Permutations And Combinations - Class 11 Engineering Maths - Extra Questions

Permutation of $$n$$ different things taken ____ at a time is denoted by $${ ^{ n }P }_{ 3 }$$.

Find $$^nC_r+^nC_{r-1}= .....$$ for $$n = r = 3$$

For $$0\leq r\leq n, ^nC_r=$$

There are $$6$$ multiple choice questions on an examination. How many sequences of answers are possible, if the first three questions have $$4$$ choices each and the next three have $$5$$ each?

How many different numbers of two digits can be formed with the digits $$1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6$$ no digits being repeated?

A teacher of a class wants to set one question from each of two exercises in a book. If there are $$15$$ and $$12$$ questions in the two exercises respectively, then in how many ways can the two questions be selected?

(i) $$8 !$$ ii) $$4!-3!$$

Evaluate $$\cfrac {n!}{(n-r)!}$$, when
(i) $$n = 6, r = 2$$.
(ii) $$n=9, r=5$$

A man has 7 trousers and 10 shirts. How many different outfits can he wear?

Is $$3 ! + 4 ! = 7 ! $$ ?

A group of $$10$$ close friends plans to take a photo for remembrance. Find the number of different ways they can be seated in a row for the photo session.

If $$\displaystyle ^{ n }{ P }_{ r }=720$$ and $$\displaystyle ^{ n }{ C }_{ r }=120$$, then what is the value of 'r'.

If $$\displaystyle ^{ 10 }{ C}_{ r }=120$$, find the value of r

Evaluate $$\cfrac {n!}{(n-r)!}$$, when.
$$n = 9, r = 5$$.

In the expansion of $$ ( a+ b + c)^s $$ find (1) the number of terms, (2) the sum of the coefficients of the terms.

If $${ \left( 1+x \right)  }^{ n }={ c }_{ 0 }+{ c }_{ 1 }{ x }^{  }+{ c }_{ 2 }{ x }^{ 2 }+.....+{ c }_{ n }{ x }^{ n }$$, then show that the sum of the products of the $$c$$'s taken two at a time, represented by $$\sum _{ 0\le i\le j\le n }^{  }{ { c }_{ i }{ c }_{ j } } $$, is equal to $${ 2 }^{ 2n-1 }-\cfrac { (2n)! }{ 2{ (n!) }^{ 2 } } $$

Prove that $${ _{  }^{ n }{ C } }_{ n-r }-{ _{  }^{ n }{ C } }_{ r }=0$$.

The value of $${ _{  }^{ n }{ C } }_{ 1 }$$ is _______

$$^{15}C_{3r} = ^{15}C_{r+3}$$, find r.

Prove that $$\displaystyle ^{ n }C_{ 0 }\ -\ ^{ n }C_{ 1\  }+\ ^{ n }C_{ 2 }\ -\ ^{ n }C_{ 3 }\ +\ ...+{ \left( -1 \right)  }^{ r }\ ^{ n }C_{ r }\ +\ ...={ \left( -1 \right)  }^{ r-1 }\ ^{ n-1 }C_{ r-1 }$$

How many 4-letter words, with or without meaning, can be formed out of the letters of the word, "LOGARITHMS", if repitition of letters is not allowed ?

In how many ways three different rings can be worn in four fingers with at most one in each finger ?

A parallelogram is cut by two sets of $$m$$ lines parallel to its sides. Find the number of parallelograms then formed.

In how many ways 7 pictures can be hung from 5 picture nails on a wall ?

Solve the following equation:
$$\displaystyle\, C_{m + 1}^{n + 1} :  C_{m}^{n + 1} : C_{m -1}^{n + 1} = 5 : 5 : 3$$ 


Prove that $$^nC_r+^nC_{r-1}=^{n+1}C_r$$.

From $$4$$ officers and $$8$$ jawans , in how many ways can $$6$$ be chosen such that  to include exactly one officer .

How many $$3$$-digit even numbers are formed using the digits $$0,1,2,....,9,$$ if the repetition of digits is not allowed?

In an examination a candidate has to pass in each of four subject . In how many ways can he fails?

The least positive integer $${n}$$ such that $$(n-1){C}_{5}+(n-1){C}_{6}=n{C}_{7}$$ then the value $$n-7$$ is

In how many ways we can select $$5$$ cards from a deck of $$52$$ cards, if each selection must include atleast one king.


Determine $$n$$ if $$^{2n}C_3 : ^nC_3 = 12 : 1$$.

Find $$^ { \prime } n ^ { \prime }$$ if $$n C _ { 13 } = n C _ { 12 }$$.

In a network of railways, a small island has $$15$$ stations. Find the number of different types of tickets to be printed for each class, if every stations must have tickets for other stations.

The number of way in which 6 red roses and 3 white roses (all rose different ) can from garland that all the white come together is -

Suppose we have $$10\ points$$ in a plane forming a decagon.

How many triangles can be formed by joining them?

