $$

Simplify each of the following algebraic expressions by removing grouping symbols.$$3x-(y-2x)$$ 

In a two-digit number, the digit at the units place is double the digit in the tens place. The number exceeds the sum of its digits by $$18.$$ Find the number.

Simplify each of the following algebraic expressions by removing grouping symbols.$$ 2a-[4b-\left \{ 4a-3(2a-b) \right \}] $$

In a test Abha gets twice the marks as that of Palak. Two times Abha's marks and three times Palak's marks make $$280$$.
If Palak gets $$x$$ marks, Abha gets ______ marks.

Sum of two numbers is $$81$$. One is twice the other.
The equation formed is ______.

Change the following statement using expression into statements in ordinary language:
The cost of rice per $$kg$$ is $$Rs\ p$$. The cost of oil per litre is $$Rs\ 5p$$

The sum of two numbers is $$60$$ and their difference is $$30$$.
The solution of the equation is ______.

Write an expression for the following:
$$y$$ is multiplied by $$-8$$ and then $$5$$ is added to the result

Write an algebraic for each of the following:
If $$1$$ metre cloth costs $$Rs\ x$$, then what is cost of $$6$$ metre cloth?

The sum of two numbers is $$60$$ and their difference is $$30$$.
If the smaller number is $$x$$ then another number is ______. (use sum)

A student scored $$x$$ marks in English but the teacher deducted $$5$$ marks for bad handwriting. What was the student's final score in English?

Write the following in mathematical form using signs and symbols:
$$6$$ more than thrice a number $$x$$.

Write an expression for the following:
$$3$$ added to $$5$$ times $$y$$

Write the following statement in the form of algebraic expressions and write whether it is monomial, binomial or trinomial.
Perimeter of an equilateral triangle of side $$x$$.

In a rectangular plot, $$5$$ square flower beds of side $$(x+2)$$ meter each have been laid. Find the total cost of fencing the flower beds at the cost of Rs. $$50$$ per $$100$$ meters.

Find the perimeter of the figure given:

Write the following statement in the form of algebraic expressions and write whether it is monomial, binomial or trinomial.
Perimeter of a rectangle with length $$p$$ and breadth $$q$$.

A wire is $$(7x-3)$$ meter long. A length of $$(3x-4)$$ meters is cut for use. Now, answer the following questions:
(a) How much wire is left?
(b) If this left out wire is used for making an equilateral triangle. What is the length of each side of the triangle so formed?

"Express the following properties with variables $$x,y$$ and $$z$$
(i) Commutative property of addition
(ii) Commutative property of multiplication
(iii) Associative property of addition
(iv) Associative property of multiplication
(v) distributive property of multiplication over addition

A school has a rectangular playground with length $$x$$ and breadth $$y$$ and a square lawn with side $$x$$ as shown in the figure given. What is the total perimeter of both of them combined together?

The length of a rectangle is $$3x-4y+6z$$ and the perimeter is $$7x+8y+17z$$, find the breadth of the rectangle.

The sides of a triangle are 5a-3b,3a+2b and 5b-2a, find its perimeter.

If two adjacent sides of a rectangle are $$ 4x+7y$$ and $$ 3y-x$$, find its perimeter.

The perimeter of a triangle whose sides measure $$2a,b$$ and $$a+b$$ is.......

Fill the blanks to make the statement true:
A term of an equation can be transposed to the other side by changing its ________.

The length of a rectangle plot is 6 m less than thrice its breadth. Find the dimensions of the plot if its perimeter is 148 m.

The area of a rectangular field is $$25x^{2} + 20xy + 3y^{2}$$ square unit. If its length is $$5x + 3y$$ unit, find its breadth. Hence, find its perimeter.

The perimeter of a triangle is $$7p^2 - 5p + 11$$ and two of its sides are $$2 + 2p - 1$$ and $$3p^2 - 6p + 3$$. Find the third side of the triangle.

Write in the form of an algebraic expression:
Perimeter $$(P)$$ of a rectangle is two times the sum of its length $$(l)$$ and its breadth $$(b)$$.

Class 6 Maths Extra Questions