Mathematical Reasoning - Class 11 Engineering Maths - Extra Questions

Are the following pairs of statements negations of each other?
(i) The number $$x$$ is not a rational number
The number $$x$$ is not an irrational number
(ii) The number $$x$$ is a rational number
The number $$x$$ is an irrational number

Find the component statements of the following compound statements and check whether they are true or false
(i) Number $$3$$ is prime or it is odd
(ii) All integers are positive or negative
(iii)$$ 100$$ is divisible by $$3, 11$$ and $$5$$

Write the truth table of $$p\Rightarrow(p\wedge q)$$

$$p\Rightarrow p\vee q$$ is a

State whether True or False. Correct that are false.
(i) A point whose x coordinate is zero and y-coordinate is non-zero will lie on the y-axis.
(ii) A point whose y coordinate is zero and x-coordinate is $$5$$ will lie on y-axis.
(iii) The coordinates of the origin are $$(0,\,0)$$

State whether the following sentences are always true, always false or ambiguous. Justify your answer.
There are $$27$$ days in a month.

State whether the following sentence is always true, always false or ambiguous. Justify your answer.
February has only $$28$$ days.

State whether the following statements are true or false. Give reasons for your answers.
Square numbers can be written as the sum of two odd numbers.

State whether the following sentence is always true, always false or ambiguous. 
The temperature in Hyderabad is $$2^o$$C.

Write the converse and contrapositive of the statement
"If two traingles are congruent, then their areas are equal."

State whether the following sentence is always true, always false or ambiguous. Justify your answer.
Makarasankranthi falls on a Friday.

State whether the following sentence is always true, always false or ambiguous. Justify your answer.
Dogs can fly.

Using truth tables, examine whether the statement pattern $$(p\wedge q)\vee (p\wedge r)$$ is a tautology, contradiction or contingency

Write the converse and contrapositive of the statement "If the two lines are parallel then they do not intersects in the same plane".

Prepare the truth table for the following statement pattern
$$\left( p\vee \sim q \right) \rightarrow \left( r\wedge p \right) $$

If a compound statement is made up of three simple statements, then the number of rows in the truth table is

Write down the negations for the following:
(a) If the diagonals of a parallelogram are perpendicular then it is a rhombus.
(b) Kanchanganga is in India and Everest is in Nepal.
(c) The Sun is a star or the Jupiter is a planet.

Write the negation of the statement "$$\sqrt {7}$$ is irrational"

Do you think the reverse is also true ., is  the sum of any two consecutive positive integers is perfect square of a number ? Given example to support your answer.

Write opposite of the following:
a)$$30 \,km$$ north
b)Increase in weight
c)Loss of $$Rs. 700$$
d)$$100 \,m$$ a bove sea level

$$Y$$ is to the East of $$X$$, which is to the North of $$Z$$. if  $$P$$ is to the South of $$Z$$ , then $$P$$ is in which direction with respect to  $$Y$$ ?

Negation of the statement $$p$$ : for every real number, either $$x > 1$$ or $$x < 1$$ is 

Write the compound statement of the following compound statement and check whether the compound statement is true or false : "Zero is less than every positive integer and every negative integer" 

Write the converse and contropositive of 'If a parallelogram is a square , then it is a rhombus'.

Find the truth value of $$14$$ is a composite number or $$15$$ is a prime no.

Write the negation of the following statements
i) $$\sqrt{7}$$ is a rational number.
ii) Length of both diagonals of any rectangle are equal.

Write the converse, inverse and contrapositive of the following statement :
A family becomes literate if the women in it are literate.

Fill in the blank.
The sum of the measure of complementary angle is _______

Prathyusha stated that "the average of first $$10$$ odd numbers is also $$10$$". Do you agree with her? Justify your answer.

Verify the property $$a\times (b+c)=(a\times b)+(a\times c)$$ When $$a=\frac { 1 }{ 2 } ,b=\frac { 3 }{ 7 } \quad \quad \& \quad c=\frac { 5 }{ 14 } $$.

Tell whether the following is certain to happen, impossible can happen but not certain.
You are older today than yesterday.

If $$ \vec{a},\vec{b} $$ are two vectors, then write the truth value of the following statement:
$$\vec{a} = -\vec{b} \Rightarrow |\vec{a}|=|\vec{b}| $$  

If $$ \vec{a},\vec{b} $$ are two vectors, then write the truth value of the following statement:
$$ |\vec{a}| = |\vec{b}|\Rightarrow \vec{a} = \pm \vec{b} $$  

If $$ \vec{a},\vec{b} $$ are two vectors, then write the truth value of the following statement :
$$ |\vec{a}| = |\vec{b}|\Rightarrow \vec{a} = \vec{b} $$ 

Write the negation of the following statement and check whether the resulting statement is true.
The sum of $$2$$ and $$5$$ is $$9$$.

