NEET Objective Questions Botany

Anatomy Flowering Plants MCQ Questions

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Anatomy Flowering Plants Questions and Answers

Anatomy Flowering Plants Quiz Question Answer

Identify the correct statement regarding collenchymas in plants:-

They provide mechanical strength to the growing parts of the plant.

Both apical meristems and intercalary meristems:-
I. Are primary meristems
II. Appear early in plant life
III. Contribute to the formation of the primary plant body

I, II and III are correct

The most impotant function of the trichomes is:

They prevent water loss due to transpiration

Identify the incorrectly matched pair:-

protoderm - vascular tissue of a monocot stem

Which of the following has unevenly thick cell wall, has a primary wall (cellulose) and a secondary wall (hemicellulose or pectin), and is a  simple, living, primarily mechanical tissue of the plant body?


Intercalary meristems are called primary meristems because:

I. They appear early in life of a plant.

II. They contribute to the formation of the primary plant body.

Both I and II are correct

What is the number of correct statements amongst the following regarding phloem tissue of plants?

I. Gymnosperms lack albimunous cells and
sieve cells.

II. The companion cells are specialized
parenchymatous cells.
III. Phloem parenchyma is absent in most of the
IV. Phloem fibers are generally absent in the
primary phloem.


In dicot roots, the initiation of the lateral roots and the vascular cambium during the secondary growth takes place in:


In dicot stem the vascular bundle is:-

Conjoint, open and with endarch protoxylem.

Bulliform cells:

Are found in isobilatetral leaves and help in minimizing water loss.

Biodiversity Conservation MCQ Questions

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Biodiversity Conservation Questions and Answers

Biodiversity Conservation Quiz Question Answer

Nandan-Kanan zoo is known for 


White Tiger

The most important cause of loss of biodiversity today is:

habitat loss and fragmentation

The Earth Summit was held in Rio de Janeiro in:


When a threatened plant needs urgent measures to save it from extinction, the desirable approach is

ex-situ conservation

The search for previously unknown compounds in organisms that have never been used in traditional medicine is known as:


Loss of biodiversity may lead to all except:

increased resistance to environmental perturbance

Which of the following is not a reason that accounts for greater biodiversity of tropics?

large seasonal variations in environmental factors

The greatest biodiversity on the earth is found in

Amazonian rain forest in South America

Biodiversity loss is now one of the world's most pressing crises. The primary reason for this is:

we still do not know its entire extent

The main difference between "Sixth Extinction" and the previous five extinctions is that the sixth extinction:

is occurring at a faster rate

Biological Classification MCQ Questions

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Biological Classification Questions and Answers

Biological Classification Quiz Question Answer

Ergot of rye is caused by a species of:


True nucleus is absent in


Cell wall is absent in


Which of the following statements regarding Euglenoids is not true?

Instead of a cell wall, they have a lipid rich pellicle

Identify the incorrectly matched pair:

Slime moulds: Spores dispersed by water

The domain Archaea is not characterized by:

Linear chromosomes

Members of Kingdom Protista:

are primarily aquatic 

In five kingdom classification, which single kingdom contains blue-green algae, nitrogen-fixing bacteria and methanogenic archaebacteria


In five-kingdom classification, unicellular green algae are included in the kingdom


Fungi usually store the reserve food material in the form of

Glycogen and oil

Cell Cycle Cell Division MCQ Questions

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Cell Cycle Cell Division Questions and Answers

Cell Cycle Cell Division Quiz Question Answer

Recombination of genetic material occurs

      Because of crossing over

Recombination completion leads to

      Chromosomes linked at the sites of crossing over

Recombination completes in

      The end of pachytene

Which of the following is not a significance of mitosis?
Reduction of chromosome number

Meiosis has evolutionary significance because it results in 


A bivalent consists of 

four chromatids and two centromeres

Bacterium divides every 35 minutes. If a culture containing 105 cells per mL is grown for 175 minutes, what will be the cell concentration per mL after 175 minutes?