Find $$n$$ if $$\dfrac { ( 16 - n ) ! } { ( 14 - n ) ! } = 12$$

If $$^{20}P_r = 13 \times ^{20}P_{r-1}$$, then the value of r is________.

Given $$5$$ flags of different colours how many different signals can be made if each signal requires the use of $$2$$ flags, one below the other.

Find WITHOUT assuming any formula, the permutations of $$35$$ different items taken $$13$$ at a time. (answer is factorial notation ).

If the number of selections of $$3$$ difference letters  from the word $$SUMAN$$  is ________ .

Find the value of: $$^{29}C_{9}$$

Find no of ways to put the $$3$$ book in the bookshelf.

How many distinct positive integers are possible with the digits 1, 3, 5, 7 without repitition ?

How many different outcomes arise from first tossing a coin and then rolling a die ?

Find the number of divisors of $$16$$

Evaluate : $$^{14}C_{10}$$

If $$_{  }^{ n }{ { C }_{ 3 }:\ ^{n-1}   }{ C }_{ 4 }=20:21$$, then $$n$$ =

Consider a, b, c, d. List all combintions taken 3 at a time.

Find the value of $$4!$$

Find the unit digit  of $$2\times 3\times 4\times ...\times 99$$

There are $$7$$ men and $$8$$ women. In how many ways a committee of $$4$$ members can be made such that a particular woman is always included

Find the value of 
(a) $$^{14}{C_5}$$
(b) $$^{90}{C_2}$$

If $$^{n}C_{8}=^{n}C_{2}$$, then find $$n$$.

If $${\,^n}{C_8} = \,{\,^n}{C_2}$$, then find $${\,^n}{C_2}.$$

How many even numbers greater then 300 can be formed with the digits 1,2,3,4,5 if repetitions of digits in a number is not allowed? 

A word consists of $$9$$ letters, $$5$$ consonants and $$4$$ vowels. Three letters are chosen at random. Find the probability such that more than one vowel will be selected.

From a class of $$32$$ students, $$4$$ are to be chosen for a competition. In how many ways can this be done?

In how many ways three different rings can be worn in four fingers with at most one in each finger?

In how many ways can $$6$$ persons stand in a queue?

Evaluate: $$^{16}C_{13}$$

$$Define\space permutations.$$

Evaluate: $$^{n+1}C_{n}$$

$$4! - 3! $$

Write the following products in factorial notation:
$$6\times 7\times 8\times 9\times 10\times 11\times 12$$.

Find $$x$$ if,
$$ \dfrac{1}{6 !}+\cfrac{1}{7 !}=\cfrac{x}{8 !} $$

If the number of combination of $$n$$ dissimilar things taken $$r$$ at a time is given by $$\dfrac{n!}{r!(m)!}$$, then the value of $$m$$ for $$n=15$$ and $$r=3$$ is ____ .

The students in a class are seated according to their marks in the previous examination.Once, it so happens that four of the students got equal marks and therefore the same rank To decide their seating arrangement, the teacher wants to write down all possible arrangements one in each of separate bits of paper in order to choose one of these by lots. How many bits of paper are required?

If $$^nC_x=\ ^nC_y$$, then x+y$$=$$

A number lock on a suitcase has $$3$$ wheels each labeled with $$10$$ digits from $$0$$ to $$9$$. If the opening of the lock is a particular sequence of three digits with no repeats, how many such sequences will be possible?

A code word is to consist of two English alphabets followed by two distinct numbers between $$1$$ and $$9$$. For example, $$CA23$$ is a code word. How many such code words are there? 

Three horses $$H_1, H_2, H_3$$ entered a field which has seven portions marked $$P_1, P_2, P_3, P_4,P_5, P_6 \ and\  P_7$$. If no two horses are allowed to enter the same portion of the field, in how many ways can the horses graze the grass of the field?

How many lines can be drawn through $$21$$ points on a circle?

 In how many combinations, a cricketer can make a century with fours and sixes only?

A letter lock consists of 4 rings, each ring contains 9 non-zero digits. This lock can be opened by setting a 4 digit code with the proper combination of each of the 4 rings.Maximum how many codes can be formed to open the lock?

Given that $$^nC_{n-r} + 3\space^nC_{n-r+1} + 3.\space^nC_{n-r+2} + \space^nC_{n-r+3} = \space ^xC_r$$. Let $$x=n+k$$, then find $$k$$ ?

$$8$$ different things are arranged around a circle. In how many ways can $$3$$ objects be selected when no two of the selected objects are consecutive.

Solve the equation $$3\space ^{x+1}C_2 + P_2 ^1.x = 4\space ^xP_2, \space x\in N$$. Find $$x$$ ?

$$\left(\begin{matrix}18\\r-2\end{matrix}\right) + 2\left(\begin{matrix}18\\r-1\end{matrix}\right) + \left(\begin{matrix}18\\r\end{matrix}\right) \ge \left(\begin{matrix}20\\13\end{matrix}\right)$$. Find number of integer values $$r$$ can take ?

