MCQ Questions for CBSE Class 6 Maths Quiz with Answers

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Multiple Choice Questions for Class 6th Maths Quiz with Answers

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Algebra Class 6 Maths MCQ Quiz

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Algebra Questions and Answers

Algebra Quiz Question Answer
State true or false:
Sum of $$2$$ and $$p$$ is $$2p$$
State whether the statement is true (T) or false (F).
An equation is true for all values of its variables.
Arpita's present age is thrice of Shilpa. If Shilpa's age three years ago was $$x$$. Then Arpita's present age is
$$\dfrac{9}{5}$$ is the solution of the equation $$4X-1=8$$ False
Which of the sign should always be there in an equation? $$=$$
Frame the statement "Twice a number decreased by $$119$$ equals $$373$$" into an equation. $$2y - 119=373$$
Sumeet guessed a number $$x$$ and then he added $$30$$ to it. Give the expression for double of it. $$2(x+30)$$
Frame the given statement into a mathematical expression: "Thrice of a number increased by $$150$$." $$3x+150$$
Frame the statement into an equation:
Adding $$16$$ to $$3$$ times $$x $$ is $$39$$.
$$\displaystyle 3x+16=39$$
What is an equation? A statement in which the values of two mathematical expressions are equal.

Basic Geometrical Ideas Class 6 Maths MCQ Quiz

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Basic Geometrical Ideas Questions and Answers

Basic Geometrical Ideas Quiz Question Answer
The lines which lie on the same plane and do not intersect at any point are called: Parallel
The fixed end point of the $$\displaystyle \overrightarrow {TO}$$ is point T
Which of the following has a definite length ? Line segment
Which term of geometry would you associate with an edge of your book? A line segment
Line segment has ___________ end points. $$2$$
Polygons are ............... figures. many sided
A polygon has _____ number of angles as sides. equal
The number of lines that can be drawn passing through two distinct points is $$1$$
Plane figure with four sides is known as a  quadrilateral
State true(T) or false(F):
The vertex of an angle lies in its interior.

Data Handling Class 6 Maths MCQ Quiz

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Data Handling Questions and Answers

Data Handling Quiz Question Answer
Which one of the following represents the number $$8$$:
In a bar graph, each bar (rectangle) represents only one value of the numerical data.  True
State True or False:
An observation occurring five times in a data is recorded as | | | | |, using tally marks.
Number of TV sets sold in the year $$1995$$ is
$$\Uparrow \quad \Uparrow\quad  \Uparrow \quad \Uparrow$$  Number represented by figure is ____, if each symbol represents 5 houses. $$20$$
A pictorial representation of data is called .......
none of these
A pictorial representation of data is called pictograph
On which day the bus was most crowded?
A symbol is used to represent $$10$$ flowers. Number of symbols to be drawn to show $$60$$ flowers is ___ $$6$$

Decimals Class 6 Maths MCQ Quiz

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Decimals Questions and Answers

Decimals Quiz Question Answer
$$685.59 - x = 607.88 - 351.46$$ $$429.17$$
Expanded form of 92083.1 90000 + 2000 + 80 + 3 + 0.1
Which of the following is equivalent to $$ \dfrac{77}{100}$$? $$0.77$$
Write the following fraction into decimal form:
$$\dfrac{1}{2} $$ =
Evaluate : $$88.8 + 8.08 + 0.08 + 88.08 + 0.80 + 888$$. $$1073.84$$
Evaluate : $$0.75 - 0.0075$$. $$0.7425$$
Evaluate the missing term:
$$301.01 - 0.101 =$$ ___ $$+ 198.01$$
Expanded form of 34.059 is $$30\,+\, 4\, +\, \displaystyle\frac{5}{100}\,+\, \frac{9}{1000}$$
A shopkeeper sold $$12.750$$ kg of sugar one a day. On the next day he sold $$38.250$$ kg of sugar. On the third day he sold $$50.500$$ kg of sugar. How much of sugar in all did the shopkeeper sell altogether? $$101.5$$ kg
Simplified value for $$12.500 + 8.75 + 2.25$$ is

Fractions Class 6 Maths MCQ Quiz

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Fractions Questions and Answers

Fractions Quiz Question Answer
Which of the following is not a proper fraction ?
A quantity which expresses a part of the whole is called a/an:
Mixed fraction for $${\dfrac{39}{12}}$$ is  $${3\dfrac {3}{12}}$$
Which figure shows $$\displaystyle{\frac{1}{10}}$$ shaded?  
Which of the following fraction is located at the point $$A$$ on the number line?
Use the number line below to determine which fraction belongs in the box.
In improper fraction the numerator is always _______ the denominator  greater than
The difference between $$\displaystyle \frac { 14 }{ 29 } and \frac {6} {29} $$ is $$\displaystyle \frac { 8 }{ 29 }$$
Subtract $$\displaystyle \frac {8} {10}\ from\ \frac {11} {25}$$
$$\displaystyle -\dfrac {9} {25} $$
Which of the following is not an improper fraction?

