Straight Lines - Class 11 Commerce Applied Mathematics - Extra Questions

How many points are there on the x-axis which are at a distance of $$ 2 \sqrt{5}$$ from the point $$(7, 4)$$?

Determine whether the points are vertices of a right triangle $$A(-3, -4)$$, $$B(2, 6)$$ and $$C(-6, 10)$$

The point on the y-axis equidistant from $$(-5, 2)$$ and $$(9, -2)$$ is $$(0,-m)$$, them $$m$$

Find the perimeter of a triangle whose vertices have the coordinates $$(3,10),(5,2)$$ and $$(14,12)$$.

Show that the two parabolas $$ x^2 + 4a (y - 2b - a ) = 0 $$ and $$ y^2 = 4b (x - 2a + b) $$ intersect at right angles at a common end of the latus rectum of each.

Which point on x-axis is equidistant from $$(5,9)$$ and $$(-4,6)$$?

The vertices of a triangle are $$A\left( { - 2,\,2} \right),\,B\left( {4,\,4} \right)\,and\,C\left( {8,\,2} \right).$$ Find the length of the medians to the sides 

Find the slope of the line passing through the points $$(3, -2)$$ & $$(7, -2)$$

Find the value of $$x$$ for which the distance between $$p(2, -3)$$ and $$q(x, 5)$$ is $$10$$ units.

Find a point on $$x-axis$$ which is equidistant from $$A(2, -5)$$ and $$(-2, 9)$$.

Find the slope of line which passes through the point (7,11) and (9,15) .

Show that the points $$(3, -2), (1, 0), (-1, -2)$$ and $$(1, -4)$$ are concyclic

Find the point on x-axis which is equidistant from the points (2,-5) and (-2,9).

If the points $$A(1,2), B(-4,3), C(x,2)$$ and $$D(2,3)$$ form parallelogram find the value of $$x$$.

If the point $$A(a,2)$$ is equidistant from the points $$B(8,-2)$$ and $$C(2,-2)$$, the value of $$a$$.

If $$(a,b)$$ is the mid-point of the line segment joining the points $$A\left( {10, - 6} \right),B\left( {k,4} \right)$$ and $$a-2b=18$$,find the value of $$k$$ and the distance AB.

A point P on X-axis is at distance 13 from A(11,12). Find the coordinates of P.

If $$P ( 2 , P )$$ is the mid point of the line segment joining the the points. $$A ( 6 , - 5 )$$ and $$B ( - 2,11 )$$ find the value of $$P .$$

Find the slope of the line whose inclination is $$30^{o}$$

21 - 3(b - 7) = b + 20

Find the inclination of a line whose slope is
(i) $$1$$
(ii) $$-1$$
(iii) $$\sqrt 3 $$
(iv) $$-\sqrt 3 $$
(v) $$\frac{1}{{\sqrt 3 }}$$

Find the slope of the line perpendicular to $$AB$$ if $$A=(0,-5)$$ and $$B=(-2,4)$$.

Find the distance between the following pairs of points:-

Find the angle between the line $$\sqrt {3}x+y+1=0$$ and $$x+1=0$$.

If point $$(x,y)$$ is equidistant from point $$(3,k)$$ and $$(k,3)$$ then find the value of $$k$$ when $$x\neq y$$

Show that the point A(-2,3,5), B(1,2,3) and C(7,0,-1) are collinear .

Find the distance of the point $$P(-6,8)$$ from the origin.

Let $$A (6,4)$$ and $$B(2,12)$$ be two given points. Find the slope of a line perpendicular to $$AB$$.

$$A ( 0,2 ) , B ( 0,5 )$$ be any two points, then the distance between them is _________.

The distance between the two points is $$5.$$ One of them is $$(3,  2)$$ and the ordinate of the second is  $$-1$$ , then find sum of  its x-coordinate.

Mid-points of the sides AB and AC of $$\Delta  ABC$$ are $$(3, 5)$$ and $$(-3,  -3)$$, respectively, then find the length of BC.

The vertices of a triangle are A $$(2,  2)$$, B $$(-4,  -4)$$, C $$(5,  -8)$$. Then, if  the length of the median through C is $$\sqrt m$$.Find $$m$$

If P$$(x, y)$$ is a point in the coordinate plane such that locus of P is

Find the angles between the lines $$\displaystyle  \sqrt{3}x+y= 1$$ and $$x+\sqrt{3}y= 1$$

Find the slope of a line passing through the points with coordinates $$(-1, 0)$$ and $$(1, 3)$$.

Find the equation of the line that passes through the points $$(-1,0)$$ and $$(-2,4)$$

The distance between A(1, 3) and B(x, 7) isCalculate the possible values of x

A chair is $$5$$ feet from one wall of a room and $$7$$ feet from the wall at a right angle to it. How far is the chair from the intersection of the two walls?