Find out which of the following sentences are statement and which are not. Justify your answer.
Mathematics is difficult.

Write the negative of the following statements:
Banglore is the capital of Karnataka.

Write the negative of the following statements:
$$r:$$ There exists a number $$x$$ such that $$0<x<1$$.

Write the negative of the following statements:
It rained on July $$4, 2005$$

Find out which of the following sentences are statement and which are not Justify your answer.
Is the earth round?

Write the negative of the following statements:
The sun is cold.

Find out which of the following sentences are statement and which are not Justify your answer.
The product of $$(-1)$$ and $$8$$ is $$8$$

Write the negative of the following statements:
The earth is round

Write the negative of the following statement:
'I will not go to school'.

Write the negative of the following statements:
Ravish is honest.

Write the negative of the following statements:
$$p:$$ For every positive real number $$x$$, the number $$(x-1)$$ is also positive.

Find the components statement of the following compound statements:
The sky is blue and the grass is green.

Determine the contrapositive of  the following statements:
If it snows, then they do not drive the car.

Determine the contrapositve of each of the following statements:
If Mohan is a poet, then he is poor

Find the components statement of the following compound statements:
The earth is round or the sun is cols.

Find the components statement of the following compound statements:
$$25$$ is a multiple of $$5$$ and $$8$$

Write the component statement of the following compounds statements and check whether the compound statement is true or false:
$$x=2$$ and $$x=3$$ are the roots of the equation $$3x^{2}-x-10=0$$

Write each of the following statements in the form if ..... then;
When a number is a multiple of $$9$$, it is necessarily a multiple of $$3$$

Find the components statement of the following compound statements:
All rational numbers are real and all real numbers are complex.

Statement the converse and contrapositive of each of the following statements:
If a quadrilateral is a parallelogram, then its diagonal bisect each other.

State which of the following is the statement. Justify. In case of a statement, state its truth value.
$$ x - 3 = 14 $$

State which of the following is the statement. Justify. In case of a statement, state its truth value.
Close the door

Write the negation of each of the following statement:
The sum of $$4$$ and $$5$$ is $$8$$.

Write the negation of the following statements :
Every student has paid the fees.

Write the negation of the following statements : 
The number $$ 2 $$ is greater than $$ 7 $$.

State which of the following is the statement. Justify. In case of a statement, state its truth value.
$$ 5 + 4 = 13 $$

State which of the following is the statement. Justify. In case of a statement, state its truth value.
Zero is a complex number. 

Write the negation of the following statements : 
Chennai is the capital of Tamil Nadu. 

Write the negation of the following statement :
None of the students of this class has passed.

State which of the following is the statement. Justify. In case of a statement, state its truth value. 
A quadratic equation cannot have more than two roots. 

State which of the following is the statement. Justify. In case of a statement, state its truth value. 
$$ x^2 = x $$ 

State which of the following is the statement. Justify. In case of a statement, state its truth value. 
The sum of cube roots of unity is zero. 

State which of the following is the statement. Justify. In case of a statement, state its truth value.
Please get me breakfast. 

State which of the following is the statement. Justify. In case of a statement, state its truth value. 
All real numbers are whole numbers. 

State which of the following is the statement. Justify. In case of a statement, state its truth value. 
The sun sets in the west

State which of the following is the statement. Justify. In case of a statement, state its truth value.
Congruent triangles are similar.

State which of the following is the statement. Justify. In case of a statement, state its truth value. 
$$ x^2 - 6x - 7 = 0 $$ , when $$ x = 7 $$ 

State which of the following is the statement. Justify. In case of a statement, state its truth value. 
Can you speak in Marathi ? 

State which of the following is the statement. Justify. In case of a statement, state its truth value. 
Do you like Mathematics ? 

If the statement $$p , q $$ are true statement and $$ r , s $$ are false statement then determine the truth value of the following:
$$ (p \rightarrow q) \vee (r \rightarrow s) $$

Write the truth values of the following 
Milk is white if and only if sky is blue.

State which of the following is the statement. Justify. In case of a statement, state its truth value. 
It rains heavily. 

Write the truth values of the following.
It is not true that $$5 - 3i $$ is a real number.

Write the truth values of the following.
$$24$$ is a composite number or $$17$$ is a prime number.

Write the truth values of the following 
$$4$$ is odd or $$1$$ is prime. 

Write the truth values of the following.
$$5$$ is a prime number and $$7$$ divides $$94$$.

