Ecosystem - Class 12 Medical Biology - Extra Questions

The pyramid of .......... is always upright.

Ecological pyramids are usually upright. Meanwhile some, pyramid of biomass is inverted. Explain the reason.

What is succession? What are its type? Write any two stages.

Explain energy pyramid.

Write the equation that helps in deriving net primary productivity of an ecosystem.

What is succession? Discuss succession in ponds.

Phosphorus cycle is an example of ........... cycle.

How much time is taken for a primary succession to complete? 

What is the ultimate source of energy for the ecosystems? 

Biogeochemical cycles describes the movement of water and other materials throughout the _______ and _______ environment.

The flow of energy is always _______ in food chains.

Rewrite the given sentence, if it is a false statement:
'The flow of energy in an ecosystem is cyclic'.

Write the importance of phosphorus cycle in ecosystems.

What does 'R' represent in the given equation for productivity in an ecosystem? GPP-R=NPP

How much energy flows from one trophic level to next in a food chain ?

What is the difference between biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste? Give example of each

What are biogeochemical cycles?

What is the role of biogeochemical cycles in the environment?

Give the existence'of carbon.

How is energy flux related to carbon oxidation and reduction reactions?

Name the three types of biogeochemical cycles.

What are biogeochemicals?

All the living organisms are basically made up of C, N, S, P, Hand O. How do they enter the living forms? Discuss.

What is biological magnification? Will the levels of this magnification be different at different levels of the ecosystem?

State the function of a reservoir in a nutrient cycle. Explain the simplified model of carbon cycle in nature.

In a food chain, if 10,000 joules of energy is available to the producer, how much energy will be available to the secondary consumer to transfer it to the tertiary consumer?

Why the pyramid of energy is always upright? Explain.

Explain how does:
(a) A primary succession start on a bare rock and reach a climax community?
(b) The algal bloom eventually choke the water body in an industrial area?

Differentiate between primary and secondary succession and provide one example of each.

What amount of energy will be available to the organisms of the $$2^{nd}$$ trophic level of a food chain, if the energy available at the first trophic level is 10,000 joules?

(i) What is primary productivity? Why does it vary in different types of ecosystems?
(ii) State the relation between gross and net primary productivity.

Write important features of a sedimentary cycle in an ecosystem.

What is primary productivity? Give brief description of factors that affect primary productivity.

Define decomposition and describe the processes and products of decomposition.

Define ecological pyramids and describe with examples, pyramids of number and biomass.

What is ecological succession. Mention its different steps. Explain Hydrach and Xerarch succession with diagramatic representation.

What do you understand by ecological pyramid? Explain pyramid of biomass in a grassland with the help of a diagram.

Observe the pyramid of number which is given below and answer the questions.
(i) As per the number of organisms in the tropic level, which group of organisms are more in number and which are less in number ?
(ii) What happens if Secondary consumers disappear ?


What do you understand by energy flow in an ecosystem? Explain energy flow through different trophic levels. Draw line diagram of a food chain.

Observe the following biogeochemical cycle.
(i)  Mention the nutrient in the given cycle.
(ii) Write the activities from 'A' to 'D'.

Animals give out .......... through respiration.

a) What is ecological secession?
b) Represent an ideal pyramid of number in a grassland ecosystem.
c) Name the two types of nutrient cycles with an example each.

What is meant by ecological succession?

Describe the inter relationship between productivity, gross primary productivity and net productivity.

a) Distinguish between primary productivity and secondary productivity of an ecosystem.
b) Define food web.

What is an ecological pyramid? Compare the pyramids of energy, biomass and numbers.

Write any two limitations of ecological pyramids.

Why is pyramid of energy never inverted in any ecosystem?

Answer in 40 to 80 words:
With reference to ecological succession define the following terms:
i) Climax community
ii) Sere(s)
iii) Pioneer species.

Answer in 40 to 80 words:
What is ecological succession? Distinguish primary succession from secondary succession.

a) Draw an ideal pyramid of energy and mention the units.
b) What is an ecological succession?

