Plant Growth And Development - Class 11 Medical Biology - Extra Questions

What is apical dominance?

List any four uses of auxins.

Gibberellins promote the formation of .........  flowers on genetically .......... plants in Cannabis whereas ethylene promotes formation of ............ flowers on genetically ......... plants.

Both animals and plants grow. Why do we say that growth and differentiation in plants is open and not so in animals? Does this statement hold true for sponges also?

Growth is one of the characteristic of all living organisms? Do unicellular organisms also grow? If so, what are the parameters?

Roots of plants grow towards light. Is it true or false?

The roots of plants grow away from light. Which type of tropism is this?

Name the alkaloid obtained from the seeds of colchicum autumnale. What is its importance?

What is Richmond - Lang effect?

Write two functions of Gibberellin hormone.

Do plants also move?

What kind of movement do we see in plants?

Which plant hormone helps in ripening of fruits?

In addition to auxin, ......... a must be supplied to culture medium to obtain a good callus in plant tissue cultures. 

Auxin is a plant growth hormone that is synthesized at the _______ and is responsible for bending of shoot ________ the source of light. 

Both growth and differentiation in higher plants are open. Comment.

What is phototropism? Show phototropism in plant with the help of a labelled diagram.

Name any two plant hormones and state their functions.

What is Richmond Lang effect?

Explain two physiological effects of auxia.

Write the physiological responses of gibberellins in plants.

What are the physiological processes that are regulated by ethylene in plants?

Define heterothallism. Who discovered it and in which species of Rhizopus?

Write any four physiological effects of gibberellins.

Write a note on agricultural/horticultural applications of auxins.

How auxins are applied in agriculture/horticulture?

Give at least four roles of gibberellins on plant growth.

Do gibberellins also promote rooting?

"Both growth and differentiation in higher plants are open". Comment.

Where are auxins synthesised in plants? Mention any two of their functions.

A farmer grows cucumber plants in his field. He wants to increase the number of female flowers in them. Which plants growth regulator can be applied to achieve this.

Which plant hormone is named anti-ageing hormone?

What are weedicides? Give their effect on the ecology of a place.

Which parts of the plant produce gibberellin? State two functions of this hormone and mention why it was named gibberellin?

Name two synthetic auxins. Give four functions of auxins.

Which hormone prevents senescense? Name its different functions and uses.

Name the plant hormone which was discovered from fungus. Give its any four functions.

Very short answer type.
Dormancy in seeds and buds can be broken by application of which plant hormone?

Very short answer type.
What are auxins?

Write any six important functions of auxins.

Very short answer type.
Name the groups of growth-regulating plant hormones which stimulate:
elongation of stem and expansion of leaf.

Differentiate between.
Growth and differentiation

Differentiate between.
Growth and development

How do the functions of cytokinins differ from gibberellins?

Very short answer type.
Name the stress hormone in plants that functions during drought.

Write the physiological effects of the following plant hormone.

Where is the auxin hormone made in a plant stem? 

Name the hormone responsible for ripening of fruits?

How do auxins promote the growth of a tendril around a support?

State whether the following statements are true or false and also support your answer.
a) Auxin helps to ripen fruits.
b) Pheromone trap is used to control pests
c) Conjunctive covers the cornea

Describe the roles of auxin in plants.

Which hormone promotes growth of tendril around a support?

_____ are the plant hormones which are used in horticulture and food industries. 

List some of the tissues in woody dicoytyledenous plant that are the products of redifferentiation.

Name the following:
Main auxin found in most plants.

Florist sprinkled a plant hormone to prevent wilting of leaves. Name the hormone he must have used. Give two more examples of plant hormones and also write their functions. 

The process of fussion of protoplast of somatic cells obtained from different varieties or species of plant on a suitable nutrient medium in  vitro to develop to develope a hybrid 

Florist sprinkled a plant hormone to prevent wilting of leaves. Name the hormone he must have used. Give two more examples of plant hormones and also write their functions.

How dose onion grow?
Define the process

State the role performed by plant hormones. Name a plant hormone which is essential for cell division.

Auxins are growth hormones capable of promoting cell elongation. They have been used in horticulture to promote growth. flowering and rooting. Write a line to explain the meaning of the following terms related to auxins. 
(a) Auxin precursors
(b) Anti-auxins
(c) Synthetic auxins

Maximum growth is observe in ........ phase.

Write any four physiological effects of cytokinis in plants

Define Growth rate

Identify the correlation between the first two words and suggest the suitable words in the fourth place.
Auxin : Enlargement of cells : : Cytokinins : _________.