Write the truth values of the following.
If $$ 3 \times 5 = 8 $$ then $$ 3 + 5 = 15 $$.

If the statement $$p , q $$ are true statement and $$ r , s $$ are false statement then determine the truth value of the following:
$$(p \rightarrow q) \wedge \sim r $$ 

Write the truth values of the following.
$$64$$ is a perfect square and $$46$$ is a prime number. 

Write the negation of the following.
$$3$$ is not a root of the equation $$ x^2 + 3x - 18 = 0 $$ 

If the statement $$p , q $$ are true statement and $$ r , s $$ are false statement then determine the truth value of the following:
$$(\sim r \leftrightarrow p) \rightarrow \, \sim q $$ 

Write the negation of the following.
Tirupati is in Andhra Pradesh. 

If the statement $$p , q $$ are true statement and $$ r , s $$ are false statement then determine the truth value of the following:
$$ [(\sim p \wedge q) \wedge \, \sim r] \vee [(q \rightarrow p) \rightarrow (\sim s \vee r)] $$ 

If $$ A = \left  \{3 , 5 , 7 , 9 , 11 , 12  \right  \} $$, determine the truth value of the following.
$$ \forall \, x \, \in \,A , x^2 + x $$ is an even number 

If the statement $$p , q $$ are true statement and $$ r , s $$ are false statement then determine the truth value of the following:
$$ [ \sim p \wedge (\sim q \wedge r)] \vee [(q \wedge r) \vee (p \wedge r)] $$ 

If $$ A = \left  \{3 , 5 , 7 , 9 , 11 , 12  \right  \} $$, determine the truth value of the following.
$$\displaystyle  \exists \, x \, \in  A $$ such that $$ x - 8 = 1 $$ 

Write the negation of the following.
$$ \sqrt{2} $$ is a rational number. 

Write the negation of the following.
$$ 7 + 3 > 5 $$ 

Write the negation of the following.
Polygon ABCDE is a pentagon. 

If $$ A = \left  \{3 , 5 , 7 , 9 , 11 , 12  \right  \} $$, determine the truth value of the following.
$$ \exists \, x \, \in  A $$ such that $$3x + 8 > 40 $$ 

Write the negation of the following.
$$ x + 8 > 11 $$ or $$ y - 3 = 6 $$ 

Write the negation of the following.
Quadrilateral is a square if and only if it is a rhombus.

Write the negation of the following.
$$ 11 < 15 $$ and $$ 25 > 20 $$ 

Write the negation of the following.
It is cold and raining.

Write the negation of the following.
If it is raining then we will go and play football.

If $$ A = \left  \{3 , 5 , 7 , 9 , 11 , 12  \right  \} $$, determine the truth value of the following.
$$ \forall \, x \in  A , 2x + 9 > 14 $$ 

If $$ A = \left  \{3 , 5 , 7 , 9 , 11 , 12  \right  \} $$, determine the truth value of the following.
$$ \exists \, x \, \in  \, A $$ such that $$ x^2 < 0 $$

Write the negation of the following.
All natural numbers are whole numbers.

If $$ A = \left  \{3 , 5 , 7 , 9 , 11 , 12  \right  \} $$, determine the truth value of the following.
$$ \forall \, x \, \in \, A , x $$ is an even number 

Write converse , inverse and contrapositive of the following statements.
If voltage increases then current decreases.

Write the negation of the following.
$$ \exists \, x \in  N $$ such that $$ x - 17 < 20 $$ 

Using the rule of negation write the negation of the following with justification.
$$ (\sim p \, \vee \, \sim q) \vee (p\, \wedge \, \sim q) $$ 

Using the rule of negation write the negation of the following with justification.
$$ p\,  \vee \, \sim q $$ 

Using the rule of negation write the negation of the following with justification.
$$ p \rightarrow (p \vee \, \sim q) $$ 

Using the rule of negation write the negation of the following with justification.
$$ \sim q \rightarrow p $$ 

Using the rule of negation write the negation of the following with justification.
$$ (p\,  \vee \, \sim q) \rightarrow (p \, \wedge \sim q) $$ 

Using the rule of negation write the negation of the following with justification.
$$(p \vee \, \sim q) \wedge r $$ 

Using the rule of negation write the negation of the following with justification.
$$ p \wedge \, \sim q $$ 

Write the negation of the following.
$$ \forall \, n \in  N , n^2 + n + 2 $$ is divisible by $$4$$.

Without using the truth table show that 
$$ p \leftrightarrow q \equiv (p \wedge q) \vee (\sim p\, \wedge \sim q) $$ 

Rewrite the following statement without using if ........ then.
If $$ f(2) = 0 $$ then $$ f(x) $$ is divisible by $$(x - 2) $$.

