Biodiversity And Its Conservation - Class 12 Medical Biology - Extra Questions

Forests are "biodiversity hot spots". Justify this statement.

All the living things have the right to live on this earth along with us. Prepare slogans to promote awareness in public about the conservation of biodiversity.

How do elephants living in the tropical rainforests adapt themselves?

Explain with examples, why we find animals of certain kind living in particular climatic conditions.

Why according to you flora and fauna should be conserved?

Forests are ...................... hot spots.

Define bio-diversity.

What do you understand by the term genetic diversity?

Match column I with column II and select the correct option from the given codes.

Explain two different ways of biodiversity conservation.

Describe the uses of biodiversity.

Why are forest considered "biodiversity hotspots"? List two ways in which an individual can effectively contribute to the management of forests and wildlife.

Explain the term biodiversity.

Explain the importance of biodiversity hot spots and sacred groves.

State aim of biodiversity.

India has wild life sanctuaries,_________ Biosphere reserves and ________ national parks.

"We can't imagine the world without insects and birds". Suggest two methods to conserve them.

Mention any two reasons for which environmentalist protested against raising height of the Sardar Sarovar Dam' on river Narmada.

What is biodiversity?

The various kinds of species of organisms and their range found in a particular area is called ........................

All naturally occuring animals, plants and other forms of life in the forest are collectively called ........................

How is designation of certain areas as hotspots a step towards biodiversity conservation? Name any two hotspots in India.

Explain the narrowly utilitarian, broadly utilitarian and ethical arguments in favour of conservation of biodiversity.

Why do we need to use our resources carefully?

(a) A tiger from a wildlife sanctuary was shifted in a Zoological garden. Where do you think the tiger will be happier?
(b) What is the difference between a Zoological garden and a wildlife sanctuary?

Give two examples of each flora and fauna of Pachmarhi biosphere reserve.

What is biodiversity? What will happen if biodiversity of an area is not preserved? Mention one effect of it.

What is meant by biodiversity? List two advantages of conserving forest and wildlife as regions of biodiversity.

Explain, giving three reasons, why tropics show greatest levels of species diversity.

What is the difference between a national park and a biosphere reserve?

There are many animals that have become extinct in the wild but continue to be maintained in Zoological parks.
(i) What type of biodiversity conservation is observed in this case?
(ii) Explain any other two ways which help in this type of conservation.

List any four techniques where the principle of ex-situ conservation of biodiversity has been employed.

Many plants and animals species are on the verge of their extinction because of loss of forest land by indiscriminate use by the humans. As biology student what method would you suggest along with its advantages that can protect such threatened species from getting extinct?

Name the type of biodiversity represented by the following.
(a) 50,000 different strains of rice in India
(b) Estuaries and alpine meadows in India

How can you say that India is rich in its fanna?

Give three hypotheses for explaining why tropics show greatest levels of species richness.

Attempt giving a clear definition of the term species.

How is biodiversity important for ecosystem functioning?

Discuss the role of women and communities in protection and conservation of forests.

How are moist deciduous forests different from dry deciduous forests?

Name the three important components of biodiversity.

The species diversity of plants ($$22$$ percent) is much less than that of animals ($$72$$ percent). What could be the explanations to how animals achieved greater diversification?

Write the medicianl properties of the following plants.
$$\bullet$$ Sarpagandha 
$$\bullet$$ Kachnar
$$\bullet$$ Jamun
$$\bullet$$ Arjun
$$\bullet$$ Babool
$$\bullet$$ Neem

Why does a candle get extinguished when covered with a tumbler?

Why is it necessary to add manure or fertiliser to the field to get a good crop?

What steps you would like to follow on your part to conserve biodiversity?

Write any four national efforts for the conservation of natural resources.

a) What is endemism?
b) Mention 'The Evil Quartet' of biodiversity loss.

What are sacred groves? Mention any two examples.

On earth, life exists even in extreme and harsh conditions. Mention any two major biomes in India.

