Playing With Numbers - Class 8 Maths - Extra Questions

Test the divisibility of the following number by $$10$$:

Test the divisibility of the following number by $$10$$:

$$\cfrac{5}{63}-\left( \cfrac { -6 }{ 21 }  \right) $$

Find the sum:


Find the sum:


Find the sum:

Find the sum:

Find the sum:

Find the product:
$$\cfrac{3}{7}\times \left( \cfrac { -2 }{ 5 }  \right) $$

Find the product:
$$\cfrac{3}{10}\times (-9)$$

Find the product:
$$\cfrac{9}{2}\times \left( \cfrac { -7 }{ 4 }  \right) $$

Find the product:
$$\cfrac{-6}{5}\times \cfrac{9}{11}$$

Find the value of:
$$(-4)\div \cfrac{2}{3}$$

Find the product:
$$\cfrac{3}{11}\times \cfrac{2}{5}$$

Find the product:
$$\cfrac{3}{-5}\times \cfrac{5}{3}$$

Find the value of :
$$\cfrac{-3}{5}\div 2$$

Find the value of:
$$\cfrac{-1}{8}\div \cfrac{3}{4}$$

Find the value of:
$$\cfrac{-4}{5}\div (-3)$$

Write the following in expanded notation.

Write the following in expanded notation.

Write the following in expanded notation.

Write the corresponding numeral for the following.
$$4\times 100000+5\times 1000+1\times 100+7\times 1$$.

Find the value of:
$$\cfrac{-7}{12}\div \left( \cfrac { 2 }{ 13 }  \right) $$

Write down the difference in temperature between $$-4^oC$$ and $$-9^oC$$.

Write the corresponding numeral for the following.
$$7\times 10000+2\times 1000+5\times 100+9\times 10+6\times 1$$.

Write the following is expanded notation.

Find the value of:
$$\cfrac{3}{13}\div \left( \cfrac { -4 }{ 65 }  \right) $$

Find the value of:
$$\cfrac{-2}{13}\div \cfrac{1}{7}$$

Fill in the blank.
$$1$$ lakh$$=$$ _______ ten.

Fill in the blank.
$$1$$ lakh$$=$$______ hundred.

Fill in the blank.
$$1$$ crore$$=$$______ hundred.

Which digits have the same face value and place value in $$92078634$$?

Write the corresponding numeral for the following.
$$5\times 10000000+7\times 1000000+8\times 1000+9\times 10+4$$.

How many millions make a billion?

Fill in the blank.
$$1$$ crore $$=$$______ ten lakh.

$$\dfrac { \begin{matrix} 8 & 5 \\ +4 & A \end{matrix} }{ B\ C\ 3 }$$ 

$$\dfrac { \begin{matrix} A & 01 & B \\ +1 & 0A & B \end{matrix} }{ \begin{matrix} B & 10 & 8 \end{matrix} } $$

Find the values of the letters in each of the following and give reasons for the steps involved 
$$ 1 \quad 8  \quad  A $$
$$ + B \quad A \quad 7 $$
$$ C \quad B \quad 2 $$

Write the following numbers in generalized form:
$$ (i) 89 $$
$$ (ii)207 $$
$$ (iii)369 $$

If $$A \times 3=1A$$, then $$A=$$ ______ .

Fill in the blanks : 
In $$ 24,673 $$ , the place value of $$ 6 $$ is .........

Write $$25$$ in generalised from:

Find the digits $$A$$ and $$C$$ in the following multiplication

If $$21y5$$ is multiple of $$9$$, where $$y$$ is a digit, what is the value of $$y$$?

Find the digit represented by P in the following addition

Frame and solve the equations for the following statements:
The sum of the two numbers is $$21$$ and their difference is $$3$$. Find the numbers

Express the following in the standard form:
$$3.02\times {10}^{-6}$$

Express the following in the standard form:
$$1.0001\times {10}^{9}$$

Test the divisibility of the following number by $$10$$:

Frame and solve the equations for the following statements:
Sum of two numbers is $$60$$. The bigger number is $$4$$ times the smaller one. Find the numbers

Frame and solve the equations for the following statements:
Two numbers are in the ratio $$5 : 3$$. If they differ by $$18$$, what are the numbers?

Mala has a collection of bangles. She have 20 gold bangles and 10 silver bangles. What is the percentage of bangles of each type? Can you put it in a tabular form as done in the above example? 

Solve the alphanumeric puzzle:$$\begin{matrix} 2 & P & Q \\ +3 & P & Q \\ Q & 1 & 2 \end{matrix}$$

Replace the letters by the numerals to make it correct.
 A   6  B  4  C

+1  7  2  5  5

 9  D  0  E  8

Write expanded form:
a) $$67586412$$
b) $$1234800007$$

Write each of the following in expanded from using exponents:
(i) $$2357.328$$
(ii) $$432.476$$
(iii) $$38.0325$$

Make the greatest and the smallest 4 digit numbers by using any one digit twice:
(i) 6, 3, 2
(ii) 1, 0, 6

Fill in the blank

Write the number :
$$4 \times 10^6 + 8 \times 10^5 + 6 \times 10^4 + 4 \times 10^3 + 4 \times 10^2 + 6 \times 10 + 9 \times 10^0$$

Express the number :
$$8 \times 10^5 + 7 \times 10^4 + 5 \times 10^3 + 4 \times 10^2 + 6 \times 10^1 + 9 \times 10^0$$

Write the value of $$|15 \times 3-(7\times 2)\times 4|$$

Express the number in expanded form:
$$9 \times 10^4 + 6 \times 10^3 + 4 \times 10^2 + 5 \times 10 + 7 \times 10^o$$

Write each of the following as power of $$10$$.

$$\dfrac{25 \times 5^{2}\times t^{8}}{10^{3} \times t^{4}}$$

Solve $$2+4+3$$

Name the property involved in the following example.
$$\dfrac{3}{7}\times 1=\dfrac{3}{7}=1\times \dfrac{3}{7}$$.

