Cell Cycle And Cell Division - Class 11 Medical Biology - Extra Questions

Why is meiosis essential in sexually reproducing organisms ? 

Define : Mitosis Division 

Write a neat labelled diagram of metaphasic chromosome.

What would have happened if meiosis not occur during the production of human sperm cell and egg cell?

Synapsis, Crossing over, Terminalisation and disjunction respectively take place in _______ , ___________. _____________ and ___________ stages of meosis.

What is the first phase of Mitiosis?Write the changes that take place in that stage.

The diagram given represents a certain stage of mitosis:
$$(i)$$ Identify the stage of cell division.
$$(ii)$$ Name the parts labelled $$A$$ And $$B$$.
$$(iii)$$ What is the unique feature observed in this stage?
$$(iv)$$ How many daughter cells formed from this type of cell division?

Why is mitosis called as equational division?

Name the stage of cell cycle at which one of the following events occur.
(i) Chromosomes are moved to spindle equator.
(ii) Centromere splits and chromatids separate.
(iii) Pairing between homologous chromosomes takes place.
(iv) Crossing over between homologous chromosomes takes place.

Short / Long Answer Type Questions :
Give a diagrammatic description of mitotic division of animal cell and write its significance.

Find examples where the four daughter cells from meiosis are equal in size and where they are found unequal in size.

What are the causes of anaphasic movement ?

Which type of cell division helps in regeneration ?

Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.
In meiotic division, prophase I is completed in five successive stages, viz .......... , .......... , .......... , .......... , and .......... 

A parenchymatous cell has 20 units of DNA. It starts to divide mitotically. How many units of DNA would it have 
during very late telophase

Very Short Answer Types :
Give a specific scientific term for each of the following.
Process of cell division by which the chromosome number is halved.

How many times will the process of mitosis occur in the formation of 256 cells in a root tip from a single cell?

Very Short Answer Types :
Who coined the term mitosis and in which year?

Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.
During cell division, disappearance of nuclear membrane and nucleolus marks the beginning of ..........

Short / Long Answer Type Questions :
Explain meiosis. Write the role of meiosis and sexual reproduction in producing genetic variability

Short / Long Answer Type Questions :
Make a neat and labelled diagram of metaphase stage of mitotic cell division

Differentiate between :
Mitosis and.meiosis II

Value Based Questions :
Which of the following statements is associated with A. prophase, B. meraphase, C. anaphasc, D. telophase, and E. interphase of mitosis?
Chromosomes are thickest and shortest.

In a prokaryotic cell, cell division takes place by  .......................... type of reproduction.

What is Totipotency?

Identify the stage of mitotic division. Give a reason to support your answer.


Define cell division ?

Value Based Questions :
Which of the following statements is associated with A. prophase, B. meraphase, C. anaphasc, D. telophase, and E. interphase of mitosis?
The nuclear membrane reappears.

Value Based Questions :
Which of the following statements is associated with A. prophase, B. meraphase, C. anaphasc, D. telophase, and E. interphase of mitosis?
Centromere divides into two.

Distinguish cytokinesis from karyokinesis.

Short / Long Answer Type Questions :
Draw and explain a series of diagrams that illustrate the stages of meiosis I.

Very Short Answer Types :
Give a specific scientific term for each of the following.
Nuclear division.

Meiosis is an essential event in the sexual life cycle of an organism. Give the reasons.

What are the sub stages prophase $$1$$ of Meiosis $$1$$? Explain briefly

How many mitotic divisions cell needed for a single cell to make $$128$$ cells?

What is synapsis?

Why Mitosis is significant? 

The stage through which change in chromosomes numbers occurs is called?

Name one structure that is associated with meiosis of an animal cells but not seen in plant cells.

How many  linkage groups are represented in the diagram?

How many chromosomes each daughter cell will have at the end of meiosis, according to the diagram?

How does cytokinesis in plant cells differ from that in animal cells?

List the main differences between mitosis and meiosis?

The exchange of chromatid parts between the maternal and the paternal chromatids of a pair of homologous chromosomes during meiosis.

Name the types of cell division that occurs during the following cellular activity.
A. Growth of a shoot.
B. Formation of pollen grains.

In Meiosis, the chromosome number in the daughter cells are reduced to half that of their parent cells. Guess, what would happen, if the reduction of chromosome number is not done?

