CBSE Questions for Class 12 Commerce Economics Employment: Growth,Informalisation And Other Issues Quiz 4 -

The number of people hired for a particular job compared to the number of individuals in the applicant pool is often expressed as ___________.
  • Applicant ratio
  • Recruitment ratio
  • Selection ratio
  • Employment ratio
Job factors includes ____________.
  • Suspension
  • Wages
  • Salary
  • All of these
The most popular method of recruiting applicants to jobs is _____________.
  • Radio and TV advertisement
  • Corporate website
  • Employee referral schemes
  • Commercial job boards
The supply of labour in the economy depends on which of the following?
  • Population
  • National income
  • Per capita income
  • Natural resources
Exploitation of labour is said to exist when ________.
  • Wage $$=$$ Marginal Revenue Product
  • Wage $$<$$ Marginal Revenue Product
  • Wage $$>$$ Marginal Revenue Product
  • Marginal Revenue Product $$= 0$$
Discounted cash flow criteria for investment appraisal does not include ___________________.
  • Net present value
  • Benefit-cost ratio
  • Accounting rate of return
  • Internal rate of return
Which one of the following statements is false?
  • Normally, a price demand curve slopes downward from left to right
  • Economies of scale and economies of scope are the same
  • For optimization, equality between marginal cost and marginal revenue is a necessary condition but it is not a sufficient one
  • Law of variable proportions denotes input- output relationship during short-run
Worker-population ratio is useful in ________.
  • knowing the proportion of the population that is actively contributing to the production of goods and services of a country
  • estimating national income
  • estimating GDP
  • knowing the number of people employed
____________ is created to provide for the loss by way of fluctuation in the value of investment.
  • Investment fluctuation reserve
  • Sinking fund
  • Dividend equalization reserve
  • Debenture redemption reserve
Which of the following are methods of on the-job training?
(i) Coaching
(ii) Vestibule training
(iii) Demonstration
(iv) Role-playing
(v) Apprenticeship training
Select the right answer from the following codes:
  • $$(i), (ii), (iii), (iv)$$
  • $$(i), (iii), (v)$$
  • $$(ii), (iii), (iv)$$
  • $$(i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)$$
Worker-population ratio =
  • Total number of men $$\div$$ (population $$\times$$100)
  • (Total number of workers in India $$\times$$100) $$\div$$ Population 
  • Total number of urban workers $$\div$$ (Population $$\times$$100)
  • Total labour $$\div$$ (Population $$\times$$100)
______ is an indicator which is used for analysing the employment situation in the country.
  • NNP
  • Worker population ratio
  • Number of workers
  • None of the above
The Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC) was formed with the help of __________.
  • The congress
  • Hindustan Mazdoor Sevak Sangh
  • Socialists leaders
  • None of the above
The gratuity of generally payable in _______________.
  • Cash
  • By demand draft
  • By cheque
  • All of the above
Most common forms of unemployment in India is/are _______.
  • seasonal unemployment
  • disguised unemployment
  • open unemployment
  • Both A and B
Majority of the workforce in India are  _____.
  • Casual workers
  • Salaried employees
  • Self-employed
  • none of these
Fill in the blanks from the alternatives given.
Working population is in the age group of ___ years.
  • 0-14
  • 15-59
  • 60 and above
  • none of these
Workers who own and operate an enterprise to earn their livelihood are known as ________.
  • employers
  • self-employed
  • wage labourers
  • owners
Unemployment prevailing in Indian farms is _______.
  • open unemployment
  • disguised unemployment
  • seasonal unemployment
  • none of these
We know that the industrial sector plays an important role in the development of India. Which sector does not come under industrial sector?
  • Mining
  • Manufacturing
  • Banking
  • Utilities
Fill in the blanks from the alternatives given in the brackets.
Post graduate working as a peon is called ______.
  • under employment
  • unemployment
  • structural unemployment
  • seasonal employment
There are more self- employed people in rural than in urban areas because ______.
  • majority of those depending on farming own plots of land and cultivate independently
  • fewer self-employment opportunities in urban areas
  • both A and B
  • urban people lack the initiative
Which of the following is false?
  • Self-employed and casual wage labourers are found more in rural areas than in urban areas
  • Men are engaged in salaried employment in greater proportion than women
  • Casual wage work engages the least workforce
  • Salaried employment engages the least workforce
Employment Assurance Scheme is funded by Centre and States in the ratio of _________.
  • 20:80
  • 80:20
  • 75:25
  • 30:70
Disguised unemployment is mainly due to _________.
  • underemployment
  • seasonal nature of work
  • strike and lock-out
  • structural changes in the economy
Disguised unemployment refers to the situation when. _________.
  • marginal productivity of the surplus workers is zero
  • marginal productivity of the surplus workers is less than average productivity
  • the marginal productivity of the surplus workers is constant
  • marginal productivity of the surplus workers is falling sharply
Disguised unemployment is mainly found in ________.
  • urban areas
  • rural areas
  • small scale sector
  • highly qualified work force
Which of these measures would not reduce natural rate of unemployment?
  • Creation of more jobs
  • Reducing the age of superannuation
  • Hike in unemployment allowance
  • Employment oriented education system
Which of the following is not a cause of unemployment in India?

  • Growing population
  • Lack of employment opportunity
  • Inappropriate education system
  • Liberalisation
Select the correct statement:
  • Under diminishing Marginal productivity theory addition of inputs increases total output at a reduced rate.
  • In a Perfect competition MR is downward sloping.
  • Decrease in supply of factor inputs decreases factor prices.
  • In case of a firm in perfect competitive market, the firm earns abnormal profit in the long run.

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