Understanding Quadrilaterals - Class 8 Maths - Extra Questions

Find the perimeter of a parallelogram with sides $$9\ cm$$ and $$5\ cm$$

A, B, C, D is a parallelogram angle be $$80^o$$ find remain angles.

Justify the given statement: Rhombus is a parallelogram

The following figure is a parallelogram.
Find $$x + y$$. (Lengths are in cm)


Given a parallelogram ABCD. Prove that $$OC = OA$$


If one angle of a parallelogram is of measure $$70^{\circ}$$, find the measures of all the angles of the parallelogram.

$$ABCD$$ is a parallelogram, a line through $$A$$ cuts $$DC$$ at point $$P$$ and $$BC$$ produced at $$Q$$ .
Prove that triangle $$BCP$$ is equal in area to triangle $$DPQ$$.

Explain why a rectangle is a convex quadrilateral.

$$ABCD$$ is a parallelogram and $$\angle A = 60^{\circ}$$. Find the remaining angles

In the figure, $$ABCD$$ is a parallelogram in which the angle bisectors of $$\angle A$$ and $$\angle B$$ intersect at the point $$P$$. Prove that $$\angle APB = 90^{\circ}$$

In $$\triangle^{s}ABC$$ and $$DEF, AB\parallel DE; BC = EF$$ and $$BC\parallel EF$$. Vertices, $$A, B$$ and $$C$$ are joined to vertices $$D, E$$ and $$F$$ respectively (see figure). Show that
quadrilateral $$BCFE$$ is a parallelogram

In figure, $$BEST$$ is a parallelogram. Find the values of $$x,\ y,\ z$$.

Name the type of quadrilateral formed by the points $$(4,5),(7,6),(4,3),(1,2)$$.

Point $$X$$ and $$Y$$ are taken on the sides $$QR$$ and $$RS$$, respectively of a parallelogram $$PQRS$$, so that $$QX = 4\ XR$$ and $$\vec {RY} = 4\vec {YS}$$. The line $$XY$$ cuts the line $$PR$$ at $$Z$$. Prove that $$\vec {PZ} = \left (\dfrac {21}{25}\right )\vec {PR}$$.

The adjacent side of a parallelogram are $$15\text{ cm}$$ and $$8\text{ cm}$$. If the distance between the longer sides is $$4\text{ cm}$$, find the distance between the shorter sides.

ABCD is a parallelogram, and AE and CF bisect $$\angle A $$ and $$\angle C$$ respectively. Prove that AE || FC.

Find the value of $$x,y$$ and $$z$$ from the given parallelograms.

Quadrilateral $$ABCD$$ is a parallelogram. Find the value of $$x$$ and measure of all the angles.

In a parallelogram $$ABCD,$$ the bisectors of $$\angle A$$ and $$\angle B$$ bisect at $$O.$$ Find $$\angle AOB.$$

$$PQRS$$ is a parallelogram whose diagonals intersect at $$M$$.
If $$\angle PMS=54^{o}, \angle QSR=25^{o}$$ and $$\angle SQR=30^{o}$$; find:
i) $$\angle RPS$$
ii) $$\angle PRS$$
iii) $$\angle PSR$$.

In figure $$HELP$$ is parallelogram. if $$OE=4\ cm$$ and $$HL$$, is $$5\ cm$$ more then $$PE$$ Find $$OH$$.

Figure given below, $$PQRS$$ is parallelogram, find the value $$x$$ and $$y$$.

The sum of two opposite angles of a parallelogram is $$130^o$$. Find the measure of each of its angles.

In a parallelogram $$ABCD,$$ the bisectors $$\angle A$$ and $$\angle B$$ meet at $$O.$$ Find $$\angle AOB.$$

The adjacent figure ABCD is parallelogram 
$$\angle A = 3\left( {x - 5} \right)$$, $$\angle B = \dfrac{x}{4}$$, $$\angle C = 2\left( {x + 22\frac{1}{2}} \right)$$ then show that $$\angle A + \angle B = {180^o}$$

PQRS is a parallelogram and diagonals PR and SQ bisect at O. If PO$$=3.5$$cm and OQ$$=4.1$$ cm. What is the length of the diagonals?

Two lines that are cut by a transversal are parallel, if the sum of any pair of interior angles on the same side on the transversal is _________?

In the given figure, the bisectors of $$\angle A$$ and $$\angle B$$ of parallelogram $$ABCD$$ meet at $$O$$. Find the measure of $$\angle AOB$$.

In a parallelogram PQRS, if $$\angle$$P is thrice $$\angle$$Q, find the angles.

In parallelogram ABCD, two points P and Q are taken on diagonal BD such that DP$$=$$BQ. Show that $$\Delta$$AQB$$\cong\Delta$$CPD.

$$P$$ and $$Q$$ are the points of trisection of the diagonal $$BD$$ of a parallelogram $$ABCD$$. Prove that $$CQ$$ is parallel to $$AP$$.

Two adjecnt angles of a parallelogram are equal measure. Find the measure of each angle.

Find x, y and z in the given parallelogram.

$$\Delta ABP$$ and parallelogram ABCD are on the same base AB and between the same parallels AB and PC. 
Prove that $$ar(\Delta ABP) = \dfrac{1}{2} ar (ABCD)$$.

Find the measure of each angle of a $$parallelogram$$, one its angle is $$30$$ less than twice the smaller angle.

In a parallelogram $$ABCD$$, determine the sum of $$\angle C$$ and $$\angle D$$.

What is the length of side $$BD$$ in the parallelogram $$ABCD$$ ?

ABCD is a parallelogram. P is the mid-point of AB and R is the midpoint of DC as shown in the figure. Lines AR and DP intersect at S and lines PC and BR intersect at Q. Show that PQRS is a parallelogram.

In the following parallelogram $$ABCD$$, find the values of $$x$$ and $$y$$. Mention the property used.

Find parameters of given parallelogram 

In the following figures, find the area of the shaded portions.

In the adjoining figure, $$ABCD$$ is a parallelogram.
$$BM \bot\ AC\ and \ DN \bot\ AC$$.
Prove that:
$$ \Delta\ BMC\cong \Delta\ DNA$$

In the figure given below, $$E$$ and $$F$$ are points on diagonal $$AC$$  of a parallelogram $$ABCD$$ such that $$AE=CF$$. Show that $$BFDE$$ is a parallelogram.

If one angle of a parallelogram is $$65 ^ { \circ } ,$$ find the measure of other angles.

The adjacent angles of a parallelogram are in the ratio $$2:1$$. Find the measure of all angles. 

We know that the sum of the interior angles of a triangle is $${180^ \circ }$$ . show that the sum of the interior angles of polygons with $$3,4,5,6,\dots$$ sides form an arithmetic progression. find the sum of the interior angles for a $$21$$ sided polygon.

Given figure $$\text{ABCD}$$ is a parallelogram, $$\text{P}~\text{and}~\text{Q}$$ are midpoints of sides $$\text{AB}\ $$and $$\text{DC}$$ respectively, then prove that$$\text{ APCQ}$$ is a parallelogram. 

If the diagonals of a parallelogram are equal, then show that it is a rectangular.

Two adjacent angles of a parallelogram are equal. What is the measure of each angle? 

Fill in the blank
A quadrilateral with exactly one side parallel is a _______

The measure of one angle of a parallelogram is $$80^{\circ}$$. What are the measures of the remaining angles?

The opposite angles of a parallelogram are (3x-2) and (x+48) Find the measure of each angle of the parallelogram .

Draw and define a parallelogram. What would you call it if all its four sides are equal?

Prove that a diagonals of a parallelogram divides it into two congruent triangles. 

Two angles of  a polygon are right angles and the remaining are $$120^{\circ}$$ each. Find the number of sides in it.

If the diagonals of a parallelogram are equal, prove that it is rectangle.

Fill in the blank
All rectangle, squares and rhombus are _________ but a trapezium is not.

Fill in the blank
The diagonal of this quadrilateral are equal but not perpendicular. The quadrilateral is a _______

Show that A (-1, 0), B(3,1), C(2,2) and D(-2,1) are the vertices of a parallelogram ABCD.

In the adjoining figures $$TURN$$  and $$BURN$$ are parallelograms. Find the measures of $$x$$ and $$y$$ where the lengths are in centimeter.

All rectangles are parallelograms, but all parallelograms are not rectangles. Justify this statement.

Write two properties of parallelogram.

Find the measure of each interior angle of a regular polygon of
$$9\ sides$$

The opposite of a parallelogram $$ (3x-2)$$ and $$(x+48)$$. Find the measure of each angle at the parallelogram.

 ABCD is a parallelogram .if $$\angle A=60^{\circ}$$
Find other angles

Convex polygon and concave polygon

If the sum of opposite angles of a paarallelogram is $$120^{\circ}$$  Find the all its angles. 

One angle of a pentagon is $$140^{o}$$. If the remaining angles are in the ratio $$1:2:3:4$$. What is the size of the largest angle?

The angles of a hexagon are $$x+$$$$10^{\circ}$$, $$2x$$ $$ +20^{\circ}, 2x-20^{\circ},3x-50^{\circ},x+40^{\circ}$$ and $$x+20^{\circ}. $$Find $$x.$$

In the following figure , ABCD is a parallelogram . Find the value x,y and z .

Fill in the blanks to make the statements true. 
Adjacent angles of a parallelogram are ________ . 

State whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F):
The diagonal of a parallelogram are equal.

State whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F):
All sides of a parallelogram are equal in length.

Solve the following :
The adjacent of a parallelogram are $$ (2x - 4)^{\circ} $$ and $$ (3x - 1)^{\circ} $$ . Find the measures of all angles of the parallelogram.

In the given figure, $$ A B C D $$ is a parallelogram. Complete each statement along with the definition or property used.
 $$ \mathrm{AD}=\ldots \ldots \ldots \ldots $$


Fill in the blanks the statements are true.
A trapezium with 3 equal sides and one side double the equal side can be divided into ________ equilateral triangles of ________ area.

In the given figure, $$ A B C D $$ is a parallelogram. Complete each statement along with the definition or property used.
 $$ \mathrm{DC}=\ldots \ldots \ldots $$


In parallelogram $$ABCD$$, side $$AB$$ is greater than side $$BC$$ and $$P$$ is a point in $$AC$$ such that $$PB$$ bisects angle $$B$$. Prove that $$P$$ is eqidistant from $$AB$$ and $$BC$$.

Solve the following :
Two adjacent angles of a parallelogram are in the ratio $$ 1 : 3 $$ . Find its angles.

If the diagonals of a parallelogram are equal lengths, the parallelogram is a rectangle. Prove it.

In a parallelogram $$ABCD$$, if $$\angle\,C = {80^ \circ }$$ then what is the measure of $$\angle\,A?$$

A parallelogram AXZ has two sides 60 m and 25 m and a diagonal 65 m long. Find z.


