Morphology Of Flowering Plants - Class 11 Medical Biology - Extra Questions

Tick the correct set.

What are monocarpic and polycarpic plants?

Quiescent centre theory for demonstrating apical organisation in root was proposed by.

Read the names of following plants.
(ii) Gloriosa
(ii) Aloe barbadensis
(iii) Atropa belladonna
(vi) Colchicum autumnale
(v) Asparagus
(vi) Withania somnifera
Which of these belong to the family Liliaceae?

Define perianth.

Primary reproductive parts and accessory reproductive parts in a flower

Define the terms monoecious and dioecious with respect to sexuality in plant mentioning examples for each.

Rearrange the following in a proper logical sequence. 
Epidermis, Cortex, Root Hair, Xylem, Endodermis.

Name the species of plant that flowers one in life time.

What is the type of fruit found in mango ? How does it differ from that of coconut ?

Give appropriate biological/ technical terms for the following.
The mode of arrangement of flowers on the axis of the plant.

The small green leaves at the base of flowers are known as _______.

Stem has a two way transport mechanism. Justify.

In swampy areas like the Sunderbans in West Bengal, plants/trees bear special kind of roots called: 

Name various parts of stamen.

Stilt root occur in

Give one word/term for the following :
Arrangement of flowers on a twig/stem

Very short answer type.
Give the exact location and function of passage cells.

Fill in the blank with appropriate words.
Parachute mechanism of fruit and seed dispersal is due to the presence of a structure called ..........

Very short answer type :
What do you call a fruit which develops from an entire spike inflorescence? Give an example.

Define the following term with regard to flower.

Define the following term with regard to flower:

Mention any three types of inflorescence in Euphorbiaceae with example

Differentiate between 
(a) Racemose and cymose inflorescence
(b) Fibrous root and adventitious root
(c) Apocarpous and syncarpous ovary

Define fruit.

What are Mangroves?

Legume is the characteristic fruit of ____________ family.

What are sepals? What are their functions?

The outer coat of seed is called ___________.

What are the three groups of fruits?

Explain the different types of calyx.

What is a flower? Describe the parts of a typical angiospermic flower.

Define the term inflorescence. Explain the basis for the different types of inflorescence in flowering plants.

Draw labelled diagram of the following (i) Gram seed (ii) V.S. of maize seed.

Differentiate between the following.
(a) Racemose and Cymose inflorescence 
(b) Fibrous root and Adventitious root 
(c) Apocarpous and Syncarpous ovary

What is the type of origin of root branches?

Take one flower each of the families Fabaceae and write its semi-technical description. Also, draw its floral diagram.

Can the sepals be caducous? At what stage?

What is cyathium? Give an example.

Write the main functions of the stem.

Name the type of inflorescence found in Salvia.

What do you mean by determinate inflorescence?

Name the family to which each of the following belongs (i) Pisum (ii) Onion (iii) Potato.

Pick out the plant with unipinnate type of compound leaves from the plant names given: Trifolium, Neem, Moringa.

Name any one plant in which adventitious roots develop chlorophyll and perform photosynthesis.

Differentiate between bulb and tuber.

Differentiate between racemose and cymose inflorescence

Define cymose inflorescence and its types?

Differentiate between runner and sucker.

Differentiate between rhizome and bulb.

List the various types of compound leaves.

It is commonly believed that only roots develop below the ground. How would you prove that potato tuber is a stem and not a root?

What is racemose inflorescence? Give its types.

Give any two reasons to justify that onion bulb is a modified stem.

Differentiate between potato tuber and tuberous roots of dahlia.

What do you understand by special types of inflorescence? Describe them with diagrams and examples.

Differentiate between corm and bulb.

Distinguish between flower and inflorescence

Solve the crossword given in figure as per the clues given below it: 
Across -
The term that describes upward movement of water in a stem. 
The part of leaf which is attached to the stem.
This part is attached to the tip of filament.
Down - 
Plants that are weak and spread on the ground.
Ovules are present in this part of flower.
Is the broad part of leaf. 


Differentiate between
Pedicel and peduncle

Draw the figure of a plant to show the parts, namely, the root, stem, and leaves in it.

Differentiate between Spike and spadix.

What is the role of endothecium?

Stolon, offset and rhizome are different forms of stem modifications. How can these modified forms of stem be distinguished from each other? 

Distinguish between the following pairs: Flower and inflorescence

What is another name for a flowering plant?

Match the names of the economically important plants (or their products) listed in column-I with the families to which they belong given in column-II.Choose the answer which gives the correct combination of alphabets of the two columns.

Match the names of plants with the families to which they belong. Choose the answer which gives the correct combinations of the alphabets.

a. Fruit is the product of fertilization. Is there any fruit that is formed without the act of fertilization?
b. Represent the classification of fruits in a diagrammatic sketch.

Name a plant that has underground as well as aerial (above the ground) root system.

Define the following terms.
(i) Racemose inflorescence.
(ii) Osmotic pressure.

Match the lists.

Match the columns and select the correct combination.

Enumerate distinguishing characters of Liliaceae or Poaceae. Mention its economic importance.

What are the differences between a pinnately compound leaf and a branch bearing simple leaves?

Very short answer type.
In the root nodules of leguminous plants, what is the role of nitrogenase and leghaemoglobin? 

Differentiate between.
Cleistothecium and apothecium

Very short answer type :
Classify the following fruits into two categories, dehiscent and indehiscent fruits samara, nut, follicle pod, caryopsis, achene, capsule

Why do plants of the legume family usually contain more protein than other plants?

What is significant with regard to flowering in bamboo? Why?

Write a note on pneumatophore.

Name the type of supporting roots that arise from lower nodes of maize stern.

Morphology of flowering plant

Distinguish between families Fabaceae, Solanaceae, Liliaceae on the basis of gynoecium characteristics (with figures), Also write economic importance of any one of the above family.

Class 11 Medical Biology Extra Questions