Understanding Elementary Shapes - Class 6 Maths - Extra Questions

Identify the triangle as equiangular, acute, obtuse or right.
Answer: Obtuse
Mark answer as 1 if true else 0 if false


Identify the triangles as equilateral, isosceles or scalene.

Answer: :Isoceles
Mark answer as 1 if true else 0 if false


How many faces and edges does a triangular prism have?

If $$f$$, $$e$$ and $$v$$ represent the number of rectangular faces, number of edges and number of vertices respectively of a cuboid, then the values of $$f$$ is 

Identify the triangles as equilateral, isosceles or scalene.

Answer: Scalene
Mark answer as 1 if true else 0 if false


Identify the triangle as equiangular, acute, obtuse or right.
Answer: Acute
Mark answer as 1 if true else 0 if false


Identify the triangle as equiangular, acute, obtuse or right.

Answer: Right angled triangle
Mark answer as 1 if true else 0 if false


Define a Square.

Give a definition for Perpendicular lines

Read the following statement:
"A square is a polygon made up of four line segments, out of which, length of three line segments are equal to the length of fourth one and all its angles are right angles".
Define the terms used in this definition which you feel necessary. Are there any undefined terms in this? Can you justify that all angles and sides of a square are equal?

A man goes $$1 \cdot 2 km$$ due to North and then $$0 \cdot 5 km$$ due West. Find the least distance between his initial and final positions.

Based on the sides, classify the following triangles

Based on the sides, classify the following triangles

Based on the sides, determine the type of given triangle.

Based on the sides, classify the following triangles

Complete the following table

Fill up the blanks to make the statement true:
A triangle cannot have more than _______________ obtuse angle.

Based on the sides, classify the following triangles

Based on the sides, determine the type of given triangle.

Complete the table by using Euler's formula.

What is the angle between two hands of a clock when the time in the clock is $$9'O$$ clock?

Using Euler's formula find $$V$$ if $$E=18$$, $$F=8$$.

Total number of faces in a cuboid is .................

Football is an example of __________ (Geometrical shape).

Shape of each face of Dodecahedron is ______

Look at the walls in your room. How many right angles are there? Count them.

Mark the right angles in the given pictures. You can mark more than one angle.


Make at least $$3$$ floor patterns using the given tile.

Can you draw shapes on these dots? Make squares, rectangles and triangles of different sizes by joining the dots given. One has been done for you.

Find the area of that triangle whose vertices are $$(-3,-2),(5,-2)$$ and $$(5,4)$$. Also prove that it is right angle triangle.

If $$m\angle XMQ = 90^{\circ}$$, then find the measure of remaining angles.

$$ABC$$ is a triangle, right angles at $$C$$. If $$AB = 25 cm$$ and $$AC = 7 cm$$, find $$BC$$.

ABC is a right triangle, right angled at C. If p is the length of perpendicular from C to AB & a, b, c have usual meaning, then prove that

(i) pc = ab
(ii) $$\frac{1}{{{p^2}}}\, = \,\,\frac{1}{{{a^2}}}\, + \,\frac{1}{{{b^2}}}$$

$$\Delta$$ ABC is right angled at C. Then prove that $$\sin^2 A+\sin^2 B=1$$.

If $$8{R}^{2}={a}^{2}+{b}^{2}+{c}^{2}$$, then prove that the $$\triangle$$ is right angled.

Name the types of following triangles:
Triangle with length of sides $$7\ cm, 8\ cm $$ and $$9\ cm $$

The side opposite to the right angle in a triangle is called ................

What type of triangle is if one of the angle is $${90^ \circ }$$ or right angle ?

Construct a triangle $$\Delta ABC$$ such that AB-AC =.3.5 cm, BC=8 cm,and $$\angle B=45$$.

In a right triangle ABC right angled at C, if $$\tan { A=1 } $$ then verify that 2$$\sin { A } \cos { A=1 } $$

If  $$^ { \prime } A ^ { \prime }$$  is the area of a right triangle and $$^ { \prime } b ^ { \prime }$$  is the one of the sides containing the right angle, prove that lengths of the altitude on the hypotenuse from opposite vertex is  $$\dfrac { 2 A b } { \sqrt { b ^ { 4 } + 4 A ^ { 2 } } }$$

Is there any possibility that a triangle has two right angles? Justify your answer.

I have no vertices.
I have no flat faces. Who am I?

Write all trigonometric ratio of the angle $$A$$ in right angle $$\Delta ABC$$

In  $$ \Delta A B C , A D \perp B C$$  such that  $$A D ^ { 2 } = B D \times C D .$$ Prove that  $$\Delta A B C$$  is right angle at  $$A ?$$

$$\Delta $$ABC, AD $$\perp $$ CB, AC $$= 29$$ units, DC $$= 21$$ units and AB $$=40$$ units. Find the value of $$\cos^{2}B-\sin^{2}B$$

The angles of a triangle are in the ratio $$2:3:4$$. Determine the three angles. What type of triangle is it?

The length of the sides of a right triangle  are $$(2x-1)m, (4x)m$$ and $$(4x+1)m$$, where $$x>0$$. Find:
the value of $$x$$
the area of the triangle.