A number of 18 guests have to be seated, half on each side of a long table. Four particular guests desire to sit on one particular side and three others on the other side. let the number of ways in which the sitting arrangements can be made is equal to $$^{11}C_k\times m!\times m!$$ arrangements. Find m+k ?

How many 4 digit numbers are there which contain not more than 2 different digits ?

There are $$3$$ ways to go from $$A$$ to $$B$$, $$2$$ ways to go from $$B$$ to $$C$$ and $$1$$ way to go from $$A$$ to $$C$$. In how many ways can a person travel from $$A$$ to $$C ?$$

Find $$r$$ if $$^{15}C_{3r}\, =\, ^{15}C_{r\, +\, 3}$$ 

There are $$8$$ buses running from Kota to Jaipur and $$10$$ buses running from Jaipur to Delhi. In how many ways a person can travel from Kota to Delhi via Jaipur by bus$$\: ?$$

How many $$3$$-digit numbers can be formed from the digits $$1, 2, 3, 4$$ and $$5$$ assuming that repetition of the digits is not allowed?

A man  has 7 trousers and 10 shirts How many different outfits can he wear?

All letters are used but first letter is a vowel?

How many $$3$$-digit even numbers can be formed from the digits $$1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6$$ if the digits can be repeated?

In how many of the distinct permutations of the letters in MISSISSIPPI do the four I's not come together?

There are 10 railway stations between a station x and another station y.
Find the number of different tickets that must be printed so as to enable a passenger to travel from any one station to any other.

Find the number of factors of 324.

Find n if  $$^{n-1}P_3 : ^n P_4 = 1:9$$.

How many $$5$$ digit telephone numbers can be constructed using the digits $$0$$ to $$9$$ if each number starts with $$67$$ and no digit appears more than once?

In how many ways can be letters of word ASSASSINATION be arranged so that all the S's are together?

If the different permutations of all the letter of the words $$EXAMINATION$$ are listed as in a dictionary, how many words are there in this list before the first word starting with $$E$$?

How Many words, with or without meaning, each of $$2$$ vowels and $$3$$ consonants can be formed from the letters of the word $$DAUGHTER$$?

A committee of $$7$$ has to be formed from $$9$$ boys and $$4$$ girls. In how many ways can this be done when the committee consists of:
(i) exactly $$3$$ girls?
(ii) at least $$3$$ girls?
(iii) at most $$3$$ girls?

If $$\displaystyle ^{ n }{ C }_{ 4 }=\dfrac{10}{6}\times ^{ n }{ C }_{ 2 }$$, find the value of "n".

A telegraph has $$5$$ arms and each arm is capable of $$4$$ distinct positions, including the position of rest. Find the total number of signals that can be made.

Four alphabets E, K, S and V, one in each, were purchased from a plastic warehouse. How many ordered pairs of alphabets, to be used as initials, can be formed from them?

The students in a class are seated according to their marks in the previous examination. Once, it so happens that four of the students got equal marks and therefore the same rank. To decide their seating arrangement, the teacher wants to write down all possible arrangements one in each of separate bits of paper in order to choose one of these by lots. How many bits of paper are required?

Three horses $$\displaystyle { H }_{ 1 },{ H }_{ 2 },{ H }_{ 3 }$$ entered a field which has seven portions marked $$\displaystyle { P }_{ 1 },{ P }_{ 2 },{ P }_{ 3 },{ P }_{ 4 },{ P }_{ 5 },{ P }_{ 6 }$$ and $$\displaystyle { P }_{ 7 }$$. If no two horses are allowed to enter the same portion of the field, in-how many ways can the horses graze the grass of the field?

Find the value of  $$^{60}C_{60}$$

Find the value of $$\dfrac{n!}{(n-r)!}$$ when $$n=15$$ and $$r=2$$

Find the value of $$^{10}C_3$$

Verify that $$^8C_4+^8C_5=^9C_4$$

If $$^{2n}C_3:\,^nC_3=11:1$$, find n 

Find the value of  $$\dfrac{n!}{(n-r)!r!}$$ when $$n=15$$ and $$r=2$$

Find the value of $$^{100}C_{97}$$

If $$^nC_4=^nC_7$$ find the $$n$$.

Prove that $$\dfrac{^nC_r}{^{n-1}C_{r-1}}=\dfrac{n}{r}$$ when $$1\le r \le n$$.

How many 3 - digit numbers can be formed from the digits 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 with repetitions? 

If $$^nC_8 = { }^nC_{12}$$, find $$n$$

If $${ _{  }^{ 12 }{ C } }_{ r+1 }={ _{  }^{ 12 }{ C } }_{ 3r-5 }$$, find $$r$$.

Find the sum of all four digit numbers that can be formed using the digits $$1,3,5,7,9$$.

Prove that $$\dfrac{^nC_r}{{ }^{n - 1}C_{r- 1}} = \dfrac{n}{r}$$ where $$1 \leq r \leq n$$

Find the number of $$4$$ letter words that can be formed using the letters of the word $$PISTON$$, in which at least one letter is repeated.

If $$^{n}P_{r} = 5040$$ and $$^{n}C_{r} = 210$$, then find $$n$$ and $$r$$.