Given a parallelogram ABCD. Prove that $$\angle DCB=\angle DAB$$


A parallelogram has two sides 60 m and 25 m and a diagonal 65 m long. Find z


The following figure is a parallelogram.
Find $$x + y$$. (Lengths are in cm)


Given a parallelogram ABCD. Prove that $$ AD = BC$$


A parallelogram has two sides 60 m and 25 m and a diagonal 65 m long. Find z.


In the above figure, both $$RISK$$ and $$CLUE$$ are parallelograms. Find the value of $$x.$$


The measures of two adjacent angles of a parallelogram are in the ratio $$3 : 2$$. Find the measure of smallest of the angles of the parallelogram(in degree).

In a parallelogram PQRS , OS$$=5$$cm and PR is $$6$$cm more than QS. Find OP.

In figure, $$\square$$ABCD is a parallelogram. $$\angle ADB = 40^o, \angle ABD = 30^o$$, find the measure of $$\angle BAD- \angle DCB+ \angle ADC-\angle ABC$$

The three vertices of a parallelogram taken in order are  $$(-1,   0)$$, $$(3, 1)$$ and $$(2, 2)$$ respectively. Find the coordinates of the fourth vertex.

$$ABCD$$ is a trapezium in which $$AB || DC$$. $$M$$ and $$N$$ are mid-points of side $$AD$$ and side $$BC$$ respectively. If $$AB= 12\ cm $$and $$MN =14\ cm$$ , find $$CD$$

One side of a parallelogram is $$4.8$$ cm and the other side is $$\displaystyle \frac{3}{2}$$ times the first side, find the perimeter of the parallelogram

In a parallelogram ABCD, the bisectors of angles at B and C intersect each other at point E. Prove that angle BEC is equal to a right angle.

Adjacent sides of a parallelogram are $$11\text{ cm}$$ and $$17\text{ cm}$$. If the length of one of its diagonals is $$26\text{ cm}$$. Find the length of the other.

Two adjacent angles of a parallelogram have equal measure. Find the measure of each of the angles of the parallelogram.

In a parallelogram $$ABCD$$, $$P$$ is a point on side $$AD$$ such that $$3AP = AD$$ and $$Q$$ is a point on $$BC$$ such that $$3CQ = BC$$. Prove that $$AQCP$$ is a parallelogram.
If true answer is 1,else 0

In quadrilateral ABCD, AB=DC and AD= BC, and the side AB and DC are parallel to each other.
If the above statement is true for any such quadrilateral to exist then mention the answer as 1, else mention 0 if false.

In the given figure, $$D$$ is mid-point of side $$AB$$ of $$\bigtriangleup \: ABC$$ and $$BDEC$$ is a parallelogram.
Prove that:
$$Area \: of \:\bigtriangleup \:ABC \: = \: Area \: of\:  || \ gm \:BDEC $$.


The sum of the interior angles and the sum of exterior angles of a polygon are in the ratio $$9 : 2$$. Find the number of sides in the  polygon.

In parallelogram $$ABCD$$, $$AB = (3x - 4)$$ cm, $$BC = (y - 1) $$ cm, $$CD = (y + 5)$$ cm and $$AD = (2x + 5) $$ cm, find the ratio $$AB : BC$$.

Answer: $$41 : 35$$
Mention answer as 1 if true else mention 0 if false

parallelogram ABED;

In a parallelogram ABCD, AB = 20 cm and AD = 12 cm. The bisector of angle A meets DC at E and BC produced at F. Find the length of CF.

Consider the following parallelograms. Find the values of the unknowns : $$x,y,z$$.

The adjacent figure HOPE is a parallelogram. find the angle measures $$x, y$$ and $$z$$. State the properties you use to find them.

In the given fig ABCD is a quadrilateral P, Q,R,and S are the points of trisection of the sides of AB,BC,CD< and DA, respectively Prove that PQRS is a parallelogram

In the given figure (not to scale) ABC is an isosceles triangle in which AB = AC. AEDC is parallelogram. If $$\displaystyle \angle CDF = 70^{\circ}$$ and $$\displaystyle \angle BFE = 100^{\circ}$$ then find $$\displaystyle \angle FBA$$.

Three vertices of a parallelogram $$ABCD$$ are $$A (3, -1, 2), B(1, 2, -4)$$ and $$C (-1, 1, 2)$$. Find the coordinates of the fourth vertex.

The measures of two adjacent angles of a parallelogram are in the ratio $$3 : 2$$. Find the measure of each of the angles of the parallelogram.

In a quadrilateral $$ABCD, \angle A$$ and $$\angle C$$ are of of equal measure; $$\angle B$$ is supplementary to $$\angle D$$. Find the measure of $$\angle A$$ and $$\angle C$$

In the given Figure, diagonals $$AC$$ and $$BD$$ of quadrilateral $$ABCD$$ intersect at $$O$$ such that $$OB = OD$$. If $$AB = CD$$, then show that :
(i) $$ar(DOC) = ar(AOB)$$
(ii) $$ar(DCB) = ar(ACB)$$
(iii) $$DA\parallel CB$$ or $$ABCD$$ is a parallelogram.

Find the measure of $$\angle P$$ and $$\angle S$$ if $$\overline {SP}\parallel \overline {RQ}$$ & in Fig.
(If you find $$m\angle R$$, is there more than one method to find $$m\angle P?$$)

$$D, E$$ and $$F$$ are respectively the mid-points of the sides $$BC, CA$$ and $$AB$$ of a $$\triangle ABC$$. Show that
(i) $$BDEF$$ is a parallelogram
(ii) $$ar(DEF) = \dfrac {1}{4} ar(ABC)$$
(iii) $$ar(BDEF) = \dfrac {1}{2} ar(ABC)$$

In the given Figure, $$ABCD, DCFE$$ and $$ABFE$$ are parallelograms. Show that $$ar(ADE) = ar(BCF)$$.

The adjacent angles of a parallelogram are in the ratio $$2 : 1$$. Find the measures of all the angles

A field is in the form of a parallelogram, whose perimeter is $$450\ m$$ and one of its sides is larger than the other by $$75\ m$$. Find the lengths of all sides

Prove that the quadrilateral formed by the bisectors of the four angles of a parallelogram is a rectangle.

Prove logically the diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other. Show conversely that a quadrilateral in which diagonals bisect each other is a parallelogram

Suppose $$ABCD$$ is a parallelogram and the diagonals intersect at $$E$$. Let $$PEQ$$ be a line segment with $$P$$ on $$AB$$ and $$Q$$ on $$CD$$. Prove that $$PE = EQ$$.

In a quadrilateral $$ABCD$$, suppose $$AB = CD$$ and $$AD = BC$$. prove that $$ABCD$$ is a parallelogram.

In a parallelogram $$KLMN, \angle K = 60^{\circ}$$. Find the measures of all the angles.

In the figure, $$ABCD$$ is a parallogram. The diagonals $$AC$$ and $$BD$$ intersect at $$O$$; and $$\angle DAC = 40^{\circ}, \angle CAB = 35^{\circ}$$; and $$\angle DOC = 110^{\circ}$$. Calculate the $$\angle ABO, \angle ADC, \angle ACB$$, and $$\angle CBD$$

In a parallelogram $$ABCD$$, the side $$DC$$ is produced to $$E$$ and $$\angle BCE = 105^{\circ}$$. Calculate $$\angle A, \angle B, \angle C$$, and $$\angle D$$.

In the adjoining figure, $$PQRS$$ is a parallelogram. Find $$x$$ and $$y$$ in $$cm$$

$$ABCD$$ is a parallelogram, $$G$$ is the point on $$AB$$ such that $$AG=2GB, E$$ is a point of $$DC$$ such that $$CE = 2DE$$ and F is the point of BC such that $$BF = 2FC$$. Prove
$$ar(ADEG) = ar(GBCE)$$

Prove that if the opposite sides of a quadrilateral are equal, the quadrilateral is a parallelogram.

Let $$ABCD$$ be a parallelogram. Let $$BP$$ and $$DQ$$ be perpendiculars respectively from $$B$$ and $$D$$ on to $$AC$$. Prove that $$BP = DQ$$.

$$ABC$$ is an isosceles triangle in which $$AB = AC. AD$$ bisects exterior angle $$QAC$$ and $$CD\parallel BA$$ as shown in the figure. Show that:
(i) $$\angle DAC = \angle BCA$$
(ii) $$ABCD$$ is a parallelogram

In right triangle $$ABC$$, right angle is at $$C, M$$ is the mid-point of hypotenuse $$AB, C$$ is joined to $$M$$ and produced to a point $$D$$ such that $$DM = CM$$. Point $$D$$ is joined to point $$B$$. Show that:
$$CM = \dfrac {1}{2}AB$$

Prove that if the diagonals of a parallelogram are equal then it is a rectangle.

Let $$ABCD$$ be a quadrilateral in which $$\triangle ABD \cong \triangle BAC$$. Prove that $$ABCD$$ is a parallelogram.

In a parallelogram $$ABCD, \angle DAB = 40^{\circ}$$ find the other angles of the parallelogram.

Adjacent sides of a parallelogram are $$11\ \text{cm}$$ and $$17\ \text{cm}$$. If the length of one of its diagonal $$26\ \text{cm}$$, find the length of the other.

The three vertices of a parallelogram taken in order are $$(-1, 0), (3, 1)$$ and $$(2, 2)$$ respectively. Find coordinates of the fourth vertex.

ABCD is a quadrilateral in which $$AB || DC$$ and $$DC || BC$$. Find $$\angle b, \angle  c\ and\ \angle d$$.

Two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are $$4.5$$ cm and $$3$$ cm. Find its perimeter

In parallelogram $$ABCD$$, its diagonals $$\overline {AC}$$ and $$\overline {BD}$$ intersect at $$O$$. If $$AO = 5\ cm$$ then $$AC =$$ ____________ cm.

Is quadrilateral $$ABCD$$ a parallelogram, if $$\angle A = 70^{\circ}$$ and $$\angle C = 65^{\circ}$$? Give reason.

A parallelogram in which one angle is $$90^{\circ}$$ and two adjacent sides are equal is a ________________.

In $$\triangle ABC$$ and $$\triangle DEF, AB = DE, AB\parallel DE, BC = EF$$ and $$BC\parallel EF$$. Vertices $$A, B$$ and $$C$$ are joined to vertices $$D, E$$ and $$F$$ respectively. Show that
(i) quadrilateral $$ABED$$ is a parallelogram
(ii) quadrilateral $$BEFC$$ is a parallelogram
(iii) $$AD \parallel CF$$ and $$AD = CF$$
(iv) quadrilateral $$ACFD$$ is a parallelogram
(v) $$AC = DF$$
(vi) $$\triangle ABC = \triangle DEF$$. 

