Biotechnology And Its Applications - Class 12 Medical Biology - Extra Questions

What is a biopatent? Give any two examples.

What is single cell protein? Mention the uses of single cell protein.

What do you know about stem cells? Writer their role in medical treatment.

How have transgenic animals proved to be beneficial in the following application of transgenic?
(a) Production of biological products
(b) Chemical safety testing

What is Biopiracy? State the initiative taken by the Indian Parliament towards it.

The plant in which the foreign gene has been introduced is called _____ plant

Find out from internet what is golden rice.

What is single cell protein? What are the uses of single cell protein?

What is meant by biopiracy?

Explain the role of transgenic animals in production of Biological products. 

Define bio-piracy.

Some ethical standards are required to evaluate the morality of all human activities. Explain biopiracy.

What is a 'biopatent'? Explain it with a suitable example.

Animals that had their DNA manipulated to possess and express foreign DNA are called transgenic animals. Write briefly any three benefits of such transgenic of such transgenic animals to human beings.

What are bio-safety issues concerned with genetically modified crops?

What do you mean by biopatent? Write its uses and abuses.

Write short note on bio-piracy.

Answer in 200 to 250 words:
a) What is Gene therapy? Give an example.
b) Write a note on Biopiracy with reference to 'Basmati Rice'.

Mention the demerits of cloning.

In 1997, an American company got patent rights on basmati rice through the U.S. patent and trademark office. Variety of basmati had actually been derived from Indian farmer's varieties. If so, what is biopiracy?

Define the following.

Why do scientists want to use stem cell lines?

What do you understand by the term biopatent ? Why biopatent is necessary?

How is 'Rosie' considered different from a normal cow? Explain.

Name the first transgenic cow.

Name the World's first genetically modified non-human primate

What is biopiracy? 

Explain the role of transgenic animals in Vaccine safety and  Biological products with the help of an example each.

Why are transgenic animals so called?

Bacillus thuringiensis has great potential in biological control of pests. Discuss

Define biopiracy.

Complete the following diagram and what does the diagram relate to?


Stem cells are self-renewing, undifferentiated cells that divide by mitosis to produce specific body cell types. There are two broad types of stem cells, namely, adult and embryonic. Which of the following is correct?

How many types of stem cells are there?

Write the commercial applications of Biotechnology.

From where can we obtain stem cells?

How are stem cells preserved?

What is meaning of biopiracy? Give few examples

Medical science took a giant step forward when it declared its capability to store stem cells. Stem cells can be used later to treat certain diseases if need arises. Along with many Western countries. India also has the facility for storage of stem cell and for use of the same for therapy. Scientists' are trying their best to maximize the benefit from storage of stem cells.
What are the diseases that can be treated by storing stem cells ?

Define the terms:

Define biopiracy.

Define the terms:

 Briefly write about Biopiracy. 

Name the first transgenic cow. Which gene was introduced in this cow?

Medical science took a giant step forward when it declared its capability to store stem cells. Stem cells can be used later on to treat certain diseases if need arises. Along with many Western countries. India also has the facility for storage of stem cell and for use of the same for therapy. Scientists' are trying their best to maximize the benefit from storage of stem cells.
What value is shown by the scientists ?

Write a short note on Biopiracy highlighting the exploitation of developing countries by the developed countries.

Name any two industrially important enzymes.

What is GEAC and what are its objectives?

Why has the Indian Parliament cleared the second amendment of the country's patents bill?

With respect to understanding diseases, discuss the importance of transgenic animal models.

Fill in the blank and complete the statement.

______ is the revolutionary event in biotechnology after cloning.

Give any two reasons why the patent on Basmati should not have gone to an American Company.

For which variety of Indian rice, the patent was filed by a USA Company?

Define transgenic animals. Explain in detail any four areas where they can be utilised.

Ignoring our traditional knowledge can prove costly in the area of biological patenting? Justify.

(a) Why are transgenic animals so called?
(b) Explain the role of transgenic animals in (i) Vaccine safety and (ii) Biological products with the help of an example each.

What are some biosafety issues concerned with genetically modified crops?

Explain the role of stem cells in medical treatment.

Fill in the empty boxes with applications of genetic engineering.


Describe the responsibility of GEAC, set up by the Indian Government.

Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) is always a debatable topic among scientists, academicians and public. State any four usefulness of GMOs.

Biopiracy should be prevented. Explain why and how ?

Transgenic animals are the animals in which a foreign gene is expressed. Such animals can be used to study the fundamental biological process, phenomenon as well as for producing products useful for mankind. Give one example for each type.

What are transgenic animals? Why are these animals being produced?

While creating genetically modified organisms, genetic barriers are not respected. How can this be dangerous in the long run?

Biopiracy should be prevented. State why and how.

Write any two scientific and commercial value of transgenic animals in favour of human being.

Class 12 Medical Biology Extra Questions