The value of $$^{ n }{ C }_{ r } -$$ $$^{ n }{ C }_{ n-r }=$$ ______________.

How many different signals can be made by hoisting $$6$$ differently coloured flags one above the other, when any number of them may be hoisted at once?

If $${ _{  }^{ n }{ C } }_{ 12 }={ _{  }^{ n }{ C } }_{ 8 }$$, find $${ _{  }^{ n }{ C } }_{ 17 },{ _{  }^{ 22 }{ C } }_{ 11 }$$

If $${ _{  }^{ 28 }{ C } }_{ 2r }:{ _{  }^{ 24 }{ C } }_{ 2r-4 }=225:11$$, find $$r$$.

If $${ _{  }^{ 2n }{ C } }_{ 3 }:{ _{  }^{ n }{ C } }_{ 2 }=44:3$$, find $$n$$.

In a steamer there are stalls for $$12$$ animals, and there are cows, horses, and calves (not less than $$12$$ of each) ready to be shipped; in how many ways can the shipload be made?

How many different selections can be made by taking four of the digits $$3,4,7,5,8,1$$? How many different numbers can be formed with four of these digits?

If $${ _{  }^{ 18 }{ C } }_{ r }={ _{  }^{ 18 }{ C } }_{ r+2 }$$, find $${ _{  }^{ r }{ C } }_{ 5 }$$.

In how many ways can $$n$$ things be given to $$p$$ persons, when there is no restriction as to the number of things each may receive?

How many permutations of $$4$$ letters can be made out of the letters of the word examination?

A telegraph has $$5$$ arms and each arm is capable of $$4$$ distinct positions, including the position of first; what is the total number of signals that can be made?

A letter lock consists of three rings each marked with fifteen different letters; find in how many ways it is possible to make an unsuccessful attempt to open the lock.

The teacher distributes $$6$$ pencils per student. Can you find how many pencils are needed for the given number of students(use $$'z'$$ for the number of students).

Everybody in a function shakes hand with everybody else. The total number of handshakes areFind the number of persons in the function.

If $$\dfrac{1}{1!10!}+\dfrac{1}{2!9!}+\dfrac{1}{3!10!}+.....+\dfrac{1}{1!10!}=\dfrac{2}{k!}(2^{k-1}-1)$$ then find the value of k.

In how many ways can five people be divided into three groups?

How many different words can be formed with the letters of word $$INDIA$$? In how many of these
(a) Two $$I$$'s are always together?
(b) $$N$$ and $$A$$ are always together?

In how many ways can five people be arranged in three different rooms if no room must be empty and each room has $$5$$ seats in a single row.

In how many ways can the letter of the word "ARRANGE" be arranged so that
(i) the two R's are never together?
(ii) the two A's are together but not the two R's?
(iii) neither the two A's nor the two R's are together?

In how many ways $$18$$ different objects can be divided into $$7$$ groups such that four groups contains $$3$$ objects each and three groups contains $$2$$ objects each.

Prove that $$\displaystyle \sum _{r = 0}^n 3^r \text{ }^n\text{C}_r= 4^n$$

Solve the following equation:

$$\displaystyle\, C_{3}^{x + 1} :  C_{4}^{x} = 6:5$$, then $$  x\, \epsilon \, N$$

Solve the following equations.
$$\displaystyle\frac{C_{x +1}^{2x}}{C_{x - 1}^{2x + 1}} = \frac{2}{3}$$ , $$x\, \epsilon \, N$$

Solve the following equation:
$$\displaystyle\, 11C_{3}^{x} = 24C_{2}^{x + 1}$$

Solve the following equation:
$$\displaystyle\, C_{3}^{x} + C_{4}^{x} = 11 \cdot C_{2}^{x + 1}, \, x\, \epsilon \, N$$

Solve the following equation:
$$\displaystyle12C_{1}^{x} + C_{2}^{x + 4} = 162 , x\, \epsilon \, N$$

Out of eight crew members three particular members can sit only on the left side.Another two particular members can sit only on the right side. Find the number of ways in which the crew can be arranged so that four men can sit on each side.

Each of the six in squares in the strip, shown in figure, is to be coloured with anyone of $$10$$ different colours so that no two adjacent squares have the same colour. Find the number of ways of colouring the strip.

Prove that $$^nC_r = ^nC_{n-r}$$.

There are $$40$$ doctors in a surgical department. In how many ways can they be arranged to form the following teams: (a) a surgeon and an assistant; (b) a surgeon and four assistants?

In how many ways can $$10$$ identical presents be distributed among $$6$$ children so that each child gets at least one present?

How many five-digit numbers are there in whose notation each successive digit exceeds its predecessor?

In a $$12$$-storey house $$9$$ people enter a lift cabin. It is. known that they will leave the lift in groups of $$2, 3$$ and $$4$$ people at different storeys. In how many ways can they do so if the lift does not stop at the second storey?

If $$^nC_7 = ^nC_4$$. Find n.