2. 35 x 105 cells


During cell division, the spindle fibres attach to the chromosomes at a region called


What would be the number of chromosomes of the aleurone cells of a plant with 42 chromosomes in its roots tip cells?


Synapsis occurs between

two homologous chromosomes

Cell Unit Life MCQ Questions

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Cell Unit Life Questions and Answers

Cell Unit Life Quiz Question Answer

Which of the following is true about dictyosomes

All of these

The size of Pleuropneumonia - like Organism (PPLO) is :

0.1 μm

During Grams' staining which is incorrect?



Only Gram –ve bacteria take crystal violet stain

Hammerling's experiments on Acetabularia involved exchanging

Rhizoid and stalk

A non-membrane bound organelle found exclusively in animal cells is:



Which of the following is the largest constituent of the membrane of the
erythrocyte in human beings and is also responsible for performing most of the functions of the membrane?






Cell is the fundamental structural and functional unit of all living organisms because:

Anything less than a complete structure of a cell does not ensure independant living.

Who concluded, based on his studies on plant tissues, that the presence of cell wall is a unique character of plant cells ?

Theodore Schwann

Mesosomes in prokaryotes do not help in:


The endomembrane system of a eukaryotic cell does not include:


Ecosystem MCQ Questions

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Ecosystem Questions and Answers

Ecosystem Quiz Question Answer

Which of the following is/are incorrect:

A. All ecosystems are constant in size
B. In nature food chains exist, not food web
C. Flow of energy in ecosystem is unidirectional
D. Gene flow occurs between 2 different population (of 2 species)

A, B, D

The important step in the process of decomposition in order is:

Fragmentation → Leeching → Catabolism → Humification → Mineralization

What do you mean by the standing crop?

Each trophic level has a certain mass of living material at a particular time.

The standing crop is measured as the-

Both 1 and 2.

Why does the number of trophic levels in the grazing food chain is restricted ?

As the transfer of energy follows 10 per cent law

What does 10 per cent law say?

Only 10 per cent of the energy is transferred to each trophic level from the lower trophic level

At the trophic level of consumers, the rate at which food energy is assimilated, is called:

Secondary productivity

The term "detritivore" includes


Net primary productivity is the gross primary productivity less

 that which is consumed by producer in metabolism

The major reservoir for phosphorous is 

Soil and rocks

Environmental Issues MCQ Questions

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Environmental Issues Questions and Answers

Environmental Issues Quiz Question Answer

The thickness of ozone is measured in

Dobson units

UV rays are highly injurious to living organisms

Because DNA and Protein preferentially absorb UV light and as a result chemical bonds are broken

In stratosphere

Find the wrong one out

There will be accumulation of Chlorofluorocarbons or CFCs which are acted upon by UV rays and protects the ozone layer.

Photochemical smog does not contain :

Carbon monoxide

Identify the incorrectly matched pair with respect to contamination of water

Dental caries: excessive fluoride

Which award given to individuals or communities from rural areas that have shown extraordinary courage and dedication in protecting wildlife?

Amrita Devi Bishnoi Award

Slash and burn agriculture leads to nutrient depleted soils and deforestation if:-

sufficient time is not allowed to the land to recover

The Montreal Protocol was signed in 1987 to:

control the emission of ozone depleting substances

CFC have a continuing effect on ozone layer as:-

the Cl atoms formed by them only act as catalysts in reactions causing degradation of ozone

The normal greenhouse effect is necessary for survival of life on Earth as it has raised the temperature of Earth’s surface by:-

33° C

Living World MCQ Questions

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Living World Questions and Answers

Living World Quiz Question Answer

An attribute found in plants but not animals is


Which of the following is less general in characters as compared to genus


Consider the following two statements:

I. In the single-celled organisms, we are not very clear about the usage of the two terms – growth and reproduction.

II. When it comes to unicellular organisms like bacteria, unicellular algae or amoeba, reproduction is synonymous with growth, i.e., increase in number of cells.