Integers Class 6 Maths MCQ Quiz

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Integers Questions and Answers

Integers Quiz Question Answer
'Rushabh walked 3 units west.' ; the position of Rushabh is $$- 3$$
Which list of integers is in order from the least to the greatest? $$-42, -39, -4, 40, 41$$
Integers consist of all whole numbers and the numbers which are on the ______ of $$0$$ on the number line. Left side
Compare: $$+15\;\square-27$$ $$>$$
The value of $$52-27 $$ is $$25$$
Solve $$(-87) + (-35) = $$ -122
What value should come in place of question mark (?) in the questions given below ?
29 + 729 = ?
The successor of the lowest positive integer is
Compare: $$+42\;\square+23$$ $$>$$
The greatest negative integer from the following given numbers is $$-1$$

Knowing Our Numbers Class 6 Maths MCQ Quiz

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Knowing Our Numbers Questions and Answers

Knowing Our Numbers Quiz Question Answer
An $$8$$ digit number starts with ________ place in the International system. ten millions
$$1$$ billion $$=$$ _______ crores.
Numeral for sixteen crore four lakh fifty thousand three hundred ten is 160450310
Ten million = __________. $$1$$ crore
Dishan tried to evaluate $$(16 + 14) 2 + 3$$.
Her work is below:
$$(16 + 14) 2 + 3$$
Step 1: $$= (30) 2 +3$$
Step 2: $$= (30) 5$$
Step 3: $$= 6$$
In which step did Dishan first make a mistake?
Step 2
A glass contains $$45ml$$ water. How many liters of water will be there in $$75$$ glasses. $$3L$$ $$375ml$$
Disha has $$5456 ml$$ of Juice. In liters the capacity will be  $$5L$$ $$456ml$$
In a bucket there are $$15 L$$ $$290$$ $$ml$$ of water and in another bucket there are $$11 L$$ of water. How much water is there in the two buckets? $$26290$$ $$ ml$$
Neeraj had $$Rs 175$$ with him. He gave $$53$$ Rs. $$25$$ paise to his brother to buy a color box. How much money is left with Neeraj? $$121$$ Rs. $$75$$ paise
A shopkeeper has a stock of $$315 L$$ of kerosene oil. He sold $$205 L$$ $$200ml$$ kerosene oil. How much oil is now in stock? $$109L$$ $$800 ml$$

Mensuration Class 6 Maths MCQ Quiz

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Mensuration Questions and Answers

Mensuration Quiz Question Answer
Perimeter of a square whose side measures $$4$$ m is: $$16$$ m
Perimeter of square of sides is
If the length and breadth of a rectangle are doubled then its perimeter is
Perimeter of a square whose side measures $$4\ m$$ is
$$16\ m$$
Perimeter of a square $$728$$ cm. Then the measure of its side is :  $$182$$ cm
The perimeter of a square field whose side is $$ 4 \ m$$  is ........... m. $$16$$
The perimeter of a rectangle whose length$$(l)$$ and breadth$$(b)$$ are given, is
Perimeter of a square is? 
Where $$s$$ is the side of the square.
The perimeter of the rectangle whose length = $$25$$ cm, breadth = $$15$$cm is ............ cm. $$80$$
Perimeter of a square garden is $$444$$ m. Then its side measures $$111$$ m

Playing With Numbers Class 6 Maths MCQ Quiz

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Playing With Numbers Questions and Answers

Playing With Numbers Quiz Question Answer
Identify the prime number among the following options. $$11$$
Addition of prime number may give a prime number or composite number
Which of the following is the factor of all prime numbers? $$1$$
State true or false:
A number and its successor are always co-primes.
The total number of prime numbers between $$120$$ and $$140$$ is
Which of the following is not a prime number ?
Which of the following is not a composite number?
An integer which is not divisible by 2 is called a/an
odd number
The units digit of every prime number (other than $$2$$ and $$5$$) must be necessarily
$$1, 3, 7$$ or $$9$$
Which of the following is not a composite number?