The given figure shows a parallelogram $$ABCD. BC$$ is extended to the point $$P. PC$$ is joined intersecting $$AC$$ to $$O$$.
Show that: $$DO\times CP = OP \times BC$$. 

$$ABCD$$ is a parallelogram. If $$E$$ is mid-point of $$BC$$ and $$AE$$ is the bisector of $$\angle A$$, prove that $$AB=\dfrac { 1 }{ 2 } AD$$.

In the given figure, $$ABCD$$ and $$BGOE$$ are parallelograms. If $$AO=2OH, AH$$ $$\bot BC$$ and $$FI \bot AD$$, the ratio of $$ar(BGOE)$$ to $$ar(\Delta DIF)$$ is equal to $$m:n$$, then find $$m+n$$.

$$E$$ is a point on the side $$AD$$ produced of a parallelogram $$ABCD$$ and $$BE$$ intersects $$CD$$ at $$F$$. Show that $$\Delta ABE\sim \Delta CFB$$.

$$ABCD$$ is a quadrilateral with $$\angle A = 80^{\circ}, \angle B = 40^{\circ}, \angle C = 140^{\circ}, \angle D = 100^{\circ}$$.
(i) Is $$ABCD$$ is trapezium? (ii) Is $$ABCD$$ is parallelogram?
Justify your answer.

$$ABCD$$ is parallelogram. $$L$$ and $$M$$ are points on $$AB$$ and $$DC$$ respectively such that $$AL = CM$$. The diagonal $$BD$$ intersects $$LM$$ at point $$O$$. If $$AB = 14 text{ cm}, AD = 9 \text{ cm}$$ and $$LO = 5 \text{ cm}$$, find the length of $$MO$$.

Given ABCD is a parallelogram, find the measure of $$x -2y+ z$$ in degrees form the following figure.

In given figure through the mid-point $$M$$ of the side $$CD$$ of a parallelogram $$ABCD$$, the line $$BM$$ is drawn intersecting $$AC$$ in $$L$$ and $$AD$$ produced in $$E$$. Prove that $$EL=2BL$$.

Through the mid point M of the side CD of a parallelogram ABCD, the line BM is drawn intersecting AC at L and AD produced at E. Prove EL=2BL.

The three vertices of a parallelogram taken in order are (-1, 0), (3, 1) and (2, 2) respectively.Find the coordinates of the fourth vertex.

If A(-2, -1), B(a, 0), C(4, b) and D(1, 2) are the vertices of a parallelogram, find the values of a and b.

In a parallelogram ABCD, from vertex D, a line is draw which intersects produced BA and BC at E and F respectively. prove $$\frac{AD}{AE} = \frac{EB}{BE} = \frac{FC}{CD}$$

Find the radian measure of the interior angle of a regular (i) Pentagon (ii) Hexagon (iii) Octagon

In the parallelogram, $$ABCD$$ the bisectors of $$\angle A$$ and $$\angle B$$ meet at $$O.$$ Find $$\angle AOB.$$

Parallelogram $$HEAR$$
$$HE=5\ cm$$
$$EA=6\ cm$$
$$\angle R ={85}^{o}$$

$$AE$$ is the bisector of $$\angle{CAD}$$. Also , $$BA\parallel CE$$ and $$AB=AC$$. Prove that $$\angle {EAC}=\angle {ACB}$$ and $$ABCD$$ is a  parallelogram.

Prove that the bisector of interior angles of a parallelogram form a rectangle.

In given figure $$AB\parallel DC$$. Find the value of $$x$$ .                                                                       

If all the angles of a parallelogram are equal. Prove that it is a rectangle.

The following figure shows a parallelogram $$ABCD$$ whose side $$AB$$ is parallel to $$x-axis$$, $$\angle{A}={60}^{o}$$ and vertex $$C=(7, 5)$$. Find the equations of $$BC$$ and $$CD$$.

ABC is an isosceles triangle in which $$AB=AC$$. $$AD$$ is the bisector of exterior angle $$PAC$$ and $$CD$$ is parallel to $$AB$$. Prove that
(i) $$\angle DAC = \angle BCA$$
(ii) $$ABCD$$ is parallelogram.

Find $$\angle z$$ ,$$\angle w$$  $$\angle x$$ ?

In case of a parallelogram prove that:
(i) the bisector of any two adjacent angles intersect at $${90}^{\circ}.$$
(ii) the bisector of opposite angle are parallel to each other.

In a parallelogram $$ABCD,$$ the bisectors $$\angle A$$ and $$\angle B$$ and at $$0.$$ Find $$\angle AOB.$$

In the following parallelograms, find the values of  $$x,y,z$$(both figures)(in degrees)

In the given figure, $$AP$$ is bisector of $$\angle A$$ and $$CQ$$ is bisector of $$\angle C$$ of parallelogram $$ABCD$$. Prove that $$APCQ$$ is a parallelogram
Join $$AC$$ and show that diagonals $$AC$$ and $$PQ$$ bisect each other.

The adjacent angle of a parallelogram are $${(2x+7)}^{o}$$ and $$(3x-2)^{o}$$. Find all the angles.

The ratio of two adjacent sides of a parallelogram is $$5:4$$. Its perimeter is $$8\text{ cm}$$ then, what is the length of the adjacent sides.

Find the measure of all the angles of a parallelogram, if one angle is $${24}^{o}$$ less than twice the smallest angle.

In the given parallelogram YOUR, $$\angle$$RUO $$=120^o$$ and OY is extended to point S such that $$\angle$$SRY$$=50^o$$. Find $$\angle$$YSR.

In a parallelogram $$ABCD, \angle B$$ is $${50}^{o}$$ more than $$\angle A$$. What is the measure of all the angles of parallelogram, $$ABCD$$?

Measure of opposite angle of a parallelogram are $${(3x-2)}^{o}$$ and $${(50-x)}^{o}$$. Find the measure of its each angle.

Points $$P$$ and $$Q$$ have been taken on opposite sides $$AB$$ and $$CD$$, respectively of a parallelogram $$ABCD$$ such that $$AP = CQ$$. Show that $$AC$$ and $$PQ$$ disect each other.

Prove that the sum of the squares of the diagonals of a parallelogram is equal to the sum of squares of its sides.

In parallelogram PQRS, $$\angle$$Q$$=(4x-5)^o$$ and $$\angle$$S$$=(3x+10)^o$$. Calculate: $$\angle$$Q and $$\angle$$R.

Two opposite angles of a parallelogram are $$(5x+1)^{o}$$ and $$(49-3x)^{o}$$. Find the measure of these opposite angles of the parallelogram.

In parallelogram ABCD, two points P and Q are taken on diagonal BD such that DP$$=$$BQ. Show that AQ$$=$$CP.

In fig. the sides$$ AB$$ and $$AC$$ of $$\Delta ABC $$ are produced to points $$E$$ and $$D$$ respectively. If bisectors $$BO$$ and $$CO$$ of $$\angle CBE \, and \, \angle BCD$$ respectively meet at point $$O$$, then prove that $$\angle BOC = 90^o - \dfrac{1}{2} \angle BAC$$.

Prove that, opposite sides of a parallelogram are equal.

In parallelogram $$ABCD,E$$ is the mid-point of side $$AB$$ and $$CE$$ bisects angle $$BCD$$. Prove that$$:$$
$$(II)DE$$ bisects $$\angle ADC$$ and
$$(III) \angle DEC$$ is a right angle.

P is mid point of the side $$CD$$ of a parallelogram ABCD. A line through $$C$$ parallel to $$PA$$ intersect $$AB$$ at $$Q$$ and $$DA$$ produced at $$R.$$ Prove that $$DA=AR$$ and $$CQ=QR.$$

In figure, ABCD is a parallelogram in which $$\angle$$A $$=60^o$$. If the bisectors of $$\angle$$A and $$\angle$$B meet at P, prove that AD$$=$$DP, PC$$=$$BC and DC$$=2$$AD.

Two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are in the ratio 5 :If the  perimeter of parallelogram is 72 cm. find the length of its sides. 

$$ABCD$$ is a trapezium in which $$AB ||CD$$ and $$AD=BC$$. Show that $$\angle A=\angle B$$.


In parallelogram PQRS, find $$x, y, z$$ and $$w$$.

In a parallelogram $$ABCD,E$$ and $$F$$ are the mid-point of sides $$AB$$ and $$CD$$ respectively. Show that the line segment $$AF$$ and $$EC$$ trisect the diagonal $$BD$$. 

Show that the points $$\left( {2, - 2} \right),\left( {8,4} \right),\left( {5,7} \right)$$ and $$\left( { - 1,1} \right)$$ taken in order constitute the vertices of a Rectangle.

In a parallelogram $$ABCD,$$ $$m\angle A=({ 7x+40 })^{ o }$$ and $$m\angle C=({ 2x+60 })^{ o }$$. Find the measures of $$\angle B$$ and $$\angle D?$$

In a parallelogram $$RING$$, if $$m\angle R=70^{o}$$, find all the other angles.

Prove that the points $$(-7,-3)$$ $$(5,10)$$ $$(15,8)$$ and $$(3,-5)$$ taken in order are the corner of a parallelogram 

In the fig, $$\Box PQRS$$ and $$\Box ABCR$$ are two parallelograms. 
If $$\angle P = 110^o$$ then find the measures of all angles of $$\Box ABCR$$.

In $$\Box {ABCD}$$, side $$BC\parallel $$ side $$AD$$. Diagonals $$AC$$ and $$BD$$ intersect each other at $$P$$. If $$AP=\cfrac{1}{3}AC$$, then prove that $$DP=\cfrac{1}{2}BP$$.

In the given figure, ABCD is a parallelogram. P is the mid-point of AB. Prove that ACBM is a parallelogram.

In a parallelogram $$ABCD$$, if $$\angle B = 135^{\circ}$$, determine the measures of its other angles.

ABCD is a parallelogram and X is mid-point of AB. If $$ar (AXCD) = 24 \, cm^2$$, then $$ar (\Delta ABC) = 24 \, cm^2$$. Write if it is true or false and justify your answer.

$$EFGH$$ is a parallelogram. Find the values of $$x,y$$ and $$z$$.

$$ABCD$$ is a parallelogram in which $$\angle A={ 110 }^{ \circ  }$$, Find the measure of angle $$\angle C$$ ?

If the three successive vertices of a parallelogram have the position vectors as, $$A (-3,-2,0) ; B(3,-3,1) $$ and $$ C ( 5,0,2) . $$ Then find :
a vector having the same direction as that of $$\vec{AB}$$ but magnitude equal to $$ \vec{AC}$$

The diagram shows a parallelogram DEFG. The point M is the midpoint of the diagonals DF and EG. Calculate the coordinates of M.

The opposite angles of a parallelogram are $$\left (3\ x - 2\right)^{o}$$ and $$\left ( x + 48\right)^{o}$$. Find the measure of each angle of the parallelogram. 

