Resources And Development - Class 10 Geography - Extra Questions

What is soil conservation? State a method of soil conservation in the:
i. Arid and Semi Arid region.
ii. River valleys prone to flood.

With reference to black soil answer the following:
(i) Name one important crop which grows in this soil.
(ii) Give one chemical property of this soil.

Mention two differences between Alluvial Soil and Black Cotton Soil.

Answer the following questions in two to four sentences each:
Why is it essential to prevent soil erosion?

Short answer type questions:
What is resource planning? Why is it called a complex process?

Short answer type questions:
Explain (a) Fallow lands (b) Waste lands (c) Bad lands.

Enlist four characteristics of resources.

answer required

Short answer type questions:
How are resources classified on the basis of ownership?

Resource planning is essential for sustainable existence of all forms of life. State yes or no.

Which type of soil is most widespread in India?

Explain the importance of alluvial soil.

How were the soils classified in ancient India?

Which type of soil provides valuable building materials?

Which type of soil is found in the Deccan Plateau of India?

What is the effect of soil erosion in our country?

What is soil erosion? Mention two steps that could be taken to prevent soil erosion.

Define the following :
i. Pedogenesis.
ii. Humus.
iii. Bhangar.

Give geographical reasons for the following. Laterite soil is not suitable for cultivation.

What are the steps taken to prevent soil erosion?

How can we prevent soil erosion?

Mention two measures for conservation of land degradation.

Give any two characteristics of black soil.

Observe the following figure and answer the questions given below it:
(1) How much percent area is under forest?
(2) How much percent land is under cultivation?
(3) What does 13% use of land indicate?
(4) Name the use of land of least percentage in the figure.

Write two characteristics of black soil.

Answer in a sentence:
How can a fallow land be utilized for agriculture?

Classify resources on the basis of their origin.

Distinguish between Red soil and Laterite soil.

What is humus? What are its functions?

Fertile soil has lots of humus. Why?

Soil is formed by water. If you agree to this statement then give reasons?

Why solar energy is considered to be inexhaustible resource?

Differentiate between humification and mineralization?

What kind of soil is most suitable for plant growth? Why?

In which states of India are the black soils found? Mention the characteristics of the black soil.

How many and what are types of soils in India?

Why is conservation of energy sources essential in India? Give any three reasons.

(i) Why does alluvial soil differ in texture?
(ii) State two cash crops that grow well in alluvial soil.

Short answer type questions:
Which soil covers the eastern part of the peninsula?
Give two features of this soil.

Write the names of two processes that induce land degradation. 

Name the soil which:
i. Is good for cultivation of sugarcane.
ii. Is acidic in nature.
iii. Occurs ex-situ.

Name an area in India in which each of the following processes take place:
i. Sheet erosion.
ii. Gully erosion.

Soil is non-renewable resources- Explain.

Short answer type questions:
How has technical and economic development led to more consumption of resources?

Various agents, like wind, water, overgrazing by cattle, etc, cause soil _______.

Wind Energy is an example of Non-renewable energy sources.
True = 1 and False = 0.

Name the crops that can be produced in the black soil.

Name the states where black soil is found.

How is the laterite soil formed? Give one feature of this type of soil.

Which type of soil is suited for raising plantation crops?

What is the significance of soil as a natural resource?

Name the crops which can be easily produced in the red soil.

Name the states of India where the alluvial soil is found.

What is a resource? Also state its characteristics.

Define the term alluvium.

What are the two main ways of generating electricity? How are they different from each other? Explain.

Describe any five main characteristics of alluvial soil in India.

How did the Waste Land Rules change the life of the pastoralists?

Fill in the blanks with suitable words.
Utilising land for different purposes is called ___________.

Name the soil which is good for the cultivation of cashew nuts.

State any two methods of controlling soil erosion?

Give a geographical reason for different regions in India having different kinds of soil.

Give a geographical reason for black soil being suitable for growth of cotton.

Mention two differences between alluvial soil and red soil.

Give a geographical reason for the conservation of soil as a natural resource.