What type of a triangle is $$ABC$$ if
$$AB\neq BC\neq CA$$?

Explain how to construct $$150^{o}$$ using a pair of compasses.

What is scalene triangle ?

The two sides of a right angled triangle are equal and the square of its hypotenuse is $$50\ \text{ cm }^{ 2 }$$. Find the length of each side.

In the given figure find $$OC$$

In a $$\triangle ABC, D$$ is the mid point of side $$AC$$ such that $$BD =\dfrac{1}{2} AC$$. Show that $$\angle ABC$$ is a right angle.

What is the measure of a right angle?

List ten situations where the angles made are right angles.

Take any two lines. Use the comparison by trace technique to compare the lengths.

Draw a rough sketch of a quadrilateral KLMN. State two pairs of adjacent sides.

From these two angles which has larger measure? Estimate and then confirm by measuring them.

Measure the angle given using the Protractor and write down the measure.

Measure the angle given using the Protractor and write down the measure.

Measure the angle given using the Protractor and write down the measure.

Measure the angle given using the Protractor and write down the measure.

Name the type of following triangle.
$$m\angle$$L$$=30^o$$, $$m\angle$$M$$=70^o$$ and $$m\angle$$N$$=80^o$$.

Name the following triangle in two different ways.(you may judge the nature of the angle by observation)

Name the following triangle in two different ways.(you may judge the nature of the angle by observation)

Name the type of following triangle.
Triangle with lengths of sides $$7\ \text{cm}$$, $$8\ \text{cm}$$ and $$9\ \text{cm}$$.

Name the types of given triangle:
$$\triangle DEF$$ with $$m\angle D = 90^{\circ}$$.

Name the type of the following triangle.
$$\Delta XYZ$$ with $$m\angle Y=90^o$$ and $$XY=YZ.$$

Name the type of following triangle.
$$\Delta$$ABC with AB$$=8.7$$cm, AC$$=7$$cm and BC$$=6$$cm.

Name the following triangle in two different ways.(you may judge the nature of the angle by observation)

Name the following triangle in two different ways. (you may judge the nature of the angle by observation)

If each of the two lines is perpendicular to the same line, what kind of lines are they to each other ?

Name the following triangle in two different ways.(you may judge the nature of the angle by observation)

What shape is a match box?

Can a triangle have: Two obtuse angles?
Justify your answer in each case.

Calculate the size of angle BAC.
Angle BAC$$=$$ ________.


If one angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the other two, show that the triangle is a right triangle.

In the given figure, verify by measurement that :
$$AB = 1.8\ cm, BC = 0.8\ cm, BD = 2.7\ cm, CD = 1.9\ cm, AC = 2.6\ cm$$ and $$AD = 4.5\ cm$$

$$AB + CD = AD - BC$$

In the given figure, compare the line segment with the help of a divider and fill in the blanks by using the symbol >, = or <
AB ..... CD 

In the given figure, compare the line segment with the help of a divider and fill in the blanks by using the symbol >, = or <
BC ..... AB

In the given figure, compare the line segment with the help of a divider and fill in the blanks by using the symbol >, = or <
AC ..... BD

Name the following triangles with regards to sides :


Name the following triangles with regards to angles:

Classify the angles whose magnitudes are given below:

What is the shape of your geometry box?

What is the shape of a brick?

Name each of the following triangles in two different ways ( you may judge the nature of the angle by observation ):

Name each of the following triangles in two different ways ( you may judge the nature of the angle by observation ):

Name each of the following triangles in two different ways ( you may judge the nature of the angle by observation ):

Name each of the following triangles in two different ways ( you may judge the nature of the angle by observation ):

State which of the following statement are use true and which are false:
If all the three sides of a triangle are equal, it is called a scalene triangle.

State which of the following statement are use true and which are false:
An scalene triangle has all its angles equal.

A cuboid has ..... faces, ...... edges and ...... vertices.

Classify the angles whose measures are given below:

What is the shape of a drum ?

What is the shape of a match box ?

Fill in the blanks :
A cube has ..... square faces, .......... edges and ....... vertices.

What is the shape of a playing dice ?

Name the type of the following triangles:
(iv)$$\Delta XYZ$$ with $$\angle Y = 90^{o}$$ and XY = YZ.

Name the type of the following triangle:
(v)$$\Delta LMN $$ with $$\angle L = 30^{o}, \angle M = 70^{o}$$ and $$\angle N = 80^{o}$$

Name each of the following triangles in two different ways ( you may use ruler and protractor):


Name the type of the following triangles:
(iii)$$\Delta DEF$$ with D = $$\angle 90^{o}$$

Name each of the following triangles in two different ways ( you may use ruler and protractor):

Complete the table given


Name each of the following triangles in two different ways ( you may use ruler and protractor):

Count the number of cubes in the given shape

Look at the figure given below and classify the triangle according to its (a) sides (b) angles (You may judge the nature of the angle by observation):

Count the number of cubes in the given shape


How many faces, edges and vertices does a pyramid have with n sided polygon as its base?

Count the number of cubes in the given shape


In the given figures, identify the different shapes involved.