Using appropriate properties find.$$-\dfrac {2}{3}\times \dfrac {3}{5}+ \dfrac {5}{2}-\dfrac {3}{5}\times \dfrac {1}{6}$$

Find the number  of the following expanded forms :
$$6 \times 10^3 + 5 \times 10^2 + 0 \times 10 + 6 \times 10^0$$

Solve $$3\times 2(4+6)$$

Simplify: $$3$$  $$^{3}_{}\sqrt{40}$$ - $$4$$ $$^{3}_{}\sqrt{320}$$

Write an equivalent fraction of $$\dfrac{8}{9}$$ with numerator $$32$$

Solve $$2\sqrt { 54 } -6\sqrt { \dfrac { 2 }{ 3 }  } -\sqrt { 96 } =?$$

Simlify: $${\left( {\dfrac{{625}}{{81}}} \right)^{ - 3/4}}\times\left[ {{{\left( {\dfrac{4}{{25}}} \right)}^{ - 3/2}} \div {{\left( {\dfrac{2}{3}} \right)}^{ - 3}}} \right]$$

Write the number names for the following numbers.
i) $$26,04,783$$
ii) $$5,901,080$$
iii) $$70,051,900$$
iv} $$17,25,09,250$$

Find: $$375(a-b)^3+3$$

Write each of the following as power of $$10$$.

Solve  $$\dfrac{3}{2}+\dfrac{2}{3}$$

Simplify $$\cfrac { { 9 }^{ \dfrac { 1 }{ 3 }  }*{ 27 }^{ \dfrac { -1 }{ 2 }  } }{ 3^{ \dfrac { 1 }{ 6 }  }*{ 3 }^{ \dfrac { -2 }{ 3 }  } } $$

Find the ratio number in which in its standard form is equal to $$\dfrac{4}{5}$$ and the sum of its numbers and denometor is 27

A gardener wishes to plant 8281 plants in the form of a square ad found that there were 8 plants left. How many plants ere planted in each row?

Write the ususal form of $$100a+b+10c$$.

A cloth of 500 meters is sold at 35 rupees. What will be the cost of 20 meters of cloth of the same types?

Evaluate :
$$34+(5 \times 0)-34 \times 0$$

Write the following number in the form $$10a+b$$:

Write opposites of the following :
$$100\ \text{m}$$ above sea level

$$a+6=10$$, $$b+a=15$$
Then find $$b= ?$$

Find :
$$0.46 \div 10$$


The sum of squares of two consecutive odd whole numbers is $$34$$. Find the numbers.

What is $$\dfrac{1}{9}$$ of $$9$$ ?

A chair costs $$Rs\ 250$$ and a table costs $$Rs\ 400$$. If a housewife purchased a certain number of chair and two tables of $$Rs\ 2800$$, find the number of chairs she purchased.

Time taken to complete 500 vibration = 1 second 
Find time taken to complete 1 vibration ?

value it:
$${170^2} + 0 - 1272x = 0$$

If product of $$695$$ and $$52AA72A$$ is $$3645083180$$, then find the value of $$(20236565 \times A)$$.

$$40$$ benches are required to seat $$160$$ students. How many benches will be required to seat $$240$$ students at the same rate ?

Make up as many expressions with numbers (no variables) as you from three numbers 5, 7 andEvery number should be used not more than once. Use only addition, subtraction and multiplication.

If the 1st January of a certain year, which was not a leap year, was a Thursday, then what day of the week was the 31st December of that year ?

How many 3-digit even numbers can be made using the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, if no digits is repeated?

Write whether the rational number $$\frac{64}{455}$$  will have a terminating decimal expansion or a non-terminating repeating decimal expansion 

Find the unit's digit in the product $$(256\ \times 27\ \times 159 \times 182)$$.

If  $$*$$and $$\sim $$ are two operations such that $$a*b=a\times b+2\quad and\quad a\sim b=a+b-1$$, find $$\{ (3*3)*3\} \sim 3$$.

A husband and wife have five married sons and each of them have four children. How many members are there in the family ?

For what possible values of x, the number 36x, i.e., $$3\times 100+6\times 10+x$$ is divisible by 3?

Solve $$3 ^ { 0 } \times 4 ^ { 0 } \times 5 ^ { 2 }$$

The difference between the smallest six-digit number  and the largest four digit number is

What is the difference between the place value of the 
two eights in $$878513$$?

Write each of the following numerals in expanded form.

Write each of the following numerals in expanded form.

Write each of the following numerals in expanded form.

Find the value of :

Simplify $$\left( 5 ^ { 0 } \times 3 ^ { 0 } + 7 ^ { 0 } \times 8 ^ { 0 } \right) \times 4 ^ { 0 }$$

Find the value of :

Solve: $$\dfrac { 9 ^ { 3 } \times a ^ { 5 } \times b ^ { 2 } } { 3 ^ { 6 } \times a ^ { 3 } \times b }$$

Find the value of :

A number is divided by $$8$$. The new number obtained is divided by $$9$$ to give $$1$$. Find the number.