ABCD is a parallelogram, G is the point on AB such that $$AG=2GB$$. E is a point on DC such that $$CE=2DE$$ and F is a point of BC such that $$BF=2FC$$. Prove that 
$$ar{(\triangle EFC)}=\dfrac {1}{2}ar(\triangle EBF)$$

A point P is taken on side CD of a parallelogram ABCD and CD is produced to Q making DQ = CP. The line through Q parallel to AD meets BP produced at S and AD is produced to meet BS at R. Prove that ARSQ is a parallelogram.

If the three successive vertices of a parallelogram have the position vectors as, $$A (-3,-2,0) ; B(3,-3,1) $$ and $$ C ( 5,0,2) . $$ Then find :
the angle between $$ \vec{AC} $$ and $$ \vec{BD} $$

ABCD is a parallelogram in which P and Q are mid-points of opposite sides AB and CD . If AQ intersects DP at S and BQ intersects CP at R, show that ;
i) APCQ is a parallelogram
ii) DPBQ is a parallelogram 
iii) PSQR is a parallelogram

The sum of opposite angles of a parallelogram is $$ 160^ \circ$$ find the measure of the angles in parallelogram.

In the given figure, ABCD is a parallelogram. Points P and Q on BC trisect BC.
Prove that : 
i) $$ar (\Delta APR) = ar (\Delta DRQ)$$
ii) $$ar (\Delta DPQ) = \dfrac{1}{6} ar (ABCD)$$
iii) $$ar(ARPB) = ar(DRQC)$$

Two adjacent angle of a parallelogram have equal measure. Find the measure of each of the angle of parallelogram.

Write the properties of parallelogram.

ABCD is a parallelogram. If L, M be the middle points of BC and CD, express $$\bar{AL}$$ and $$\bar{AM}$$ in terms of $$\bar{AB}$$ and $$\bar{AC}$$ also show that $$\bar{AL}+\bar{AM}=\left(\dfrac{3}{2}\right)\bar{AC}$$.

$$A(1,1),B(5,4),C(3,8),D(-1,2)$$ are the vertices of $$\Box ABCD$$. If $$P,Q,R,S$$ are the mid-points of $$\overline {AB},\overline {BC},\overline {CD},\overline {DA}$$ respectiely, show that $$PQRS$$ is parallelogram.

$$PQRS$$ is a parallelogram (Fig $$11.23$$). $$QM$$ is the height from $$Q$$ to $$SR$$ and $$QN$$ is the height from $$Q$$ to $$PS$$. If $$SR=12\ cm$$ and $$QM=7.6\ cm$$. Find:
(a) the area of the parallelogram $$PQRS$$
(b) $$QN$$, if $$PS=8\ cm$$

The diagram shows a parallelogram DEFG. The point M is the midpoint of the diagonals DF and EG. Calculate the coordinates of the vertex D.

In $$ ||gm$$ $$ABCD,E$$ and $$F$$ are mid-points of sides $$AB$$ and $$BC,$$ if $$ar(BEF) = 10 cm^2 $$ then $$ ar(||gmABCD) = $$

Find the value of every interior angle of that regular polygon which has $$10$$ side.

If the points $$A(-2,-1), B(1,0) , C(x,3)$$ and $$D(1,y) $$ are the vertices of a parallelogram, find the values of $$x$$ and $$y$$.

For the parallelogram given above, find the values of x and y. 

ABCD is a parallelogram, G is the point on AB such that $$AG=2GB$$. E is a point on DC such that $$CE=2DE$$ and F is a point of BC such that $$BF=2FC$$. Prove that 
$$ar{(\delta EGB)}=\dfrac {1}{6}ar(ABCD)$$

In the adjoining figure, ABCD is a parallelogram. P is a point on BC such that BP$$:$$PC$$=1:2$$. DP produced meets AB produced at Q. Given ar($$\Delta$$CPQ)$$=20cm^2$$. Calculate ar($$\Delta$$CDP).

In a parallelogram $$ABCD, AB = 20\ cm$$ and $$AD = 12\ cm$$. The bisector of angle $$A$$ meets $$DC$$ at $$E$$ and $$BC$$ produced at $$F$$. Find the length of $$CF$$.

In fig. $$\square ABCD$$ is a parallelogram. It circumscribes the circle with centre $$T$$. Point $$E, F, G, H$$ are touching point are touching points. If $$AE = 4.5, EB 5.5$$. Find $$AD$$.

In the figure, diagonals $$AC$$ and $$BD$$ of a quadrilateral $$ABCD$$ intersect at $$O$$ such that $$OB=OD$$, show that $$ar(\Delta DOC)=ar(\Delta AOB)$$

The diagonals of a parallelogram are perpend cular to each other. Is this statement true? Gives reason for your answer.

A farmer was a having a field in the form of a parallelogram $$PQRS$$. He took a point $$A$$ on $$RS$$ and joined it to point $$P$$ and $$Q$$. In how many parts the field is divided? What are the shapes of these parts? The farmer want to sow wheat and pulses in equal portions of the field separately. How should he do it?

$$ABCD$$ is a paralleogram. If its diagonals are equal, then find the value of $$\angle ABC$$

In fig 14.36, ABCD is a  parallelogram and E is the mid-point of side BC. IF DE and AB when produced meet at F, prove that   AF = 2AB.

The ratio of an exterior angle and interior angle of a regular polygon is $$2:7$$. Find 
(i) Each exterior angle of the regular polygon.
(ii) Number of the sides in the polygon.

in $$\Delta ABC$$ and $$\Delta DEF$$, $$AB = DE, \, AB || DE, \, BC = EF$$ and $$BC || EF$$. Vertices$$ A,\ B$$ and $$C$$ are joined to vertices $$D,\ E$$ and $$F$$ respectively. Show that
(i) quadrilateral $$ABED$$ is parallelogram
(ii) quadrilateral $$BEFC$$ is a parallelogram
(iii) $$AD || CF$$ and $$AD = CF$$
(iv) quadrilateral $$ACFD$$ is a parallelogram
(v) $$AC = DF$$
(vi) $$\Delta ABC \cong  \Delta DEF$$

Two adjacent angles of a parallelogram are $$\left(3x-4\right)^{o}$$  and $$\left(3x+10\right)^{o}$$. Find the angles of the parallelograms.

In the adjoining figure, $$ABCD$$ is a parallelogram and diagonals intersect at $$O$$. Find
(i)$$\angle CAD$$
(ii)$$\angle ACD$$
(iii)$$\angle ADC$$.

A field is in the shape of a pentagon as shown in the figure. Three of the interior angles of the pentagon are right angles. The remaining two interior angles are congruent. What is the measure of each angle?

In a parallelogram $$PQRS$$ of the given figure, the bisectors of $$\angle P$$ and $$\angle Q$$ meet $$SR$$ at $$O$$. Show that $$\angle POQ=90^{o}$$


In parallelogram ABCD, E and F are mid point of the sides AB and CD respectively.The line segment AF and BF meet the line segment ED and EC at point G and H respectively prove that :
(i) Triangle HEB and FHC are congruent 
(ii) GEHF is a parallelogram.

$$PQRS$$ is a parallelogram. $$PS$$ is produced to meet $$M$$ so that $$SM=SR$$ and $$MR$$ is produced to meet $$PQ$$ produced at $$N$$. Prove that $$QN=QR.$$

Find $$\angle ADC$$ from the given figure.

ABCD is a parallelogram.In which side AB to produced to  E so that BE=AB.prove that ED bisects BC

Diagonals AC and BD of a parallelogram ABCD intersect each other at O. If $$OA=3$$cm and $$OD=2$$cm determine the lengths of AC and BD.

$$\Box ABCD$$ is a parallelogram. The ratio of $$\angle A$$ and $$\angle B$$ of this parallelogram is $$5 : 4$$. Find the measure of $$\angle B$$. 

XY is parallel to the side BC of triangle ABC. If BE || AC and CF ||AB meet XY at E and F respectively, show that ar(ABE)=ar(ACF)

In the adjoining figure, $$ABCD$$ is a parallelogram in which $$\angle CAD = {40^ \circ },\,\angle BAC = {35^ \circ }$$ and $$\angle COD = {65^ \circ }$$. Calculate (i) $$\angle ABD$$ (ii) $$\angle BDC$$ (iii) $$\angle CBD$$

The base and the corresponding altitude of a parallelogram are $$35\ \text{cm}$$ and $$42\ \text{cm}$$ respectively. If the other altitudes is $$30\ \text{cm}$$, find the length of the other pair of parallel sides.

Find the measure of each interior angle of a regular  $$15 -gon.$$

$$P$$ and $$Q$$ are any two points lying on the sides $$DC$$ and $$AD$$ respectively of a parallelogram $$ABCD$$. Show that $$ar(APB)=ar(BQC)$$

If the ratio of measures of two adjacent angle of a parallelogram is $$1:2$$ find the measure of all angles of the parallelogram 

$$ABCD$$ is a parallelogram and $$X, Y$$ are the points on diagonal $$BD$$ such that $$DX=BY$$. Prove that $$CXAY$$ is a parallelogram.

In quadrilateral $$ABCD$$ of the given figure $$X$$ and $$Y$$ are point on diagonal $$AC$$ such that $$AX=CY $$ & $$BXDY$$ is a parallelogram. Show that $$ABCD$$ is a parallelogram.

$$ABCD$$ is a parallelogram with area is $$12\ \text{cm}^2$$. If $$BD$$ is one of the diagonals of $$ABCD$$, find as $$(\triangle ABD)$$

Find the size of the angle of a parallelogram if one angle is $$20^{0}$$ less than twice the smallest angle

The angle of a quadrilateral are in the ratio $$2:3:4:6$$. Find the measure of each of the four angles.

Write 4 conditions for a quadrilateral to be a parallelogram.

The points $$(3,-4)$$ and $$(-6,2)$$ are the extremities of a diagonal of a parallelogram. If the third vertex is $$(-1,-3)$$. Find the coordinates of the fourth vertex.

In a parallelogram $$ABCD$$, If $$\angle A = {\left( {3x + 12} \right)^ \circ },$$  $$\angle B = {\left( {2x - 32} \right)^ \circ }$$ then find the value of $$x$$ and then find the measures of $$\angle C$$ and $$\angle D$$.

If in a quadrilateral each pair of opposite angle is equal then prove that it is a parallelogram 

In the given figure, ABCD is parallelogram and E is the mid-point of AD. A line through D, drawn parallel to EB, meets AB produced at F and BC at L. Prove that
 $$(i) AF=2DC$$
 $$(ii) DF=2DL$$

$$ABCD$$ is parallelogram whose diagonals intersect at $$O$$. If $$OD=9\ cm, OB=x+y\ cm,  OA=x-y$$, and $$OC=5\ cm$$, find $$x$$ and $$y$$.

In a parallelogram $$ABCD, \angle D=115^{o}$$, determine the measure of $$\angle A$$ and $$\angle B$$.

In triangle $$ABC$$, angle $$B$$ is obtuse. $$D$$ and $$E$$ are mid-points of sides $$AB$$ and $$BC$$ respectively and $$F$$ is a point on side $$AC$$ such that $$EF$$ is parallel to $$AB$$. Show that $$BEFD$$ is a parallelogram. 

