Mensuration - Class 6 Maths - Extra Questions

Find the length of a rectangle, which has:
$$area\, =\,120\,\, cm^2$$ and $$breadth\, = \,8\,cm$$

Find the perimeter (in metres) of a rectangle of length 15 m and its breadth is 8 m.

The perimeter of the rectangle whose length $$= 25$$ cm breadth $$= 15$$ cm is_______cm

The perimeter(in m) of a rectangular plot whose length is $$75$$ m and breadth is $$50$$ m is

The perimeter of a square field whose side is $$4$$ m is______m

The length of rectangle is 10 cm.If the perimeter is 34 cm , find the breadth (cm).

How many metres of carpet $$75cm$$ wide will be required to cover the floor of a room which is $$20$$ metres long and $$12$$ metres broad?

Madhu has divided the rectangle given into $$2$$ triangles. The red triangle is half of the big rectangle. Area of the big rectangle is $$20$$ square cm. So the area of the red triangle is _________ square cm.

Fill in the blanks with proper method:
Perimeter of the rectangle of length 3 m and breadth 2 m = ____ m

Find the length of each side of a square plot having perimeter $$172\ m$$.

The area of rectangle  is 540 cm and its length is 36 cm. Find its width and perimeter.

The adjacent sides of a rectangle are $$(4x^{2}-3y)$$ and $$5xy$$. Find its area.

Find the missing measurement (in $$cm$$) in the figure.


Find the area of a square one of whose diagonals is $$5$$ cm.

Area of a square is $$144\,cm^2$$. Find its sides.

Calculate the area of the rectangle whose length $$20\ m$$ and breadth $$11\ m$$.

Find the length of a rectangle, which has:
$$area = 768\,m^2$$ and $$breadth = 24\,m$$

The length of a hall is $$18\ m$$ and its width is $$13.5\ m$$. Find the least number of square tiles, each of side $$25\ cm$$, required to cover the floor of the hall, without leaving any of the margin.

The length of a rectangle is 16 cm and its perimeter is equal to perimeter of a square with side 12.5 cm. Find the area of the rectangle.

Is it possible to design a rectangular mango grove whose length is twice its breadth, and the area is $$800\displaystyle \  { m }^{ 2 }$$ ? If so, find its length and breadth.

The area of a square park is the same as a rectangular park. If the side of the square park is $$16\ m$$ and the length of the rectangular park is $$90\ m$$, find the breadth of the rectangular park.

On a square handkerchief, nine circular designs each of radius $$7$$ cm are made. Find the area of the remaining portion of the handkerchief. $$\bigg[\text{Use}\, \pi=\dfrac{22}{7}\bigg]$$

A square room of side $$12\ m$$ is paved with square tiles of side $$50\ cm$$ then find the number of tiles required to space the floor of the room?

The perimeter of a square field is $$40$$ m more than another square field. Three times the area of the smaller field is $$50$$ $$m^2$$ more than the area of the larger field. Find the sides of both the fields.

The length of a rectangular filed is 50 m and its breadth is 35 m. Calculate its area.

If the side of a rectangle are $$7\ cm$$ and $$5\ cm$$, then find its area.

The area of a rectangle if its length and breadth are $$8cm,12cm$$ respectively.

The following figures are drawn on a squared paper. Count the number of squares enclosed by each figure and find its area, taking the area of each square as $$1 cm^{2}$$.

The following figures are drawn on a squared paper. Count the number of squares enclosed by each figure and find its area, taking the area of each square as $$1 cm^{2}$$.

On a squared paper, draw the following. Find the approximate area of each by counting the number of squares complete, more than half and exactly half.
A triangle.

The following figures are drawn on a squared paper. Count the number of squares enclosed by each figure and find its area, taking the area of each square as $$1 cm^{2}$$.

Find the perimeters of the squares whose sides are given below:

The following figures are drawn on a squared paper. Count the number of squares enclosed by each figure and find its area, taking the area of each square as $$1 cm^{2}$$.

On a squared paper, draw the following. Find the approximate area of each by counting the number of squares complete, more than half and exactly half.
A rectangle.

Find the area of a rectangle, whose
Length $$=4.5 cm$$, breadth $$=2 cm$$.

Use tracing paper and centimeter graph paper to compare the areas of the following pairs of figures:

On a squared paper, draw any irregular closed figure. Find the approximate area of each by counting the number of squares complete, more than half, and exactly half.

Find the area of a rectangle whose length is $$5.5\ m$$ and breadth is $$3.4\ m$$.   

How many square metres of glass will be required for a window, which has $$12$$ panes, each pane measuring $$25\ cm$$ by $$16\ cm$$

The perimeter of an isosceles triangle is $$50\ cm$$. If one of the two equal sides is $$18\ cm$$, find the third side.

Find the area and perimeter of each of the following figures, if the area of each small square is $$1\ sq\ cm$$.

Divide the park shown in Fig. into two rectangles. Find the total area of this park. If one packet of fertilizer is used for $$300\ sqm$$, how many packets of fertilizer are required for the whole park?

The cross-section of a tunnel perpendicular to its length is a trapezium $$ABCD$$ as shown in the following figure; also given that :
$$AM=BN; AB=7\ m; CD=5\ m$$. The height of the tunnel is $$2.4m$$.The tunnel is $$40\ m$$ long 
The cost of painting the internal surface of the tunnel (excluding the floor) at the rate of Rs. $$5$$ per $$m^2$$ (sq. metre).

The side of the square of area $$9y^{2}$$ is $$3y$$, if true enter 1, else 0

Class 6 Maths Extra Questions