Two variants of a test are suggested to twelve students. In how many ways can the students be placed in two rows so that there should be no identical variants side-by-side and that the students sitting one behind the other should have the same variant?

If combinations of letters be formed by taking only 5 letters at a time out of the letters of the word "METAPHYSICS". In how many of them will letter $$T$$ occur?

If $$^{28}C_{2r} : ^{24}C_{2r - 4} = 225 : 11$$, then find r

There are $$6$$ books of Economics, $$3$$ of Mathematics and $$2$$ of Accountancy. In how many ways  can these be placed on a shelf, if:
Books on the same subject are together ?
Books on the same subject are not together ?

Prove that only 1422 different four letter words can be formed out of the letters of the word INEFFECTIVE.

If $$ ^nC_r  = { ^nC}_s$$ then prove that $$r =s$$ or $$n = r+s$$

Prove that $${}^n{c_r}.r! = {}^n{p_r}$$

If $$^nC_{12} = ^nC_{8}$$, then find the value of $$^nC_{17}$$.

Number of $$9$$ digits numbers divisible by nine using the digits from $$0$$ to $$9$$ if each digit is used almost once is $$K=8!$$, then K has the value equal to____

If $$7$$ mercury lamp are there in a room. How many ways room can be lit?

How many arrangements can be formed by letter of word "MISSIPPI"?

The value of $$t$$ which satisfy $$(t-[|\sin x|])!=3!5!7!$$ is/are . Where [.] is $$GIF$$  

In a tennis tournament in which every pair has to play with every other pair, 10 players are playing. Find the number of games played.

Find the numerically greatest term in the expansion $$(3-5x)^{15}$$ when $$x=\dfrac{1}{5}$$

Find the number of ways of arranging six persons (having A, B, C and D among them) in a row so that A, B, C, and D are always in order ABCD (not necessarily together).

A question paper consists of $$11$$ question divided into two section $$1$$ and $$2$$. section $$1$$ consits of $$5$$ questions and section $$2$$ consists of 6 questions. In how many ways can a student select $$6$$ questions, taking at least $$2$$ questions from each section?

What is the number of the possible square matrix of order $$3$$ with each entry $$0$$ or $$1$$? If your answer is $$2^n$$ , then find $$n$$.

How many automobile license plates can be made if each plate contains two different letters followed by three different digits?

How many number greater than a million can be formed with the digits $$2, 3, 0, 7, 7, 3, 7,?$$

Find the number of arrangements that can be formed by using all the letters of the word MATRIX, so that the vowels occupy even places.

Find the number of ways in which : (a) a selection (b) an arrangement, of four letters can be made from the letters of the word 'PROPORTION'.



Every telephone number is of $$7$$ digits. How many telephone numbers are there which do not include any other digits but $$2, 3, 5 \& 7$$?

In how many ways can $$3$$ people be seated in a row containing $$7$$ seats $$?$$

In how many ways can $$3$$ people be seated in a row containing $$7$$ seats $$?$$

There are $$2$$ gates to enter a school and $$3$$ staircases from first floor to the second floor. How many possible ways are there for a student to go from outside the  school to a classroom on the second floor and come back ?

Find the exponent of $$10$$ in $$^{75}C_{25}$$

Find the number of parallelogram formed if 10 parallel lines in a plane are intersected by a family of 12 parallel lines.

$${\text{Find the value of}}\;{\text{n,}}\;{\text{if}}\;{\text{(n + 1)!}}\;{\text{ = }}\;{\text{12}} \times {\text{(n - 1)!}}$$

How many ways are there to arrange the letters in the word $$GARDEN$$ with the vowels in alphabetical order ?

If $$^{n+1}C_{r+1}:^{n}C_r:^{n-1}C_{r-1}=11:6:3,nr$$ is equal to

$$1 ^ { 2 } c _ { 1 } + 2 ^ { 2 } c _ { 2 }+ 3 ^ { 2 } c _ { 3 }+ 4 ^ { 2 } c _ { 4 }+ ...... + n ^ { 2 } c _ { n }$$

Prove that:
$$^nC_r+\ ^nC_{r-1}=\ ^{n+1}C_r$$

Find the number of ways in which a sum of $$10$$ can be obtained by throwing a dice thrice.

If $$4$$ cards  are chosen from a pack of $$52$$ playing cards?
In how many of these four cards are of the same suit?

Zeroes at the end of $$125!$$

Find the number of ways of selecting 4 even numbers from the set of first 100 natural numbers. 

There are $$30$$ ways in which five distinct balls can be put into two distinct boxes so that no box remains empty.

In how many ways can the following prizes be given away to a class of $$20$$ students, first and second in Mathematics, first and second in physics, first in Chemistry and first in English ?

Find $$x$$, if $$^nC_5=x.^nP_5$$ then x = $$\dfrac {1}{r!}$$ then r= 

How many numbers greater than 10,00,000 can be formed with the digits 0,1,2,1,2,2,3

In how many ways $$5$$ different balls can be distributed into $$3$$ boxes so that no box remains empty?  