Show that the bisector of angles of a parallelogram from a rectangle.

In a parallelogram $$ABCD$$, $$\angle D = 135 ^ { \circ }$$, determine the measures of $$\angle A$$ and $$\angle B$$

In the figure, $$\square\ ABCD$$ is parallelogram. Point $$E$$ is on the ray $$AB$$ such that $$BE = AB$$, then prove that line $$ED$$ bisects seg $$BC$$ at point F.

$$ABCD$$ is a parallelogram in which $$\angle A = 70 ^ { \circ }$$. Compute $$\angle B , \angle C \text { and } \angle D$$

Prove that AE$$||$$FC. 

Let ABCD be a parallelogram of area 124 cm$$^2$$. If E and F are the mid-points of side .
Find the area of parallelogram AEFD.

$$ABCD$$ is a parallelogram in which bisectors of $$\angle A$$ and $$\angle C$$ meet the diagonal $$BD$$ at $$P$$ and $$Q$$ respectively. Prove $$PCQA$$ is a parallelogram.

If $$E,F,G$$ and $$H$$ are respectively the mid-points of the sides of parallelogram $$ABCD$$, show that $$ar(EFGH)=\dfrac {1}{3}ar(ABCD)$$.

ABCD is a parallelogram. E is a point on BC and the diagonal BD intersects AE at F. Prove that DF x FE = FB x FA.

In given figure, PQRS is a parallelogram RT and QT are bisectors of $$\angle R$$ and $$\angle Q$$ respectively meeting at T. find the measure of $$\angle T$$

The measure of the angles of a pentagon are $$(x-5)^0,(x-6)^0,(2x-7)^0,x^0$$ and $$(2x-2)^0.$$ Find value of $$x$$.

If the diagonal $$AC$$ of a parallelogram $$ABCD$$ bisects $$\angle$$ $$A$$, Show that $$ABED$$ is a rhombus.

Diagonals of a parallelogram $$WXYZ$$ intersect each other at point $$O$$ . If $$\angle XYZ = 135^0$$, then what is the measure $$\angle XWZ $$ and $$\angle YZW$$ ?
If $$l(OY) = 5\ cm$$ then $$l(WY) =?$$

Is it possible to have a regular polygon each of whose interior angles is $$100^0$$?

Find the measure of each angle (in degrees) of a regular octagon.

If each diagonal of a quadrilateral divides it into two triangles to equal areas then prove that quadrilateral is a parallelogram.

In parallelogram $$ABCD$$, two points $$P$$ and $$Q$$ are taken on diagonal $$BD$$ such that $$D P = B Q$$. Show that: 
$$\Delta APD \cong \Delta CQB$$


The given figure is a parallelogram. Find $$x$$ and $$y$$


PQRS and ABRS are parallelogram and x is any point on the side BR. show that 
(I) ar(PQRS) = ar(ABRS)
(ii) ar$$(\Delta AXS) =\dfrac{1}{2} ar(PQRS)$$

In a parallelogram, ABCD, find the measure of all the angles if one of its angles is $${15^ \circ }$$ less then twice the smallest angle.

Two angles of a hexagon are $$90^{o}$$ and $$10^{o}$$ remaining four angles are equal, find each equal angle. 

In a trapezium $$ABCD, AB \parallel CD$$. If $$\angle A=95^{o}$$ then $$\angle D=$$?

In a parallelogram $$ABCD$$ find the measure of all the angles if one angle measures $${68^\circ}.$$

Two opposite angles of a parallelogram are $$100^{o}$$ each. Find each of the other two opposite angles.

$$ABCD$$ is a parallelogram and $$AP$$ and $$CQ$$  are perpendiculars from vertices $$A$$ and $$C$$ on diagonal.  
$$\mathrm { BD } ($$ see Fig.$$) .$$  Show that $$\mathrm { AP } = \mathrm { CQ }$$.

ABCD is a parallelogram . AB is divided at P and CD at Q so that AP : PB = 3 : 2 and CQ : QD = 4 : 1 . If PQ meets AC at R then prove that AR = $$\dfrac{3}{7}$$AC .

$$E$$ is a point on the side $$AD$$ produced of a parallelogram $$ABCD$$ and $$BE$$ intersects $$CD$$ at $$F$$. Show that $$\Delta ABE\sim \Delta CFB$$.

The points $$A(1, -2), B(2, 3), C(k, 2)$$ and $$D(-4, -3)$$ are the vertices of a parallelogram. Find the value of $$k$$.

Five angles of a hexagon are each $$115^{o}$$. Calculate the measure of the sixth angle.

The area of the parallelogram ABCD is 90 cm(see Fig.5) Find
(i) ar (ABEF)
(ii) ar (ABD)


Show that a diagonal of a parallelogram divides into two congruent triangles and hence prove that the opposite sides of a parallelogram are equal.

In the following figure, $$ABCD$$ is a parallelogram and $$EFCD$$ is a rectangle. Also, $$AL\bot DC$$. Prove that
(i) $$ar(ABCD) = ar(EFCD)$$
(ii) $$ar(ABCD) = DC \times AL$$.

In the following figure both $$ABCD$$ and $$PQRS$$ are parallelogram find the value of $$x.$$

Find the co-ordinates of the point where the diagonals of the parallelogram formed by joining the points $$(-2,-1),(1,0),(4,3)$$ and $$(1,2)$$ meet.

$$M$$  is the midpoint of the side  $$A B$$  of a parallelogram  $$A B C D .$$  If  $$a r (A M C D)=24{ cm }^{ { 2 } },$$  find  $$a r ( \Delta A B C ).$$

Find the measure of interior angle. Also name the polygon.

In the given figure, $$ABCD$$ is a rhombus in which $$\angle BCD=110^{o}$$, find $$(x+y)$$. 

The measures of two adjacent angles of a parallelogram are in the ratio of 3:Find the measure of each of the angles of the parallelogram.

In a polygon, there are $$5$$ right angles and the remaining angles are equal to $$195^{o}$$ each., Find the number of sides in the polygon.

In the given fig. $$ABCD$$ is a parallelogram. Find the angles $$x$$ and $$y$$.

If each pair of opposite sides of a quadrilateral is equal the it is a parallelogram.

Three angles of a seven sided polygon are $$132^{o}$$ each and the remaining four angles are equal. Find the value of each equal angle.

The areas of parallelogram and a rectangle are same. The rectangle measures $$10cm\ \times 8cm$$. If one side of the parallelogram is $$16cm$$, Find the corresponding height.. 

$$PQRS$$ is a parallelogram. From the information given in the figure, find the values of $$x$$ and $$y$$.

Name each of the following parallelograms.
(i) The diagonals are equal and the adjacent sides are unequal.
(ii) The diagonals are equal and the adjacent sides are equal.
(iii) The diagonals are unequal and the adjacent sides are equal.

The three vertices of a parallelogram $$ABCD$$ are $$A(3, -4), B(-1, -3) $$ and $$C(-6, 2)$$. Find the coordinate of vertex $$D$$.

If the diagonals of a parallelogram are equal in length, then prove that the parallelogram is a rectangle.

Two consecutive angles of a parallelogram are in the ratio $$1:3$$. Find the smallest angle.

$$ABCD$$ is a parellelogram, $$AB$$ is divided at $$P$$ and $$CD$$ divided at $$Q$$. So that $$AP:PB=3:2$$ and $$CQ:QD=4:1$$. If $$PQ$$ intersect $$AC$$ at$$R$$, then prove that $$AR=3/7AC$$. 

If the three vertices of a parallelogram are $$\left(1,3\right),\left(2,4\right)$$ and $$\left(5,3\right)$$,find the fourth vertex.

$$ABCD$$ is a parallelogram.Compute the values $$x$$ and $$y$$

In a parallelogram $$ABCD,$$ prove that sum of any two consecutive angles is $${180}^{\circ}$$

If the three vertices of a parallelogram are $$\left(-2,-1\right),\left(1,0\right)$$ and $$\left(4,3\right)$$,find the fourth vertex.

If the three vertices of a parallelogram are $$\left(1,3\right),\left(4,2\right)$$ and $$\left(3,5\right)$$, then find the fourth vertex.

In the figure, $$ABCD$$ is a paralle-logram, $$AE \bot DC$$ and $$CF \bot  AD$$. If $$AB = 16$$ cm, $$AE = 8$$ cm and $$CF = 10$$ cm, find $$AD$$.


If the three vertices of a parallelogram are $$\left(-1,-3\right),\left(2,4\right)$$ and $$\left(3,5\right)$$,find the fourth vertex.

If the three vertices of a parallelogram are $$\left(1,3\right),\left(2,4\right)$$ and $$\left(3,5\right)$$,find the fourth vertex.

The following figure shows a parallelogram ABCD whose side AB is parallel to the x-axis, $$\angle A={ 60 }^{ \circ  }$$ and vertex C = (7, 5). Find the equations of BC and CD.

A farmer has distributed his field in the shape of parallelogram $$ABCD$$ amongst his son and daughter according to the given figure $$Ar (BEC)$$ of the land was given to the son and combined lands comprising of $$ar(AEB)$$ to his daughter.
Is the distribution of land between son and daughter are equal? Justify your answer.


In parallelogram FIST, find $$\angle SFT,$$ $$\angle OST$$ and $$\angle STO.$$

$$ABCD$$ is a parallelogram $$m\angle A=(2x+50)$$ and $$m\angle C=(3x+40)$$, then find the value of $$x$$.

In a parallelogram $$KLMN, \angle K=60^{o}$$. Find the measures of all the angles.

See the figure above
Find its perimeter.


In parallelogram $$PQRS, \angle Q=(4x-5)^{o}$$ and $$\angle S=(3x+10)^{o}$$, then find $$\angle Q$$ and $$\angle R$$.

In the above figure ABCD is a parallelogram in which P is the midpoint of DC and Q is a point on AC such that CQ =$$ \frac { 1 } { 4 }$$ AC. If PQ produced meets BC at R, prove that R is the midpoint of BC.

The angles of a hexagon are $$(2x+5)^{o},(3x-5)^{o},(x+40)^{o},(2x+20)^{o},(2x+35)^{o}$$. Find the value of $$x$$.Hence find the angles.

The perimeter of a parallelogram is 140 cm. If one of the sides is longer than the other by 10 cm,find the length of each of its sides.

If the diagonals of a parllelogram are equal, then show that it is a rectangle.

Three consecutive vertices of a parallelogram $$ABCD$$ are $$A\left(-1,2,4\right),\,B\left(-3,2,1\right)$$ and $$C\left(-2,-3,4\right)$$.Find the fourth vertex $$D$$

The measure of two adjacent angles of a parallelogram are in the ratio 4 :Find the measure of each angle of the parallelogram.