Both I and II are true and II explains I

Consider the following two statements:

I. Cellular organization of the body is the defining feature of life forms.

II. Metabolic reactions cannot be demonstrated outside the body in cell-free systems.

I is true but II is false

The most obvious & complicated feature of all living organisms is:

The ability to sense their surroundings or environment and respond to these environmental stimuli.

The scientific term for biological classification categories is the:


What is meant by the "species problem"?

The exact definition of species is still controversial.

Which of the following taxonomic categories are correctly matched to their standard termination of names with respect to biological classification of plants?

IDivision:- phyta
IIClass:- opsida
IIIOrder:- ales
IVFamily:- idae


Consider the following statements:

I. Higher the taxa, more are the characteristics that members whithin the taxon share.

II. Lower the category, greater is the difficulty of determining the relationship to other taxa at the same level.

Of the two statements:


Both I and II are false

The Indian Botanical Garden and the National Botanical Research Institute are located respectively at:

Howrah and Lucknow

Microbes Human Welfare MCQ Questions

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Microbes Human Welfare Questions and Answers

Microbes Human Welfare Quiz Question Answer

The municipal waste water is also known as


The major component of municipal waste is

Human excreta

Which one of the following useful organisms is not a part in production of curd/yoghurt?

Acetobactor aceti

Which one is used/regarded as biofertiliser?

All of the above

Rice wine is 


The treatment of waste water is done by

Heterotrophic microbes which are already present in the sewage

Methanogens are found in which organ of cattle?

Both A and B

Physical removal of particles in waste water treatment is carried out by

Both A and B

Floating debris is removed by

Sequential filtration

Grit is composed of

Both A and B

Mineral Nutrition MCQ Questions

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Mineral Nutrition Questions and Answers

Mineral Nutrition Quiz Question Answer

Cytochrome is                          [2001]

Fe containing porphyrin pigment

Consider the following:

I Facilitation of uptake and utilization of calcium by plants
II. Cell elongation and cell differentiation
III. Nitrogen metabolism
IV. Carbohydrate translocation
V. Water splitting reaction in photosynthesis

The functions of Boron in plants will include:


Identify a micronutrient for plants amongst the following:


Which element is required by the plants for uptake and utilization of calcium and carbohydrate translocation ?


During nitrogen fixation, nitrite is oxidized to nitrate with the help of the bacterium:



Nitrogen-fixing nodules on the roots of non-leguminous plants like Alnus are produced by


For each molecule of ammonia produced by nitrogenase, the number of ATP molecules required are:


The deficiency symptoms of iron, magnesium and calcium in plants may actually be due to the toxicity of


The criteria for essentiality of an element for a plant include all except:

They must be present in the plants in a concentration in excess of 10 mmole/Kg of dry matter.

Which one of the following is not a nitrogen-fixing organism?


Molecular Basis Inheritance MCQ Questions

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Molecular Basis Inheritance Questions and Answers

Molecular Basis Inheritance Quiz Question Answer

Distance between two consecutive nucleotide pairs of DNA is


The major approaches used in HGP for identifying genes were

b and c

Which of the following were not used in HGP?

Hosts like plants and animals

Frederick Sanger is credited for the invention of


The last chromosome to be sequenced in HGP was

Both b and c

In a 3.2 Kbp long piece of DNA, 820 adenine bases were found. What would be the number of cytosine bases?


James Watson and Francis Crick got Nobel prize in the year


Polymerisation of which of the following produces Nucleic acids?


Which of the following is a genetic material in most of the organisms?


Which of the following can act as genetic material?


Morphology Flowering Plants MCQ Questions

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Morphology Flowering Plants Questions and Answers

Morphology Flowering Plants Quiz Question Answer

Rhizophora is

A type of plant growing in swampy area

Find the odd one out-


China rose is not characterized by:

Valvate aestivation

In cymose type of inflorescence:

Growth is limited and the flowers are borne in basipetal succession.