The diagram given represents a certain stage of mitosis.
$$(i)$$ Identify the stage of cell division.
$$(ii)$$ Name the parts labelled $$A$$ and $$B$$.
$$(iii)$$ What is the unique feature observed in this stage?
$$(iv)$$ How many daughter cells formed from this type of cell division?

Mention the stages of Mitosis with the help of diagrams. Explain the changes that takes place in Prophase.

Pick out the item which has sequential arrangement.
i) $$Zygotene \rightarrow Leptotene \rightarrow Pachytene \rightarrow  Diplotene \rightarrow Diakinesis$$.
ii)$$Diakinesis \rightarrow Zygotene \rightarrow Leptotene \rightarrow Pachytene\rightarrow Diplotene$$. 
iii)$$Leptotene \rightarrow Zygotene \rightarrow Pachytene\rightarrow Diplotene  \rightarrow Diakinesis.$$

Match the items in Column-I with those in Column-II, and choose the CORRECT answer

If the number of chromosomes in a nucleus is 24, how many finger-like structures will you be able to see during the metaphase. Why?

Define cell cycle?

In which sub-stages of meiosis-I do the following events occur?
i) pairing of homologous chromosomes
ii) terminalization
ii) crossing over
iv) formation of spindle apparatus.

Look at the given picture. Describe the changes in the nuclear material from stage A to stage B.

Why is meiosis called reduction division? Describe the various stages with relevant diagrams. Add a note on significance of meiosis.

Explain cell cycle ?

Describe mitosis. Add a note on its significance ?

Describe the following : (a) Synapsis (b) Bivalent (c) Chiasmata. Draw a diagram to illustrate your answer. 

What is Leptotene stage ?

Describe the changes occurring in the nucleus during prophase of mitosis.

Name the two types of cytokinesis.

Study the diagram given below which represents a stage during the mitotic cell division and answer the questions that follow:
Which is the cell division that results in half the number of chromosomes in daughter cells?

Study the diagram given below which represents a stage during the mitotic cell division and answer the questions that follow:
What is the technical term for the division of nucleus?

Study the diagram given below which represents a stage during the mitotic cell division and answer the questions that follow:
Identify the stage giving suitable reasons.

Study the diagram given below which represents a stage during the mitotic cell division and answer the questions that follow:
Mention the stage that comes before the stage shown in the diagram. Draw a neat labelled diagram of the stage mentioned.

Study the diagram given below which represents a stage during the mitotic cell division and answer the questions that follow:
Name the parts numbered $$1$$ and $$2$$.

The diagram given represents a stage during cell division.
Study the same and answer the question that follow.
Name the type of cell division that occurs during.
$$1$$. Replacement of old leaves by new ones.
$$2$$. Formation of gametes.

The diagram given represents a stage during cell division. Study the same and answer the question that follow.
Name the stage depicted in the diagram. What is the unique feature observed in this stage?

The diagram given represents a stage during cell division. Study the same and answer the question that follows. 
Identify whether it is a plant cell or an animal cell. Give a reason in support of your answer.

Short / Long Answer Type Questions :
During mitosis sister chromatids separate and migrate to opposite poles. Why does this- not occur during meiosis I ?

Match the events given in column A with the phase in mitotic cell division in column B
Column 'A'Column 'B'
(a) Chromosomes get arranged in a horizontal plane at the equator.1.Anaphase
(b) Daughter chromosomes move to the opposite poles of a spindle.Prophase
(c) Chromosomes become visible as fine long threads.Telophase
(d) Chromosomes lose their distinctiveness and gradually become transformed into a chromatin networkMetaphase

The diagram given represents a stage during cell division.
Study the same and answer the question that follow.
What is the stage that comes before the stage shown in the diagram?

"First meiotic division is the reduction division". What does the word 'reduction' refer to in this statement?

The diagram given represents a stage during cell division.
Study the same and answer the question that follows.
Draw a neat labeled diagram of the stage that comes before the stage shown in the diagram, keeping the chromosome number constant.

Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.
In .......... every DNA replication of chromosome duplication is followed by two nuclear divisions.

Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.
In .......... division chromosome number in daughter cells remains the same as in parent cell.

Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.
Mitosis results in the formation of nuclei having .......... number of chromosomes.

Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.
The morphology of chromosomes can be best studied during .......... stage of mitosis when they are .......... and arranged along the ..........

Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.
In meiosis, resultant daughter cells are genetically .......... to each other and to the parent cell.

Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.
In mitotic metaphase centromeres of chromosomes remain directed towards the .......... and the arms of chromosomes remain directed towards the ..........

Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.
The cell cycle is divisible into two main phases .......... and .......... 

Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.
Exchange of sections of chromatids of synapsing chromosomes during meiosis I is termed ..........

Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.
Synapsis, chiasma formation and crossing over occur between homologous chromosomes in .......... of meiosis.

Short / Long Answer Type Questions :
When and where does meiotic division take place in cells? What is the significance of this type of cell division in the animals life?

Value Based Questions :
Which of the following statements is associated with A. prophase, B. meraphase, C. anaphasc, D. telophase, and E. interphase of mitosis?
Each chromosome consists of two chromatids.

Differentiate between :
Metaphase and anaphase of mitosis

Value Based Questions :
Which of the following statements is associated with A. prophase, B. meraphase, C. anaphasc, D. telophase, and E. interphase of mitosis?
Followed by cytokinesis.

Match the terms to these definitions.
Centromere,  centrosome,  chromatin,  chromosome,  spindle,  cell cycle,  karyotype,  meiosis,  mitosis,  sister chromatids,  interphase,  metaphase
.......... The period from the end of one division of a, cell to the end of the next division.

Match the terms to these definitions.
Centromere,  centrosome,  chromatin,  chromosome,  spindle,  cell cycle,  karyotype,  meiosis,  mitosis,  sister chromatids,  interphase,  metaphase
.......... A type of cell division where chromosome number in daughter cells remains the same as in parent cell.

What is cell division? Write two types of cell division?

How many chromosomes will be present in a diploid cell at mitotic anaphase, if its egg cell has ten chromosomes?

In multicellular organism, all the cells present in the body divide by 

Human being are different in their colour size etc but yet they belong to same species. Explain.

Explain the stages of prophase I of meiosis.

What is the significance of meiosis?

Name the type of cell division observed in foetal cells and mega nucleus of


In this stage of mitosis, the daughter chromosomes appear like bunch of bananas.

Due to mitosis the number of chromosomes in the cell ........... therefore the division occurs in ........... cell

If a back cell take $$20 $$ min to divide & if with this rate it take $$10 hrs$$ . To fill a cup of cells. What time it will take to fill it half?

Name the tissue whose cells divide throughout life 

Give an account of somatic cell division.

Explain the process of meiosis - I

Calculate the total number of meiosis to produce $$100$$ seeds.

The term mitosis and meiosis are coined respectively by ________________ and __________.

What is the importance of Meiosis?

What is the importance of Mitosis ?

Mitosis occurs in?

The number of meiosis to produce 35 wheat grains is:

What is Meiosis?


What would have been happened if any of the cells in nature had not been divided by meiosis? 

Give brief account of somatic cell division.

Mitosis results in producing two cells which are similar to each other. What would be the consequence if each of the following irregularities occur during mitosis?
(a) Nuclear membrane fails to disintegrate
(b) Duplication of DNA does not occur
(c) Centromeres do not divide
(d) Cytokinesis does not occur. 

Distinguish between cytokinesis in plant and animal cell.

Mitosis usually results in the production of diploid daughter cells with identical genetic complement.

Mention the significance of mitosis.

Give significance of mitosis.

Answer in details.

With the help of suitable diagrams, explain the mitosis in detail.

"First meiotic division (reduction or heterotypic division) " What does the word 'reduction' refer to in this statement?

Define Karyokinesis.

What do you understand by cell cycle? 

Fill in the blank and explain the statement. 

Genetic recombination occurs in ______ phase of prophase of meiosis-I.

What is the importance of :
(a) Mitosis (b) Meiosis

At what stage does the meiosis occur in an organism exhibiting haploidic life cycle and mention the fate of the products thus produced.

Answer in details.
With the help of suitable diagrams, explain the five stages of prophase-I of meiosis.

Write the significance of Meiosis?

Why meiosis division is known as a reductional division?

Which part of the human body should one use to demonstrate stages in mitosis? 

Describe Meiosis? 

Given that the average duplication time of E. coli is 20 minutes. how much time will two E. coli cells take to become 32 cells? 

Why does chromosomal number reduce to half in Meiosis? 

What is Mitosis? Explain the different phases of mitosis division with a labelled diagram.

Which tissue of animals and plants exhibits meiosis? 

A cell has 32 chromosomes. It undergoes mitotic division. What will be the chromosome number (N) during metaphase? What would be the DNA content (C) during anaphase? 

If a tissue has at a given time 1024 cells, how many cycles of mitosis had the original parental single cell undergone? 