Suggest two practices giving one example of each, that help protect rare or threatened species.

What is biodiversity? Write three efforts for conservation of biodiversity.

Answer in 3 to 5 sentences:
Define biodiversity. Write any two types of biodiversity.

a) Distinguish between two types of bio diversity conservations.
b)"Nature provides all for the need of man but not for his greed."
 Do you agree with his statement? Justify your answer.

We have a moral responsibility to take good care of earth's biodiversity and pass it on in good order to next generation.
(a) Define biodiversity.
(b) Write causes for biodiversity losses.
(c) Name two types of biodiversity conversation.

Explain how animals dwelling in the forest help it grow and regenerate

Explain why there is a need of variety of animals and plants in a forest

Observe the concept diagram of the Evil Quartet of biodiversity loss.
(a) Write A and B.
(b) What is Co-Extinction?

The tropical rainforests has a large population of animals. Explain why it is so.

Which regions of the earth would show rich biological diversity ?

Why do the wild animals rarely reproduce in zoo ?

Match the columns and find out the correct combination.

Match the lists and find the correct option.

Define hotspots.

Who first coined the term biodiversity and in which year?

Give a reason for the following.
Equilibrium of a forest ecosystem can be disturbed by uncontrolled hunting of big predators.

What are hot spots? Define it.

Define the term biodiversity.

What is the importance of preserving germplasm of wild species?

What is so special about tropics that might account for their greater biological diversity?

How can you differentiate genomic library and cDNA library?

How many categories can biodiversity be divided into?

Write short note on cryopreservation.

Name the type of biodiversity represented by $$50,000$$ different strains of rice in India

Give three hypotheses for explaining why tropics show the greatest levels of species richness.

Name animal species for which India is centre of biodiversity.

The species diversity of plants $$(22\%)$$ is much less that that of animals $$(72\%)$$. What could be the explanations to how animals achieved greater diversification?

India has more than $$50,000$$ strains of rice. Mention the level of biodiversity it represents.

In the biospere immense biological diversity exists at all levels of biological organisation. Explain any two levels of biodiversity.

Where would you expect more species biodiversity in tropics or in polar regions ? Give reasons in support of your answer.

One Mark Questions :
Name the type of biodiversity represented by the following :
$$1000$$ varieties of mangoes in India.

Giving two reasons explain why there is more species of biodiversity in tropical latitudes than in temperate ones.

Why certain regions have been declared as biodiversity "hot spots" by environmentalists of the world? Name any two "hot spot" regions of India.

State the use of biodiversity in modern agriculture.

Justify with example where a deliberate attempt by humans has led to the extinction of particular species.

Differentiate between in situ and ex situ approaches of conservation of biodiversity.

"Stability of a community depends upon its species richness" Write how did David Tilman show this experimentally.

List any four techniques where principle of ex-situ conservation of biodiversity has been employed.

Explain giving three reasons, why tropics show  greatest levels of species diversity

A particular species of wild cat is endangered. In order to save it from extinction which is a desirable approach, in situ or ex situ. Justify your answer.

Why should we conserve biodiversity? How can we do it?

Compare narrowly utilitarian and broadly utilitarian approaches to conserve biodiversity with the help of suitable examples.

 What is biodiversity? Why has it become important recently?

Many plant and animal species are on the verge of their extinction because of loss of forest land by indiscriminate use by humans. As a biology student what method would you suggest along with its advantage that can protect such threatened species from getting extinct.

There are many animals that have become extinct in the wild but continue to be maintained in zoological parks.
(a) What type of biodiversity conservation is observed in this case?
(b) Explain any other two-ways which help in this type to conservation.

Write short notes on the following.
Ex-situ conservation

Write short notes on the following.
Hot spots of biodiversity

Name the type of biodiversity represented by the following :
Variations in terms of potency and concentration of reserpine in Rauwolfia vomitoria growing in different regions of Himalayas.