Look at the figures given below and classify each of the triangles according to its (a) sides (b) angles(You may judge the nature of the angle by observation):

Look at the figures given below and classify each of the triangles according to its (a) sides (b) angles(You may judge the nature of the angle by observation):

Look at the figures given below and classify each of the triangles according to its (a) sides (b) angles(You may judge the nature of the angle by observation):

Can the following be the sides of a right-angled triangle?
$$7cm, 5.6cm, 4.2cm$$

Look at the figures given below and classify each of the triangles according to its (a) sides (b) angles(You may judge the nature of the angle by observation):

State if the following can be the sides of a right angled triangle?
$$1.5cm, 2cm, 2.5cm$$

Classify the following triangles according to angle:

Classify the following triangles according to sides:

Look at the figures given below and classify each of the triangles according to its (a) sides (b) angles(You may judge the nature of the angle by observation):

Classify the following triangles according to sides:

The figure, given, shows shadow of some 3D object, when seen under the lamp of an overhead projector. Name the object.


Classify the following triangles according to sides:

Match Column I with Column II

If $$c^{2}=a^{2}+b^{2}$$,then prove that $$4s\left (s-a  \right )\left (s-b  \right )\left (s-c  \right )=a^{2}b^{2}$$.

Determine whether the triangle whose lengths of sides are 3 cm, 4 cm, and 5 cm is a right angled triangle?

The base of a right prism is a right angled triangle. The measure of the base of the right angled triangle is 3 m and its height 4 m. If the height of the prism is 7 m then find (i) the number of edges of the prism (ii) the volume of the prism (iii) the total surface area of the prism.

Let $$ABC$$ be an acute-angled triangle triangle, and let $$D,\,E,\,F$$ be points on $$BC,\,CA,\,AB$$ respectively such that $$AD$$ is the median, $$BE$$ is the internal angle bisector and $$CF$$ is the altitude. Suppose $$\angle FDE=\angle C,\,\angle DEF=\angle A\;and\;\angle EFD=\angle B$$. Prove that $$ABC$$ is equilateral.

Write the following statement in five different ways conveying the same meaning
p : If triangle is equiangular then it is an obtuse angled triangle

Find the equation of the lines through the point $$(3, 2)$$ which make an angle of $$45\displaystyle ^{\circ}$$ with the line $$\displaystyle x-2y= 3$$.

In the figure, $$POQ$$ is a line. Ray $$OR$$ is perpendicular to line $$PQ$$. $$OS$$ is another ray lying between rays $$OP$$ and $$OR$$. Prove that
$$\angle ROS=\dfrac { 1 }{ 2 } \left( \angle QOS-\angle POS \right) $$.

The angles of a triangle are in AP and the number of degrees in the least is to the number of radians in the greatest as $$60 : \pi$$. Find the angles in degrees.

$$\Delta  ABC$$ is an acute angled triangle CD be the altitude through C. If AB = 8, CD =Find the distance between the midpoints of AD and BC. 

In the given figure, $$\displaystyle \Delta ABC$$ is an obtuse triangle, obtuse angled at B. If $$\displaystyle AD\bot CB$$, then prove that $$\displaystyle { AC }^{ 2 }={ AB }^{ 2 }+{ BC }^{ 2 }+2BC.BD$$

Which of the following will form the sides of a triangle
(i) $$23cm,17cm,8cm$$ (ii) $$12cm,10cm,25cm$$, (iii) $$9cm,7cm,16cm$$

In the given figure, $$\angle X = 62^o, \angle XYZ = 54^o$$. In $$\triangle XYZ$$ If YO and ZO are the bisectors of $$\angle XYZ$$ and $$\angle XZY$$ respectively find $$\angle OZY$$ and $$\angle YOZ$$.

Show that the following points form a right angled triangle.
(2, -3), (-6, -7) and (-8, -3)

Show that the following points form a right angled triangle.
(10, 0), (18, 0) and (10, 15)

Show that the following points form a right angled triangle.
(5, 9), (5, 16) and (29, 9)

Show that the following points form an equilateral triangle.
$$(0, 0), (10, 0) \  and \  (5, 5 \sqrt 3)$$

Show that the following points form a right angled triangle.
(0, 0), (a, 0) and (0, b)

In the given figure $$\overleftrightarrow{PQ}$$ is a line. Ray $$\overrightarrow{OR}$$ is perpendicular to line $$\overleftrightarrow{PQ}. \overrightarrow{OS}$$ is another ray lying between rays $$\overrightarrow{OP}$$ and $$\overrightarrow{OR}$$.
Prove that $$\angle ROS = \dfrac{1}{2} (\angle QOS - \angle POS)$$

Construct $$\triangle DEF$$ with $$EF =4.5\ cm, \,DE =5\ cm$$ and $$DF=3\ cm$$

In $$\Delta$$ABC, BD$$\perp$$AC, D$$\in$$AC and $$\angle$$B is a right angle. If AC$$=5$$CD then show that BD$$=2$$CD.