Comment on the statement - Meiosis enables the conservation of specific chromosome number of each species even though the process per se, results in reduction of chromosome number. 

Synaptonemal complex

How many pollen tetrads will be formed by the meiotic division of 16 pollen mother cells?

While examining the mitotic stage in a tissue, one finds some cells with 16 chromosomes and some with 32 chromosomes. What possible reasons could you assign to this difference in chromosome number? Do you think cells with 16 chromosomes could have arisen from cells with 32 chromosomes or vice versa? 

Short Answer.
With which type of reproduction do we associate the reduction division ? Analyse the reasons for it.

Comment on the statement - Telophase is reverse of prophase.

How many megaspores are formed from the meiotic division of one megaspore mother cells? 

The amount of DNA per cell of a particular species is measured in cells found at various stages of meiosis, and the following amounts are obtained. 
Match the amounts of DNA on the left with the corresponding stages of the cell cycle on the right. You may use more than one stage for each amount of DNA.

Stage of Mitosis $$\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;$$ Amount of DNA per cell

Describe the following : 
(a) Synapsis 
(b) Bivalent 
(c) Chiasmata
Draw a diagram to illustrate your answer.

(i) Draw a well-labelled diagram to show the anaphase stage of mitosis in a cell having four chromosomes.
(ii) State any two harmful effects of acid rain.
(iii) Expand the following biological abbreviations.
      (1) NADP                      (2) ACT

Here are some statements about meiosis. State whether each of them is true or false:
i) It takes place in somatic cells.
ii) Meiosis is also called reduction division.
iii) Pairing of homologous chromosomes is called crossing over.
iv) Meiosis leads to variations which form the raw material for evolution.

Write notes on significance of mitosis/ significance of meiosis ?

i) Draw a well-labelled diagram to show the metaphase stage of mitosis in an animal cell having four chromosomes.
ii) Mention any two reasons for the population explosion in India.
iii) Give biological reasons for the following.
1) The pituitary gland is also known as the master gland.
2) Gametes have a haploid number of chromosomes.

Pick out the item which has sequential arrangements.
a) Zygotene $$\rightarrow$$ Leptotene $$\rightarrow$$ Pachytene $$\rightarrow$$  Diplotene $$\rightarrow$$ Diakinesis.
b) Diakinesis $$\rightarrow$$ Zygotene $$\rightarrow$$ Leptotene $$\rightarrow$$ Pachytene $$\rightarrow$$ Diplotene
c) Leptotene $$\rightarrow$$ Zygotene $$\rightarrow$$ Pachytene $$\rightarrow$$ Diplotene $$\rightarrow$$ Diakinesis.

"Gametes must be produced by meiosis for sexual reproduction". Why is it so?

Ascus, mycelium, basidium, mycorrhiza, budding, conidiospore, rhizomorph, stroma, fruiting body, sporangium, fungus, hypha, spore, lichen, zygospore, apothecium.
.......... Club like structure in which nuclear fusion and meiosis occur during sexual reproduction of club fungi.

A parenchymatous cell has 20 units of DNA. It starts to divide mitotically. How many units of DNA would it have
during anaphase, and

What would have happened if meiosis does not occur during the production of human sperm cell and egg cell?

Explain the mitosis in detail with the help of diagram.

In which stage of Meiosis I does synapsis occurs?

Onion root tip cells have 16 chromosomes in each cell. How many chromosomes will the cell have at $$G_1$$ phase, after S phase, and after M phase?
Also, what will be the DNA content of the cells at $$G_1$$, after S and at $$G_2$$, if the content after M phase is 2C?

State whether the following statement is true or false. 
A haploid parent produces gametes by mitotic division. Justify your answer.

Describe prophase-I of meiosis.

Give an account of prophase - 1 of meiosis.

What happen if meiosis does not occur in the organisms?

In what way does mitotic division help the living organism?

Name the process where cytoplasmic material is divided into daughter cells.

Describe meiosis. Draw labelled diagram of any two phases.

Long Answer. 
Do all the gametes formed from a parent organism have the same genetic composition (identical DNA copies of the parental genome)? Analyse the situation with the background of gametogenesis and provide or give a suitable explanation.

Karyokinesis and cytokinesis
Interphase and M-phase

Match the following column-A with column-B
Column-A (phases)Column-B (Their events)
a. LeptoteneCrossing over
b. ZygoteneDesynapsis
c. PachyteneSynapsis
d. DiploteneBouquet stage

Class 11 Medical Biology Extra Questions