The rate of biomass production in an ecosystem is called productivity. They are of two types, gross primary productivity and net primary productivity. How these two productivities are related?

Primary succession on rocks is known as xerosere. Answer the following related with xerosere.
(a) Name the pioneer community.
(b) Organic acids have important roles in this succession. Justify.

A list of different organisms in an ecosystem are given below 
Arrange them in 1$$^{st}$$, 2$$^{nd}$$, 3$$^{rd}$$ and 4$$^{th}$$ trophic level.
(i) Phytoplankton
(ii) Man
(iii) Fish
(iv) Zooplankton

The species that invade a nude area are called ........... species. In a primary succession on rocks, the group that invade first are usually are known as

a. Briefly explain ecological pyramids
b. Define primary productivity. Give two factors which affect primary productivity. 

What are ecological pyramids? Why is energy pyramid always erect? Explain.

Which of the following is correct with respect to the estuarine ecosystem?
A: Estuary constitutes one of the most productive ecosystems
B. It represents the transition zone between two populations of a species

Give specific reasons for the following statements:
We cannot distinguish colours in moonlight.

How do you explain the following statement?
Energy used by a leaping frog is actually the energy obtained from the Sun. 

Pyramid of energy is always..........

Short / Long Answer Type Questions :
Construct an ideal pyramid of energy when 1,000,000 joules of sunlight is available.Label all its trophic levels

The form of energy at the beginning of the food chain is ________.

In an ecosystem dominated by trees, the pyramid of numbers is ..........type

Short / Long Answer Type Questions :
It is stated that the pyramid of energy is always upright. Justify

Differentiate between two different types of pyramids of biomass with the help of one example of each

Write a difference between net primary productivity and gross productivity

Short / Long Answer Type Questions :
Carbon cycle in nature is a biogeochemical event. Explain

Short / Long Answer Type Questions :
(a) Why is pyramid of energy always upright? Explain. Mention the limitations of an ecological pyramid
(b) Construct a pyramid of biomass starting with phytoplanktons. Label three trophic levels. Is the pyramid upright or inverted ? Why?

What is meant by ecological succession ? Differentiate between pioneer community and climax community.

On what does the stability of a biological community depend ? 

Explain how xerarch succession progresses from xeric to mesic condition and forms a stable climax community.

Why is the rate of secondary succession faster than that of primary succession 

Trace the succession of plants on. a dry bare rock. 

Explain how does a primary succession start on a bare rock and reach a climax community.

All successions proceed to a similar climax community-the mesic Explain.

Define a climax community. How does a sere differ from a seral community? 

Starting from a bare rock or a site of volcanic eruption trace the organisms that participate in the process of succession.

Write types of plant succession.

What is ecological succession? 

Give an example for gaseous cycle.

Represent pyramid of number in a grassland ecosystem.

What is ecological succession? How is hydrarch succession different from xerarch succession?

Describe primary productivity and its types.

Define biomass.

What is primary productivity? Why does it vary in different types of ecosystems?

How are productivity, gross productivity, net primary productivity and secondary productivity interrelated.

How does phosphorus cycle differ from carbon cycle?

Why is the pyramid of energy always upright? Explain.

Define a sere.

Write the importance of phosphorus in living organisms.

Write one difference between net primary productivity and gross primary productivity.

"It is often said that the pyramid of energy is always upright. On the other hand, the pyramid of biomass can be both upright and inverted". Explain with the help of examples and sketches.

Explain the significance of ecological pyramids with the help of an example.

How does an age pyramid for human population at given point of time helps the policy makers in planning for future?

Fill in the blanks:
In an ecosystem dominated by trees, the pyramid of number is _______ type.

If you were to count the number of insects feeding on a big tree what kind of pyramid would you get? Now add an estimate of the number of small birds depending on the insects, as also the number of larger birds eating the smaller.

 Draw the shape you would get from the above-mentioned data.

Define with examples, pyramids of number and biomass. 