A triangle ABC is right angled at A. L is a point on BC such that AL $$\bot$$ BC. Prove that $$\angle$$ BAL =$$ \angle$$ ACB.

$$ABC$$ is a right-angled triangle. Angle $$ABC = {90^o},$$ $$AC = 25\,cm$$ and $$AB = 24\,cm$$. Calculate the area of a $$\Delta ABC.$$ 

The difference between the sides at right angles in a right angled triangle is 14 cm. The area of the triangle is 120 cm$$^2$$. Calculate the perimeter of the triangle.

Draw a right triangle in which the sides (other than hypotenuse) are of lengths $$5\ cm$$ and $$4\ cm$$. Then construct another triangle whose sides are $$\dfrac {5} {3}$$ times the corresponding sides of the given triangle.

$$\angle B$$ is a right angle in $$\triangle ABC$$ and $$\bar{BD}$$ is an altitude to hypotenuse $$AB=8$$ cm and $$BC=6$$ cm. Find the area of $$\triangle BDC$$

The angle of elevation of top of a tower at a point on the ground is $$30^{\circ}$$. What is the angle of elevation if the height of tower is tripled? 

There is a staircase as shown in the given figure, connecting point A, B. measurements of the step are marked in the figure. Find the straight line distance between A and B.

$$\triangle$$MNP is right-angled triangle whose $$\angle MNP=90^\circ$$, $$ seg NQ\perp segMP$$, $$MQ=9$$, $$QP=4$$, find $$NQ$$.

If a perpendicular is drawn from the vertex containing the right angle of a right triangle  to the hypotenuse then prove that the triangle on each side of the perpendicular are similar is product of the lengths of the two parts of the hypotenuse.

If $$\Delta$$ ABC is a right-angled triangle prove that $$\sin^2 A + \sin^2 B + \sin^2 C = 2$$

If the sides of a triangle are in the ratio $$\,\,1:\,\sqrt 2 :1$$, show that it is a right-angled triangle.

If in a right angle triangle the hypotenuse is four times as long as the perpendicular Drawn to Opposite vertex, then one of its acute angle is

$$\triangle ABC$$ is an isosceles $$\triangle $$ with $$AB=AC$$ side $$BA$$ is produced to $$D$$ such that $$AB=AD$$ prove $$\angle BCD$$ is a right angle.

In a right-angled triangle ABC, $$\angle B=90^o$$ then find the value of $$\sin A.\cos C+\cos A.\sin C$$.

The angles of some triangles are given below. Classify each triangle acute-angled,obtuse-angled or right-angled on the basis of its angles.
$$\begin{array}{l}a {.\ 90^\circ},{45^\circ},{45^\circ}\\b{.\ 60^\circ},{60^\circ},{60^\circ}\\c{.\ 80^\circ},{60^\circ},{40^\circ}\\d{.\ 92^\circ},{50^\circ},{38^\circ}\\e{.\ 120^\circ},{50^\circ},{10^\circ}\\f{.\ 90^\circ},{35^\circ},{55^\circ}\end{array}$$

Draw two angles of $${45^ \circ }$$ at the ends of a line segment. Extend these rays. What shape do yo get? Measure the angled formed.

A right angled triangle $$OPQ$$ is right angled at $$O$$. $$R$$ is the point on $$OQ$$
If $$PQ=17cm,QR=9cm$$ and $$PR=10cm$$. Find $$RO$$

What does below statement  signifies.
$$AE\bot DC, AE\bot DC$$

Name the type of the triangle:
$$\triangle DEF$$ with $$\angle D=90^{o}$$

Without using the pythagoras theorem, Show that the point $$(4,4),(3,5) and (-1,-1)$$ are the vertices of a right angled triangle 

In Figure, $$\angle\ X=62^{o}$$, $$\angle\  XYZ=54^{o}$$. If $$YO$$ and $$ZO$$ are the bisectors of $$\angle\ XYZ$$ and $$\angle\ XZY$$ respectively of $$\triangle\ XYZ$$, find $$\angle\ OZY$$ and $$\angle\ YOZ$$. 

Name the types of following triangles :
$$\triangle LMN$$ with $$m\angle L = 30^{\circ}, m\angle M = 70^{\circ}$$ and $$m\angle N = 80^{\circ}$$.

If a $$\triangle ABC, \angle C$$ is an acute angle. $$AE\bot BC$$. Prove that $$AB^{2}=AD^{2}-BC\times DE+\dfrac {BC^{2}}{4}$$

In right triangle $$ABC$$, right angled at $$C$$, $$M$$ is the mid -point of hypotenuse $$AB$$. $$C$$ joined to $$M$$ and produced to a point $$D$$ such that  $$DM = CM$$. Point $$D$$ is joined to point $$B$$ .  Show that:
(i) $$\triangle AMC \cong BMD$$
(ii) $$\angle DBC $$ is a right angle.
(iii) $$\triangle DBC \cong \triangle ACB$$
(iv) $$CM =\dfrac{1}{2} AB$$

Fill in the blanks.
A solid cuboid has ____dimensions ?

In figure, $$PQR$$ is a triangle, right angled at $$Q$$. $$X$$ and $$Y$$ are the points on $$PQ$$ and $$QR$$ such that $$PX:XQ=1:2$$ and $$QY:YR=2:1$$. Prove that $${9({PY}^{2}+{XR}^{2})={13PR}^{2}}$$.