Name the type of biodiversity represented by the Estuaries and alpine meadows in India

White Bengal tigers are protected in a special setting in zoological parks.
Tiger reserves are maintained in the Western Ghats.
(a) How do these two approaches differ from each other? Mention the advantages of each one.

Write two slogans to spread awareness about biodiversity.

Write a note on largest bird sanctuary of Asia?

Write a note on only one floating National Park in India?

What is cryopreservation?

When you see a park, sanctuary or a zoo with many kinds of plants and animals, how would you express your happiness? Write a few lines on them.

Animals like tiger are dangerous for humans; even then Project Tiger has been launched. Why should we protect such animals?

Complete the statements using the given options and justify those statements.
(Geographic favourability, climate, weather, observatory)
Of the abiotic factors that affect biodiversity by far the most important is__________

Name the national park famous for lion and rhinoceros.

The population of an ...........animals is very small. If the population reduces to zero, the animal will becomes ...........

Which National Park is called Mougli's land in India?

........... sanctuary of West Bengal is observed for tigers.

What happens when two animals having similar habits share one ecosystem? could you conserve this type of biodiversity?

Define genetic diversity. 

'Organic manure is helpful to biodiversity'. How do you support this statement?

Setting up of National parks and wildlife sanctuaries helps in saving endangered animals.Discuss how?

Natural pest controlling methods are useful to biodiversity. Explain.

Differentiate between in situ and ex situ approaches to conserve biodiversity.

Write a short note on 'Sacred Groves'.

Short answer question:
Why have forest reserves been established?

Short answer question:
What is biodiversity ? Why is it different in different places?

What are biodiversity hot spots? Name the biodiversity hot spots in India.

Short answer question:
What do you understand by conservation?

Write short notes.

A zoo serves the same purpose as a wildlife sanctuary. Do you agree ? Give reasons for your answer.

Which natural resources are called the ''biodiversity hot spots"? How these hot spots maintain  ecological balance

What are the types of mounting involved in the preparation of slides?

Prepare an essay to give a talk on biodiversity and conservation?

Explain two argument that are put forward in support of biodiversity conversation.

Why have the Western Ghats in India been considered as biological hot spot?

Explain patterns of bio diversity w.r.t latitude gradients and species area relationship.

What are Sacred-grooves ?

Prepare some slogans or a pamphlet to make aware of people about conservation of biodiversity.

What do you understand by biodiversity? How can you say that there are variations present in them?

How can one conserve the biodiversity in india?

List six  advantages of ''ex-situ'' approach to conservation of biodiversity.

"Forests are Bio-diversity hot spots"? Justify this statement.

Explain any two most important levels of biological organisation showing biodiversity with the help of an example each.

Answer the following.

How biodiversity can be conserved?

Write on the types and examples of biodiversity.

Write the names of biodiversity hot spots.

Explain any three ways other than zoological parks, botanical gardens and wildlife safaries, by which threatened species of plants and animals are being conserved 'ex situ'.

State the meaning of biodiversity hotspots. What is the criteria for measuring biodiversity of an area?

Which projects will you run in relation to environmental conservation? How?

What are  biodiversity hotspots? 

What is meant by biodiversity?

What are the reasons that lead to endangering of many species of plants and animals? How can we save those?

Write two aims of conservation?

Define national parks and sanctuaries in india.

What are steps taking by the government towards conserving biodiversity?

What efforts have been taken for biodiversity conservation? Write in detail.

Which are the three levels of biodiversity? 

 Which are the Biodiversity hotspots of India? 

 India is at which position in world, in terms of biodiversity? 

Write a short note on biodiversity in eastern Himalayas. 

Who proposed biodiversity hotspots? 

Which countries come under Indo-Burma biodiversity hotspot? 

What do you understand by biodiversity? 

What is the significance of biodiversity? 

What do you understand by biodiversity hotspots? 

Which biodiversity hotspot is partially in India? 