In the below figure, it is given that BDEF and FDEC are parallelograms. Can you say that BD=CD? Why or why not?

In the above right sided figure, ABCD and AEFG are two parallelograms. If $$\angle C={ 55 }^{ 0 }$$, determine $$\angle F$$.

In the figure, ABCD is a parallelogram. The diagonals AC and $$  B D  $$ intersect at $$ O; $$ and $$  \angle D A C=40^{\circ}, \angle C A B=35^{\circ} ;  $$ and$$ \angle D O C=110^{\circ}  $$ . Calculate the measure of $$  \angle A B O, \angle A D C, \angle A C B  $$and $$  \angle C B D  $$ .

Five angles of a hexagon have measures $${ 100 }^{ \circ  },{ 110 }^{ \circ  },{ 120 }^{ \circ  },{ 130 }^{ \circ  }$$ and $${ 140 }^{ \circ  }$$. What is the measure of the remaining angle?

ABCD is a parallelogram, $$AE \bot DC$$ and $$CF \bot AD$$. If $$AB=16$$ cm , $$AE=8 cm$$ and $$CF=10 $$ cm, find $$AD$$.

$$ABCD$$ is a quadrilateral in which $$AB$$ and $$CD$$ are smallest and longest sides respectively. 
Prove that $$\angle A > \angle C\,and\,\angle B > \angle D.$$ 

In the adjoining figure, show that $$ABCD$$ is a parallelogram.


$$\square ABCD$$ is a parallelogram. The ratio of $$\angle A$$ and $$\angle B$$ of this parallelogram is $$5:4$$. Find the measure of $$\,\angle B$$.

D,E and F are respectively the mid-point of the side BC,CA and AB of a $$\Delta ABC$$ show that
(i) BDEF is a parallelogram.
(ii) ar $$\left( {DEF} \right) = \frac{1}{4}\,\,ar\left( {ABC} \right)$$

Two angles of hexagon are $${90^0}$$ and $${110^0}$$. If the remaining four angles are equal, find each equal angle.

In a parallelogram, $$ABCD$$, if $$AD=10\,cm,\,CF=8\,cm$$, then find $$AB$$.

In $$\Delta ABC\,\,and\,\,\,\Delta DEF,AB = DE,AB\parallel DE,BC = EF\,\,\,and\,\,\,BC\parallel EF.$$ vertices A,B and C are joined to vertices D,E and F respectively in figure show that.
Quadrilateral ABED is a parallelogram
Quadrilateral BEFC is a parallelogram
$$AD\parallel CF\,\,and\,\,AD = CF$$
Quadrilateral ACFD is a parallelogram
$$\Delta ABC \cong \Delta DEF.$$

The diagonals of a parallelogram $$ABCD$$ intersect at a point $$O$$. Through $$O$$, a line is drawn to intersect $$AD$$ at $$P$$ and $$BC$$ at $$Q$$. Show that $$PQ$$ divides the parallelogram into two equal parts. 

The difference between the two adjacent angles of a parallelogram is $${ 20 }^{ \circ  }.$$ Find measures of all the angles of the parallelogram.

In the adjoining figure, area of $$\triangle ABE$$ is equal to the area of parallelogram $$ABCD$$. If altitude $$EF$$ is $$16cm$$ long, find the length of altitude of the parallelogram to base $$AB$$ of length $$10cm$$. What is the area of $$\triangle AMD$$, where $$M$$ is mid-point of side $$DC$$ ?

Find the number of sides in a regular polygon. If its each interior angle is $${ 160 }^{ \circ  }$$.

Find the number of sides in a regular polygon. If its each interior angle is $${ 150 }^{ \circ  }$$.

In Fig. diagonals $$AC$$ and $$BD$$ of  quadrilateral $$ABCD$$ intersect at $$O$$ such that $$OB=OD$$. If $$AB=CD$$, then show that :
i) ar$$(\triangle DOC) =$$ ar($$\triangle AOB)$$
ii) ar$$(\triangle DCB) =$$ ar$$(\triangle ACB)$$
iii) $$DA\parallel CB$$ or $$ABCD$$ is parallelogram.


In a parallelogram $$ABCD$$, the bisector of $$\angle A$$ meets $$DC$$ in $$E$$ and $$AB = 2 \,AD$$. Prove that:
(i) $$BE$$ bisects $$\angle B$$
(ii) $$\angle AEB$$ is a right angle 

If angles A,B,C and D of the quadrilateral ABCD, taken in order, are in the ratio 3:7:6:4, then name type of quadrilateral ABCD.

P and Q are the mid-points of the opposite sides AB and CD of a parallelogram ABCD. AQ intersects DP at S and BQ intersects CP at R. Show that PQRS is a parallelogram.

$$ABCD$$ is a parallelogram and $$P$$ is the point of intersection of its diagonals. If $$O$$ is the origin of reference, show that $$ \overrightarrow{OA}+\overrightarrow{OB}+\overrightarrow{OC}+\overrightarrow{OD} = 4\,\overrightarrow{OP} $$ 

Let $$ \vec{a}, \vec{b}, \vec{c}, \vec{d}$$ be the position vectors of the four distinct points $$A, B, C, D$$. If $$ \vec{b}-\vec{a}=\vec{c}-\vec{d},$$ then show that $$ABCD$$ is parallelogram.

Diagonals of parallelogram $$ABCD$$ intersect at $$O$$ as shown in Fig. $$XY$$ contains $$O$$, and $$X, Y$$ are points on opposite sides of the parallelogram. Give reasons for each of the following:
$$OB = OD$$.
Now, state if $$XY$$ is bisected at $$O$$.

In a parallelogram $$ABCD, AB = 10\ cm, AD = 6\ cm$$. The bisector of $$\angle A$$ meets, $$DE$$ in $$E, AE$$ and $$BC$$ produced meet at $$F$$. Find the length $$CF$$.

In the figure, $$ABCD$$ is a parallelogram in which $$\angle A={60}^{o}$$. If the bisectors $$\angle A$$ and $$\angle B$$ meet $$DC$$ at $$P$$, prove that $$\angle APB={90}^{o}$$

In the figure, $$ABCD$$ is a parallelogram in which $$\angle A={60}^{o}$$. If the bisectors $$\angle A$$ and $$\angle B$$ meet $$DC$$ at $$P$$, prove that $$DC=2AD$$

In the figure, $$ABCD$$ is a parallelogram in which $$\angle BAO={35}^{o},\angle DAO={40}^{o}$$ and $$\angle COD={105}^{o}$$. Calculate $$\angle ABO$$.

In the figure, $$ABCD$$ is a parallelogram in which $$\angle BAO={35}^{o},\angle DAO={40}^{o}$$ and $$\angle COD={105}^{o}$$. Calculate $$\angle ODC$$

In the figure, $$M$$ is the midpoint of side $$BC$$ of a parallelogram $$ABCD$$ such that $$\angle BAM=\angle DAM$$. Prove that $$AD=2CD$$

In the figure, $$ABCD$$ is a parallelogram in which $$\angle A={60}^{o}$$. If the bisectors $$\angle A$$ and $$\angle B$$ meet $$DC$$ at $$P$$, prove that $$AD=DP$$ and $$PB=PC=BC$$

The angle between two altitudes of a parallelogram through the vertex of an obtuse angle fo the parallelogram is $${60}^{o}$$. Find the angles of the parallelogram.

In the figure, $$ABCD$$ is a parallelogram whose diagonals intersect each other at $$O$$. A line segment $$EOF$$ is drawn to meet $$AB$$ at $$E$$ and $$DC$$ at $$F$$. Prove that $$OE=OF$$.

In the given figure BURN is parallelograms. Find the measures of $$ x $$ and $$ y $$ (lengths are in $$ \mathrm{cm} $$ ).

In a parallelogram $$ABCD$$, if $$\angle A={(2x+5)}^{o}$$ and $$\angle B={(3x-5)}^{o}$$, find the value of $$x$$ and the measure of each angle of the parallelogram.

A $$\triangle ABC$$ is given. If lines are drawn through $$AB,B,C$$ parallel respectively to the sides $$BC,CA$$ and $$AB$$ forming $$\triangle PQR$$, as shown in the figure, show that $$BC=\cfrac{1}{2}QR$$

$$ABCD$$ is a parallelogram in which $$AB=9.5cm$$ and its perimeter is $$30cm$$. Find the length of each side of the parallelogram.

In the figure, $$ABCD$$ is a parallelogram in which $$AB$$ is produced to $$E$$ so that $$BE=AB$$. Prove that $$ED$$ bisects $$BC$$

$$P,Q,R$$ and $$S$$ are respectively the midpoints of the sides $$AB,BC,CD$$ and $$DA$$ of a quadrilateral $$ABCD$$. Show that $$PQRS$$ is a parallelogram

In the figure, $$ABCD$$ is a parallelogram. If $$P$$ and $$Q$$ are points on $$AD$$ and $$BC$$ respecetively such that $$AP=\dfrac{1}{3}AD$$ and $$CQ=\dfrac{1}{3}BC$$, prove that $$AQCP$$ is a parallelogram. 

In the figure, $$ABCD$$ is a parallelogram in which $$\angle BAO={35}^{o},\angle DAO={40}^{o}$$ and $$\angle COD={105}^{o}$$. Calculate $$\angle ACB$$

In the given figure, $$ A B C D $$ is a parallelogram. Complete each statement along with the definition or property used.
(viii) $$ \mathrm{m} \angle \mathrm{DAB}+\mathrm{m} \angle \mathrm{CDA}=\ldots \ldots $$


In the figure, $$ABCD$$ is a parallelogram in which $$\angle BAO={35}^{o},\angle DAO={40}^{o}$$ and $$\angle COD={105}^{o}$$. Calculate $$\angle CBD$$

$$M$$ and $$N$$ are points on opposite sides $$AD$$ and $$BC$$ of a parallelogram $$ABCD$$ such that $$MN$$ passes through the point of intersection $$O$$ of its diagonals $$AC$$ and $$BD$$. Show that $$MN$$ is bisected at $$O$$.

Is it possible to have a regular polygon each  of whose interior angles is $$100^o$$?

Find the measure of each angle of a parallelogram, if one of its angle is $${30}^{o}$$ less than twice the smallest angle.

Prove that the diagonals of the parallelogram formed by the four straight lines
$$\sqrt{3x} + y = 0, \sqrt{3y} + x = 0, \sqrt{3x} + y = 1$$, and $$\sqrt{3y} + x = 1$$
are at right angles to one another.

$$ABCD$$ is a parallelogram in which $$\angle {110^{o}}.$$ Find the measure of each of angles $$\angle B,\ \angle C$$ and $$\angle D.$$

If $$(1,2),(4, y),(x, 6)$$ and (3,5) are the vertices of a parallelogram taken in order, then find $$x$$ and $$y$$.