Number of increasing permutations of  $$m$$  symbols are there from the  $$n$$  set numbers  $$\left\{ a _ { 1 } , a _ { 2 } , \dots , a _ { n } \right\}$$  where the order among the numbers is given by  $$a _ { 1 } < a _ { 2 } < a _ { 3 } < \ldots a _ { n - 1 } < a _ { n }$$  is :

$$^{ 8 }{ P }_{ 5 }+5.^{ 8 }{ P }_{ 4 }=^{ 9 }{ P }{ _{ r } }$$

The letters of the word $$ COCHIN$$  are permuted and all the permutations are arranged in an alphabetical order as in an English dictionary. The number of words that appear before the word  $$COCHIN$$  is

$$If\quad \overset { n }{ \underset { 8 }{ C }  } =\overset { n }{ \underset { 2 }{ C }  } $$ then find $$\overset { n }{ \underset { 2 }{ C }  } $$

$$^{ 22 }{ P }_{ r+1 }:^{ 20 }{ P }_{ r+2 }=11:52$$

Four couples (husband and wife) decido to form a committee of four members. The number of different committees that can be formed in which no couple finds a place Is

Thew exponent of $$7$$ in $$_{  }^{ 100 }{ { C }_{ 50 } }$$ is_____

In how many ways a mixed double games can be arranged from $$8$$ married couples if no husband and wife play in the same game?

Find the total number of ways in which $$30$$  distinct objects can be put into two different boxes so that no box remains empty.

Prove that $$2^{2}\dfrac{C_{0}}{1.2}+2^{3}\dfrac{C_{1}}{2.3}+2^{4}\dfrac{C_{2}}{3.4}+.........+2^{n+2}\dfrac{C_{n}}{(n+1)(n+2)}=\dfrac{3^{n+2}-2n-5}{(n+1)(n+2)}$$

A letter lock contains 3 rings, each ring containing 5 different letters. Determine the maximum number of false trials that can be made before the lock is opened.

$$\displaystyle \frac{{C}_{0}}{1}+\frac{{C}_{2}}{3}+\frac{{C}_{4}}{5}+\frac{{C}_{6}}{7}......=$$

Prove that : $$\dfrac{^{n}C_{r}}{^{n}C_{r-1}}=\dfrac{n-r+1}{r}$$

Find the value of $$\dfrac{6!}{3!}$$

Find the value of : 
$$1\times 1!+2\times 2!+3\times 3!+.......+n\times n!$$

How many even numbers are three digits such that if $$5$$ is one of the digits, then $$7$$ is the next digit?

There are $$3$$ books on mathematics $$4$$ on physics and $$5$$ on english .How many different collections can be made such that each collections consists of : Atleast one book of english

Find the number of ways to select $$3$$ pens from $$10$$ pens is 

$$A, B, C$$ and $$D$$ are four point on a circle. How many chords can be drawn using only these points as the end points of the chord.

If $$^n{C_9}{ = ^n}{C_{8,}}$$ then find $$^n{C_{17}}$$.

If $$^{ 9 }{ C }_{ 3 }+^{ 9 }{ C }_{ 5 }=^{ 10 }{ C }_{ r }$$ find 'r'.

Find the value of $$6!$$

Find the number of zeros at the end of $$100!$$

Find the value of $$\dfrac{9!-6!}{4!}$$

How many numbers greater than a million can be formed with the digits $$2, 3, 0, 3, 4, 2, 3$$?

Find number of words by using letters of word "ALLAHABAD"

If $$\ ^{n}C_{12}=\ ^{n}C_{5}$$, find the value of $$n$$.

If $$(n+1)!=90 [(n-1)!]$$, find $$n$$.

Compute :
$$\dfrac {30!}{28!}$$

Find $$x$$ in each of the following:
$$\dfrac {x}{10!}=\dfrac {1}{8!}+\dfrac {1}{9!}$$

Compute :
$$\dfrac {11!-10!}{9!}$$

Find $$x$$ in each of the following:
$$\dfrac {1}{4!}+\dfrac {1}{5!}=\dfrac {x}{6!}$$

Compute: $$\dfrac {32!}{29!}$$.

A group consists of $$4$$ girls and $$7$$ boys. In how many ways can a team of $$5$$ members be selected is the team has no girl ?

The number of all $$3\times 3$$ matrices $$A$$, with enteries from the set $$\{-1, 0, 1\}$$ such that the sum of the diagonal elements of $$AA^T$$ is $$3$$, ______.

Prove that $$\dfrac {1}{10!} + \dfrac {1}{11!} + \dfrac {1}{12!} = \dfrac {145}{12!}$$.

Compute: $$\dfrac {9!}{(5!)\times (3!)}$$.

Prove that $$LCM \left \{6!, 7!, 8!\right \} = 8!$$.

Evaluate each of the following:
$$P(6, 4)$$

Compute: $$\dfrac {(12!) - (10!)}{9!}$$.

A group consists of $$4$$ girls and $$7$$ boys. In how many ways can a team of $$5$$ members be selected is the team has at least one boy and one girl ?