Find the slope of the line with inclination $$60^\circ$$

Prove that the equations to the straight lines passing through the origin which make an angle $$\alpha$$ with the straight line $$ y + x = 0 $$ are given by the equation
$$ x^2 + 2xy \sec 2 \alpha + y^2 = 0 . $$

Prove that the angle between the straight lines joining the origin to the intersection of the straight line $$y = 3x + 2$$ with the curve $$ x^2 + 2xy + 3y^2 + 4x + 8y - 11 = 0 $$ is $$ \tan^{-1} \dfrac {2 \sqrt2}{3}$$

Prove that the points $$(3, 0) (6, 4)$$ and $$(-1, 3)$$ are the vertices of a right angled isosceles triangle.

Find the value of $$k$$ if the angle between St. lines $$4x - y + 7 = 0, kx - 5y - 9 = 0$$ is $$45^{\circ}$$.

Prove that the product of the lengths of the perpendiculars drawn from the points $$(\sqrt{a^2-b^2}, 0)$$ and$$ (-\sqrt{a^2-b^2}, 0)$$ to the line $$\dfrac{x}{a} cos\theta+\dfrac{y}{b}sin\theta= 1$$ is $$b^2$$.

Show that the quadrilateral whose vertices are $$(2,-1),(3,4),(-2,3)$$ and $$(-3,-2)$$ is a rhombus.

Which point on y-axis is equidistant from $$(2,3)$$ and $$(-4,1)$$?

Two vertices of an isosceles triangle are $$(2,0)$$ and $$(2,5)$$. Find the third vertex if the length of the equal sides is $$3$$.

Find the centre of the circle passing through $$(6,-6),(3,-7)$$ and $$(3,3)$$

Name the quadrilateral formed, if any, by the following points and give reasons for your answers:

Prove that the points $$(3,0),(4,5),(-1,4)$$ and $$(-2,-1)$$, form a rhombus. Also, find its area.

If the point $$P(x,y)$$ is equidistant from the points $$A(5,1)$$ and $$B(1,5)$$ prove that $$x=y$$.

Prove that the points $$(3,-2), (4,0), (6,-3)$$ and $$(5,-5)$$ are the vertices of a parallelogram.

If $$A=(2,3)$$, $$B=(-2,3)$$ and $$P$$ moves such that $$|PA-PB|=4$$, then find the locus of $$P$$.

If $$(-4,0)$$ and $$(4,0)$$ are two vertices of an equilateral triangle, find the coordinates of its third vertex.

If $$P(2,-1), Q(3,4), R(-2,3)$$ and $$S(-3,-2)$$ be four points in a plane, show that PQRS is a rhombus but not a square. Find the area of the rhombus.

Prove that the points $$(-2, -1), (1, 0), (4,3)\ and\ (1,2)$$ are the vertices of a parallelo-gram. Is it a rectangle?

If coordinate of two points $$A$$ and $$B$$ are $$(3,4)$$ and $$(5,-2)$$ find coordinates of $$P$$ if $$PA$$=$$PB$$ and area of $$\triangle PAB=10$$

Find the angle between the x-axis and the line joining the point $$(3,-1)$$ and $$(4,-2)$$.

Find the points on the X-axis which are at a distance of $$2\sqrt{5}$$ from the point $$(7,-4)$$. How many such points are there?

If $$R(x, y)$$ is a point on the line segment joining the points $$P(a, b)$$ and $$Q(b, a)$$, the prove that $$x + y = a + b$$.

Show that $$O(0,0),C(a,0),B(a,b),C(0,b)$$ are the vertices of a rectangle. If $$P(x,y) $$ is a point in the coordinates plane, then prove using formula that $$PQ^{2}+PB^{2}=PA^{2}+PC^{2}$$.

In each of the following find the value of $$'k'$$, for which the points are collinear.
$$(7, -2), (5, 1), (3, k)$$.

If the distance between points $$(x,0)$$ and $$(0,3)$$ is $$5$$, what are the values of $$x$$?

Find the point on Y-axis which is equidistant from $$(-6,4)$$ and $$(2,-8)$$.

Prove that the points $$A(-5,4),B(-1,-2)$$ and $$(5,2)$$ the vertices of an isosceles right-angled triangle. Find the coordinates of D, so that ABCD is a square.

If the image of the point $$(2, 1)$$ with respect to a line mirror be $$(5, 2)$$, find the equation of the mirror.

If the points $$(1,1), (-1,-1)$$ and $$(-\sqrt{3},k)$$ are vertices of an equilateral triangle find the value of $$k$$.

Find the point on the x-axis which is equidistant from the points $$(2,-5)$$ and $$(-2,9)$$.

Find the ordinate of point whose abscissa is $$10$$ and which is at a distance of $$10$$ units from the point $$P(2,-3)$$.