In the given figure $$\angle ABC = 90^\circ $$. And $$BD \bot AC$$. If $$AB=5.7 cm, BD=3.8 cm$$, and $$CD=4.4 cm$$, find length of side $$BC$$.

In a triangle $$ABC$$, which is the longest side if :
(i) $$ \angle A\ $$ is a right angle
(ii) $$ \angle C\ $$ is a right angle

In right angle triangle $$\Delta P Q R ,$$ right angle is at $$Q$$ and $$P Q = 6 c m  \, , \angle R P Q = 60 ^ { \circ } .$$ Determine the lengths of $$QR$$ and $$PR.$$

The area of right triangular region is $$129.5\ cm^{2}$$. If one of the sides containing the right angle is 14.8, find the other one.

In the figure given alongside, prove that 
$$( i ) A B = F C$$
$$( i i ) \quad A F = B C$$
$$[Hint.$$ $$( i ) \Delta A B E \cong \Delta C F D , R H S$$
$$(ii) A B = F C \Rightarrow A F + F B = F B + B C .]$$


In $$\Delta$$ABC, $$\angle$$A is obtuse, PB$$\perp$$AC and QC$$\perp$$AB. Prove that $$BC^2=(AC\times CP+AB\times BQ)$$.

Find the measure of the supplement of $$(i){70}^{\circ}\,\,(ii){20}^{\circ}\,\,(iii){135}^{\circ}\,\,(iv){90}^{\circ}$$

The sides $$AB$$ and $$AC$$ of a triangle $$ABC$$ are produced; and the bisectors of the external angles at $$B$$ and $$C$$ meet at $$P$$. Prove that if $$AB > AC$$, then $$PC > PB$$.

Find the values of $$x$$ and $$y$$ in the figure given below.

Two acute angles of a right triangles are equal. Find the two angles.

In the adjoining figure, $$\triangle ABC$$ is right-angled at $$B$$ and $$\angle A = {45}^{\circ}$$. If $$AC = 3\sqrt {2}cm$$, 
Find (i) $$BC$$,(ii) $$AB$$.


In the adjoining figure, $$PQR$$ is a right triangle, right angled at $$Q,\ X$$ and $$Y$$ are the points on $$PQ$$ and $$QR$$ such that $$PX:XQ=1:2$$ and $$QY:YR=2:1$$. Prove that $$9(PY^{2}+XR^{2})=13PR^{2}$$. 

The hypotenuse of a right-triangle is $$3\sqrt {10}\ \text{cm}$$. If the smaller side is tripled and the longer side is doubled, the new hypotenuse will be $$9\sqrt {5}\ \text{cm}$$. Find the length of each side.

Verify that points $$P(-2,2),Q(2,2)$$ and $$R(2,7)$$ are vertices of a right angled triangle.

A solid has how many dimensions ?

Is the triangle with sides $$12cm$$, and $$18\ cm$$ a right angled triangle? Give reason. 

If the bisector of the base angles of a triangle enclosed an angle  of $$135^{o}$$, prove that the triangle is a right triangle.

Three angles of a triangle are $${ x }^{ \circ  }$$, $$2{ x }^{ \circ  }$$ and $$3{ x }^{ \circ  }$$. Prove that the triangle is right angled.

Prove that the bisectors of the angles of a linear pair are at right angle.

In a $$\Delta$$ABC, right angled at B, $$AB = 24$$ cm, $$BC = 7$$ cm. Determine
(i) $$\sin A, \cos A$$
(ii) $$\sin C, \cos C$$

Let  $$A ( h , k ) , B ( 1,1 )$$  and  $$C ( 2,1 )$$  be the vertices of a right angled triangle with  $$A C$$  as its hypotenuse. If the area of the triangle is  $$1$$ sq units, then the set of values which  $$k$$  can take is given by

In $$\triangle {DFH}$$, point $$E$$ is the midpoint of hypotenuse $$DF$$ segment $$HE$$ is perpendicular to the diagonal $$DF$$, segment $$EG$$ is perpendicular to segment $$FH$$,segment $$EK$$ is perpendicular to segment $$DH$$.Show that $${EG}^{2}=FG\times EK$$

In Fig $$14.5$$, $$BD$$ is the median in the right isosceles $$\triangle ABC$$ $$BS$$ is equal to $$AB$$

Find $$HCF$$ for the following set of number $$867$$ & $$255$$

Copy and complete the table for a triangle.

In figuer, $$BD$$ is the median in the right isosceles $$\Delta ABC,\ BD$$ is equal to  $$AB$$

Name the following triangle :
$$\angle A=60^{o}, \angle B=90^{o}, \angle C=30^{o}$$

In $$\Delta ABC,\ m\angle B < 90$$ and $$\overline {AD}\bot \overline {BC}$$. Also $$AB=9,\ BC=6$$ and $$BD=2$$ then find $$AC$$.

Draw the following angle using ruler and compasses. Also label them. 

In the given figure, if $$\angle ACB= \angle CDA, AC=8\ cm$$ & $$AD=3\ cm$$, then find $$BD$$.