Find HCF of $$650$$ and $$1170$$.

Simplify: $$\dfrac 45\times 65\div \dfrac 23$$

The sum of $$2$$ consecutive numbers is $$33$$ find those numbers.

Find the sum:

Solve: $$56\times 4$$

Two numbers are in the ratio 5:7.Their difference isfind the numbers.

If the sum of two continuous odd number is 32, Find the numbers.

Simplify: $$\dfrac 12 (27)^{1/3}$$

Simplify : 
$$0.089\times 0.76\div 0.19$$

Daniel goes for painting class everyday for 35 minutes. How many hours does he learn painting in a month? 

Find the whole quantity if $$5$$% of it is $$600$$

Find: $$15$$% of $$250$$

Give five examples where the number of things counted would be more than $$6$$-digit number.

Find:$$75$$% of $$1\ \text{kg}$$

$$10 - 5 \times  10 - 8 \times 10 6 \times ( - 1 ) 3 10 - 4 \times ( - 1 ) 8$$

Find: $$20$$% of Rs. $$2500$$

Find the sum:

Test the divisibility of the following number by $$10$$:

Test the divisibility of the following number by $$10:$$

Write in expanded form:  $$574021$$

Test the divisibility of the following number by $$10:$$

Write in expanded form: $$74836$$

Write in expanded form:  $$8907010$$

Read and write the following number in words and also in expanded form :
$$ 40,075 $$

Read and write the following numbers in words and also in expanded form :
$$ 35,000$$ = ......

Read and write the following numbers in words and also in expanded form :
$$ 6,23,000 $$ = .........

Read and write the following numbers in words and also in expanded form :
$$ 76,000$$ = ............

Read and write the following numbers in words and also in expanded form :
$$ 50,004 $$ = .............

Find which of the following number are divisible by $$ 10 $$ :
$$ 8976 $$

Write the following in the decimal form.
$$ (6 \times 1000)+(5 \times 10)+(8 \times 1) $$

Find which of the following number are divisible by $$ 10 $$ :
$$ 9990 $$

Write the following in the decimal form.
$$ (1 \times 1000)+(1 \times 10) $$

Write the following in the decimal form.
$$ (7 \times 1000)+(6 \times 1) $$

Find which of the following number are divisible by $$ 10 $$ :
$$ 0 $$

Write the following in the decimal form.
$$ (7 \times 100)+(5 \times 10)+(8 \times 1) $$

Write the following in the decimal form.
$$ (5 \times 10)+(6 \times 1) $$

Find which of the following number are divisible by $$ 10 $$ :
$$ 847 $$

Show that every odd prime can be put either in the form $$4k+1$$ or $$4k+3  (i.e.,  4k-1),$$ where k is a positive integer.

Prove that for every positive integer n, $$1^{n}+8^{n}-3^{n}-6^{n}$$ is divisible by 10.

If n is an integer. Prove that $$n(n+1)(n+5)$$ is a multiple of 6.

Solve the following cryptarithm:

$$\underline {+A{\;}B}$$
  $$\underline {9{\;}A}$$

Find the values of the letters in the following, and give reasons for the steps involved.
 $${\;} A{\;}1$$
$$\underline {+1{\;}B}$$
  $$\underline { B{\;}0}$$

Find the values of the letters in the following and give reasons for the steps involved.
$$\ \ \ \ \ \ 1\ \ A\\\underline{\ \ \ \ \times\ \ A\ \ }\\\underline{\ \ \ \ \ \ 9\ \ A\ \ }$$

Find the values of the letters in the following and give reasons for the steps involved.
$$\ \ \ \ \ \ A\ \ B\\\underline{\ +\ 3\ \ 7\ \ }\\\underline{\ \ \  \ \ \ 6\ \ A\ \ }$$

Find the values of the letters in the following and give reasons for the steps involved.
$$\ \ \ \ \ \ 4\ \ A\\\underline{\ +\ 9\ \ 8\ \ }\\\underline{\ \ C \ \ B\ \ 3\ \ }$$

Find the values of the letters in the following and give reasons for the steps involved.
$$\ \ \ \ \ \ 3\ \ A\\\underline{\ +\ 2\ \ 5\ \ }\\ \underline{\ \ \ \ \ \ B\ \ 2\ \ }$$

Find the values of the letters in the following and give reasons for the steps involved.
$$\ \ \ \ \ \ A\ \ B\\\underline{\ \ \ \ \times\ \ 3\ \ }\\\underline{\ \ C \ \ A\ \ B\ \ }$$

Find the values of the letters in the following and give reasons for the steps involved.
$$\ \ \ \ \ \ \ A\ \ 1\\\underline{\ +\ 1\ \ B\ \ }\\\underline{\ \ \ \ \ \ B\ \ 0\ \ }$$

If $$24x$$ is a multiple of $$3$$, where $$x$$ is a digit, what is the value of $$x$$?