Find all possible values of $$a$$ for which the distance between the points $$A(a,-1)$$ and $$B(5,3)$$ is $$5$$ units.

Prove that the points $$A(-2, -1), B(1, 0), C(4, 3)$$ and $$D(1, 2)$$ are the vertices of a parallelogram $$ABCD$$.

Find a point on the x-axis which is equidistant from the points $$(7,6)$$ and $$(3,4)$$.

Find that point on y axis which as equidistant from point $$(6,5)$$ and $$(-4,3)$$

Find the co-ordinates of the point equidistant from the points $$A( - 2, - 3),B( - 1,0)$$ and $$C(7, - 6)$$

Find the cosine of the angle $$A$$ of the triangle with vertices $$A(1, -1), B(6, 11)$$ and $$C(1, 2)$$.

Find the distance between the points A (a,b) and B(b,a) if a-b=4.

If point (x,y) is equidistant from points (7,1) and (3,5) show that y =x-2

Find a point on $$Y$$-axis which is equidistant from $$P(-6,4)$$ and $$Q(2,-8)$$.

Find the equation of a straight line:
with slope $$-1/3$$ and $$y-intercept$$ $$-4$$.

Prove that the points $$(0,\,-1).(2,\,1).(0,\,3)$$ and $$(-2,\,1).$$ are the vertices of square?

Show that the points (12 , 8),(-2 , 6) and (6 , 0), are the vertices of a right angled triangle.

Find the coordinates of point P which divides the line segment joining $$A(-2,-7)$$ and $$ B(6,1)$$ in the ratio $$5:3$$

If  $$A$$  is  $$( - 1,2,0 ) , B$$  is  $$( 1,2,3 )$$  and $$C$$  is  $$( 4,2,1 ) ,$$  then prove that  $$\Delta A B C$$  is an isosceles right triangle.

How many points are there on the $$x-$$axis whose distance from the point $$(2,3)$$ is less than $$3$$ units ?

If the distances of  $${ P }({ x },{ y })$$  from  $${ A }(5,1)$$  and  $${ B }(-1,5)$$  are equal then, prove that  $$3{ x }=2{ y }.$$

If the point $$P(1,2)$$ lies on line segment joining the points $$A(2,4)$$ and $$B(4,8)$$ then find $$\dfrac{{AP}}{{AB}}$$.

Find the angle between the curves given below :
$$y^{2}=4x,\ x^{2}+y^{2}=5$$


If the slope of a line joining $$A(2,x)B(-3,7)$$ is $$1$$ then find $$x$$.

Find the equation of the set of points such that the sum of the square of its distance from the points (3,4,5)  and (-1, 3, -7) is a constant. 

Are the points given below collinear? If, state which point lies between the other two $$d(P,Q)=11, d(Q,R)=6.5, d(P,R)=4.5$$

If $$\left(1,x\right)$$ is at $$\sqrt{10}$$ units from $$\left(0,0\right)$$ then find the values of $$x$$

If the points $$A\left(2,0,0\right),\,B\left(4,p,q\right)$$ and $$C\left(1,5,2\right)$$ are collinear,find the values of $$p$$ and $$q$$

If the points $$A\left(1,0,-2\right),\,B\left(2,p,q\right)$$ and $$C\left(-1,5,2\right)$$ are collinear,find the values of $$p$$ and $$q$$

If the points $$A\left(-1,-2,1\right),\,B\left(-2,p,q\right)$$ and $$C\left(1,-2,-1\right)$$ are collinear,find the values of $$p$$ and $$q$$.

If the points $$A\left(4,2,2\right),\,B\left(4,p,q\right)$$ and $$C\left(2,3,3\right)$$ are collinear,find the values of $$p$$ and $$q$$

Find the relation between x and y such that the point (x,y)  is equidistnat from the  points  (7,1)  and (3,5) 

Given $$A=(3,1)$$ and $$B(0,y-1)$$. Find $$y$$ if $$AB=5$$.

find the distance between A(cos $$\theta $$,Sin$$\theta $$) and B (sin$$\theta $$,-Cos$$\theta $$) using distance formula.find the co-ordinates of the mid point of the line joining the points (3,-10 ) and (6,-8).

