World History - Class 8 General Knowledge - Extra Questions

How was a socialist state established by Lenin? Explain.
How were women perceived in Nazi Germany? Explain.

Fill in the blanks.

The government introduced the __________ reforms in 1909.

Name the major island groups lying in the Arabian Sea. Explain any two major features of it.

Why did Japan surrender to the allied powers in 1945?

Explain the role played by women in France during the revolutionary years.

What would have happened in South Africa if the black majority had decided to take revenge from the whites for all their oppression and exploitation?

Walesa soon emerged as a leader of the striking workers in Poland. Identify three qualities that helped him to lead the strike.

Who imposed martial law in Poland in 1981?

What changes were seen in Russia after October Revolution of 1917?
Explain any five measures adopted by Hitler to establish dictatorship in Germany.

Examine the three common features of democratic countries.

Describe the status of the nobles in France before the revolution.

How did philosophers influence the thinking of the people of France?

What was the vision of Robert Owen and Louis Blanc related to co-operatives? Explain.
Explain the circumstances under which Nazism became popular in Germany.

Evaluate the importance of the following years in concern with French Revolution, 1774, 1789, 1791, 1804 and 1815.

"Robespierre's rule in France was known as the Reign of Terror." Justify the statement.

How has Japan become a developed country despite being poor in natural resources? Explain.

State one different idea each of liberals, radicals and conservatives.
Name the country that defeated Germany in the First World war. State two effects of defeat in Germany.

Who led the military coup in Chile on 11th September 1973?

Describe the circumstances that led to the outbreak of revolutionary protest in France.

Explain the economic and social conditions of Russia before the Revolution of 1905.
State any three major effects of the First World War in Germany.

Which freedoms are usually taken away when a democracy is overthrown by military?

Describe how did abolition of slavery become possible in France?

Can the citizens of the country turn a simple democracy into a good democracy? Give five reasons in support of your arguments.

State any five causes for the empty treasury of France under Louis XVI.

Describe the views of Radicals.
What is Nazism? How did it become popular in Germany? Explain.

What are the main objectives of Liberals in Russia?

Evaluate the status of women in France before the revolution.

Analyse three reasons to prove the popularity of solidarity in Poland.

Describe the importance of Battle of Stalingard in the Second World War.
Mention five important consequences of Nazism in Germany.

Why were images and symbols used in the eighteenth century France?

What happened in France on 21 September 1792?

Mention two characteristics of the middle class who emerged in the eighteenth century. 

Why Pakistan under General Musharraf cannot be called a democracy? State any five reasons.

When was slavery finally abolished in French colonies?

What did Robespierre's government do to bring equality in France? 

What consequences did Louis XVI and his queen face after France became a republic in 1792?

What was one of the most revolutionary social reforms of the Jacobin regime?

When was censorship abolished in France? What was its immediate effect?

Which period is known as the Reign of Terror in the history of France? 
Give reasons.

What role did the philosophers play in the French Revolution?

Why were images and symbols used in the eighteenth century France? What do the following symbols stand for?
(i) The broken chain 
(ii) The eye within a triangle radiating light 
(iii) The Law Tablet 
(iv) The bundle of rods of fasces

What was subsistence crisis? Mention two factors responsible for this crisis.

What did the revolutionary government do to improve the condition of women in France?

How can you hold Louis XVI responsible for preparing the background of the French Revolution?

Describe in brief about Napoleon's rise and downfall in the history of France.

What was the condition of women in France before the Revolution? 
Describe briefly.

What was the impact of the French Revolution on the colonised people in different countries of the world?

Give a brief description of the third estate.

Which were prominent industrial areas in Russia?

What changes came to be seen in the attitude of the conservatives by the nineteenth century?

What was the importance of the 'Tennis Court Swearing' in the French Revolution?

How was slavery finally abolished in France?

Which laws were introduced by revolutionary government to improve the condition of women in France?

Name the religion practised by the majority of Russians at the time of the Revolution.

How did the Revolution affect everyday life of the people of France? 

Discuss the effects of the abolition of censorship in France.

Describe the triangular slave trade that was carried on in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

France abolished monarchy and became a republic finally. How did it all happen? Describe in brief.

Mention two achievements of the Bolshevik Revolution of October 1917. 

Mention two important events that took place in Russia in 1917.

The Bolsheviks introduced a process of centralised planning in Russia. 
Mention two of its achievements.

Mention one difference between Bolsheviks and Mensheviks.

What were the two causes that made the Russian autocracy unpopular?

Who was the ruler of Russia in 1914?

How did socialists view private property?

Why did the Kerenskii government fall in Russia? 