Ovary is one-chambered but it becomes two chambered due to the formation of a false septum in:

Mustard and Argemone

In monocotyledonous seeds the outer covering of endosperm separates the embryo by a proteinous layer called as:


Which of the following is not a floral character of the family Fabaceae?

Gynoecium - Ovary inferior, bicarpellary, unilocular with many ovules

In marginal placentation, the placenta forms a ridge along the:

Ventral suture of the ovary

A lateral branch with short internodes and each node bearing a rosette of leaves and a tuft of roots is found in:


Zygomorphic flower is not found in:


Organisms Populations MCQ Questions

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Organisms Populations Questions and Answers

Organisms Populations Quiz Question Answer

The percolation property of soil is controlled by which of the following parameters?

Composition, Aggregation, and grain size

Host-specific parasites show which ecological phenomenon


Parasites often have one or two intermediate hosts or vectors

To facilitate parasitization of its primary host

Under a particular set of selection pressures, organisms evolve towards the most efficient:

Reproduction strategy

The human liver fluke

A trematode parasite

A population interaction where one species is harmed whereas the other is unaffected is called as:


When certain exotic species are introduced into a geographical area they become invasive mainly because:

The invaded land does not have its natural predator

Homeostasis is 

tendency to resist change

Identify the biome that is not correctly matched with the physical parameters given in corresponding Column II and Column III:

   Biome  Mean annual temperature °C Mean annual precipitation [cm]
  1.  Tropical forest  20-25  130 - 430
  2.  Arctic and alpine tundra  -12 - 2  10 -125
  3.  Coniferous forest  -5 - 5  100 -200
  4.  Temperate forest  8-22  50 - 225



The most ecologically relevant environmental factor is:


Photosynthesis Higher Plants MCQ Questions

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Photosynthesis Higher Plants Questions and Answers

Photosynthesis Higher Plants Quiz Question Answer

In photorespiration, glycolate is converted into serine and carbon dioxide in:


In the C4 pathway, which of the following molecules combines with carbon dioxide?

phosphoenol pyruvic acid

Dark reactions of photosynthesis are actually not totally independent of light as:

They utilize the products of the light reaction.

All the following regarding the role of xanthophylls and carotenoids in photosynthesis are correct except:

Their peak absorption is in blue and red regions of VIBGYOR

Which stage of the Calvin Cycle utilizes ATP?

Both 2 and 3

Compared to retinal, chlorophyll can be described as a pigment that has a 

narrow absorption range but high efficiency

Consider the situation where photosynthesis is going on at a steady pace in a typical experiment with a light on, and carbon dioxide is being combined with ribulose-bisphosphate (RuBP) to produce 3-phosphoglycerate (3PG). Then suddenly the source of carbon dioxide is eliminated. What changes in the concentrations of 3PG and RuBP would occur?

3PG levels fall, RuBP levels rise.

Identify the statement that is true for C4 plants but not for C3 plants?

Initially fix carbon dioxide in mesophyll cells as 4-carbon long compounds.

Crops such as tomatoes and bell pepper, allowed to grow in a carbon dioxide rich environment, show higher yields because:

They show an increased rate of photosynthesis at higher carbon dioxide concentrations

At about what percentage of the full sunlight does light saturation occurs in photosynthesis?


Plant Growth Development MCQ Questions

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Plant Growth Development Questions and Answers

Plant Growth Development Quiz Question Answer


All of these

Abscisic Acid

Which of the following is not correct?

Stimulates the opening of stomata in the epidermis

Which of the following is a stress hormone in plants?


ABA plays an important role in except

Antagonist to Cytokinin

More than one PGR are not involved in which of the following physiological effect?