In each of the following case, construct a point that is symmetric to the given point P with respect to the given line AB.

$$ABC$$ is a right triangle in which $$\angle B={ 90 }^{ \circ  }$$. A circle is inscribed in the triangle. If $$AB = 8$$ cm and $$BC = 6$$ cm. find the radius $$r$$ of the circle.

In a right angle triangle, two acute angles are in the ratio, $$2:3$$. Find the angles.

In $$\triangle\ PQR$$ right angled at $$Q,\ PR+QR=25\ cm$$ and $$PQ=5\ cm$$. Determine the values of $$\sin P,\ \cos P$$ and $$\tan P$$.

In the adjoining figure, the area of the right angled triangle is $$54\;\text{cm }^{2}$$. If one of its legs is $$12\;\text{cm}$$ long, find its perimeter.

The side of a right triangle containing right angle are $$5\ cm$$ and $$(3x-1)cm$$.If area of tiangle is $$60\ cm^ {2}$$, find sides of triangle.

A $$15$$m long ladder reaches a window $$12$$m high from the ground on placing it against a well. How far is the ladder from the well?

$$ABC$$ is a right triangle right angled at $$C.$$ Let $$BC=a, CA=b,AB=c$$ and let $$p$$ be the length of perpendicular from $$C$$ on $$AB$$ prove that 
i) $$pc=ab$$
ii) $$\dfrac{1}{{{p^2}}} = \dfrac{1}{{{a^2}}} + \dfrac{1}{{{b^2}}}$$

Can a triangle have two obtuse angles? Give reason for your answer.

Show that in a right angled triangle, the hypotenuse is the longest side.

In $$\Delta ABC,\angle ABC = 135^\circ $$ 

Prove that:
$$A{C^2}$$=$$A{B^2}$$+ $$B{C^2}$$ + $$4(\Delta ABC)$$

Show that in a right-angled triangle, the hypotenuse is the longest side.

Find $$x^{o}$$

Classify the above angle as right, straight, acute, obtuse or reflex.

In the given figure, check whether the angle measures $$30^{\circ}$$. Look at the same figure through a magnifying glass. Does the angle become larger? Does the size of the angle charge?


Measure approximately and classify each angle .
$$\angle AOB$$

$$\angle AOC$$

$$\angle BOC$$

$$\angle DOC$$

$$\angle DOA$$

$$\angle DOB$$


Find the measure of the angle shown in the each figure. (First estimate with your eyes and then find the actual measure with a protractor).

Which angle has a large measure? First estimate and then measure.
Measure of Angle $$A=$$
Measure of Angle $$B=$$


Write number of edges, faces and vertices of cube, cuboid, cone, cylinder, sphere, triangular pyramid, rectangular and prism.

$$PQR$$ is a triangle in which $$PQ = PR$$ and $$S$$ is any point on the side $$PQ.$$ Through $$S$$, a line is drawn parallel to $$QR$$ and intersecting $$PR$$ at $$T$$. proves that $$PS = PT$$.

Explain the following terms:
Scalene triangle

In Fig.the sides, BA and CA have been produced such that $$BA = AD$$ and $$CA = AE$$. Prove that segment $$DE \parallel BC$$.

If each angle of a triangle is less than the sum of the other two, show that the triangle is acute angled.

Fill in the blanks to make the following statements true:
A triangles cannot have more then ______ obtuse angles.

Using protractor, draw a right angle. Bisect it to get an angle of measure $$45^{o}$$.

In Fig., there is a triangle. The measures of some angles have been indicated. State whether triangle is acute, right or obtuse.


Explain the following terms:
Obtuse triangle

Fill in the blanks with the correct word/symbol to make it a true statement:
A triangle whose one angle is more than $$90^{o}$$ is known as ...........

Construct an angle of $$ 60^{\circ}$$ with the help of compasses and bisect it by paper folding.

Fill in the blanks with the correct word/symbol to make it a true statement:
A triangle whose all the angle are of measure less than $$90^{o}$$ is known as .........

Explain the following terms:
Right triangle

Fill in the blanks with the correct word/symbol to make it a true statement:
A triangle whose one angle is a right angle is known as ..........

Fill in the blanks to make the following statements true:
________edges of a cube (or cuboid) meet at each of its vertices.

Explain the following terms:
Acute triangle

What is the measure of the angle in degrees between North and South-East?

In figure, write another name for $$\angle 1$$.

Shikha is rowing a boat due north-east. In which direction will she be rowing if she turns it through a complete angle?

What is the measure of the angle in degrees between North and West?

What is the measure of the angle in degrees between North and South?

Construct the following angle with the help of ruler and compasses only:$$135^{\circ}$$

Using only a ruler, draw an acute angle, a right angle and an obtuse angle in your notebook and name them.

Explain the following term.
Scalene triangle.

In the following, the measures of three angles are given. State whether the angles can possibly be those of a triangle.
(i) $$63^o, 37^o, 80^o$$.
(ii) $$45^o, 61^o, 73^o$$
(iii) $$59^o, 72^o, 61^o$$
(vi) $$30^o, 20^o, 125^o$$

In figure, line segments AB and CD bisect each other at O. State true or false. $$\Delta AOC\cong \Delta DOB$$.
State the three pairs of matching parts, you have used to arrive at the answer.


