Tenths And Hundreths - Class 5 Maths - Extra Questions

$$ \dfrac {1}{4}$$ km = _______ m 

$$ \dfrac {1}{2}$$ km = _______ m 

Fill in the blanks 
7750 m = _____ km _____ m ________cm

Record your height and your four friends in feet and inches.
S. No.NameHeight in feet & inchesHeight in inches

Who is the tallest amongst all of you? ____________

Fill in the blanks :
12 km = _____ m

$$\dfrac{1}{2}$$ of a rupee=_________ paise

$$1028\ cm $$ (We divide as we are moving $$2$$ units toward left)

Convert $$1\ m\ 4\ dm$$ in $$m.$$ 

$$\dfrac{1}{5}$$ of $$Rs\ 100$$ =Rs_______

$$\dfrac{1}{20}$$ of $$Rs\ 2000\ =Rs$$______

Convert $$800$$ km $$250$$ m $$45$$ cm into cm.

$$\dfrac{1}{10}$$ of $$Rs\ 1000$$ =Rs_______

Fill in the blanks : 
(i) 2 $$m^{2}$$=_______ $$cm^{2}$$
(ii) 1 $$m^{2}$$ =_______ $$km^{2}$$
(iii) 1 $$m^{2}$$= _______$$mm^{2}$$

Divide the following.
$$3\ km\ 500\ m\ by\ 5$$

Aparna got $$Rs\ 27840$$ as her monthly salary and over-time. Her salary exceeds the over-time by $$Rs\ 16560$$. What is her monthly salary?

How many decametres make one Metre?

How many decametres make an kilometre?

How many centimetres make a kilometre?

Convert these measurements.
$$39\ cm$$ into $$m$$

$$1{\ m^2} =....... cm^2?$$

The value of 50 coins of 50 paisa = Rs_____

Express in rupees:
$$327 P$$

Express in paise:
$$Rs 62.35$$

Express in rupees:
$$8 P$$

Express in paise:
$$Rs 0.97$$

Express in paise:
$$Rs 0.09$$

Express in rupees:
$$55 P$$

Express in centimetre (cm):
$$6 m$$

Add (giving answer in rupees):
$$Rs 24.03$$ and $$532$$ paise

Express in rupees:
$$695 P$$

Add (giving answer in rupees):
$$73$$ paise and $$Rs 2.08$$

$$Rs 0.55$$ from $$121$$ paise

Add (giving answer in rupees):
$$8 paise$$ and $$Rs 15.36$$

$$286 paise$$ from $$Rs 7.02$$

Express in meters using decimals.
$$9\ m$$ and $$7\ cm$$

There are $$.914$$ meters in a yard. A line drawn on a blue print measures $$1.5$$ yards. What is its length in meters?

Kanika was given her pocket money on $$1^{st}$$ Jan,$$2008$$. She puts $$Rs\ 1$$ on Day $$1$$, $$Rs\ 2$$ on Day $$2$$, $$Rs\ 3$$ on Day $$3$$, and continued on doing so till the end of the month, from this money into her piggy bank. She also spent $$Rs\ 204$$ of her pocket money, and was found that at the end of the month she still has $$Rs\ 100$$ with her. How much money was her pocket money for the month?

Express in meters using decimals.
$$419\ cm$$

Express as $$km$$ using decimals.
$$70\ km$$ and $$5\ m$$

Express as $$km$$ using decimals.
$$88\ m$$

Express as $$kg$$ using decimals.
$$26\ kg$$ and $$50\ g$$

Express as $$km$$ using decimals.
$$8888\ m$$

Express as $$km$$ using decimals.
$$8\ m$$

Express the following measurement in $$kg$$ using decimals.
$$5\ kg$$ and $$8\ g$$

On the internet, Pranay sees a grey jacket for $$165$$ euros($$euro$$) and a blue jacket for $$\$ 180$$. There are exchange rates.
$$1 euro =76.05$$ rupees
$$1$$ rupee$$=\$ 0.0152$$
Work out which jacket is the cheapest and by how many rupees.
The _________ jacket is cheapest by _________ rupees.

Express the following as rupees using decimals 
Ten paise

Find the ratio of the following.
$$55$$ paise to Rs. $$1$$.

How to convert Centimeter to meter?

The maximum temperature on a day in Delhi was $$p^\circ \ C$$. The minimum temperature was $$(p-10)^\circ \ C$$.

Express as rupees using decimals.
$$50$$ rupees $$90$$ paise

The ratio of $$5$$ paisa to $$25$$ paisa is the same as the ratio of $$20$$ paisa to                 .

Convert $$400$$ euros into rupees using these exchange rates. _____ rupees.
$$1$$ euro$$=\$ 1.09$$
$$\$ 1=62$$ rupees

Class 5 Maths Extra Questions