Evaluate: $$^{90}C_{88}$$

Evaluate: $$^{71}C_{71}$$

Write the following products in factorial notation:
$$3\times 6\times 9\times 12\times 15$$.

Evaluate $$\dfrac {n!}{(r!) \times (n - r)!}$$, when $$n = 15$$ and $$r = 12$$.

Prove that :
$$(n - r + 1) \cdot \dfrac {n!}{(n - r + 1)!} = \dfrac {n!}{(n - r)!}$$.

If $$^{n}C_{7} = ^{n}C_{5},$$ find $$n$$.

Evaluate: $$\displaystyle\sum_{r=1}^{6}$$ $$^{6}C_{r}$$

Verify that: $$ ^{10}C_{4}+^{10}C_{3} = ^{11}C_{4} $$ 

Evaluate: $$^{20}C_{4}$$

If $$(n + 2)! = 2550\times n!$$, find the value of $$n$$.

If $$\dfrac {1}{4!} + \dfrac {1}{5!} = \dfrac {x}{6!}$$, find the value of $$x$$.

If $$^{20}C_{r} = ^{20}C_{r-10} $$ then find the value of $$ ^{17}C_{r}.$$

Find the number of diagonals of a hexagon 

Find the number of diagonals of a decagon

If $$ ^{n}C_{r-1} = 36,^{n}C_{r} = 84 $$ and $$ ^{n}C_{r+1} = 126, $$ find $$n$$ and $$r$$.

If $$^{20}C_{r+1} = ^{20}C_{r-1}$$ then find the value of $$^{10}C_{r}. $$

If $$ ^{n+1}C_{r+1}:^{n}C_{r} = 11:6 $$ and $$^{n}C_{r}:^{n-1}C_{r-1} = 6:3, $$ find $$n+r$$.

If $$^{2n}C_{3}:^{n}C_{3} = 12:1,$$ find $$n$$.

How many triangle can be obtained by joining 12 points, four of which are collinear?

How many triangles can be formed in a decagon?

Find the values of  $$^{200}C_{198}. $$

Find the values of $$^{15}C_{15}.$$

There are 12 points in a plane, out of which 3 points are collinear. How many straight lines can be drawn by joining two of them?

How many parallelograms can be formed from a set of 4 parallel lines intersecting set of 3 parallel lines?

Find the number of diagonals in an n-sided polygon.

Find the values of $$^{76}C_{0}$$

Write the value of $$(^{5}C_{1}+^{5}C_{2}+^{5}C_{3}+^{5}C_{4}+^{5}C_{5}). $$

If $$^{n+1}C_{3} = 2(^{n}C_{2}),$$ find the value of n.

There person enter a railway compartment having 5 vacant seats. In how many ways can they seat themselves?

Let $$f(n) = \displaystyle \sum_{r = 0}^{n}\displaystyle \sum_{k = r}^{n} \binom{k}{r}$$. Find the total number of divisors of $$f(9)$$.

There are $$2$$ women participating in a chest tournament. Every participant played $$2$$ games with the other participants. The number of games that the men played between themselves exceeded by $$66$$ as compared to the number of games that the men played with the women. Find the total number of participants.

Prove by combinatorial argument that $$^{n + 1}C_{r} = ^{n}C_{r} + ^{n}C_{r - 1}$$.

If $$\ ^{n+2}C_{8}:\ ^{n-2}P_{4}=57:16$$, find $$n$$.

There are $$3$$ men and $$7$$ women taking a dance class. If $$N$$ is a number of different ways in which each man be paired with a women partner, and the four remaining women are paired into two pairs each of two, then find the value of $$\dfrac{N}{90}$$.

A person has $$'n'$$ friends. Find the minimum value of $$'n'$$ so that a person can invite a different pair of friends every day for four weeks in a row.

$$^{n}C_{17} $$, if $$^{n}C_{9} = ^{n}C_{8} $$

$$ \cfrac{7 !}{5 !} $$

$$ \cfrac{12 !}{10 ! \times 2 !} $$

Find the value of $$ n$$ whereas 
$$ ^{2n}C_3 : ^nC_3 = 11 : 1 $$

Find the value of $$ n$$ whereas 
$$ ^{20}C_{n-2} = ^{20}C_{n+2}  $$

Show that $$^{n}C_{r} + ^{n}C_{T - x} = ^{n + 1}C_{r} $$.

State fundamental principle of counting (or multiplication principle) for three events.

State fundamental principle of counting (or multiplication principle) for two events.

Prove that
$$\displaystyle\Sigma_{n = 0}^{n} \,y . c_{n} = 4$$

Find $$x$$, if 
$$ \cfrac{1}{8 !}+\cfrac{1}{9 !}=\cfrac{x}{10 !} $$

Find the value of $$ ^{50}C_{11} + ^{50}C_{12} +^{51}C_{13} -^{52}C_{13}$$

Find the value of $$ n$$ whereas 
$$ ^nC_{10} = ^nC_{15 } $$

if $$ ^nC_9 = ^nC_7 $$ then find $$^nC_{16} $$.