Fruit Ripening

For the induction of flowering, some plants require a

Periodic exposure to light

If a plant needs exposure of light more than a well defined critical period for flowering, it would be called as-

Long day plants

When there is no such relation between exposure to light duration and induction of flowering response such plants are called

Day neutral plants

Which of the following is not true for flowering?

Only duration of dark period is important

Flowering can be affected in certain plants

Both A and B

Plant Kingdom MCQ Questions

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Plant Kingdom Questions and Answers

Plant Kingdom Quiz Question Answer

Porous wood has abundance of


Algae are useful because they

 purify the atmosphere

The plant body of moss (funaria) is

predominantly gametophyte with sporophyte

Megasporophyll of Cycas has the same nature as


"Ordines Anomali" of Bentham and Hooker includes

a few order which could not be placed satisfaction in the classification.

Ectophloic Siphonostele is found in

Osmunda and Equisetum

Chlorenchyma is known to develop in the

spore capsule of a moss

Which of the following algae is not haplo-diplontic? Spirogyra

Asexaul reproduction by pear shaped biflagellate zoospores is seen in most:

Brown algae

All the following pteridophytes belong to the Class Pteropsida except:


Principles Inheritance Variation MCQ Questions

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Principles Inheritance Variation Questions and Answers

Principles Inheritance Variation Quiz Question Answer

In human child, sex is determined by

Sex chromosomes of father

Round seed trait (R) is dominant over wrinkled (r) seed trait in Pea. Heterozygous round seeded plant (Rr) is crossed with wrinkled seed plant (rr). What is the possible progeny?

103 round : 99 wrinkled

A dihybrid cross produces the following progeny - AaBb = 240; Aabb =754; aaBb = 746; aabb = 260. What is the distance between the two genes on the chromosome?

25 map units

Male pattern baldness is a          trait


A colour blind girl is rare because she will be born only when 

Her father and maternal grand father were colour blind

Identify the incorrect statement regarding experiments on Pisum sativum by Gregor Mendel?

Unfortunately his experiments had a small sampling size, which gave less credibility to the data that he collected.

Which of the following is a recessive trait for a character choosen by Mendel in garden pea?

Yellow pod color

Indentify the incorrect statement:


Tall plant produce gametes by meiosis and the dwarf plants by mitosis.

The ultimate source of allelic variation is:


In the case of co-dominance, the F1 generation resembles:

Both the parents

Reproduction Organisms MCQ Questions

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Reproduction Organisms Questions and Answers

Reproduction Organisms Quiz Question Answer

There are various types of reproduction. The type of reproduction adopted by an organism depends on:

D.The organism’s habitat, physiology an genetic makeup

Non-flagellate spores are called conidia. In which organism they are seen?

. Penicillium

Development of zygote taking place outside the body is called?

B. Oviparous

Plants like Elm (Ulmus), Dandelion (Taraxacum) and members of Rose Family vegetatively reproduce by


The vegetative propagule of Bryophyllum is:

Leaf buds

Water hyacinth is one of the most invasive weeds primarily because:

It can propagate vegetatively at a phenomenal rate

Isogametes are seen in:


The number of chromosomes in a meiocyte of the fruit fly is:


The most critical event in sexual reproduction is:


With respect to organisms exhibiting internal fertilization, organisms exhibiting external fertilization show:

Great synchrony between sexes

Respiration Plants MCQ Questions

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Respiration Plants Questions and Answers

Respiration Plants Quiz Question Answer

For the substrate Glucose, how many Oxygen are used and how many Carbon-dioxide are evolved?



Which of the following is wrong?

C48 H96 O5

Aerobic Respiration:

All of these

Respiratory Quotient

Some Ratio

Respiratory Quotient is

Ratio of volume of Carbon-dioxide evolved to the volume of oxygen consumed

The value of respiratory Quotient actually depends upon

The type of respiratory substrate used

During prolonged fasting, in what sequence are the following organic compounds used up by the body ?