Name the soil which is a result of leaching.

Which crop can be grown better in the black soils?

Which are the two main climatic factors responsible for soil formation?

Give geographical reasons for the following. Red soil is red in colour.

Name the renewable and non-renewable sources of power?

Write the name of Soil which is available in India. 

How would you control soil erosion?

Give geographical reasons for the following. 
Khadar soils are preferred to Bangar soils.

Answer the following questions in a sentence each:
Coastal erosion is more severe along the West Coast of India.

Answer the following questions in two to four sentences each :
Why is it essential to prevent soil erosion?

Previously asked problems:
What is resource planning? Why is resource planning essential? Explain with three reasons.

Long answer type questions:
What are the different problems associated with indiscriminate use of resources?

Long answer type questions:
Name the regions where black soil is found.

Previously asked problems:
How is land a natural resource of utmost importance? Explain with four facts.

Previously asked problems:
Explain any four reasons responsible for the land degradation in India.

Long answer type questions:
Mention two features of khadar soil.

________ soils are usually very productive soils but may be deficient in nitrogen, humus, and phosphorus.

Why is land considered an important resource?

Distinguish between Bangar and Khadar.

Name any two reasons for land degradation.

Explain land use pattern in India and why has the land under forest not increased much since 1960-61?

What steps can be taken to control soil erosion in the hilly areas?

Explain in brief about Bhabar, Bhangar, Khadar and Terai.

Name three states having black soil and the crop which is mainly grown in it.

What are the features of forest or mountain soil?

State the reason of the alluvial soil is found in the northern plains of India.

Distinguish between the Khadar and Bangar.

What type of soil is found in the river deltas of the eastern coast? Give three main features of this type of soil.

How has the technical and economic development of the country led to more consumption of the resources?

Which materials from the soil can prove good for plants?

What are the main constituents of the soil in mountainous regions?

Define the term natural resource.

Define the Pedologist.

Define soil fertility.

How can soil's fertility be conserved?

What is Humus?

Define the term 'Loamy soil'.

Give the three chief characteristics of the alluvial soil.

What are epiphytes?

Define 'Undergrowth'.

Define the term 'Badlands'.

Define soil erosion.

What did the enclosure imply? Why was the land enclosed in the $$18th$$ century in England?

Name the nuclear plant located in Uttar Pradesh.

Which is the most abundantly available fossil fuel in India? Assess the importance of its different forms.

How were the poor affected by enclosures?

Discuss why the colonial government introduced the Waste Land Rules in India. How did the Waste Land Rules change the life of pastoralists?

Why was the land being enclosed in the late eighteenth century England?

The American dream of a land of plenty had pushed into a nightmare. Explain?

What are the factors that influence land use ?

Answer the following questions:
Name the land forms associated with the work of river.

Terms to remember:

Give a geographic reason for each of the following :
i. Alluvial soil is extremely fertile.
ii. Need for soil conservation.
iii. Reafforestation should be practised extensively.

State the characteristic of each of the soil named below that makes them most suitable for crop cultivation :
i. Black soil.
ii. Red soil.

Name the soil which covers almost all of West Bengal.

Mention two similarities between red soil and laterite soil.

State the geographic term for each of the following processes:
i. The process by which soluble minerals dissolve in rain water and percolate to the bottom, leaving the top soil infertile.
ii. The process by which rain water, flowing in definite paths, removes the top soil, thus causing deep cuts to the surface of the land.

Give a geographical reason for each of the following :
i. Alluvial soil differs in texture.
ii. Black soil does not get leached.
iii. Khadar is more fertile than bhangar.

Define the following :
i. Sheet erosion
ii. Soil conservation
iii. In situ soil

Name the process by which lateral soil is formed. Mention one disadvantage of this soil.

Mention any three characteristics of black soil which makes the soil fertile.

State two methods of controlling the erosion of soil caused by running water.

State two differences between Bhangar and Khadar.

Differentiate between Transported soil and In situ soil, quoting a suitable example for each.

With reference to red soils in India, answer the following question. State two advantages of this type of soil.

