Number Theory - Class 11 Commerce Applied Mathematics - Extra Questions

If $$Z_{1}$$ and $$Z_{2}$$ are two complex numbers and $$c> 0,$$ then prove that
$$\left | z_{1}+z_{2} \right |^{2}\leq \left ( 1+c \right )\left | z_{1} \right |^{2}+\left ( 1+c^{-1} \right )\left | z_{2} \right |^{2}$$

Let $$z_{1}$$ and $$z_{2}$$ be complex numbers such that $$z_{1}\neq z_{2}$$ and $$\left | z_{1} \right |=\left | z_{2} \right |.$$ If $$z_{1}$$ has positive real part and $$z_{2}$$ has negative imaginary part, then show that $$\displaystyle \frac{z_{1}+z_{2}}{z_{1}-z_{2}}$$ is purely imaginary.

Multiply $$3\sqrt { -7 } -5\sqrt { -2 } $$ by $$3\sqrt { -7 } +5\sqrt { -2 } $$

Find the modulus of complex number $$-2+2\sqrt{3}i$$.

Compute :
$$(1 \, + \, i)^{-1}$$

Locate the points representing the complex number for which $${ \log }_{ 1/2 }\dfrac { \left| z-1 \right| +4 }{ \left| z-1 \right| -2 } >1$$

$$[ (cos \theta \, + \, i \, sin \, \theta )  (\, cos \theta \, - \, i sin \theta  ) ] = ?$$

Prove the identity,$$|1+z_1\bar{z_2}|^2+|z_1-z_2|^2=(1+|z_1|^2)(1+|z_2|^2)$$

Solve $$\left(\dfrac{1+i}{1-i}\right)^{24}$$

Prove the identity $$|1-z_1{z_2}|^2-|z_1-z_2|^2=(1-|z_1|^2)(1-|z_2|^2)$$

The HCF of two or more prime numbers is always __________ 

If $$\left( {a + ib} \right)\left( {c + id} \right) = A + iB$$, then show that $$\left( {{a^2} + {b^2}} \right)\left( {{c^2} + {d^2}} \right) = {A^2} + {B^2}$$.

If $$(a+ib)(c+id)=A+iB$$, then show that $$({a^2} + {b^2})({c^2} + {d^2}) = {A^2} + {B^2}$$

Define and Give one example of each :
a) Parallel lines
b) Intersecting lines
c) Perpendicular line
d) Prime Number
e) Twin Prime
f) Even Number

Find the values of the following:
$$(1+i\sqrt {3})^{3}$$

Find the value of $${(-1+\sqrt{-3})}^{2}+{(-1-\sqrt{-3})}^{2}$$.

Find the modules and the argument of the complex no $$Z=1+i$$

If $$a = \frac{{ - 1 + \sqrt {3i} }}{2}$$ , $$b = \frac{{ - 1 - \sqrt {3i} }}{2}$$ then show that $$\,\,{a^2} = b$$ and $$\,\,{b^2} = a$$.

$$z=2+3i$$ find $$|z|$$

Find the principal arguments of the following Complex Number
(i) $$5 + 5i$$

If $${z_1},{z_2} \in C,$$ then $$\left| {\dfrac{{{z_1}}}{{{z_2}}}} \right|$$.

Let $$Z = x + iy$$ and $$\omega = \dfrac {1 - iZ}{Z - i}$$. If $$|\omega| = 1$$, show that $$Z$$ is purely real.

Find the modulus of $$\frac{{1 + i}}{{1 - i}} - \frac{{1 - i}}{{1 + i}}$$

Solve: $$x^2 - (3\sqrt{2} - 2i)x - \sqrt{2}i = 0$$

State whether the given statement is true or false $$\overline{(z^{-1})} \, = \, (\bar{z})^{-1}$$

Express $$\dfrac{{5 + i\sqrt 2 }}{{2i}}$$ in the form of $$x + iy$$.