Rewrite the following statement without using if ........ then.
If a man is a judge then he is honest. 

Rewrite the following statement without using if ........ then.
If $$2$$ is a rational number then $$ \sqrt{2} $$ is irrational number.

Which of the following sentence is the statement in logic ? Justify. Write down the truth value of the statement:
India is a country and Himalayas is a river.

Which of the following sentence is the statement in logic ? Justify. Write down the truth value of the statement:
If $$x$$ is a whole number then $$ x + 6 = 0 $$.

Write the truth table value of the following statement:
$$ \sqrt{5} $$ is an irrational but $$ 3\sqrt{5} $$ is a complex number.

Which of the following sentence is the statement in logic ? Justify. Write down the truth value of the statement:
$$ 4 ! = 24 $$ 

Which of the following sentence is the statement in logic ? Justify. Write down the truth value of the statement:
$$ \pi $$ is an irrational number.

Write the truth table value of the following statement:
In $$ \Delta$$ ABC if all sides are equal then its all angles are equal.

Which of the following sentence is the statement in logic ? Justify. Write down the truth value of the statement:
Please get me a glass of water.

Write the truth table value of the following statement:
The square of any even number is odd or the cube of any odd number is odd.

Write the truth table value of the following statement:
$$ \exists \, n \in N $$ such that $$ n + 5 > 10 $$.

Which of the following sentence is the statement in logic ? Justify. Write down the truth value of the statement:
$$ \cos^2 \theta - \sin^2 \theta = \cos 2 \theta $$ for all $$ \theta \in R $$ 

If $$ A = \left  \{1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 ,7 , 8 , 9  \right  \} $$, determine the truth value of the following statement:
$$ \forall \, x \in A , 3x \leq 25 $$.

Write negation of the following:
Some triangles are equilateral triangle.

Write the truth table value of the following statement:
$$ \forall \, n \in N , n + 6 > 8 $$.

If $$ A = \left  \{1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 ,7 , 8 , 9  \right  \} $$, determine the truth value of the following statement:
$$ \exists \, x \in A $$ , such that $$ x + 7 \geq 11 $$.

Write negation of the following:
$$ \exists \, x \in A $$, such that $$ x + 9 \leq 15 $$.

Write negation of the following:
$$ \forall \, n \in A , n + 7 > 6 $$.

If $$ A = \left  \{1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 ,7 , 8 , 9  \right  \} $$, determine the truth value of the following statement:
$$ \forall \, x \in A , x + 5 < 12 $$.

Determine the truth values of $$p$$ and $$q$$ in the following case:
$$(p \vee q) $$ is $$T$$ and $$ (p \wedge q) $$ is $$T$$

If $$ A = \left  \{1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 ,7 , 8 , 9  \right  \} $$, determine the truth value of the following statement:
$$ \exists \, x \in A $$ such that $$ x + 8 = 15 $$

Determine the truth values of $$p$$ and $$q$$ in the following case:
$$ (p \wedge q) $$ is $$F$$ and $$(p \wedge q) \rightarrow q $$ is $$T$$

Write the converse of the following statement. If the sum of the digits of a number is divisible by $$3$$ then the number is divisible by $$3$$.

Write the following statement in conditional form. Angles in a linear pair are supplementary.

Write the converses of the following statement. The alternate angles formed by two parallel lines and their transversal are congruent.

Write the converses of the following statement. If a pair of the interior angles made by a transversal of two lines are supplementary then the lines are parallel.

Write the converse of the following statement. If the sum of measures of two angles is $$90^\circ$$ then they are the complement of each other.

Write the converses of the following statement. The diagonals of a rectangle are congruent.

Write the following statement in conditional form. Every rhombus is a square.

A die is numbered in such a way that its faces show the numbers 1,2,2,3,3,It is thrown two times and the total score in two throws is noted. Complete the following table which gives a few values of the total score on the two throws.
What is the probability that the total score is even

Write the negation of the following statements:
(i) Chennai is the capital of Tamil Nadu
(ii) $$\displaystyle \sqrt{2}$$ is not a complex number 
(iii) All triangles are not equilateral triangle
(iv) The number $$2$$ is greater than $$7$$
(v) Every natural number is an integer

Show that the following statement is true by the method of contrapositive
p : If $$x$$ is an integer and $$\displaystyle x^{2}$$ is even then $$x$$ is also even

Given statements in (a) and (b) Identify the statements given below as contrapositive or converse of each other
(a) If you live in Delhi then you have winter clothes
(i) If you do not have winter clothes then you do not live in Delhi
(ii) If you have winter clothes then you live in Delhi
(b) If a quadrilateral is a parallelogram then its diagonals bisect each other
(i) If the diagonals of a quadrilateral do not bisect each other then the quadrilateral is not a parallelogram
(ii) If the diagonals of a quadrilateral bisect each other then it is a parallelogram

