Non-Competitive Markets - Class 11 Commerce Economics - Extra Questions

Why do the marginal revenue and average revenue curves look alike under monopoly and monopolistic competition?

Complete the following table:
Total Revenue
Marginal Revenue

TR curve under perfect competition is a straight line, sloping upward from the origin. Is it true? 

Find a fall in market demand for the commodity when TR of the monopoly firm reduces from Rs. 5000 to Rs. 4500 and $$AR$$ increases from $$Rs. 50$$ to $$Rs. 90$$.

Producer's price line shows highest price elasticity of demand in a state of perfect competition. Do you agree?

Complete the following table of a monopolistically competitive firm:
 Total Revenue
 Marginal Revenue
 1$$-$$ 18 $$-$$
 $$-$$ 14
 42 $$-$$
 $$-$$ $$-$$
 $$-$$ 2

What are the shapes of average revenue and marginal revenue curves under monopoly and monopolistic competition?

A firm is facing a downward sloping price line ($$AR$$ curve). Why should it produce more when it must lead to fall in price of the commodity?

Define oligopoly.

What do you mean by monopoly?

Define monopolistic competition.

In the long period, level of output under monopoly is always less than under perfect competition even when a monopolist earns extra-normal profits. Do you agree?

How is elasticity of demand relevant to you when, as a monopolist, you are a price maker?

There are different brands of cell phones sold in India, at a competitive price. What form of the market it is?

Answer the following question in $$4$$ sentences.
Write the meaning of monopolistic competition and give an example.

Answer the following question in $$4$$ sentences.
Mention the conditions needed for profit by a firm under perfect competition.

Explain one main feature of each:
Monopsony market.

Answer the following question in $$4$$ sentences.
Mention the three forms of imperfectly competitive market.

Answer the following question in a sentence/word.
What is Monopoly?

Fill in the blanks:
Under imperfect competition, Average Revenue (AR) remains _________Marginal Revenue (MR).

Explain the implications of the following in a perfectly competitive market :
(a) Large number of sellers 
(b) Homogeneous products.

What do you mean by oligopoly?

What do you mean by "monopoly"?

What is the relationship between AR and MR?

What is the relationship between TR  and AR / MR / Price Line?

What is the relationship between AR and MR under imperfect competition?

For a non-viable industry, where does the supply curve lie in relation to demand curve?

What do you mean by "monopolistic competition"?

 What is the MR-MC approach?

Explain Firm's Revenue Curves under different Markets? Using curves.

What is the relationship between AR and MR under Imperfect competition?

Are the following Statements are true or false? Give reasons:
(a) When total revenue is maximum, marginal revenue is also maximum.
(b) Marginal Revenue can never be negative.
(c) When Marginal Revenue is falling but Positive, Total Revenue will also be falling and positive.

Explain the shape of the MR curve in case the TR curve is:
a positively sloped straight line
a horizontal line
increasing at a decreasing rate

State the relation between total revenue and marginal revenue.

What do you mean by marginal revenue?

Calculate AR and MR:
Output sold1234

Are the following statements true or false? Give reasons.
(a) When MR is positive and constant, AR and TR will both increase at constant rate.
(b) TR starts declining when MR is less than Zero.

State with reason whether you agree/disagree: There are no types of revenue.

Class 11 Commerce Economics Extra Questions