Find the sum of interior angles of a polygon with:
$$16$$ sides

In the figure, $$ABCD$$ is a parallelogram in which $$E$$ and $$F$$ are the midpoints of $$AB$$ and $$CD$$ respectively. If $$GH$$ is a line segment that cuts $$AD, EF$$ and $$BC$$ at $$G, P$$ and $$H$$ respectively, prove that $$GP=PH$$.

In a parallelogram $$PQRS$$, $$PQ=12\ \text{cm}$$ and $$PS=9\ \text{cm}$$. The bisector of $$\angle P$$ meets $$SR$$ in $$M$$. $$PM$$ and $$QR$$ both when produced meet at $$T$$. Find length of $$RT$$.

Draw a rough sketch of a quadrilateral $$KLMN$$. State,
two pairs of opposite sides

Draw a rough sketch of a quadrilateral $$KLMN$$. State,
Two pairs of adjacent sides

Draw a rough sketch of a quadrilateral $$KLMN$$. State,


Fill in the blanks to make the statements true. 
The measure of _________ angle of concave quadrilateral is more than $$ 180^{\circ} $$.

Solve the following :
In parallelogram $$ABCD$$ , find $$ \angle  B ,  \angle  C$$ and $$ \angle  D$$.

Solve the following :
In parallelogram $$LOST$$ , $$SN$$ $$ \perp $$ $$OL$$ and $$SM$$ $$ \perp  LT$$. Find $$ \angle    STM ,  \angle  SON$$ and $$ \angle  NSM$$

Solve the following :
In parallelogram FIST , find $$ \angle $$  SFT , $$ \angle $$OST and $$ \angle $$ STO .

Solve the following :
Find the values of $$x$$ and $$y$$ in the following parallelogram.

$$ABCD$$ is a parallelogram . Points $$P$$ and $$Q$$ are taken on the sides $$AB$$ and $$CD$$ respectively and the parallelogram $$PRQA$$ is formed . If $$ \angle C = 45^{\circ} $$ , find $$ \angle R$$ .

A diagonal of a parallelogram bisects an angle . Will it also bisect the other angle ? Give reason.

If $$56x 32y$$ is divisible by $$18$$, find the least value of $$y$$.

The angle between the two altitudes of a parallelogram through the vertex of an obtuse angle of the parallelogram is $$ 45^{\circ} $$. Find the angles of the parallelogram. 

Perpendicular dropped on the base of a parallelogram from the opposite vertex is known as the corresponding ______ of the base. 

The angles of a pentagon are in the ratio 4 : 8 : 6 : 4 : 5 .Find each angle of the pentagon.

Solve the following :
In parallelogram MODE , the bisector of $$ \angle $$ M and $$ \angle $$ O meet at Q , find the measure of $$ \angle $$ MQO.

$$ABCD$$ is a parallelogram. The bisector of $$\angle A$$ intersects $$CD$$ at $$X$$ and bisector of $$\angle C$$ intersects $$AB$$ at $$Y$$. Is $$AXCY$$ a parallelogram ? Give reason.

Solve the following :
In the following figure of a ship , ABDH and CEFG are two parallelogram. Find the value of $$ x $$. 

In the given figure, $$ A B C D $$ is a parallelogram. Complete each statement along with the definition or property used.
 $$ \mathrm{OB}=\ldots \ldots \ldots $$


In the given figure, $$ A B C D $$ is a parallelogram. Complete each statement along with the definition or property used.
 $$ \angle \mathrm{ADC}=\ldots \ldots \ldots $$


In the given figure, $$ A B C D $$ is a parallelogram. Complete each statement along with the definition or property used.
 $$ \angle \mathrm{DAB}=\ldots \ldots \ldots \ldots $$


In the given figure , if PQRS is a parallelogram and AB || PS , then prove that OC || SR. 

In the given figure, $$ A B C D $$ is a parallelogram. Complete each statement along with the definition or property used.
 $$ \angle \mathrm{DCB}=\ldots \ldots \ldots $$


In the given figure, $$ A B C D $$ is a parallelogram. Complete each statement along with the definition or property used.
 $$ \mathrm{OC}=\ldots \ldots \ldots . $$


State 'true' or 'false'
The diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other at right angle.

The measure of two adjacent angles of a parallelogram is in the ratio $$ 4: 5 . $$ Find the measure of each angle of the parallelogram.

Can a quadrilateral $$ABCD$$ be a parallelogram, give reasons in support of your answer.
(i) $$ \angle \mathrm{A}+\angle \mathrm{C}=180^{\circ} ? $$
(ii) $$ \mathrm{AD}=\mathrm{BC}=6 \mathrm{cm}, \mathrm{AB}=5 \mathrm{cm}, \mathrm{DC}=4.5 \mathrm{cm} ? $$
(iii) $$ \angle \mathrm{B}=80^{\circ}, \angle \mathrm{D}=70^{\circ} ? $$
(iv) $$ \angle \mathrm{B}+\angle \mathrm{C}=180^{\circ} ? $$

In the given figure, $$ \mathrm{ABCD}, $$ is a parallelogram and diagonals intersect at $$ \mathrm{O} $$. Find :
(i) $$ \angle \mathrm{CAD} $$
(ii) $$ \angle \mathrm{ACD} $$
(iii) $$ \angle \mathrm{ADC} $$

In the following figure, both $$ A B C D $$ and PQRS are parallelograms. Find the value of $$ x . $$

In the given figure TURN is are parallelograms. Find the measures of $$ x $$ and $$ y $$ (lengths are in $$ \mathrm{cm} $$ ).

In the given figure, $$ABCD$$ is a parallelogram. $$CB$$ is produced to E such that $$BE=BC$$. Prove that $$AEBD$$ is a parallelogram.

Two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are in the ratio $$ 5: 7 . $$ If the perimeter of a parallelogram is $$ 72 \mathrm{cm}, $$ find the length of its sides.

$$ABCD$$ is a parallelogram. If the diagonal $$AC$$ bisects $$CA$$, then prove that:
(i) $$AC$$ bisects $$\angle C$$
(ii) $$ABCD$$ is a rhombus
(iii) $$AC \bot BD$$.

Is it possible to have a polygon, whose number of interior angles is $$1030^o$$.

If all the angles of an octagon are equal, find the measure of each angle.

$$P$$ and $$Q$$ are points on opposite sides $$AD$$ and $$BC$$ of a parallelogram $$ABCD$$ such that $$PQ$$ passes through the point of intersection $$O$$ of its diagonals $$AC$$ and $$BD$$. Show that $$PQ$$ is bisected at $$O$$.

$$ABCD$$ is a parallelogram, bisectors of angles $$A$$ and $$B$$ meet at $$E$$ which lie on $$DC$$. Prove that $$AB=3AD$$. 

Two adjacent side of a parallelogram are 15 cm. If the distance between the longer sides is 8 cm , find the ares of the parallelogram. Also find the distance between shorter sides.

Find the number of sides of a polygon, if the sum of its interior angles is:

If all the angles of a hexagon arc equal, find the measure of each angle.

In quadrilateral $$ABCD, \angle A + \angle D = 180^\circ$$. What special name can be given to the quadrilateral?

(a) In the figure ( 1 ) given below, the perimeter of parallelogram is $$ 42 \mathrm{cm} $$. Calculate the lengths of the sides of the parallelogram.

Find the number of sides of a polygon, if the sum of its interior angles is:

The angles of a pentagon are in the ratio $$5:4:5:7:6$$; find each angle of the pentagon.

In a parallelogram $$ABCD, \angle A=90^o$$
What is the measure of angle $$B$$.

If one angle of a pentagon is $$120^o$$ and each of the remaining four angles is $$x^o$$, find the magnitude of $$x$$.

In a parallelogram $$ABCD$$. Its diagonals $$AC$$ and $$BD$$ intersect each other at point $$O$$.
If $$AC=12\ cm$$ and $$BD=9\ cm$$; find lengths of $$OA$$ and $$OB$$. 

Two adjacent angles of a parallelogram are $$70^o$$ and $$110^o$$ respectively. Find the other two angles of it.

In a parallelogram $$ABCD, \angle A=90^o$$
Write the special name of the parallelogram.

$$PQRS$$ is a parallelogram whose diagonals intersect at $$M.$$
$$\angle PMS=54^{0},\angle QSR=25^{0}$$ and $$\angle SQR=30^{0}$$;
$$\angle RPS$$

The angle $$A, B, C$$ and $$D$$ of a quadrilateral are in the ratio $$2:3:2:3$$. Show this quadrilateral is a parallelogram.

In a parallelogram $$ABCD$$. Its diagonals intersect at point $$O$$. If $$OA=6\ cm$$ and $$OB=7.5\ cm$$, find the lengths of $$AC$$ and $$BD$$.

Two opposite angles of a parallelogram are $$100^o$$ each. Find each of the other two opposite angles.

$$PQRS$$ is a parallelogram whose diagonals intersect at $$M.$$
$$\angle PMS=54^{0},\angle OSR=25^{0}$$ and $$\angle SOR=30^{0}$$;
$$\angle PSR$$

$$ABCD$$ is a parallelogram. What kind of quadrilateral is it if:
$$AC$$ is perpendicular to $$BD$$ but is not equal to it?

$$ABCD$$ is a parallelogram. What kind of quadrilateral is it if:
$$AC=BD$$ and $$AC$$ is not perpendicular to $$BD$$?

The sum of the interior angles of a polygon is four times the sum of its exterior angles . Find the number of sides in the polygon . 

$$PQRS$$ is a parallelogram whose diagonals intersect at $$M.$$
$$\angle PMS=54^{0},\angle OSR=25^{0}$$ and $$\angle SOR=30^{0}$$;
$$\angle PRS$$

$$ABCD$$ is a parallelogram. What kind of quadrilateral is it if:
$$AC=BD$$ and $$AC$$ is perpendicular to $$BD$$?

In a polygon . there are 5 right angles and the remaining angles are equal to $$ 195^{o}$$ each .Find the number of sides in the polygon .

AB ,BC and CD are the three consecutive sides of a regular polygon .If $$ \angle BAC = 15^{o}$$
Number of sides of the polygon.

In a pentagon ABCDE , AB is parallel to DC and angles A : E : D = 3 : 4 :Find angle E .

The ratio between an exterior angles and an interior angles of a regular polygoin is 2 : 3 . Find the number of sides in the polygon.

Two angles of eight sided polygon are $$ 142^{o} and 176 ^{o}$$ .If the remaining angles are equal to each other : find the magnitude of each of the equal angles .

Three angles of a seven sided polygon are $$132 ^{o} $$ each and the remaining four angles are equal . Find the value of each equal angle.

AB ,BC and CD are the three consecutive sides of a regular polygon .If $$ \angle BAC = 15^{o}$$
Each interior angle of the polygon.

Two alternate  side of regular polygon , when produce , meet at right angle .Find :
The number of sides in the polygon.

One angles of a six - added polygon is $$ 140^{o}$$ and the other angles are equal . Find the measure of each equal angle.