First carbohydrates, next fats and lastly proteins

At which step, glycolysis reaches the break-even point: 2
molecules of ATP consumed, and 2 new molecules synthesized ?

Conversion of 1,3 bi-phosphoglycerate to 3 phosphoglycerate

Under which condition would you expect the mitochondrial proton gradient to be highest and therefore ATP synthesis to proceed?

 pyruvate (present)-oxygen (present)-ATP levels (low)

Plants can get along without respiratory organs because of all the following except:

Gas diffusion in plants occurs easily over long distances in plants

Sexual Reproduction Flowering Plants MCQ Questions

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Sexual Reproduction Flowering Plants Questions and Answers

Sexual Reproduction Flowering Plants Quiz Question Answer

The egg apparatus is made up of two ________ and one ________ at the ________ end of the embryo sac.

synergids, egg cells, micropylar

Consider the following features seen in a plant:

I. Male and female reproductive organs are generally found in separate flowers.

II. The male flowers having a number of long filaments terminating in exposed stamens.

III. The female  flowers having long, feather-like stigmas.

The flowers of this plant would most likely be pollinated by:


The cells of which of the following layers of the anther wall are multinucleated due to endomitosis?


A typical angiosperm anther is dithecous which means that it is:

Two lobed and each lobe has two theca

Which of the following layers in the wall of an anther nourishes the developing pollen grains?


Pollen intine is made of:

Cellulose and pectin

Pollen grains lose their viability within 30 minutes of their release in:


The pistil of Papaver is:

Multicarpellary syncarpous

How many of the nuclei in the female gametophyte in angiosperms are surrounded by cell wall?


The only type of pollination that brings genetically different types of pollen grains to the stigma is:


Strategies Enhancement Food Production MCQ Questions

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Strategies Enhancement Food Production Questions and Answers

Strategies Enhancement Food Production Quiz Question Answer

Crop plants grown in monoculture are:

highly prone to pests

Continued inbreeding can cause inbreeding depression. Whenever, this becomes a problem, selected animal of the breeding population should be mated with:

unrelated superior animals of same breed

The best plant explant to raise virus free plant is:


The agriculture practice of breeding and raising livestock is called as:

Animal husbandry

Consider the following two statements:

I. In spite of having more than 70 per cent of the world livestock population, the contribution of india and china to the world farm produce is only 25 per cent.

II. The productivity per unit of cattle in these countries is very low.

Both I and II are true and II explains I

The management of animals for milk and its products for human consumption is called as:-


Which of the following is the most important factor that would lead to increased milk yield in cattle ?

Selection of good breeds

Amongst the following the number of fresh water fishes is:

Catla, Rohu, Common carp, Hilsa, Sardines, Mackerel, Pomfrets


A group of animals related by descent and similar in most characters like general appearance, features, size, configuration, etc., are said to belong to a:


The purposeful manipulation of plant species in order to create desired plant types that are better suited for cultivation, give better yields and are disease resistant is called:


Transport Plants MCQ Questions

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Transport Plants Questions and Answers

Transport Plants Quiz Question Answer

Find the correct one.

All the solutions have lower water potential than the pure water

Solute potential is

Always negative

Osmosis is a type of 

diffusion of solvent

In guard cells when sugar is converted into starch, the stomatal pore

Closes completely

Diffusion is very important to plants since:

It is the only means for gaseous movement within the plant body.

If a pressure greater than atmospheric pressure is applied to a solution, its water potential:


What per cent of water reaching them is used by leaves in photosynthesis?

Less than 1%

Attraction of water molecules to polar surfaces [such as the surface of tracheary elements] is called as:


What are the control points where a plant adjusts the quantity and types of solutes that reach the xylem?

Transport proteins of endodermal cell

Consider the following two statements:

I. The direction of movement in the phloem is bi-directional.

II. The source-sink relationship in plants is variable.

Both I and II are correct and II explains I