Write the contrapositive and converse of the following statements
(i) If $$x$$ is a prime number then $$x$$ is odd
(ii) It the two lines are parallel then they do not intersect in the same plane
(iii) Something is cold implies that it has low temperature
(iv) You cannot comprehend geometry if you do not know how to reason deductively
(v) $$x$$ is an even number implies that $$x$$ is divisible by $$4$$

Write each of the following statement in the form "if-then"
(i) You get a job implies that your credentials are good
(ii) The Banana trees will bloom if it stays warm for a month
(iii) A quadrilateral is a parallelogram if its diagonals bisect each other
(iv) To get $$\displaystyle A^{+}$$ in the class it is necessary that you do the exercises of the book 

Write the negation of the following statements:
(i) p : For every positive real number $$x$$ the number $$x -1$$ is also positive
(ii) q : All cats scratch
(iii) r : For every real number $$x$$, either $$x > 1$$ or $$x < 1$$
(iv) s : There exist a number $$x$$ such that $$0 < x < 1$$

Write each of the statements in the form "if p then q"
(i) p : It is necessary to have a password to log on to the server
(ii) q : There is traffic jam whenever it rains
(iii) r : You can access the website only if you pay a subscription fee

Check whether the following pair of statements is negation of each other. Give reasons for the answer
(i) $$x + y = y + x$$  is true for every real numbers $$x$$ and $$y$$
(ii) There exists real number $$x$$ and $$y$$ for which $$x + y = y + x$$

Show that the statement
$$p$$ : "If $$x$$ is a real number such that $$\displaystyle x^{3}+4x=0$$ then $$x$$ is $$0$$" is true by 
(i) direct method
(ii) method of contradiction
(iii) method of contrapositive

State the converse and contrapositive of each of the following statements:
(i) p : A positive integer is prime only if it has no divisors other than $$1$$  and itself
(ii) q : I go to a beach whenever it is a sunny day
(iii) r : If it is hot outside then you feel thirsty

Identify the quantifier in the following statements and write the negation of the statements
(i) There exists a number which is equal to its square
(ii) For every real number $$x, x$$ is less than $$x + 1$$
(iii) There exists a capital for every state in India

Re write each of the following statements in the form "p if and only if q" 
(i) p : If you watch television then your mind is free and if your mind is free then you watch television
(ii) q : For you to get an A grade it is necessary and sufficient that you do all the homework regularly
(iii) r : If a quadrilateral is equiangular then it is a rectangle and if a quadrilateral is a rectangle then it is equiangular

State whether the following sentences are always true, false or ambiguous. Justify your answer.
The earth is the only planet where life exist.

Find the total surface area of a closed cylindrical petrol storage tank whose diameter 4.2 m and height 4.5 m.

$$(x + 7)^2 = x^2 + 49$$

Construct the truth table for $$(p \wedge q) \vee [\sim (p \wedge q)]$$.

Prove: $$\sim (p\Rightarrow q)\equiv p\wedge (\sim q)$$.

Prove that: $$\sim (p\Leftrightarrow q)\equiv \sim p\Leftrightarrow q$$.

Construct the truth table for the statement $$(p \wedge q) \vee r$$.

Prepare the truth table for the following.
$$\sim p\leftrightarrow q$$

Write the converse and contrapositive of the following statement: 

If $$x+3 =9$$, then $$x=6$$.

Write converse and inverse of the following statement:
"If Ravi is good in logic then Ravi is good in Mathematics."

Prepare the truth table for the following.
$$\sim p\wedge q$$.

Write converse, inverse and contrapositive of the following conditional statement:
If an angle is a right angle then its measure is $$90^{\circ}$$.

Find truth value of compound statement 'All natural number are even or odd''  

Prepare the truth tables for the following: 
$$p\rightarrow \left( p\wedge q \right)$$

The negation of $$q\vee \sim (p \wedge r)$$ is?

prepare the truth table of the following statement patterns.
$$(i)\,\,\,[(p \to q) \wedge q] \to p$$
$$(ii)\,(p \wedge q) \to  \sim p$$
$$(iii)(p \to q) \leftrightarrow (\sim p \vee q)$$
$$(iv)\,(p \leftrightarrow r)\, \wedge (q \leftrightarrow p)$$
$$(v)\,(p\, \vee  \sim q) \to (r \wedge p)$$

Contrapositive of the statement 'If two number are not equal, then their squares are not equal', is: 

Write converse of statement. In $$\Delta ABC$$, if $$AB=AC$$ then $$\angle C=\angle B$$.