With reference to red soils in India, answer the following question. Mention two important crops grown in this soil.

Mention two differences in the alluvial soil of the northern plains and the alluvial soil on the coastal plains of India.

With reference of red soils in India, answer the following question. Name two states where it is found.

Give one geographical reason for each of the following:
(i) Red soil requires irrigation.
(ii) Afforestation prevents soil from getting eroded.
(iii) Laterite soil is red in colour.

(i) What is soil erosion?
(ii) Mention two causes of soil erosion in India?

Collect under mentioned material and observe how destruction of trees effect the soil cover.
(i) Three small flowerpots or food cans (e.g cold drinks tin cans),
(ii) One big can with holes punched in the bottom (this will act as a sprinkling can),
(iii) twelve coins or bottle caps
(iv) Soil.

Take three small cans or pots. Fill them with soil till the top. Press the soil to make it level with the top of the can. Now put four coins or bottle caps on the soil of each can. Take the big can that has been punched with holes and fill it with water. You can also take the sprinkling can from your garden. Now, sprinkle water on the three cans. On the first can sprinkle water veiy slowly so that no soil splashes out. Let moderate amount of water be sprinkled on the second can. On the third can, sprinkle the water heavily. You will observe that unprotected soil splashes out. Where the 'rain' is heavy the amount of soil that splashes out is the maximum and least in case of the first can. The coins or caps represent the tree covers. It is clear that if the land is cleared completely of the vegetation, the soil cover will quickly disappear.

Which type of soil is most suitable for growing the crop of cashew nut?

Give one example of the main commercial crop cultivable in laterite soil.

Answer the following questions in a sentence each:
Which soil is also called ' Regur  soil ' ?

Which types of soil in india is most widespread and importnat?

Give one example of the Community Owned Resources.

In what sport would you see a chistera?

Short answer type questions:
Explain the factors that have resulted in the degradation of land.

Short answer type questions:
How can the problem of land degradation be solved in hilly and desert areas?

Long answer type questions:
Name the regions where laterite soil is found.

Long answer type questions:
Define land degradation. Which factors lead to land degradation.

Long answer type questions:
Define soil erosion, It's cause and a few remedial steps that can be taken to control soil erosion.

State some important measures for resource conservation.

Long answer type questions:
Give the importance of soil. Explain any three factors responsible for soil formation.

Long answer type questions:
Which is the most important soil in India? Write three main characteristics of this soil.

Classify resources, on the basis of exhaustibility in two groups. Mention three characteristics of each.

Short answer type questions:
State total geographical area of India and show the land use pattern in India.

Long answer type questions:
Suggest suitable measures for controlling land degradation.

Previously asked problems:
Classify resources on the basis of the status of development into four groups. Explain the main features of each group.

Previously asked problems:
Give a brief account of the type of soils found in India.

Previously asked problems:
What is fallow land? Give two examples showing how it can be converted into cultivable land.

Which geographical factors are responsible for the evolution of black soil? Why is it considered the most suitable for growing cotton?

What is the importance of land as a resource? Which factors determine the land use pattern?

How are resources classified?

What is the need for conservation of resources? Explain it in the light of Gandhiji's view.

What are the adverse effects of multi-purpose projects on the fertility of soil?

What do you mean by resource planning? Is it essential? Give reasons.

Name the various types of soil found in India.

Which types of soils are found in the Himalayan mountains?

Why is there a pressing need for using renewable energy sources in India? Explain any five reasons.

What are the types of soils found in India?

Fill in the blanks with suitable words: 
Utilising the land for a variety of purposes is known as _____.

Fill in the blanks with suitable words:
Black soil area is called ____________.

What is meant by Land-use Pattern?

Which type of land use has increased in India? Discuss the causes of increase.

What is meant by land-degradation? Describe the processes involved in it.

Discuss about the utilization of resources in the developing and developed countries.

Define soil.

Fill in the blanks with suitable words:
___________ is necessary for the development of villages and agriculture.

Why should we use resources wisely?

Class 10 Geography Extra Questions