If $$\dfrac{{{{\left( {1 + i} \right)}^2}}}{{2 - i}} = x - iy,$$ then find the value of $$x + y$$.

Find the real and imaginary parts of the complex number z=$$\dfrac{3i^{20}-i^{19}}{2i-1}$$

If $${\left( {\frac{{1 + i}}{{1 - i}}} \right)^3} - {\left( {\frac{{1 - i}}{{1 + i}}} \right)^3} = x + iy$$, then find $$(x,\,y)$$,

For the complex number$$\sqrt { 37 } + \sqrt { - 19 }$$.
Real part is $$\sqrt 37$$ and imaginary is $$\sqrt 19$$
Enter 1 if true or 0 for false

What are twin-primes ?

Express the following in the form of a = ib, a,b$$\epsilon$$R $$i = \sqrt{-1}$$. State the values of a and b.
 $$(1 + 2i)(-2 + i)$$

If ABC are angles of a triangle such that x = cis A, y = cis B, z = cis C, then find value of xyz

Give three pairs of prime numbers whose difference is $$2$$. [Remark: Two prime numbers whose difference is $$2$$ are called twin primes].

If $$z \neq 0$$ is a complex number,then prove that $$Re(z) = 0 \Longrightarrow  Im(z^2)=0$$.

If $$(a + ib) (c + id) (e + if)(g +ih) = A + iB$$, then prove that $$(a^2 + b^2) (c^2 + d^2)(e^2 + f^2)(g^2 + h^2) = A^2 + B^2$$. 

If $$z = x + iy$$ and $$w = \dfrac{(1 - iz)}{(z - i)}$$ and $$\left|w\right| = 1$$, then prove that $$z$$ is purely real.

If $$(x+iy)^3=u+iv$$, then prove that $$\displaystyle \frac{u}{x}+\frac{v}{y} =4(x^2 - y^2)$$. 

If $$z_1$$ and $$z_2$$ are complex numbers and $$u = \sqrt{z_1z_2}$$, then prove that 
$$\left|z_1\right| + \left|z_2\right| = \left|\displaystyle \frac{z_1 + z_2}{2}+u\right| + \left|\displaystyle \frac{z_1 + z_2}{2}-u\right|$$.

If $$ \left|z_1 + z_2\right| = \left|z_1\right| + \left|z_2\right|$$, then show that $$arg(z_1) = arg(z_2)$$. 

If $$\left|z_1 - z_2\right| = \left|z_1\right| + \left|z_2\right|$$, then prove that $$arg(z_1) - arg (z_2) = \pi$$ . I

Find the minimum value of $$\left | 1+z \right |+\left | 1-z \right |.$$


Compute the modulus of complex number $$z=\sqrt5-2i$$

If $$\displaystyle a+ib=\dfrac { { \left( x+i \right)  }^{ 2 } }{ { 2x }^{ 2 }+1 } $$, prove that $$\displaystyle { a }^{ 2 }+{ b }^{ 2 }=\dfrac { { \left( { x }^{ 2 }+1 \right)  }^{ 2 } }{ { \left( 2x^2+1 \right)  }^{ 2 } } $$.

Express $$\cfrac{2+i}{(1+i)(1-2i)}$$ in the form of $$a+ib$$. Find its modulus and argument.

Find the real and imaginary parts of the complex number $$\dfrac {a + ib}{a - ib}$$

Find the number of integral solution of $$(1-i)^x=2^x$$.

If $$z$$ and $$\alpha$$ complex numbers such that $$|z| = |\alpha| = r, r > 0$$ and $$\omega = \dfrac {z - \overline {\alpha}}{r^{2} + z\overline {\alpha}}$$, find $$Re(\omega)$$.

If the ratio $$\left (\dfrac {1 - z}{1 + z}\right )$$ is purely imaginary, then find value of $$|z|$$.