Write the converse, inverse and contrapositive of the following statements : "If a function is differentiable then it is continuous".

Write the truth values of following statements 
(i) 9 is a perfect square but 11 is a prime number. 
(ii) Moscow is in Russia.
(iii) London is in France. 

Prove that $$3+\sqrt{7}$$ is irrational number.

Consider the following three statements:
P     : 5 is a prime number.
Q     : 7 is a factor of 192.
R     : L. C. M. of 5 and 7 is 35.
Then the truth value of which one of the following statements is true ? 

Are the following pairs of statements are negation of each other
(i)The number x is not a rational number.
The number x is not an irrational number.

State the converse, inverse and contrapositive of the following conditional statement:
If the teacher is absent, then the students are happy.

when $$x\in R$$
Are the following pairs of the statement are negative of each other:
The number $$x$$ is an irrational number.
The number $$x$$ is a rational number.
If Yes put 1 else 0.

Give three examples of sentence which are not statements. Give reasons for the answers.

Find out which of the following sentences are statement and which are not. Justify your answer.
There are $$35$$ days in a month.

Find out which of the following sentences are statement and which are not Justify your answer.
All real numbers are complex numbers.

Check whether the following pair of statement are negative of each other. Give reasons for your answer.
$$a+b=b+a$$ is true for every real number $$a$$ and $$b$$.There exist real numbers are a and b for which a+b = b+a.

Tell whether the following is certain to happen, impossible can happen but not certain.
A tossed coin will land heads up.

Write the negative of the following statement:
All birds sing.

when $$x\in R$$
Are the following pairs of the statements are negative of each other:
The number $$x$$ is a rational number.
The number $$x$$ is not an irrational number.
If Yes put 1 else 0.

Write the component statement of the following compounds statements and check whether the compound statement is true or false:
The sand heats up quickly in the sun and does not cool down fast at night. 

Write the negative of the following statement:
All the students completed their homework.

Write the negative of the following statement:
For every $$x\in N, x+3 < 10$$

Write the component statement of the following compounds statements and check whether the compound statement is true or false:
All rational number are real and all real number are not complex.

Write the component statement of the following compounds statements and check whether the compound statement is true or false:
Square of an integers is positive or negative.

Write the negative of the following statement:
There exists $$x\in N, x+3=10$$

Negate each of the following statements:
There exists a number which is equal to its square.

Statement the converse and contrapositive of each of the following statements:
If it is hot outside, then you feel thirsty.

Determine the contrapositive of the following statement:
It never rains when it is cold.

Statement the converse and contrapositive of each of the following statements:
A positive integer is prime only if it has no divisors other than $$1$$ and itself.

Determine the contrapositive of the following statement:
If she works, she will earn money.

Determine the contrapositive of the following statement:
If Ravish skis, then it snowed.

Statement the converse and contrapositive of each of the following statements:
If you live in Delhi, then you have winter clothes.

Statement the converse and contrapositive of each of the following statements:
I go to a beach whenever it is a sunny day.

Determine the contrapositve of each of the following statements:
If $$x$$ is less than zero, then $$x$$ is not positive.

Determine the contrapositive of the following statement:
Only If Max studies will he pass the test.

Determine the contrapositive of the following statement:
Only if he does not tire will he win.

Determine the contrapositve of each of the following statements:
If he has courage he will win.

Determine the contrapositive of the following statement:
If $$x$$ is an integer and $$x^{2}$$ is odd, then $$x$$ is odd.

Determine the contrapositve of each of the following statements:
It is necessary to be strong in order to be a sailor.

Comment if the following statement is true or false? And give a valid reason for saying so
$$\sqrt{11}$$ is a rational number

Write the given statement using numbers, literals and signs of basic operations. State what each letter represents.
The selling price equals the sum of the cost price and the profit.

Show that the following statement is true by the method of contrapositive
$$p:$$ If $$x$$ is an integer and $$x^{2}$$ is odd, then $$x$$ is also odd

Write each of the following statements in the form if ..... then;
If a number is not a multiple of $$3$$, then it is not a multiple of $$6$$.

Check whether the following sentence is a statement? In case of a statement mention whether it is true or false.
The sum of any two sides of a triangle is always greater than the third side.

Check whether the following sentence is a statement? In case of a statement mention whether it is true or false.
$$\sqrt 7 $$ is an irrational number.

Check whether the following sentence is statement? In case of a statement mention whether it is true or false.
The sun is a star. 

Check whether the following sentence is a statement? In case of a statement mention whether it is true or false.
Every relation is a function.