Find the values of the letters in the following and give reasons for the steps involved.
$$\ \ \ \ \ \ A\ \ B\\\underline{\ \ \ \ \times\ \ 6\ \ }\\\underline{\ \ B \ \ B\ \ B\ \ }$$

In the following, find the digits represented by the letters:
    $$1\ A$$
$$\underline {\times \ 1\ A}$$
$$\underline {1\ B\ A}$$

No of $$6$$ digits no whose sum of digit is $$49$$

Find the values of the letters in the following and give reasons for the steps involved.
$$\ \ \ \ \ \ 2\ \ A\ \ B\\\underline{\ +\ A\ \ B\ \ 1\ \ }\\\underline{\ \ \ \ \ \ \ B\ \ 1\ \ 8 \ \ }$$

Find the values of the letters in the following and give reasons for the steps involved.
$$\ \ \ \ \ \ 1\ \ 2\ \ A\\\underline{\ +\ 6\ \ A\ \ B\ \ }\\\underline{\ \ \ \ \ \ \ A\ \ 0\ \ 9 \ \ }$$

Find the values of the letters in the following and give reasons for the steps involved.
$$\ \ \ \ \ \ A\ \ B\\\underline{\ \ \ \ \times\ \ 5\ \ }\\\underline{\ \ C \ \ A\ \ B\ \ }$$

Write the following in the normal form:
(i) $$(5\times 10) + (6\times 1)$$; 
(ii) $$(7\times 100) + (5\times 100) + (8\times 1)$$; 
(iii) $$(6\times 1000) + (5\times 10) + (8\times 1)$$; 
(iv) $$(7\times 1000) + (6\times 1)$$; 
(v) $$(1\times 1000) + (1\times 100)$$

 Write the expanded form of the number: 
$$- 4348$$

Examine would this work?
Choose a number. Double it. Add nine. Add your original number. Divide by three. Add four. Subtract your original number. Your result is seven.

Frame and solve the equations for the following statements:
The denominator of a fraction is $$2$$ more than its numerator. If one is added to both the numerator and their denominator the fraction becomes $$\dfrac {2}{3}$$. Find the fraction

Explain how they work?
Write down any three-digit number(for example, $$425$$). Make a six-digit number by repeating these digits in the same order$$(425425)$$. Your new number is divisible by $$7, 11$$, and $$13$$.

In the following addition, A, B, C represent different digits. Find them and the sum

Using divisibility tests, determine which of the following numbers are divisible by $$10$$:
(a) $$54450$$ (b) $$10800$$ (c) $$7138965$$ (d) $$7016930$$ (e) $$10101010$$

Find the sum of all two-digit numbers which give a remainder of 3 when they are divided by 7.

Write the following numbers in the standard form :

In a four-digit number, the sum of the digits of the thousands and tens is equal to $$4$$. The sum of the digits of the hundreds and the units is $$15$$, and the digit of the units exceeds by $$7$$ the digit of the thousands. Among all the numbers satisfying these conditions, find the number the sum of the product of whose digit of the thousands by the digit of the units and the product of the digit of the hundreds by that of the tens assumes the least value. 

Write the following numbers in the standard form :

Solve: $$ 2+2$$

Write the following numbers in the standard form :

Write the following numbers in the standard form :

Write the following numbers in the standard form :

$$\sqrt{2}(\sin x+\cos x)=\sqrt{3}$$. General form.

Evaluate: $$\dfrac{4^2-(0.41)^2}{2.41}$$

Write the following numbers in the standard form :

Solve  $$\dfrac { 1 }{ \sqrt { 19-\sqrt { 360 }  }  } -\dfrac { 1 }{ \sqrt { 21-\sqrt { 440 }  }  } +\dfrac { 2 }{ \sqrt { 20+\sqrt { 396 }  }  } =?$$

Write each of the following as power of $$10$$.

The denominator of a fraction is $$3$$ more than its numerator. The sum of the fraction and its reciprocal is $$2 \frac{9}{10}$$. Find the fraction

The sum of a two digit number and the number obtained by interchanging the digits of the number is $$121$$. If digits of the number differ by $$3$$, find the number. 

Find the value of $${ x }^{ 3 }+{ y }^{ 3 }-12xy+64$$, when $$x+y=-4$$.

Bear a two-digit number in mind.Without disclosing it, cunstruct a puzzle create two algebraic relations between the two digits of the number and solve the puzzle.

Find a two digit number such that product of the digits is 14 and four times the unit's digit is six less than twice the ten's digit.

Simplify: $$\left\{ { \left( \cfrac { 1 }{ 5 }  \right)  }^{ -2 }-{ \left( \cfrac { 1 }{ 6 }  \right)  }^{ -2 }{ \left( \cfrac { 1 }{ 3 }  \right)  }^{ -2 } \right\} $$

$$\left| 200-303 \right| =?$$

Simplify: $${2}^{o}+{3}^{-1}+\cfrac{1}{{5}^{-1}}+{2}^{-1}$$

If $$a^{3}+b^{3}=(8-3a-3b)ab$$ and show that $$\log{\dfrac{a+b}{2}}=\dfrac{1}{3}(\log{a}+\log{b})$$

The tens digits of a two-digit number exceeds the units digit byIf the digits are reversed, the new number is less byIf the sum of their digits is 9, find the numbers.

A number consists of two digits in which the tens digit exceeds the units digit by $$6$$. The number itself is equal to ten times the sum of digits. Find the number.

One fourth of a number exceeds one-sixth of its succeeding number by $$5$$. Find the number.

The sum of  digits of a two digit number is '9' . If 45 is added to the number than the digits in the resulted number are reversed . Find the number ?

$$4.32$$ chairs can be purchased for $$Rs 4,480$$.
i) How much cost is of $$45$$ chairs?
ii) How many chairs can be bought with $$Rs 8,400$$ at the same rate?