Who was the ruler of Russia at the time of the Bolshevik Revolution of October? 

What was the status of political parties in Russia before 1914? 

Why was an International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg set-up at the end of the Second World War?

People in the early nineteenth century Europe wanted transformation of society. But not all of them wanted a complete transformation. Some thought that some change was necessary but wished for a gradual shift. Some wanted to restructure society radically. Thus, some were conservatives, others were liberals or radicals. 
Which values are associated with these three terms?

Briefly trace process of Germany unification.

Describe two different kinds routes through which federation has been formed.

Explain what changes came to be seen in dress codes and how they expressed the idea of equality.

How did the world come to know about the holocaust?

Why did the US and its allies invade Iraq?

What was the global impact of the Russian Revolution?

Which values were associated with the Swadeshi movement?

What was the contribution of South Indian women in the novel writing?

What were the four pillars of Fascism?

Explain the role of opposition party in a democracy.

Why did America declare war on Japan?

Write any five causes for the outbreak of Second World War.

Franklin D. Roosevelt.
(a) When was the Presidential Election held?
(b) How was Franklin D. Roosevelt commonly known as?
(c) What was his election manifesto?
(d) Name the policy formulated by him.

What were the causes for Imperialism ?

Ambition of Germany:
(a) Who was the ruler of Germany during the First World War?
(b) What did he believe?
(c) What could not be tolerated by him?
(d) Where did he station a fleet?

Fill in the blank with appropriate word to complete the sentence.
The name India was given by the Iranians and the ___________.

Have you recently read or heard about any country attacking or going to war with another country?

What is the impact of industrial development in nineteenth century on European society

Why was Vicksburg key to the Union's Anaconda Plan?

Why was the Tet Offensive a turning point in the Vietnam War?

Why were Americans outraged when a German submarine torpedoed the British ship Lusitania?

Why was waging war in Vietnam difficult for $$U.S$$ soliders?

Why was Lyndon Johnson important to John F.Kennedy's victory in $$1960$$?

Why was the Montgomery bus boycott a tremendous victory for African Americans?

What was the Battle of Bluge important?

Why did many Americans want to settle in the Oregon Territory?

Why did Nikita Khrushchev order the construction of the Berlin Wall?

Why did President Franklin D. Roosevelt give Britain 50 battleships?

Why was Inchon significant to the Korean War?

Why did Louis XIV change the capital of France from Paris to Versailles?

What was the ground war in Vietnam so difficult to fight?

Why was the Battle of Coral Sea a victory for the United States?

What was the outcome of the Korean War?

Which President established the custom of not seeking a third term?

Who were Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti? Why was their execution controversial?

What was Abraham Lincoln's message in " The Gettysburg Address"? 
What point was he trying to make?

What was Vietnamization?

What was the result of the Anschluss?

What was the purpose of the Freedmen's Bureau Bill, and why did Johnson veto it?

Which program started when President Johnson was in office?

Who appeared to be winning the war in Europe at the end of 1940?

What was the purpose of the Navigation Acts?

What is the melting-pot theory?

What were the roles and rights of women in the West?

What is federalism?

What is a major flaw in the electoral college system?

What NATO? Why NATO is important to the United States?

What was the destination of most Dust Bowl migrants?

What group of people did Stalin target?

What were the causes and effects of the Tai Ping Rebellion?

What group came to power as a result of the Russian Revolution of $$1917$$?

What were the effects of the Napoleonic Wars on the United States?

What factors led George W. Bush to victory in $$2000$$?

What action did president John F. Kennedy take in support of civil rights?

What events led up to the Bataan Death March?

What event in $$1956$$ threatened the flow of Middle Eastern oil to Europe?

What impact did the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom have on the U.S. government ?

What idea was the major justification for U.S. foreign policy during the Cold War era?

What act was passed in the late $$1800$$'s to exclude an entire ethnic group?

What idea from the Mayflower Compact influenced the Declaration of Independence?

What action by Adolf Hitler demonstrated the weakness of the League of Nations?

What impact did Baron de Montesquieu have on the creation of the Constitution ?

In the early $$1900s$$, what did it mean for cities to be "dry"?

What groups made up the Red Army and the White Army ?

What happened as a result of the Treaty of Greenville ?

What happened during the antiwar protests at Kent State University ?

In $$1964$$, what issue did the Students for a Democratic Society $$(SDS)$$ focus on?

What happened at Dien Bien Phu in 1954?

What happened as a result of the so-called Intolerable Acts ?

What happened as a result of the US invasion of Iraq in $$2003$$ ?

Class 8 General Knowledge Extra Questions