If $$a=\cfrac { 1+i }{ \sqrt { 2 }  } $$, find the value of $${ a }^{ 6 }+{ a }^{ 4 }+{ a }^{ 2 }+1$$

If $$\left| { z }_{ 1 } \right| =2,\left| { z }_{ 2 } \right| =3,\left| { z }_{ 3 } \right| =4$$ and $$\left| 2{ z }_{ 1 }+3{ z }_{ 2 }+4{ z }_{ 3 } \right| =10$$, then absolute value $$8{ z }_{ 2 }{ z }_{ 3 }+27{ z }_{ 3 }{ z }_{ 1 }+64{ z }_{ 1 }{ z }_{ 2 }$$ must be equal to-

Find the points of the plane which satisfy the following equations.
$$\displaystyle \left | \, \frac{z \, - \, 2}{z \, + \, 3} \, \right | \, = \, 1.$$

Find the points of the plane which satisfy the following equations.
$$\displaystyle \left | \, \frac{z \, + \, i}{z \, - \, 3i} \, \right | \, = \, 1.$$

Simplify the following :
$$\dfrac{(1 \, - \, i)^3}{1 \, - \, i^3}$$

Express the following  in the form A + iB :
$$\dfrac{1}{1 \, - \, \cos \theta \, + \, 2i \, \sin \theta}$$

Put the following in the form A + iB :
$$\dfrac{(a \, + \, ib)^2}{(a \, - \, ib)} \, - \, \dfrac{(a \, - \, ib)^2}{(a \, + \, ib)}$$

If $$Z_r \, = \, \left ( \cos\dfrac{r\pi }{10} \, + \, i \, \sin \dfrac{r\pi }{10}\right ).$$ Then,  find the value of $$Z_1 \cdot Z_2 \cdot Z_3 \cdot Z_4 $$

If $$i{ z }^{ 3 }+{ z }^{ 2 }-z+i=0$$, then show that $$\left| z \right| =1$$.

$$The\quad complex\quad number\quad \cfrac { { 2 }^{ n } }{ { (1+i) }^{ 2n } } +\cfrac { { (1+i) }^{ 2n } }{ { 2 }^{ n } } ,\quad n\quad \in Z,\quad is\quad equal\quad to\quad $$

Find all the values of $$z$$ which satisfy the equation
exp$$\left| \dfrac { { \left| z \right|  }^{ 2 }-\left| z \right| +4 }{ { \left| z \right|  }^{ 2 }+1 } \log2 \right| ={ \log }_{ \sqrt { 2 }  }\left| 3\sqrt { 15 } +11i \right| $$

Find the modulus and argument of the complex number:

For any two complex number $$z_1$$ and $$z_2$$ prove that $$Re(z_1z_2)= Rez_1Rez_2-I mz_1Imz_1$$

let $$z_1$$ and $$z_2$$ be two complex number such that $$|1-{z_1}z_2|^2-|z_1-z_2|^2=k\left(1-|z_1|^2\right)\left(1-|z_2|^2\right)$$  find the value of $$k$$

If $$\left( {a + ib} \right) = \frac{{1 + i}}{{1 - i}}$$ , then prove that $$\left( {{a^2} + {b^2}} \right) = 1$$

How solve and what is its meaning

Let $$\dfrac{1}{a+ib}=c+id$$ for non-zero $$a,b$$, then find $$c,d$$.

Find the modulus and the arguments of each of the complex numbers is $$z=-\sqrt{3}+i$$

Find real values of $$\theta $$ for which$$\left( {\dfrac{{4 + 3i\;\sin \theta }}{{1 - 2i\;\sin \theta }}} \right)$$ is purely real.  

Prove that $${\left( {1 + i} \right)^4}{\left( {1 + \dfrac{1}{i}} \right)^4} = 16$$


For any two complex numbers $$z_1,z_2$$ and any two real numbers a and b,
$$|az_1-bz_2|^2+|bz_1+az_2|^2=.....$$  .