The sum of the digits of a two-digit number isThe number obtained by interchanging its digits exceeds the given number byFind the number.

Find the biggest four-digit number divisible by $$5$$ as well as $$10$$.

The number of numbers between $$2,000$$ and $$5,000$$ that can be formed with the digits $$0, 1, 2, 3, 4$$ (repetition of digits is not allowed) and are multiple of 3 is:

$$\dfrac{m^2-n^2}{(m+n)^2}\times \dfrac{m^2+mn+n^2}{m^3-n^3}$$.

The sum of a two digit number and the number obtained by interchanging its digits isFind the number. 

Find the value of x ; if $$x = (2\times3) + 11$$

Show that $$3 ^ { n } \times 4 ^ { m }$$ cannot end with the digit 0 or 5 for any natural numbers $$'n'$$ and $$'m'$$ 

The sum of a two-digit number and the number obtained by reversing its digits is $$99$$ and if digits differ by 3.Find the number.

Find (i) the last digit ,( ii) the last two digits , and (iii) the last three digits of $${17^{256}}$$.

$$B + B = 2$$
$$B + C = 5$$
$$B + C \times 2 =$$?

$$\cfrac{-6}{13}-\left( \cfrac { -7 }{ 15 }  \right) $$

The digit in the tens place of a two-digit number is four times the digit in the units place. When the digits are reversed, the number obtained is $$27$$ less than the original numbers. Find the original number.    

The average of two numbers $$'a'$$ and $$'b'$$ is $$68$$ and the average of $$'b'$$ and $$'c'$$ is $$70$$ and that of $$'a'$$ and $$'c'$$ is $$71$$. Find the values of $$a,b,c$$. 

Simplify; $$\frac{{\left( { - 18\frac{1}{3} \times 2\frac{8}{{11}}} \right) - \left( {4\frac{5}{7} \times 2\frac{1}{3}} \right)}}{{\left| {\frac{3}{5} + \left( {\frac{{ - 9}}{{10}}} \right)} \right| + \left| { - \frac{{\left( { - 3} \right)}}{5}} \right|}}$$

How many numbers can be formed using digits $$0,1,2..........9$$ which is more than or equal to $$6000$$ and less than $$7000$$ and is divisible by $$5$$ whereas any number can be repeated as many times?

Solve : $$\dfrac{1}{3}x+5=6$$

The total number of numbers that can be formed with the help of digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 10 digit always occupy odd places is

The sum of two consecutive multiples of $$6$$ is $$66$$. Find these multiples. 

Seven times a two number is equal to four times the number obtained by reversing the order of its digits. If the difference of the digits is $$3$$, determine the number.

Write each of the following as power of $$10$$.

Find the least number which must be added to each of the following numbers to make them a perfect square. Also find the square root's of the perfect square number so obtained.

The sum of the digits of a $$2-digit$$ number is $$9$$. The number is $$6$$ times the unit digit. Find the number.

Write each of the following as power of $$10$$.

Raju bought a book for $$Rs\ 35.65$$. He gave $$Rs\ 50$$ to the shopkeeper.How much money did he get from the shopkeeper?

Verify that the difference of  $$746$$  and the number obtained by reversing the order of digits is divisible by  $$99.$$

The sum of a two digit number and the number by interchanging the no is $$132$$ if $$12$$ is added to number the new becomes $$5$$ times the sum of digit. Find the number?

Show that every positive even integer is of the form $$2n$$ and every positive odd integer is of the form $$2n+1$$.

Find the sum of  $$1^{2}+(1^{2}+2^{2})+(1^{2}+2^{2}+3^{2})+.......$$

$$N=(3+1)\left( {3}^{2}+1 \right )\left( {3}^{4}+1 \right )\left( {3}^{8}+1 \right ).\left( {3}^{64}+1 \right )$$. If $$N$$ can be simplified as $$\dfrac{\left( {3}^{n}-1 \right )}{2}$$ then find the value of  $$n$$ :

Find two numbers such that one of them exceeds the other by $$18$$ and their sum is $$92$$

A two-digit number has tens digit greater than the unit's digit. If the sum of its digits is equal to twice the difference, how many such numbers are possible?

What would be the digit in Ten-thousand's place in the sum of 96,573 and 8,379?

A two digit number is such that the product of the digits isWhen 45 is added to the number, then the digits are reversed. Find the number.

Write in expanded form.

Show that any positive integer is of the form 3q or, 3q+1 or,3q+2 for some integer q.

Write each of the following numerals in expanded form.

The least $$3$$ digit number divisible by $$7$$ is

Show that one and only out of n, n + 4, n + 8, n + 12 and n + 16 is divided by 5, where n is any positive integer.

The sum of two consecutive odd numbers is $$68$$. Find the numbers.

The sum of $$3$$ consecutive numbers is $$51$$ find the numbers. 

The sum of $$2$$ consecutive numbers is $$89$$  find the product of the numbers 

If 2791A is divisible by 9, supply the missing digit in place of 'A'.

Simplify: $$(3+\sqrt{23})-\sqrt{23}$$

The sum of the digits of  a two - digit number is $$9$$. The number is $$6$$ times the units digit. Find the numbers.

Convert part of the ratio to percentage.
$$3 : 1$$.

Find the missing number.