Auxin $$:$$ Enlargement of cells$$: :$$ Cytokinins $$:$$ _________.

Which phytohormone responsible for internode elongation ?

The period of growth is generally divided into---

How does auxin promote phototropism?

What are auxins and where are they synthesised in the plant body?

Expand ABA, giving its function.

What is meant by the following: (a) Feedback mechanism (b) Geotropism (c) Thigmotropism?

Name the plant hormone responsible for the following.
Falling of senescent leaves

Plant growth substances (PGS) have innumerable practical application.
Name the PGS you should use to 
(a) Increase yield of sugarcane
(b) Promote lateral shoot growth
(c) Cause sprouting of potato tuber
(d) Inhibit seed germination 

The role of ethylene and abscissic add is both positive and negative. Justify this statement.

 A phase of growth which is maximum and fastest is .........

Explain in 2-3 lines  with example- Redifferentiation in plant tissue.

 Short Answer.
Between an annual and a perennial plant, which one has a shorter juvenile phase? Give reason.

How do we compute the age of a living tree?

Differentiate between free and bound auxin.

What is Zeatin?

Name two artificially synthesized auxins.

Short Notes.
In a developing embryo, analyse the consequences if cell divisions are not followed by cell differentiation.

Write the different contrasting characters found in pea plants?

What is the difference between the manner in which movement takes place in a sensitive plant and the movement in our legs?

List five main groups of natural plant growth regulators. Write a note on discovery, physiological functions and agricultural/horticultural applications of any one of them.

Which one of the plant growth regulators would you use if you are asked to:
(a) Induce rooting in a twig
(b) Quickly ripen a fruit
(c) Delay leaf senescence
(d) Induce growth in axillary buds
(e) Bolt a rosette plant
(f) Induce immediate stomatal closure in leaves.

What would be expected to happen if:
(a) GA$$_3$$ is applied to rice seedlings.
(b) Dividing cells stop differentiating.
(c) A rotten fruit gets mixed with unripe fruits.
(d) You forget to add cytokinin to the culture medium.

Define growth, differentiation, development, dedifferentiation, redifferentiation, determinate growth, meristem and growth rate.

Name a plant hormone that can never act alone. List any three activities of this hormone in conjunction with auxins.

A culture medium having callus grown from tobacco pith, is supplied with more of cytokinins than auxins. It will result in the development of (a) tap root (b) Shoot bud (c) bulbil (d) flower bud.

What are the different phases of growth in plants? Give characteristics of each.

Name the synthetic auxins used for inducing the rooting in woody plants.

A student cultures a callus from the tobacco pith in a sterilised minimal nutritive medium but adds more cytokinins than auxins. What would develop first from callus - shoot, buds or the roots?

Explain different phases of growth in plants with the help of diagram.

Very short answer type.
Indole acetic acid (IAA) is the most commonly occurring form of which plant hormone?

Very short answer type.
What does a plant hormone do at the molecular level?

Explain, why cytokinin is called a hormone?

Very short answer type.
Where are cytokinins synthesised in plants? Mention any two functions of cytokinins.

Very short answer type.
Milky endosperm of coconut is rich in which hormone?

Very short answer type.
Give the scientific term for Irreversible increase in size, usually accompanied by increase in dry weight of an organism.

Very short answer type.
List some important plant responses influenced by gibberellins.

Differentiate between.
Growth hormones and growth regulators

Describe the structures and mechanism of action of cytokinins.

What effects do auxins have on the shoot? Where are the auxins produced in the plant and how are they transported?

Value based questions.
What would be expected to happen if:
$$GA_3$$ is applied to rice seedlings.

How gibberellins are able to overcome genetic dwarfism in certain plants?

How were gibberellins discovered? Explain two experiments in order to show the effects of gibberellins.

Value based questions.
Which one of the plant growth regulators would you use if you are asked to: 
bolt a rosette plant

Write the main functions of gibberellins.

Describe the structure, biosynthesis and metabolism of auxins.

Explain the physiological roles of Auxins 

Gibberellins were first discovered in Japan when rice plants were suffering from bakane (the foolish seedling disease) caused by a fungus Gibberella fujikuroi.
(a) Give two functions of this phytohormone.
(b) Which property of Gibberellin caused foolish seedling disease in rice?

Give a schematic diagram to explain the effect of auxins in different parts of the plant.

A rubber band stretches and reverts to its original position. Bubble gum stretches, but it would not return to its original position. Is there any difference between the two processes? Discuss it with respect to plant growth. Mint: Elasticity (reversible) Plasticity (irreversible)].

Class 11 Medical Biology Extra Questions