Check whether the following sentence is a statement? In case of a statement mention whether it is true or false.
Ice is always cold.

Write each of the following statements in the form if ..... then;
You get a job implies that your credentials are good.

State the converse, inverse and contrapositive of the conditional statement : 'If a sequence is bounded, then it is convergent.

Write the following statements in the form if ..... then;
A rhombus is a square only if each of its angles measures $$90^{o}$$.

Write the converse and contrapositive of the following:
If the diagonals of a quadrilateral bisect each other, then it is a parallelogram.

Check whether the following sentence is a statement? In case of a statement mention whether it is true or false.
$$(2+\sqrt 3)$$ is a complex number.

Write the converse and contrapositive of each of the following:
If a positive integer $$n$$ is divisible by $$9$$, then the sum of its digits is divisible by $$9$$

Write the converse and contrapositive of each of the following:
If the two lines are parallel, then they do not intersect in the same plane.

Check whether the following sentence is a statement? In case of a statement mention whether it is true or false.
Each prime number has exactly two factors.

Write the converse and contrapositive of each of the following:
If $$x$$ is a prime number, then $$x$$ is odd.

Check whether the following sentence is a statement? In case of a statement mention whether it is true or false.
Every quadratic equation has at least one real root.

Check whether the following sentence is a statement? In case of a statement mention whether it is true or false.
Pairs is in France.

Write the converse and contrapositive of each of the following:
If $$A$$ and $$B$$ are subsets of $$X$$ such that $$A\subseteq B$$, then $$(X-B)\subseteq (X-A)$$

Check whether the following sentences is a statement? In case of a statement mention whether it is true or false.
The angles opposite to the equal sides of an isosceles triangle are equal.

Write the converse and contrapositive of each of the following:
If you were born in India, then you are a citizen of India.

Write the converse and contrapositive of the following:
If it rains, then I stay at home

Given below are pair of statements. Combine given pair using if and only is:
$$p:$$ If a quadrilateral is equiangular, then it is a rectangle.
$$q:$$ If a quadrilateral is a rectangle, then is equiangular.

Write the converse and contrapositive of each of the following:
If $$f(2)=0$$, then $$f(x)$$ is divisible by $$(x-2)$$

Given below there is a pair of statement. Combine pair using if and only if:
$$p:$$ If $$f(a)=0$$, then $$(x-a)$$ is a factor of polynomial $$f(x)$$
$$q:$$ If $$(x-a)$$ is a factor of polynomial $$f(x)$$, then $$f(a)=0$$

Write the negation of each of the following statement:
The number $$6$$ is greater than $$4$$.

Given below there is a pair of statement. Combine pair using if and only if:
$$p:$$ If the sum of the digits of a number is divisible by $$3$$, then the number is divisible by $$3$$.
$$q:$$ If a number is divisible by $$3$$, then the sum of its digits is divisible by $$3$$.

Write the negation of each of the following statement:
Both the diagonals of a rectangle are equal.

Write the negation of each of the following statements :
Every natural number is an integer.

Given below are some pairs of statements. Combine each pair using if and only is:
$$p:$$ A quadrilateral is a parallelogram is its diagonal bisect each other.
$$q:$$ If the diagonals of a quadrilateral bisect each other, then it is a parallelogram.

Write the negation of each of the following statement:
Every natural number is a greater than $$0$$

Write the negation of the following statement :
The number $$-5$$ is a rational number.

Write the negation of each of the following statements :
All cats scratch.

Given below there is a pair of statements. Combine each pair using if and only if.
$$p:$$ If a square matrix $$A$$ is invertible, then $$|A|$$ is nonzero.
$$q:$$ If $$A$$ is a square matrix such that $$|A|$$ is nonzero, then $$A$$ is invertible.

Use contradiction method to prove that:
$$p:\sqrt 3$$ is irrational is a true statment.

By giving a counter-example, show that the statement is false:
$$p$$: If $$n$$ is an odd positive integer, then $$n$$ is prime.

Consider the statment:
$$q$$: For any real number $$a$$ and $$b, a^2=b^2\Rightarrow a=b$$.
By giving a counter-example, prove that $$q$$ is false.

Write the negation of each of the following statements :
There is some integer $$k$$ for which $$2k=6$$.

Write the following using 'if and only if'
If you watch television then your mind is free and if your mind is free then you watch television.

Write the negation of the following statements :
All students study mathematics at the elementary level. 

Write the following using 'if and only if':
In order to get $$A$$ grade, it is necessary and sufficient that you do all the homework regularly.

Write the contrapositive and converse of the following statements
You cannot comprehend 
geometry if you do not know how to reason deductively

Write the opposite of the following : 
$$ 25^{\circ}\,C $$ above freezing point. 