Simplify : $$\dfrac{(25)^{3/2} \times (343)^{3/5}}{16^{5/4} \times 8^{4/3} \times 7^{3/5}}$$


The sum of the digits of a two-digit number isIf  the new number formed by reversing the digits is greater than the original number by 54, find the original number. 

How many different eight digit binary sequences are there with six 1's and two 0's.

Find: $$1$$% of $$1$$ hour.

Read and expand the numbers wherever there are blanks.
 Number Number NameExpansion 
 20000 twenty thousand$$2 \times 10000$$ 
 26000 twenty six thousand$$2 \times 10000 + 6 \times 1000$$ 
 38400thirty eight  thousand four hundred $$3\times 10000 + 8 \times 1000 + 4 \times 100$$ 
 65740sixty five thousand seven hundred forty  $$6\times 10000+5 \times 1000 + 7\times 100 + 4\times 10$$
 89324 eighty nine thousand three hundred twenty four $$8\times 10000 + 9 \times 1000 + 3 \times 100+ 2 \times 10 + 4 \times 1$$
 50000 ----- ----
 41000 ---- ----
 47300 ---- ----
 57630 ---- ----
29485  ---- ----
 29085 ---- ----
 20085 ---- ----
Write five more 5-digit numbers, read them and expand them.

Rs. 9,000  were divided equally among a certain number of persons . Had there been 20 more persons each would have got Rs.160  less.  Find the  original number of persons. 

If $$\sqrt {2} = 1.414, \sqrt {3} = 1.732$$, then find the value of $$\dfrac {4}{3\sqrt {3} - 2\sqrt {2}} + \dfrac {3}{3\sqrt {3} + 2\sqrt {2}}$$.

Find the sum:
$$\cfrac { 5 }{ 4 } +\left( \cfrac { -11 }{ 4 }  \right) $$

Find the sum : $$\displaystyle \frac{-9}{10}+\frac{22}{15}$$

Simplify $$8\sqrt[3]{216}-7\sqrt[5]{243}\sqrt[4]{4096}-6\sqrt[6]{64}$$

Write each of the following as an equation in two variables x and y :
(i) x=-3
(ii) y=4
(iii) 3x=2
(iv) 7y=3

Determine the difference between the place value and the face value of $$5$$ in $$78654321$$.

Fill in the blank:
$$1$$ crore$$=$$_________ ten.

Write the corresponding numeral for the following.
$$8\times 1000000+3\times 1000+6\times 1$$.

How many $$8$$-digit numbers are there in all?

How many four-digit numbers are there in all?

Simplify the following.
$$(13+7)\times (9-4)-18$$.

Write the given statement using numbers, literals and signs of basic operations.
$$7$$ taken away from x.

Write the given statement using number, literals and signs of basic operations.
Number y less than a number $$7$$.

Fill in the blank.
$$1$$ billion$$=$$_____ million.

Write the given statement using numbers, literals and signs of basic operations.
$$2$$ less than the quotient of $$x$$ and $$y$$.

Write the given statement using numbers, literals and signs of basic operations.
$$4$$ times $$x$$ taken away from one-third of $$y$$.

Write the following numbers in expanded form:

Test the divisibility of the following number by $$10:$$

Find the number which when divided by $$38$$ gives the quotient $$23$$ and remainder $$17.$$

Write the following number in expanded form:

Find the difference between the number $$895$$ and that obtained on reversing its digits.

Write the following number in expanded form:

$$\dfrac { \begin{matrix} A & B \\ \times  & 6 \end{matrix} }{ \begin{matrix} C & 6 & 8 \end{matrix} } $$

Fill in the blanks to make the statements true.
By reversing the order of digits of the greatest number made by five different non-zero digits, the new number is the ______ number of five digits.

If a number has ____ in one's place, then it is divisible by $$10$$.

Observe the following patterns and fill in the blanks to make the statements true:
7 4 = 28
7 3 = _______ = 28 7
7 2 = __ __ = _______ 7
7 1 = 7 = _______ 7
7 0 = _______ = _______ ________
7 1 = 7 = _______ _______
7 2 = _______ = _______ _______
7 3 =  _______ = _______ ________

If $$\frac { \begin{matrix} 1 & P \\ \times  & P \end{matrix} }{ Q\ \ \ \ 6 } $$   where $$Q-P=3$$, find the values of $$P$$ and $$Q$$.

If $$AB+7C=102$$, where $$B\neq 0, C\neq 0$$ and $$A+B+C=14$$, then find $$A,B\ and\ C$$ 

$$\dfrac { \begin{matrix} B & 6 \\ +8 & A \end{matrix} }{ C\ A\ 2}$$ 

$$\dfrac { \begin{matrix} C & BA \\ +C & BA \end{matrix} }{ 1A\ 30} $$

If $$1AB+CCA=697$$ and there is no carry-over in addition, find the value of $$A+B+C$$.

$$\dfrac { \begin{matrix} 1 & B\ \ A \\ +A & B \ \ A \end{matrix} }{8\ \ \ \  B\ \ \ 2 } $$

$$\dfrac { \begin{matrix} B & AA \\ +B & AA \end{matrix} }{ 3\ A\ 8 } $$

$$\dfrac { \begin{matrix} A & B \\ \times & B \end{matrix} }{ C\ A\ B } $$

Find the value of the letters in each of the following questions.
$$\dfrac { \begin{matrix} A & A \\ +A & A \end{matrix} }{ XA\ Z } $$