What would you do to help maintain the equilibrium in the various bio-geo-chemical cycles? Explain in brief.

The pyramid of biomass represents the relationships that exist between the quantity of living matter (biomass) at different trophic level. In the terrestrial ecosystem, the biomass progressively decreases from producers to top carnivores.
What does the biomass pyramid represents?

The pyramid of biomass represents the relationships that exist between the quantity of living matter (biomass) at different trophic level. In the terrestrial ecosystem, the biomass progressively decreases from producers to top carnivores. 
In which ecosystem the biomass progressively decreases form producers to top carnivores?

Fill in the blank:
In aquatic ecosystems, the limiting factor for productivity is ________.

Explain phosphorus cycle in nature.

Ecological succession begins with ........... species and end with ...........stage.

Each trophic level has a certain mass of living material at a particular time called as the standing crop. The standing crop is measured as the mass of living organism (biomass) or the number in a unit area . The biomass of a species is expressed in terms of fresh or dry weight. Measurement of biomass in terms of dry weight is more accurate .Why?

Ecologist studied an area of wodland and estimated the biomass of each trophic level for one of the food chain in the woodland.
Some student wanted to use the data to draw a pyramid of biomass for the food chain table shown the students table.
The student added a column to calculate the width of the bars they would need to draw 
Sr.NoTropic level Biomass/gm^{-2}width of bar/cm
2.primary consumer 484.8
3.Secondary consumer 161.6
4.tertiary consumer 2
(i) Complete table 3.1 by calculating the missing value and writing it in the table   

Early colonisers of bare and barren areas helps in _________ succession.

Describe the energy pyramid.

What is energy pyramid? Correct the following diagram

Draw a diagram of pyramid of energy.In the ecosystem, the energy flow is unidirectional. Explain.

"The pyramid of biomass of terrestrial ecosystem are always upright" said Jyothsna. Do you agree with this statement or not? Give reason.

Explain productivity.

Explain primary productivity and the factors that influence it. Describe how do oxygen and chemical composition of detritus control decomposition.

Draw the diagram of pyramid of number.

(a)Why is Charcoal considered better fuel than wood?
(b)Write one disadvantage of converting wood into Charcoal.

What do you mean by Nutrient cycle?

What are ecological pyramids? Explain with reference to pyramid of number in grassland ecosystem.

a) Stratification   
b) Gross primary productivity 
c) Leaching
d) Humification

Identify the given pyramid and explain about it.

Write difference between pioneer community and climax community.

Is it true that there is more solar energy available in the tropics? Explain briefly.

What is the importance of different biogeochemical cycles in the nature? (ASI )

Explain how diversity of living organisms helps in enriching any ecosystem.

Mesarch succession leads to which condition?

Consider the following food chain which occurs in a forest $$:$$ $$Grass\dashrightarrow  Deer\dashrightarrow  Lion.$$ If $$10000 J$$ of solar energy is available to the grass, how much energy would be available to the deer to transfer it to the lion ?

Explain ecological pyramids in detail

Write down two special features of climax community.

The figure given below represents a food pyramid. Study it and answer the following questions.
i) Which trophic level has maximum energy ?
ii) Give one example for $$T_4$$ trophic level.

What is primary production?

Briefly explain the ecological pyramid which is always upright. 

How much energy from the sun can be converted into food energy by the green plants?

Under what conditions would a particular stage in the process of succession revert back to an earlier stage? 

Among bryophytes, lichens and fern which one is a pioneer species in a xeric succession? 

Give reason.

Energy flow through an ecosystem is 'one way'.

Differentiate between "Pioneer-species"; 'Climax-community" and "Seres".

Give reason.

Equilibrium is necessary in the various bio-geo-chemical cycles.

Name the following.
Inert gases in the air.

Climax stage is achieved quickly in secondary succession as compared to primary succession. Why? 

In the North East region of India, during the process of Jhum cultivation, forests are cleared by burning and left for regrowth after a year of cultivation. How would you explain the regrowth of forest in ecological term? 