Practical Geometry Class 6 Maths MCQ Quiz

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Practical Geometry Questions and Answers

Practical Geometry Quiz Question Answer
In order to duplicate a given angle, which of the following instruments can be used? Compass
Which of the following angles is not possible to duplicate using a compass? None of these
A perpendicular is drawn using set square
State whether the following statement is true or false.
If a line segment $$AB$$ is bisected at point $$P$$ and through point $$P$$ another line segment $$PQ$$ which is perpendicular to $$AB,$$ is drawn then $$QA=QB.$$
Which construction is shown in the accompanying diagram?
The perpendicular bisector of $$\overline{AB}$$
You are asked to "construct" an angle whose measure is $$30^\circ$$. Which of the following methods would be considered as an acceptable construction?  Using a compass and straightedge, construct an equilateral triangle and then bisect one of its angles.
The instrument to measure an angle is a  Protractor
When a perpendicular is drawn to a given line, in what ratio is the line divided into? Cannot be said
State the following statement is True or False
When constructing the bisector of a line segment, you are also constructing the perpendicular bisector of the segment.
Instrument used to measure or construct angles is- None of these

Ratio And Proportion Class 6 Maths MCQ Quiz

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Ratio And Proportion Questions and Answers

Ratio And Proportion Quiz Question Answer
In a cricket team the ratio of total number of players to the number of wicket keepers is $$\dfrac{11}{1}$$
In the word MATHEMATICS, the ratio of number of consonants to the number of vowels is $$7 : 4$$
In the word 'proportion', the ratio of number of p's to the number of o's is: $$2 : 3$$
Ratio of 250ml to 2L is 1 : 8
In $$12 : 24$$, the consequent is _______ $$24$$
Find the ratio of $$5$$ cm to $$10$$ m $$\dfrac{1}{200}$$
A jar contains black and white marbles. If there are 25 marbles in the jar, then which of the following could not be the ratio of black to white marbles? $$\dfrac{1}{10}$$
The Simplest form of 144:28 is $$\dfrac{36}{7}$$
A farmer has enough food to feed $$20$$ animals in his cattle for $$6$$ days. How long would the food last if there were $$10$$ more animals in his cattle?
To make a cup of tea, the ratio of water to milk is $$3: 1$$. To make $$4$$ cups of tea the ratio of water to milk is :  $$12 :4$$

Symmetry Class 6 Maths MCQ Quiz

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Symmetry Questions and Answers

Symmetry Quiz Question Answer
State whether true or false:
The letter F has no line of symmetry.
Which of the following alphabet has many lines of symmetry? O B
State whether true or false:
The letter B has one line of symmetry.
State whether true or false:
The letter O has only two lines of symmetry.
State whether true or false:
The letter N has one line of symmetry.
State whether true or false:
The letter D has two lines of symmetry.
State whether the statement is true (T) or false (F).
A right triangle can have at most one line of symmetry.
State whether the following statement is true (T) or false(F):
The letter N has one line of symmetry.
A line of symmetry divides a figure into two identical parts. True
Which of the following figure(s) have only one line of symmetry?

Understanding Elementary Shapes Class 6 Maths MCQ Quiz

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Understanding Elementary Shapes Questions and Answers

Understanding Elementary Shapes Quiz Question Answer
Which one of the following triangle is not an acute isosceles triangle?
Identify the 2D figure.
Use observation method and find a relation between both the line segments given in figure.
$$PQ$$ is less than $$AB$$
In which of the given figures, the distance between trees is greater.
Eshita marked a point at the middle of the line segment $$ AB$$ of length $$12$$ $$cm$$ and named it as $$C.$$ Then $$AB - BC = AC$$
Draw a line segment of length $$10$$ units $$AB$$ and divide it into two equal parts $$AC$$ and $$BC$$. Further divide $$BC$$ into two equal parts $$BD$$ and $$DC$$. Using ruler and divider, choose the correct statement/s. $$BC$$ is equal to the half of $$AB$$
In given figure, $$R$$ is near to ____.
The length of $$AB$$ is ____ given in figure.
$$3$$ units
Which of the following is a right angled triangle?
$$\triangle BDC$$
How many faces does the solid in the given figure have?

Whole Numbers Class 6 Maths MCQ Quiz

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Whole Numbers Questions and Answers

Whole Numbers Quiz Question Answer
The smallest natural number is
The smallest whole number is
The natural number which is a multiple of every number is ________. There is no such number
A whole number is added to $$25$$ and the same number is subtracted from $$25$$. The sum of the resulting numbers is  $$50$$
Fill in the blank:
The number ____ is marked with red colour on number line.
What is the value of $$9-4$$? Solve using number line. $$5$$
$$80808080$$ comes just after $$80808079$$
38 + 83 = 83 + 38 is an example of: Commutative property
RHS part of the equation $$36(8+3) =$$ _______ $$(36 \times 8) + (36 \times 3)$$
Predecessor of natural number 1  Does not exist

CBSE Class 6th Maths Sample Paper MCQ Questions with Answers

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