Let $$D=3, L=7$$ and $$A=8$$. Find the other digits in the sum
$$\dfrac { \begin{matrix} M & A & D \\ + & A & S \\ + &  & A \end{matrix} }{ \begin{matrix} B & U & L & L \end{matrix} } $$

$$\dfrac { \begin{matrix} PQ \\ \times \ 6 \end{matrix} }{ QQQ } $$

Find $$P,Q$$

Work out following multiplication,
$$\dfrac { \begin{matrix} 123456789 \\ \times \ 9 \end{matrix} }{  } $$
Use the result to answer the following questions.
What will be $$123456789 \times 63$$?

$$\dfrac { \begin{matrix} 8 & A & B & C \\ -A & B & C & 5 \end{matrix} }{ \begin{matrix} D & 4 & 8 & 8 \end{matrix} } $$

A three digit number $$3$$a$$7$$ is added to the number $$212$$ to give a three digit number $$5b9$$ which is divisible by $$9$$. Find the value of $$a,b$$.

If $$2A7\div A=33$$, then findthe value of $$A$$.

If from a two digits number, we subtract the number formed reversing its digits then the result so obtained is a perfect cube. How many such numbers are possible?
Write all of them.

Let $$E=3, B=7$$ and $$A=4$$. Find the other digits in the sum
$$\dfrac { \begin{matrix} B & A & S & E \\ +B & A & L & L \end{matrix} }{ \begin{matrix} G & A&M & E & S \end{matrix} } $$

$$\dfrac { \begin{matrix} A & B \\ -B & 7 \end{matrix} }{ 4\ 5 } $$

$$\dfrac { \begin{matrix} 2 & L & M \\ +L & M & 1 \end{matrix} }{ \begin{matrix} M & 1 & 8 \end{matrix} } $$

If $$\begin{matrix} A & B \\ \times & B \\ 9 & 6 \end{matrix}$$ then then $$A= $$ ______ and $$B=$$ ______ 

Write the quotient, when the sum of a $$ 2- $$ digit number $$ 34 $$ and number obtained by reversing the digits is divided by
$$ (i) 11 $$
$$ (ii) $$ sum of digits

The difference of  a two- digit number and the number obtained by reversing is digit is always divisible by ________ .

The sum of a two digit number and the number obtained by reversing the digits is always divisible by _________ .

If a $$3-$$digit number $$abc$$ is divisible by $$11$$, then _____ is either $$0$$ or multiple of $$11$$.

Write the quotient when the difference of a 2-digit number 73 and number obtained by reversing the digits is divided by
$$ (i) 9 $$
$$ (ii) $$ a difference of digits.

If $$\begin{matrix} 2 & B \\ +A & B \\ 8 & A \end{matrix}$$ then then $$A= $$ ______ and $$B=$$ ______ .

If $$\begin{matrix} B & 1 \\ \times & B \\ 4 & 9B \end{matrix}$$ then $$B=$$ ______ 

In a $$ 3- $$digit number, units digit, tens digit and hundreds digit are in the ratio $$ 1 : 2 : 3.$$ If the difference of original number and the number obtained by reversing the digits is $$ 594, $$ find the number.

Write the quotient when the difference of a 3-digit number 843 and number obtained by reversing the digits is divided by
$$ (i) 99 $$
$$ (ii) 5 $$

Find the values of the letters in each of the following and give reasons for the steps involved 
$$ A \quad B   $$
$$ \times A \quad B $$
$$  6 \quad A \quad B  $$

The sum of digits of a 2-digit number is $$ 11 $$. If the number obtained by reversing the digits is $$ 9 $$ less than the original number, find the number.

Find the values of the letters in each of the following and give reasons for the steps involved 
$$ A \quad  A $$
$$ + A \quad A $$
$$ B \quad A \quad 8 $$

Find the values of the letters in each of the following and give reasons for the steps involved 
$$ 5 \quad A $$
$$ + 7 \quad 9 $$
$$ C \quad B \quad 3 $$

Find the values of the letters in each of the following and give reasons for the steps involved 
$$ 4 \quad A $$
$$ + 3 \quad 5 $$
$$ B \quad 2 $$

Find the values of the letters in each of the following and give reasons for the steps involved 
$$ 4 \quad 2 \quad A $$
$$ + 2 \quad A \quad 5 $$
$$ A \quad 0 \quad 2 $$

If the sum of two-digit number and number obtained by reversing the digits is $$ 55 $$, find the sum of the digits of the $$ 2- $$digit number.

If the difference of two-digit number and the number obtained by reversing the digits is $$ 36 $$, find the difference between the digits of the $$ 2-$$ digit number.

Without actual calculation, write the quotient when the sum of a 3-digit number abc and the number obtained by changing the order of digits cyclically i.e. bca and cab is divided by
(i) $$ 111 $$
(ii) $$ (a+b+c) $$
(iii) $$ 37 $$
(iv) $$ 3 $$

Find the values of the letters in each of the following and give reasons for the steps involved 
$$ A \quad A   $$
$$ \times 4 \quad A $$
$$  9 \quad A \quad 4 $$

Find the values of the letters in each of the following and give reasons for the steps involved 
$$ A \quad B   $$
$$ -B \quad 6 $$
$$ 4 \quad 7  $$

Find the values of the letters in each of the following and give reasons for the steps involved 
$$ B \quad 3  \quad 4  \quad  5 $$
$$ +C \quad 9 \quad B \quad A $$
$$ 8 \quad B \quad A \quad 2 $$

Find the values of the letters in each of the following and give reasons for the steps involved 
$$ A \quad 2  \quad 1  \quad  B $$
$$ +1 \quad C \quad A \quad B $$
$$ B \quad 4 \quad 9 \quad 6 $$

Find the values of the letters in each of the following and give reasons for the steps involved 
$$ 2 \quad A   $$
$$ \times 3 \quad A $$
$$ B \quad 7 \quad A $$

Fill in the blanks : 
In $$ 8,039 $$ , the place value of $$ 8 $$ is ......