Among the complex numbers $$Z$$ satisfying the condition $$|z+3-\sqrt{3}i| = \sqrt{3}$$, find the number having the least positive argument.

Show that:

Find the value of $${ x }^{ 3 }+2{ x }^{ 2 }-3x+21$$ if $$x=1+2i$$

Let $$z_{1}=2-i,z_{2}=-2+i$$. Find $$Re\left(\dfrac {z_{1} z_{2}}{ \vec {z_{1}}}\right)$$

Find the expanded form when $$z$$ is divided by $$z-0.5$$

Show that if $$\left| \dfrac { z - 3 i } { z + 3 i } \right| = 1 ,$$ then $$z$$ is a real number.

If $$|z-1|+|z-3| \le 8$$, then find the range of $$|z-4|$$.

 Express the following in the form of a = ib, a,b$$\epsilon$$R $$i = \sqrt{-1}$$. State the values of a and b.

Show that $$(-1 + \sqrt 3 i)^3$$ is a real number.

Express $$(5-3i)^{3}$$ in the form $$a+ib$$.

Simplify: $$\left( -\sqrt { 3 } +\sqrt { -2 }  \right) \left( 2\sqrt { 3 } -i \right) $$=(a + ib)$$\left( -\sqrt { 3 } +\sqrt { -2 }  \right) $$. Find value of a and b.

Simplify and express the result in the form of $$a+ib$$ 

Find the possible missing twins for the following number so that they become twin primes.

Express the following number as the sum of twin primes.

Find the possible missing twins for the following number so that they become twin primes.

Find the possible missing twins for the following number so that they become twin primes.

Evaluate $$(\sqrt {-36}\times \sqrt{-25})$$.

Define twin prime numbers.

Given the output of the following,
when num1 = 4, num2 = 3, num3 = 2
1. num1 + = num2 + num3
    print (num1)
2. num1 = num1 * (num2 + num3)
    print (numl)
3. num1 = num2* (num2 + num 3)
4. num1 = '5' + '5'
    print (numl)

Prove that if $$\displaystyle x \, + \,\frac{1}{x} \, = \, 2 \, cos \, \alpha, \, then \, x^n \, + \, \frac{1}{x^n} \, = \, 2 \, cos \, n\alpha.$$

Given: $${ z }_{ 1 }+{ z }_{ 2 }+{ z }_{ 3 }=A;{ z }_{ 1 }+{ z }_{ 2 }w+{ z }_{ 3 }{ w }^{ 2 }=B;{ z }_{ 1 }+{ z }_{ 2 }{ w }^{ 2 }+{ z }_{ 3 }{ w }^{  }=C$$ where $$w$$ is cube rott of unity
Prove: $${ \left| A \right|  }^{ 2 }+{ \left| B \right|  }^{ 2 }+{ \left| C \right|  }^{ 2 }=3\left( { \left| { z }_{ 1 } \right|  }^{ 2 }+{ \left| { z }_{ 2 } \right|  }^{ 2 }+{ \left| { z }_{ 3 } \right|  }^{ 2 } \right) $$

Perform the indicated operations.
$$\displaystyle (- \, 1 \, + \, \sqrt{3i})^3.$$

Solve $$\left(\dfrac {1}{1-4i}-\dfrac {2}{1+i}\right)\left(\dfrac {3-4i}{5+i}\right)$$

Solve $$\dfrac {1}{1+i}$$

Express the following number given in the form $$a+ib$$.

If $$|z + 1| = z + 2 (1 + i)$$, then find $$z$$.

Define twin primes.Determine twin primes between $$ 50 $$ and $$ 1000 $$

What are twin-primes? Write all pairs of twin-primes between $$50$$ and $$100$$.

Express the following number as the sum of twin primes.

Express the following number as the sum of twin primes.

Class 11 Commerce Applied Mathematics Extra Questions