In the figure given above, AM bisects angle A and DM bisects angle D of parallelogram  ABCD. Prove that : $$ \angle AMD = 90^{o} $$.

In the given figure , ABCD is a parallelogram in which AP bisects angle A and BQ bisects angle B . Prove that :
AQ =  BP
ABPQ is a parallelogram

The diagonal BD of a parallelogram ABCD bisects angles B and D . Prove that ABCD is a rhombus.

prove that the bisector of opposite angles of a parallelogram are parallel .

State 'true or  False
Every  parallelogram is a rhombus

Prove that a quadrilateral is a parallelogram if and only if its diagonal bisect each other.

State 'true or 'False'
If two adjacent side of a parallelogram are equal it is rhombus,

In the following figure , AE and BC are equal and parallel and the three sides AB ,CD and DE are equal to one another . If angle A is $$ 102 ^{o}$$ , find the angles AEC ad BCD .

In figure, $$ABCD$$ and $$AEFG$$ are both parallelograms. If $$\angle C= 55^\circ$$ then find the value of $$\angle F$$.

The given figure shows a parallelogram $$ABCD$$ in which $$AE = EF = FC$$ . Prove that $$DE$$ is parallel to $$FB$$.

In a parallelogram  ABCD , AB = 20 cm and AD = 12 cm. The bisectors of angles A meet DC at E and BC produce at F . Find the length of CE.

Diagonals of a parallelogram intersect each other at point $$\text{O}.$$ If $$\text{AO} = 5\text{ cm}$$, $$\text{BO} = 12\text{ cm}$$ and $$\text{AB} = 13\text{ cm}$$ then show that
$$\text{ABCD}$$ is a rhombus.

In the given figure, G is the point of concurrence of medians of $$ \Delta $$ DEF. Take point $$ \mathrm{H} $$ on ray DG such that $$ \mathrm{D}-\mathrm{G} - \mathrm{H} $$ and $$ \mathrm{DG}=\mathrm{GH}, $$ then prove that $$ \square $$ GEHF is a parallelogram.

Sum, of the square of adjacent sides of a parallelogram is 130 sq. cm and length of one of its diagonals is 14 cm . Find the length of the other diagonals 

Prove  that the sum of the squares of the diagonals of a parallelogram is equal to the sum of the squares of its sides.

Prove that quadrilateral formed by the intersection of angle bisectors of all angles of a parallelogram is a rectangle.(shown in the given figure)

Using opposite angles test for a parallelogram, prove that every rectangle is a parallelogram.

$$ \square  ABCD $$ is a parallelogram point E is on side BC .Line DE intersects ray AB in point T . Prove that $$ DE \times BE = CE \times TE. $$

Diagonals of a parallelogram WXYZ intersect each other at point O. If $$\angle XYZ = 135^o$$ then what is the measure of $$\angle$$ XWZ and $$\angle$$ YZW?
Also, If $$l(OY) = 5 \text{ cm}$$ then $$l(WY) = ?$$

In the given figure, $$\square$$ PQRS and $$\square$$ ABCR are two parrallelograms. If $$\angle P = 110^o$$ then find the measures of all angles of $$\square ABCR$$.

Let $$ABCD$$ be a parallelogram, what special name will you give if.
$$AB=BC$$ and $$\angle BAD=90^o$$

Ratio of two adjacent sides of a parallelogram is $$ 3: 4, $$ and its perimeter is $$ 112 \mathrm{cm} $$. Find the length of its each side.

A field is in the form of a  parallelogram whose perimeter is $$450m$$ and one of its sides is larger than the other by $$75$$ m. Find the lengths of all sides

In Fig, diagonals $$AC$$ and $$BD$$ of quadrilateral $$ABCD$$ intersect at $$O$$ such that $$OB=OD$$. If $$AB=CD$$, then show that:
$$DA\parallel CB$$ or $$ABCD$$ is a parallelogram.
[Hint: From $$D$$ and $$B$$, draw perpendiculars to $$AC$$.]

A farmer was having a field in the form of a parallelogram $$PQRS$$. She took any point $$A$$ on $$RS$$ and joined it to points $$P$$ and $$Q$$. In how many parts the fields is divided? What are the shapes of these parts? The farmer wants to sow wheat and pulses in equal portions of the field separately. How should she do it?

Let $$ABCD$$ be a parallelogram and suppose the bisector of $$\angle A$$ and $$\angle B$$ meet at $$P$$ prove that $$\angle APB=90^o$$

In the given figure, if points $$ \mathrm{P}, \mathrm{Q}, \mathrm{R}, \mathrm{S} $$ are on the sides of parallelogram such that $$ \mathrm{AP}=\mathrm{BQ}=\mathrm{CR}=\mathrm{DS} $$ then prove that $$ \square $$ PQRS is a parallelogram.

Three angles of a quadrilateral $$ABCD$$ are equal. Is is it a parallelogram? Why or why not?

$$ABCD$$ is a parallelogram. $$P$$ is any point on side $$BC$$ of parallelogram. If $$DP$$ and $$AB$$ produced, meet at $$L$$ then prove that
(i) $$\cfrac{DP}{PL}=\cfrac{DC}{BL}$$
(ii) $$\cfrac{DL}{DP}=\cfrac{AL}{DC}$$

In a parallelogram $$ABCD$$, the side $$DC$$ is produced to $$E$$ and $$\angle BCE=105^o$$ calculate $$\angle A,\angle E,\angle C$$ and $$\angle D$$.

The diagonals of a quadrilateral bisect each other. Prove that this quadrilateral is parallelogram.

A regular polygon has 8 sides, then
Find the measure of each interior angle.

Let $$ABCD$$ be a quadrilateral with diagonals $$AC$$ and $$BD$$. Prove the following statement
$$AB+BC+CD + DA > AC+BD$$

In figure, $$ABCD$$ is a parallelogram and lines $$AQ$$ and $$CP$$ are the bisector of $$\angle A -  \angle C$$ respectively. Prove the $$APCQ$$ is a parallelogram.

A regular polygon has 8 sides, then
Find the sum of all interior angles.

Can there exist a regular polygon whose interior angle is $$ 137^{\circ} $$?

The sum of the interior angles of a polygon is $$ 2160^{\circ} $$, find the number of sides in the polygon.

The sum of interior angles of a polygon is 10 right angles. Find the number of sides.

The four angles of a pentagon are $$40^o, $$ $$75^o, $$ $$125^o, $$ and $$135^o $$ respectively. Find the fifth angle.

In the given figure, $$BCPQ$$ and $$BCDA$$ are two parallelograms on the same base $$BC$$. Find the value of $$x+y$$.

A regular polygon has 12 sides, find the measure of each of its interior angles.

In the given figure, $$PQRS$$ is a parallelogram in which $$PQ$$ is produced to $$T$$ such that $$QT= PQ$$. Prove that $$ST$$ bisects $$RQ$$.

Find the magnitude of an interior angle of a regular hexagon.
(i) in degree
(ii) in radians 

Write the measurements of exterior and interior angles of regular pentagon
(i) in degrees
(ii) in radian

In parallelogram $$ABCD, AB= 12 \ cm$$. The altitudes corresponding to the two sides $$AB$$ and $$AD$$ are $$8 \ cm$$ and $$10 \ cm$$ respectively. Compute $$BC$$.

Determine the number of sides the polygon for which the ratio of the sum of the interior angles to the sum of the exterior angle is 5: 1.

ABCD is a parallelogram. 
Write down 
the sum of the interior angles of ABCD.

In figure, $$ABCD$$ is a parallelogram, $$AE \perp DC$$ and $$CF \perp AD$$. If $$AB= 16 \ cm, AE= 8 \ cm$$ and $$CF= 10 \ cm$$, find $$AD$$.

Prove that, if the diagonals of a parallelogram are perpendicular to each other, the parallelogram is a rhombus.

The adjacent angles in a parallelogram are $$\left(3x+10\right)^{}$$ and $$\left(x+20\right)^{}$$ then, find the measures of the four angles.

The area of a square and a parallelogram is the same. If the side of the square is $$60 \ cm$$ and base of the parallelogram is $$120 \ cm$$, find the corresponding height of the parallelogram. 

ABCD is a parallelogram. AE and AF are bisectors of interior and exterior angles respectively at A and BE and BF are bisectors of interior and exterior angles respectively at B. Show that AFBE is a parallelogram.

If $$D,E,F$$ are midpoints of $$AB,BC,AC$$ respectively prove that $$BDEF$$ is a $$||\ gm$$

If bisectors of $$\angle A$$ and $$ \angle B$$   of a quadrilateral $$ABCD$$ intersect each other at $$P,$$ of  $$\angle B$$ and $$ \angle C$$  at $$Q.$$ $$\angle C$$ and $$ \angle D$$ at $$R ,$$ $$\angle D$$ and $$ \angle A$$ at $$S$$ then show that $$PQRS$$ is a quadrilateral whose opposite angle are supplementary 

In a parallelogram RISE if Olis equal to $$4$$ cm and Rs $$1$$ equal to $$6$$ CM more then EI then FIND RO

The length of one side of a parallelogram is $$17\ cm.$$ If the length of its diagonals is $$12\ cm$$ and $$26\ cm$$, then find the length of the other side of a parallelogram. 

Diagonal $$AC$$ of a parallelogram $$ABCD$$ bisects $$\angle$$ $$A$$. Show that
(i) it bisects $$\angle$$ $$C$$ also,
(ii) $$ABCD$$ is a rhombus.

In Fig. $$9.16$$ $$P$$ is a point in the interior of a parallelogram  $$ABCD.$$ Show that 
$$(i)\,ar\left( {APB} \right) + ar\left( {PCD} \right) = \frac{1}{2}ar\left( {ABCD} \right)$$
$$(ii)\,ar\left( {APD} \right) + ar\left( {PBC} \right) = ar\left( {APB} \right)ar\left( {PCD} \right)$$
[Hint: Through $$P,$$ draw a line parallel to $$AB.$$ ]


In the given figure, ABCD is a parallelogram in which $$\angle =70^0.$$ Calculate $$\angle B,\angle C$$ and $$\angle D.$$

If the adjacent sides of a parallelogram are in the ratio $$2  : 3$$ and the sum of all the sides is $$50\ \mathrm{cm}$$, find the measure of the sides of the parallelogram.

Three consecutive vertices of a parallelogram $$ABCD$$ are $$A\left(-1,2\right),\,B\left(3,5\right)$$ and $$C\left(2,3\right)$$.Find the fourth vertex $$D$$

In parallelogram PQRS, PQ = 10 cm. The altitudes corresponding to the sides PQ and SP are respectively 6 cm and 8 cm. Find SP.

Equations of pairs of opposite sides of a parallelogram are $$ x ^ { 2 } - 7 x + 6 = 0 $$ and $$ y ^ { 2 } - 14 y + 40 = 0 . $$ Find the joint equation of its diagonals.

Class 8 Maths Extra Questions