The product of two numbers is $$528$$. If the product of their units digits is $$8$$ and the product of their tens digits is $$4$$; find the numbers.

Find the difference in the place values of two sevens in the number $$ 8, 72, 574 $$.

Write the following numbers in a generalized form 

Write the following numbers in a generalized form  

Write the following numbers in a generalized form  

Write the following numbers in a generalized form  

Write the following numbers in a generalized form  

Write the following numbers in a generalized form  

Write the following numbers in a generalized form  

Write the following numbers in a generalized form

In a two digit number, the unit digit is three times of tens digit. If $$10$$ is added to two times the number, the digits are reserved. Find the number.

In the following, find the digits represented by the letters:
$$\ \ \ \ \ 3$$
$$\underline {+\ \ B}$$
$$\underline {\ \ \ \ \ 7}$$

In the following, find the digits represented by the letters:
$$\ \ \ 2\ \ \ A$$
$$\underline {\ \times \ \ A}$$
$$\underline {1\ 2\ \ A}$$

In the following, find the digits represented by the letters:
    $$1\ A\ A$$
$$\underline {+\ 1\ A\ A}$$
    $$\underline {2\ A\ A}$$

In the following, find the digits represented by the letters:
        $$3\ A$$
      $$\underline {\times\ A}$$
    $$\underline {2\ B\ A}$$

Write the following numbers in generalised form:
$$39, 52, 106,359, 628, 3458, 9502, 7000$$

Call a natural number $$n$$ faithful, if there exist numbers $$a\,<\,b\,<\,c$$ such that $$a$$ divides $$b,\;b$$ divides $$c\;$$ and $$\;n\;=\;a+b+c$$. Show that all but a finite number of natural numbers are faithful. Find the sum of all natural numbers which are not faithful.

In the following, find the digits represented by the letters:
$$\ \ \ \ 1\ 6$$
$$\underline {+\ 2\ A}$$
$$\underline {\ \ \ B\ 1}$$

The product of a two-digit number by a number consisting of the same digits written in the reverse order is equal to $$2430$$. Find the number.

The sum of the squares of the digits of a two-digit number is $$13$$. If we subtract $$9$$ from that number, we get a number consisting of the same digits written in the reverse order. Find the number.

The sum of the digits of a three-digit number is $$17$$ and the sum of the squares of its digits is $$109$$. If we subtract $$495$$ from that number, we shall get a number consisting of the same digits written in the reverse order. Find the number.

How many four-digit numbers are there whose decimal notation contains not more than two different digits?

If we multiply a certain two-digit number by the sum of its digits, we get $$405$$. If we multiply the number consisting of the same digits written in the reverse order by the sum of the digits, we get $$486$$. Find the  number.

There is a natural number which becomes equal to the square of a natural number when $$100$$ is added to it, and to the square of another natural number when $$168$$ is added to it. Find the number.

Find the two-digit number if the number of its units exceeds by $$2$$ the number of its tens and the product of the required number, by the sum of its digits is equal to $$144$$.

In a $$3$$-digit number, unit's digit is one more than the hundred's digit and ten's digit is one less than that hundred's digit. If the sum of the original $$3$$-digit number and numbers obtained by changing the order of digits cyclically is $$2664$$, find the number.

Product of two numbers is $$18.75$$. If one number is three times the other, then find larger number.

The sum of the squares of the digits constituting a certain positive three-digit number is $$74$$. The hundreds digit of the number is equal to the doubled sum of the digits in the tens and units places. Find the number if it is known that the difference between that number and the number written by the same digits in the reverse order is $$495$$.

The sum of the digits of a three-digit number is $$11$$. If we subtract $$594$$ from the number consisting of the same digits written in the reverse order, we shall get a required number. Find that three-digit number, if the sum of all pairwise products of the digits constituting that number is $$31$$.

Pradeep gave away $$8$$ sweets to his friends. This number was one-fifth of the number of sweets that he had with him at first. How many sweets did Pradeep have with him at first?

Some students planned a picnic. The budget for food was $$Rs.\ 480$$. But eight of these failed to go and thus the cost of food for each member increased by $$Rs.\ 10$$. How many students attended the picnic?

Find the last two digit of $${3^{400}}?$$

A number is 27 more than the number obtained by reversing its digits. If its unit's and ten's digit are x and y respectively. write the linear equation representing the above statement.

A three digit number 24 y is a multiple of 3, what might be the values of y?

Find the least number which must be added to $$6203$$ to obtain a perfect square. Also, find the square root of the number so obtained.

Find the number nearest to 110000 but greater than 100000 which is exactly divisible by each of 8,15 and 21.

How many numbers greater than $$40000$$ can be formed using the digits $$1,2,3,4$$ and $$5$$ if each is used only once in a number?

Class 8 Maths Extra Questions