In the given figure, $$m$$ and $$n$$ are two plane mirrors perpendicular to each other. Show that the incident ray $$CA$$ is parallel to the reflected ray $$BD$$

Write down the number of faces in a cuboid

Is it true to say that AB$$=$$AC?

Write down the number of faces of each of the following figures:

Write down the number of faces in a Cube

Write down the number of edges of a Cube

Write down the number of edges of a Tetrahedron 

State the type of each of the following angles:

Write down the number of edges of a Triangular prism

How many edges are there in a Cuboid

Write down the number of edges of a Rectangular Prism

How many edges are there in a Tetrahedron

Classify the angle whose magnitude is given below:

Measures each of the following angles with the help of a protractor and write the measures in degree:

How many degrees are there in 
three right angles?

How many degrees are there in 
two right angles?

Classify the angles whose magnitudes are given below:
four right angles?

Measures each of the following angles with the help of a protractor and write the measures in degree:

How many degrees are there in 
one right angles?

Measures each of the following angles with the help of a protractor and write the measures in degree:

Measures each of the following angles with the help of a protractor and write the measures in degree:

Fill in the blanks:
A cuboid has...................rectangular faces, ........................edges and............vertices.

In the given figure, compare the line segment with the help of a divider and fill in the blanks by using the symbol >, = or <
CD ..... BD

Measures each of the following angles with the help of a protractor and write the measures in degree:

In the given figure, verify the following by measurement:
If $$AB=3cm,BC=1.5cm,AC=4.5cm$$
$$AB + BC = AC$$

In the given figure, verify the following by measurement:
$$AC - BC = AB$$

Which of the following are models for perpendicular lines?
(i) The adjacent edges of a postcard.
(ii) The lines of a railway track.
(iii) The line segment forming the letter 'L'.
(iv) The adjacent edges of your Math book.
(v) The line segment forming thee letter 'V' 

In the given figure, verify by measurement that :
$$AC + BD = AD + BC$$

In the figure given below, Line $$l$$ is perpendicular to line $$m.$$
Does $$\overset{\leftrightarrow }{PE}$$ disect segment $$\overline{BH}$$?


In the given figure, measure the lengths of the sides of the triangle ABC and verify :
If $$AB=2.5cm,BC=3.8cm$$ and $$AC=4cm,$$
$$AC + AB > BC$$

In the figure below, line $$l$$ is perpendicular to line $$m.$$
Is CE = EG?

What is the shape of a sweet laddu ?

Match the following:

Using the information given, name the right angles in each part of the figure.

What is common in the given figures (i) and (ii)?
Is figure (i) that of the triangle? If not, why?

In which of the given figures.
(a) A perpendicular bisector is shown?
(b) The bisector is shown
(c) The only bisector is shown
(d) The only perpendicular is shown?

Write the name of
(a) Vertices  (b) edges  (c) Faces 
of the prism shown in figure


How many edges, faces and vertices are there in a sphere?

In the figure, the number of faces meeting at $$B$$ is _____.

In a three-dimensional shape, diagonal is a line segment that joins two vertices that do not lie on the _____ face.

If the sum of the number of vertices and faces in a polyhedron is $$14$$, then the number of edges in the shape is ______.

The number of cubes in figure are _____.

A regular polyhedron is a solid made up of _____ faces. 

Every triangle has at least ______ acute angle (s).

How many vertices does the following solid have?
a) Cone

How many vertices does the following solid have?

How many vertices does the following solid have?

How many vertices does the following solid have?
 Octagonal Pyramid

How many faces does the following solid have?

How many vertices does the following solid have?

How many faces does the following solid have?

How many faces does the following solid have?

How many faces does the following solid have?
Octagonal Pyramid

How many edges does the following solid have?

How many edges do the following solid have?

How many edges do the following solid have?

Find the number of faces in the given shapes:

A polyhedron has 60 edges and 40 vertices. Find the number of its faces.

A polyhedron has 20 faces and 12 vertices. Find the edges of the polyhedron.

How many edges do the following solid has?

Write the number of faces, vertices, and edges in

(i) an octagonal prism

(ii) decagonal pyramid.

Which of the following can be the sides of a right angled triangle?
$$4cm, 5cm, 7cm$$

State If the given figure shows two mutually perpendicular lines.

State If the given figure shows two mutually perpendicular lines.

Using the given figure, answer the following:
Is the line $$q$$ perpendicular to the line $$m$$?

Name three objects from your surroundings that contain perpendicular edges.

Give two examples from your surroundings for the following:
perpendicular lines.

Using the given figure, answer the following:
Name the pairs of mutually perpendicular lines

State, which of the lines/line-segments are perpendicular to the line $$PQ$$:

Check your text book:
How many pairs of its edges are parallel to each other?

Check your text book:
How many pairs of its edges are perpendicular to each other?

State If the given figure shows two mutually perpendicular lines.


The figure, given, shows shadow of some 3D object, when seen under the lamp of an overhead projector. Name the object.


Classify the following triangles according to angle:

Classify the following triangles according to angle:

State the number of faces , number of vertices and number of edges of : 
a pentagonal pyramid 

What is the least number of planes that can enclose a solid? What is the name of the solid?