Write the negation of the following statements : 
All triangles are not equilateral triangle .

Write the contrapositive and converse of the following statements.
$$ x $$ 
 is an even number implies that $$x$$ is divisible by $$ 4 $$.

By giving a counter-example, show that the following statement is false:
$$p:$$ If all the sides of a triangle are equal, then the triangle is obtuse angled.

Write the opposite of the following statement:
Gaining a weight of $$5 kg$$.

Identify the quantifier in the following statements and write the negation of the statements .
There exists a capital for every state in India.

Write the contrapositive and converse of the following statements
Something is cold implies that it has low temperature

Write the negation of the following statements : 
$$ \sqrt{2} $$ is not a complex number.

By giving a counter example, show that the following statement is not true.
q : The equation $$  x^2 - 1 = 0 $$  does not have a root lying between $$ 0 $$ and $$ 2 $$ .

If the statement $$p , q $$ are true statement and $$ r , s $$ are false statement then determine the truth value of the following:
$$ (q \wedge r) \vee (\sim p \wedge s) $$ 

If the statement $$p , q $$ are true statement and $$ r , s $$ are false statement then determine the truth value of the following:
$$ p \vee (q \wedge r) $$ 

If the statement $$p , q $$ are true statement and $$ r , s $$ are false statement then determine the truth value of the following:
$$ \sim [ (\sim p \wedge r) \vee (s \rightarrow \, \sim q)] \leftrightarrow (p \wedge r)$$ 

Show that the statement 
p : If $$ x $$ is a real number such that $$ x^3 + 4x = 0 $$ , then $$ x $$ is $$ 0 $$ is true by 
method of contrapositive

Check the validity of the statements given below by the method given against it. 
q : If $$ n $$ is a real number with $$ n > 3 $$ , then $$ n^2 > 9 $$ (by contradiction method).

Show that the statement 
p : If $$ x $$ is a real number such that $$ x^3 + 4x = 0 $$ , then $$ x $$ is $$ 0 $$ is true by 
method of contradiction

Check the validity of the statements given below by the method given against it. 
p : The sum of an irrational number and a rational number is irrational (by contradiction method)

Write the negation of the following statements :
r : For every real number $$ x $$ , either $$ x > 1 $$ or $$ x < 1 $$ .

Write the negation of the following statements:
s : There exists a number $$ x $$ such that $$ 0 < x < 1 $$.

Write the converse of the following statement. If the corresponding angles formed by a transversal of two lines are congruent then the two lines are parallel.

Write the truth values of the following statement:
$$2$$ is a rational number and it is the only even prime number.

Determine the truth values of $$p$$ and $$q$$ in the following case:
$$(p \vee q) $$ is $$T$$ and $$(p \vee q) \rightarrow q $$ is $$F$$

Write the converse of the following statement. If the sum of measures of angles in a figure is $$180^\circ$$, then the figure is a triangle.

Write converse , inverse and contrapositive of the following statements.
If $$ x < y $$ then $$ x^2 < y^2 (x , y \in R) $$ 

Write the following statement in conditional form. A number having only two divisors is called a prime number.

Write the truth table value of the following statement:
$$ \forall \, n \in N , n^2 + n $$ is even number while $$n^2 - n $$ is an odd number.

Write converse , inverse and contrapositive of the following statements.
If surfaces area decreases then pressure increases.

Write the following statement in conditional form. A triangle is a figure formed by three segments. 

Write the negations of the following statements:
(a) All students of this college live in the hostel.
(b) $$6$$ is an even number or $$36$$ is a perfect square.

Given P : 25 is a multiple of 5, q : 25 is a multiple ofWrite the compound statement connecting these two statements with "and", "or" in $$60^{th}$$ cases. Check the validity of the statement.

Prepare truth table of the following statement patterns.
(i) $$\sim p \rightarrow (q \leftrightarrow p)$$
(ii) $$(q \leftrightarrow p) \vee (\sim p \leftrightarrow q)$$
(iii) $$p \leftrightarrow [\sim(q \vee r)]$$

If a trigonometric ratio of an angle is known, we can find all remaining ratios.' Explain whether this statement is true or false.

Which of the following sentences are statements? In case of a statement mention whether it is true or false.
The equation $$x^2+5|x|+6=0$$ has no real roots.

Let $$p$$: If $$x$$ is an integer and $$x^2$$ is even, then $$x$$ is even.Using the method of contrapositive, prove that $$p$$ is true.

Write the negation  of the following statements :
There exists a rational number $$x$$ such that $$x^2 =3$$.

Class 11 Engineering Maths Extra Questions