Find the value of n
$$ ^{2n}C_3 :^nC_3 = 11 :1 $$

$$(i)$$ If $$\space ^{m+r}P_2 = 90$$ and $$\space ^{m-r}P_2 = 30$$.
$$(ii)$$ If $$\space ^nP_r = ^nP_{r+1}$$ and $$\space ^nC_r = \space ^nC_{r-1}$$.
Find $$m+n-r$$ ?

Solve the inequality
$$^{x-1}C_4 - \space ^{x-1}C_3 - \displaystyle\frac{5}{4}\space^{x-2}C_2 < 0, \quad x\in N$$. Find difference of largest and smallest values x can take ?

From a class of $$25$$ students, $$10$$ are to be chosen for an excursion party. There are $$3$$ students who decide that their all of them will join or none of them will join. In how many ways can the excursion party be chosen?

Prove that $$\dfrac{^{4n}C_{2n}}{^{2n}C_n} = \dfrac{1.3.5...... (4n - 1)}{\{ 1.3.5...... (2n - 1)\}^2}$$

For $$r = 0, 1, 2, ...., n$$, prove that $$C_{0}\cdot C_{r} + C_{1}\cdot C_{r + 1} + C_{2} \cdot C_{r + 2} + .... + C_{n - r} \cdot C_{n} = \ ^{2n}C_{(n + r)}$$ and hence deduce that
i) $$C_{0}^{2} + C_{1}^{2} + C_{2}^{2} + ...... + C_{n}^{2} = \ ^{2n}C_{n}$$
ii) $$C_{0}\cdot C_{1} + C_{1}\cdot C_{2} + C_{2}\cdot C_{3} + ..... + C_{n - 1} \cdot C_{n} = \ ^{2n}C_{n + 1}$$

In how many ways fifteen different items my be given to $$A, B, C$$ such that$$ A$$ gets $$3$$, $$B$$ gets $$5$$ and remaining goes to $$C$$.

Solve the following inequalities.
$$C_{m - 2}^{13} > C_{m}^{18}, m\, \epsilon \, N$$

If $$^nC_6 : ^{n - 3}C_3 = 33 : 4$$, find n.

How many $$4$$ letter words can be formed from the letters of the word $$'ANSWER'$$? How many of the words start with a vowel?

If $$^nC_{r - 1} = 36, ^nC_r = 84$$ and $$^nC_{r + 1} = 126$$, find the values of n and r.

Three married couples are to be seated in a row having six seats in a cinema hall. If spouses are to be seated next to each other, in how many ways can they be seated? Find also the number of ways of their seating if all the ladies sit together.

How many zeros in 100! ?

If $$^{15}C_r : ^{15}C_{r - 1} = 11 : 5$$, find r.

There are $$10$$ different books in a shelf. Find the number of ways in which $$3$$ books can be selected so that exactly two of them are consecutive.

Find the value of $$^{61}C_{57}-^{60}C_{56}$$
i)  $$^{61}C_{58}$$
ii) $$^{60}C_{57}$$

If $$( 1 + x ) ^ { 15 } = C _ { 0 } + C _ { 1 } x + C _ { 2 } x ^ { 2 } + \ldots \ldots + C _ { 15 } x ^ { 15 } ,$$ find the value of $$C _ { 2 } + 2 C _ { 3 } + 3 C _ { 4 } + \ldots \ldots + 14 C _ { 15 }$$


Find the value of $$_{  }^{ n }{ { C }_{ r-1 } }/_{  }^{ n }{ { C }_{ r } }$$

Prove that $${ 2c }_{ 0 }+{ 5c }_{ 1 }+{ 8c }_{ 2 }+.....+\left( 3n+2 \right) { c }_{ n }=\left( 3n+4 \right) { 2 }^{ n-1 }$$

There are 720 permutations of the digits 1,2,3,4,5,suppose these permutations are arranged from smallest to largest numerical of values, beginning from 1 2 3 4 5 6 and ending with 6 5 4 3 2(a)what number falls on $${ 124 }^{ th }$$ position?  (b) what is the position of 321546? 

Verify that: $$^{15}C_{8}+^{15}C_{9}-^{15}C_{6}-^{15}C_{7} = 0 $$

Prove that:
$$\dfrac {n!}{r!} = n(n - 1)(n - 2) ... (r + 1)$$.

If $$ ^{n}C_{14} = ^{n}C_{16},$$ find $$^{n}C_{28}$$.

Prove that $$\sum _{ r=0 }^{ n }{ ^nC_r } .3^r = 4^n $$

If $$ ^{n}C_{16} = \ ^{n}C_{14},$$ find $$ ^{n}C_{27}$$.

If $$ ^{18}C_{r} = ^{18}C_{r+2},$$ find $$ ^{r}C_{5}$$.

There are 18 points in a plane of which 5 are collinear. How many straight lines can be formed by joining them?

Class 11 Engineering Maths Extra Questions