 Write about national efforts on biodiversity conservation. 

Write an essay on efforts for conservation of biodiversity. 

What are the different types of biodiversity conservation? 

Write a short note on Indo-Burma biodiversity hotspot. 

What could have triggered mass extinctions of species in the past? 

Which biodiversity hotspots are completely in India?  

Write a short note on the Western Ghats biodiversity hotspot. 

What do you understand by invasion by foreign species? How does it affect biodiversity? 

What do you understand by species biodiversity? 

 In a given habitat we have $$20$$ plant species and $$20$$ animal species. Should we call this as 'diversity' or 'biodiversity'? Justify your answer. 

Explain as to how protection of biodiversity hot spots alone can reduce up to 30% of the current rate of species extinction.

The number and kinds of organism is not constant. How do you explain this statements

What steps have been taken by India to conserve biodiversity? 

Elaborate how invasion by an alien species reduces the species diversity of an area. 

How does species diversity differ from ecological diversity? 

What is the expanded form of IUCN?

How can you, as an individual, prevent the loss of biodiversity? 

A species-area curve is drawn by plotting the number of species against the area. How is it that when a very large area is considered the slope is steeper than that for smaller areas? 

What are sacred groves and their role in biodiversity conservation? 

List any two major causes other than anthropogenic causes for the loss of biodiversity. 

Define the term Endemism 

Can you think of a scientific explanation, besides analogy used by Paul Ehrlich, for the direct relationship between diversity and stability of an ecosystem?

What do the arrows in a food chain represent?

What is the importance of biodiversity in an ecosystem?

Explain briefly the 'rivet popper hypothesis' of Paul Ehrlich. 

Species diversity decreases as we move away from the equator towards the poles. What could be the possible reasons? 

What is biodiversity hotspot? Why is india considered as a mega biodiversity hotspot?

What are the three problems which crop up due to building of large dams?

How can you as an individual contribute or make a difference to the management of (a) forests and wildlife, (b) water resources, and (c) coal and petroleum?

Mention anyone drawback of Indira Gandhi Canal.

Find out the source of water in your region/locality.Is water from this source available to all people living in that area?

Can you suggest some changes in your school which would make it environment-friendly?

Identify the animals and name them. Also find out in which parts of India these animals are found.

What are the causes of extinction of Wild Life?

The human activity that is responsible for loss of biodiversity is

"Stability of a community depends on its species richness". Write how did David Tilman show this experimentally.

Differentiate between In-situ conservation and Ex-situ conservation.

(a) "India has greater ecosystem diversity than Norway". Do you agree with the statement? Give reasons in support of your answer.
(b) Write the different between genetic biodiversity and species biodiversity that exists at all the levels of biological organisation.

Give one significant contribution of the following scientist.
E. Wilson

Define Ramsar Sites.

Mention the kind of biodiversity of more than a thousand varieties of mangoes in India represent. How is it possible?

What is DNA libraries, write their types, advantages and disadvantages?

Which are the broadly utilatrian area of biodiversity?

Short answer question:
Differentiate between zoological parks and botanical gardens

Does the occurrence of diversity of animals on earth suggest their diverse ancestry also?
Discuss this point in the light of evolution. 

Some animals and plants survive only in certain conditions. Now-a-days, human activities cause damage to these conditions. What do you think about this?

What is herbarium technique?

Do you think the biodiversity is as high in a city park as it is in a farm or a rainforest ? why , or why not ?

Differentiate in situ and ex situ conservation.

 What are biodiversity hotspots?

Humans play a major role in the destruction of biodiversity. But with various strategies, they play a major role in protecting it. 

a) Discuss two ways in which humans are destroying biodiversity. 

b)  Explain how humans can protect biodiversity. 

What is the definition of biodiversity as per Technological Assessment Report $$1987$$ USA? 

American water plant that has become a troublesome water weed in India is?

Class 12 Medical Biology Extra Questions