Government Budget And The Economy - Class 12 Commerce Economics - Extra Questions

Define or explain the following concepts.
Government Expenditure.

Distinguish between 
Cash Credits and Overdraft Facility.

Explain the following objectives of government budget.
(a) Allocation of resources
(b) Reducing income inequalities.

What is meant by budget of the government? Given two differences between revenue expenditure and capital expenditure.

Distinguish between 'Surplus budget and Deficit budget'.

What are the types of budget?

What are the main components of budget?

How can increase in the government expenditure solve the problem of deficient demand?

Long Answer Type Questions :
Explain in brief the various components of expenditure method.

Discuss the role of government In correcting excess demand with the help of a diagram.

Explain the need for reduction in inequalities of income and wealth. Explain any two budgetary measures by which it can be done. 

Differentiate between revenue budget and capital budget. 

In the Government of a country's budget for the year 2013-14, the Finance Minister proposed to raise the tax on cigarettes. He also proposed to increase income tax on individuals earning more than rupees one crore per annum. Is the objective only to earn revenue for the government? What possible welfare objective can you think of from these proposals? Explain. 

Giving reasons, classify the following as direct and indirect taxes:
(i) IncomeTax
(ii) Goods and Services Tax
(iii) Corporate Tax
(iv) Capital GainsTax 

Explain how can government spending be helpful in removing deficient demand.

How can surplus budget be used during inflation? 

Very short answer type question:
State any one objective of a government budget.

Short answer type questions:
Elaborate 'Economic Growth' as an objective of government budget. 

Short answer type questions:
How can a govermment budget help in reducing inequallties of income? Explain.

Short answer type questions:
Explain objective of stability of prices of government budget

Very short answer type question:
A government budget shows a primary deficit of Rs. 4,400 crores. The revenue expenditure on interest payment is Rs. 400 crores. How much is the fiscal deficit?

Very short answer type question:
Name any one step the government can take through its budget to reduce the gap between the rich and the poor.

Long answer type questions:
Define Government budget. Explain the various objectives of a government budget.

Long answer type questions:
Explain the role the government can play through the budget in influencing allocation of resources. 

What are the reasons for increasing government expenditure in India ?

Short answer type questions:
Reduction in income inequalities raises welfare of the people. How can government help through government budget, in this regard? Explain.

Long answer type questions:
Explain the objectives of resource allocation and income distribution in a government budget.

Long answer type questions:
Explain how the government can use the budgetary policy in reducing inequalities in incomes.

Long answer type questions:
Explain the role of government budget in fighting inflationary and deflationary tendencies.

Answer the following question in $$4$$ sentences.
What are the differences between balance of trade and balance of payments?

Answer the following question in $$20$$ sentences.
Write a note on balance of payment.

Answer the following question in $$4$$ sentences.
Write the differences between public provision and public production.

What does the budget reveal?

What is the purpose of incurring capital expenditure?

What is Government expenditure?

How primary deficit is the root cause of fiscal deficit?

How to classify expenditure as revenue or capital expenditure?

What are revenue receipts in a government budget ?

When is the budget presented in the Parliament every year?

What is the period of a budget?

The interest payments as per the Government budget during a year are 9,000 crores, which is 40% of primary deficit, then what is fiscal deficit?

If interest payments are estimated at 40,000 crores and total borrowings requirements are 70,000 crores, what is primary deficit?

What are planned expenditures?

What are non-planned expenditures?

What is the formula for calculating primary deficit?

What is the formula of calculating revenue deficit?

Categorise expenditure incurred on administrative and defence services into revenue or capital expenditure.

If primary deficit is 5,300 crores and interest payments is 300 crores, what is the fiscal deficit?

What are the various formulae to calculate fiscal deficit?

From the following data about a govt. budget, find out: a) Revenue deficit b) Fiscal deficit c) Primary deficit
(i) plan capital expenditure = 120
(ii) Revenue expenditure = 100
(iii) Non plan capital expenditure = 80
(iv) Revenue receipts = 70
(v) direct taxes = 45
(vi) interest payments = 30

Explain how government budget can be helpful in bringing economic stabilization in the economy.

Class 12 Commerce Economics Extra Questions