The figure, given, shows shadow of some 3D object, when seen under the lamp of an overhead projector. Name the object.


State the number of faces , number of vertices and number of edges of : 
A hexagonal prism 

If a polyhedron has 10 vertices and 7 faces , fins the number of edges in it.

The figure, given, shows shadow of some 3D object, when seen under the lamp of an overhead projector. Name the object.


Can a polyhedron have 8 faces, 26 edges and 16 vertices?

Is the following a model for perpendicular lines:
The line segments forming the letter $$'L'$$.

Which of the following are models for perpendicular lines :
The letter $$V$$.

Match the following :
Give two new examples of each shape.

Which of the following are models for perpendicular lines :
The adjacent angles of a table top.

Which of the following are models for perpendicular lines :
The line of a railway track.

Fill in the blanks with acute, right and straight :
When the sum of the measure of two angles is that of a right angle, then each one of them is _________.

What is the name given to the longest side of a right-angled triangle

Show that in a right angled triangle, the hypotenuse is the longest side.

Give a definition for each of the following terms. Are there other terms that need to be defined first ? What are they, and how might you define them ? 
Perpendicular lines

AD and BC are equal perpendiculars to a line segment AB. Show that CD bisects AB.

Show that of all line segments drawn from a given point not on it, the perpendicular line segment is the shortest. 


In right triangle the make the statement true 
In right triangle the hypotenuse is the _____ side 

Find foot of the $$\perp$$ from the point (2, 3) on the line $$3x-y+4=0$$

Use a graph paper for this question. Plot the points $$A(0,4)$$ and $$B(-4,0)$$. These two points are vertices of a figure which is symmetrical about the x-axis and y-axis. Complete the figure on the graph.
i) Give the geometrical name of the figure formed.
ii) Find the area of the figure.
    Find measure of $$\\ \angle ABO$$ where O is the origin.

Here $$\triangle$$ABC is a right angle triangle with right angle at C. Let BC =a , Ca = b, AB = c. Let P be the length of the perpendicular from C on AB. Prove that (i) Pc = ab. 

Name the types of following triangles:
$$\triangle ABC$$ with $$AB=8.7\ cm,AC=7\ cm$$ and $$BC=6\ cm$$

Draw a rough figure and label suitably in each of the following cases:-
a)point R lies on $$\Delta ABC$$. 
b)  Line XY and line PQ interest at M.

Determine whether the triangle having sides $$(a-1)\ cm$$, $$2\sqrt{a}\ cm$$ and $$(a+1)\ cm$$ is a right angled triangle or not.

Find $$x$$ if $$\triangle ABC$$ is right angled at $$A$$, where $$A\equiv(4, 2, 3), B\equiv(3, 1, 8), C\equiv(x, -1, 2)$$.

Prove that DBCDBC is right angle

Verify that points $$P(-2,2), Q(2,2)$$ and $$R(2,7)$$ are vertices of right angled triangle.

Prove that  $$\overline { a } = ( 4 , - 3,1 ) , \overline { b } = ( 2 , - 4,5 )$$  and  $$\overline { c } = ( 1 , - 1,0 )$$  are vertices of a right angle.

If $$A\left(h,k\right),B\left(1,1\right),C\left(2,1\right)$$ are the vertices of a right angled triangle with $$AC$$ as its hypotenuse and the area of the triangles is $$1\ sq$$, unit, then find the value $$(s)$$ of $$k$$.

Let  $$\vec { a } , \vec { b } , \vec { c }$$  be position vectors of three vertices of triangle  $$A B C ,$$  find the area of triangle  $$ABC.$$

Fill in the blank.
In quadrilateral ROPE the pairs of adjacent angles are ___.

Construct the following angle with the help of ruler and compasses only:$$45^{\circ}$$

Construct the following angle with the help of ruler and compasses only:$$90^{\circ}$$

Line-segments AB and CD bisect each other at O. AC and BD are joined forming triangles AOC and BOD. State the three equality relations between the parts of the two triangles, that are given or otherwise known. Are the two triangles congruent? State in symbolic form. Which congruence condition do you use?

AB is a line segment. P and Q are points on opposite sides of AB such that each of them is equidistant from the points A and B (See Fig. 12.26). Show that the line PQ is perpendicular bisector of AB.

Using a protractor, draw a right angle and bisect it to get an angle of measure $$ 45^{\circ}.$$

In figure, line CA$$\perp$$AB$$||$$ line CR and line PR $$||$$ line BD. Find $$\angle x, \angle y$$ and $$\angle z$$.

Construct the following angle with the help of ruler and compasses only: $$30^{\circ}$$

Show that the points (0,7,10), (-1, 6, 6) and (-4, 9,6) form a right angled triangle.

Construct the following angles with the help of a protractor: $$67^{\circ},38^{\circ},110^{\circ},179^{\circ},98^{\circ},84^{\circ}$$

Using a protractor, draw an angle of measure $$ 72^{\circ}.$$ With this angle as given, draw angles of measure $$ 36^{\circ}$$ and $$ 54^{\circ}.$$

Class 6 Maths Extra Questions