If $$A(1, 2), B(-3, 2)$$ and $$C(3, -2)$$ be the vertices of a $$\triangle ABC$$, show that 
$$\tan A=2$$

If $$A(1, 2), B(-3, 2)$$ and $$C(3, -2)$$ be the vertices of a $$\triangle ABC$$, show that 
$$\tan B=\dfrac{2}{3}$$

A line is of length $$10$$ and one end is at the point $$(2, -3);$$ if the abscissa of the other end be $$10$$, prove that its ordinate must be $$3$$ or $$-9$$.

$$ A $$ is a point on the parabola $$ y^{2}=4 a x . $$The normal at $$ A $$ cuts the parabola again at point $$ B $$.If $$ A B $$ subtends a right angle at the vertex of the parabola. find the slope of $$ A B $$

 Find the slope of the line passing through the following pairs of points:
$$(a, -b)$$ and $$(b, -a)$$

Find the slope of the line whose inclination is:
$$72^\circ 30'$$

 Find the slope of the line passing through the following pairs of points:
$$(-2, -3)$$ and $$(1, 2)$$

Find the slope of the line whose inclination is:

 Find the slope of the line passing through the following pairs of points:
$$(-4, 0)$$ and origin

Find the inclination of the line whose slope is:

Find the inclination of the line whose slope is:

Without using the distance formula, show that the points $$A (4, 5), B (1, 2), C (4, 3) $$and $$D (7, 6)$$ are the vertices of a parallelogram.

 Find the slope of the line parallel to AB if:
$$A = (0, -3)$$ and $$B = (-2, 5)$$

Without using the distance formula, show that the points $$A (4, -2), B (-4, 4)$$ and $$C (10, 6)$$ are the vertices of a right-angled triangle.

Find the slope of the line perpendicular to $$AB$$ if:
$$A = (0, -5)$$ and $$B = (-2, 4)$$

 Find the slope of the line parallel to AB if:
$$A = (-2, 4)$$ and $$B = (0, 6)$$

The line passing through $$(0, 2)$$ and $$(-3, -1)$$ is parallel to the line passing through $$(-1, 5)$$ and $$(4, a)$$. Find $$a.$$

Find the slope of the line perpendicular to AB if:
$$A = (3, -2)$$ and $$B = (-1, 2)$$

$$(-2, 4), (4, 8), (10, 7)$$ and $$(11, -5)$$ are the vertices of a quadrilateral. Show that the quadrilateral, obtained on joining the mid-points of its sides, is a parallelogram.

The line passing through $$(-4, -2)$$ and $$(2, -3)$$ is perpendicular to the line passing through $$(a, 5)$$ and $$(2, -1)$$. Find $$a.$$

Determine $$x$$ so that the slope of the line through $$(1, 4)$$ and $$(x, 2)$$ is $$2.$$

Coordinates of $$A$$ are $$(1,1)$$ and of $$A_{n}$$ are $$(n, 2n + 1)$$, $$O$$ is the origin, then match the columns : 

$$ A_{1}, A_{2},....A_{n} $$ are points on the line $$y=x$$ lying in the positive quadrant such that $$ OA_{n}=n O \ A_{n-1}, O $$ being the origin . If $$ OA_{1}=1$$ then the coordinates of $$A_{8}$$ are $$ (3a \sqrt 2, 3a \sqrt 2) $$ where $$a$$ is equal to

Find the value of $$x$$ for which the distance between the points $$P(2x,-5)$$ and $$Q(3x,-2)$$ is 5 units.

The x-coordinate of point P is twice its y-coordinate. If P is equidistant from $$Q(2, -3)$$ and $$R(-3, 6)$$ then find the coordinate of P.

Let $$ABC$$,be a triangle such that the coordinates of the vertex $$A$$ are $$(-3,1)$$.Equation of the median through $$B$$ is $$ 2x+y-3=0$$ and equation of the angular bisector of $$C$$ is $$7x-4y-1=0$$.Find the slope of line $$BC$$.

Prove that the points $$(at^2_1, 2at_1)$$, $$(at^2_2, 2at_2)$$ and $$(0, a)$$ will be collinear, if $$t_1t_2=-1$$.

Show that $$A(2, 3), B(4, 5)$$ and $$C(3, 2)$$ can be the vertices of a rectangle. Find the coordinates of the fourth vertex.

Find the points on the x-axis, whose distance from the line $$\dfrac{x}{3}+\dfrac{y}{4}=1$$ are $$4$$ units.

Find the angle between the lines whose slopes are $$(2-\sqrt 3)$$ and $$(2+\sqrt 3)$$.

If $$\theta$$ us the angle between the diagonals of a parallelogram $$ABCD$$ whose vertices are $$A(0, 2), B(2, -1), C(4, 0)$$ and $$D(2, 3)$$. Show that $$\tan \theta=2$$.

If $$\theta$$ is the angle between the lines joining the points $$A(0, 0)$$ and $$B(2, 3)$$, and the points $$C(2, -2)$$ and $$D(3, 5)$$, show that $$\tan \theta=\dfrac{11}{23}$$.

If $$A(1, 2), B(-3, 2)$$ and $$C(3, -2)$$ be the vertices of a $$\triangle ABC$$, show that 
$$\tan C=\dfrac{4}{7}$$

Find the angle between the lines whose slopes are $$\sqrt 3$$ and $$\dfrac{1}{\sqrt 3}$$.

Class 11 Commerce Applied Mathematics Extra Questions