Why are nutrient cycles in nature called biogeochemical cyles? 

Primary productivity varies from ecosystem to ecosystem. Explain? 

Which of the following ecosystems will be more productive in terms of primary productivity: a young forest, a natural old forest, a shallow polluted lake, an alpine meadow? Justify your answer.

What is a biogeochemical cycle. What is the role of the reservoir in a biogeochemical cycle. Give an example of a sedimentary cycle with reservoir located in earth's crust. 

Justify the following statement in terms of ecosystem dynamics. 'Nature tends to increase the gross primary productivity, while man tends to increase the net primary productivity". 

Write a short note on pyramid of numbers and pyramid of biomass. 

Why are oceans least productive? 

Why is the rate of assimilation of energy at the herbivore level called secondary productivity? 

Sometimes due to biotic/abiotic factor the climax remain in a particular seral stage (pre climax) without reaching climax. Do you agree with this statement. If yes give a suitable example. 

The biodiversity increases when one moves from the pioneer to the climax stage. What could be the explanation? 

What is common to the species shown in figures A and B?

What characteristics make a community stable?

According to David Tilman, greater the diversity, greater is the primary productivity. Can you think of a very low diversity man-made ecosystem that has high productivity? 

Difference between primary and secondary ecological succession. 

Can you describe the efficiency of energy transfer between trophic levels?

How do chlorofluorocarbons (CFSs) enter the atmosphere and how do they affect humans? Explain.

Complete the world puzzle.
1.Species on the verge of extinction.
2.A book carrying information about endangered species.
Consequence of deforestation.
Species which have vanished.
Species found only in a particular habitat.
Variety of plants, animals and microorganisms found in an area.

Define ecological pyramid

Write the equation that helps in deriving the net primary productivity of an ecosystem.

(a) Draw a 'pyramid of numbers' of a situation where a large population of insects feed upon a very big tree. The insects in turn, are eaten by small birds which in turn are fed upon by big birds.
(b) Differentiate giving reason, between the pyramid of biomass of the above situation and the pyramid of numbers that you have drawn.

What are ecological pyramids? What precautions should be kept in mind in calculating its different aspects? Draw the diagrams of pyramids of grassland ecosystem and energy flow ecosystem.

Differentiate between.
Primary and secondary succession

Application based questions.
What would happen to all the energy fixed by autotrophic organisms if the community has no animals to eat the plants?

In terms of energy, who is at an advantageous position, a vegetarian person or a non-vegetarian person?

What is an Eltonian pyramid?

What is primary productivity? Give brief description of factors that affect primary productivity. 

Construct an ideal pyramid of energy when 1,000,000 joules of sunlight is available. Label all its trophic levels.  

Why are the pyramids referred to as 'upright' or 'inverted'. Explain.

Explain primary productivity and the factors that influence it.

Differentiate between primary and secondary succession. Provide one example of each.

Construct a pyramid of number by taking suitable examples for each trophic level in an ecosystem.

Cite an example of an inverted ecological pyramid. What kind of pyramid of energy would it have?

Represent a forest food chain with the help of flow chart. Also find out the amount of energy available at the third trophic level, if plants absorb $$1000$$ kilo joules of energy from the sun. 

Give a brief note on different bio-geochemical cycles

In the following food chain, 100 J of energy is available to the lion. How much energy was available to the producer?

In the following pyramid of energy, label all the trophic levels and show the amount of energy available in each, if $$1,000,000 J$$ Of sunlight energy is available.

What are pioneer species? Give an example.

Calculate the amount of energy available to a lion in the following food chain, if plants have $$20,000$$ J of energy available from the sun.
Plants $$\rightarrow$$ Deer $$\rightarrow$$ Lion

What is Nutrition Cycle

What is ecological succession? Explain the various stages involved in xeric succession hydric succession.

Give any two examples of xerarch succession. 

State the different types of bio-geochemical cycles and explain the importance of those cycles.

Class 12 Medical Biology Extra Questions